February 2010 Senior Living Magazine Island Edition

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Vancouver Island’s 50+ Active Lifestyle Magazine

Retirement Home Activities Staying Safe MUSIC THERAPY at Home Preventing Falls

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CELEBRATING SENIORS IN OUR COMMUNITY FEBRUARY 2010 (Vancouver Island) is published by Stratis Publishing. Publisher Barbara Risto Editor Bobbie Jo Reid Design Bobbie Jo Reid, Barbara Risto Proofreader Allyson Mantle Contributors Joanne Bealy, Giovanna Boniface, Goldie Carlow, Anne Danahy, Maxine Fisher, Gipp Forster, Pat Nichol, Michael Rice, Rosalind Scott, Vernice Shostal, Barbara Small, Dr. Patricia Tway, Evelyn C. White Advertising Manager Barry Risto For advertising information, call 479-4705 sales@seniorlivingmag.com Ad Sales Staff RaeLeigh Buchanan 250-479-4705 Ann Lester 250-390-1805 Mathieu Powell 250-589-7801 Barry Risto 250-479-4705 Distribution Charlene and Gordon Blackwell, Rhonda Donkersley, Gail Fattore, Jim Gahr, Lorraine Rhode, Barry Risto, Contact Information Senior Living, 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave.,Victoria BC V8T 2C1 Phone 250-479-4705 Toll-free 1-877-479-4705 Fax 250-479-4808

SPECIAL HOUSING GUIDE 4 Staying Safe at Home


8 Active Retirement

2 The Family Caregiver

Protect yourself against the leading cause of injuries among seniors – falls.

Barbara Small

Retirement residences are catering to the interests of the more active retiree.

41 Courageous & Outrageous Pat Nichol

12 Six Steps to Staying Young at Heart

46 Scam Alert

Everyone, regardless of age, can lower their chances of developing heart disease.

Rosalind Scott

47 Ask Goldie

14 Seedy Savers

Goldie Carlow

Gardeners interested in biodiversity, heritage and organic gardening meet friends at Seedy Saturdays.

48 Bygone Treasures

18 The Upside to Downsizing

56 Reflections: Now & Then

Michael Rice Gipp Forster

Change is an undeniable part of life. If you are planning a move, downsizing may be too.

E-mail (General) office@seniorlivingmag.com (Editorial) editor@seniorlivingmag.com Web site www.seniorlivingmag.com Subscriptions $32 (includes GST) for 12 issues. Canadian residents only. No portion of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Senior Living is an independent publication and its articles imply no endorsement of any products or services. The views expressed herein are not necessarily those of the publisher. Unsolicited articles are welcome and should be e-mailed to editor@seniorlivingmag.com Senior Living Vancouver Island is distributed free throughout Vancouver Island. Stratis Publishing Ltd. publishes Senior Living Vancouver Island (12 issues per year) and Senior Living Vancouver & Lower Mainland (12 issues per year). ISSN 1710-3584 (Print) ISSN 1911-6403 (Online)



39 Finding the Right Residence for You

Classifieds 55

Resource Directory 54

42 When Talking Is Not Enough

Music helps facilitate contact, communication and personal development.

50 Black Heritage Month

Evelyn C. White’s new book focuses on Salt Spring Island’s black heritage.


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pproximately 94,000 family caregivers of adults live in the Greater Victoria area and over one million in British Columbia. If you are not already providing care in some form to a parent, spouse, sibling or child, you likely will at some point in your life. I couldn’t have predicted that both of my otherwise healthy parents would develop colon cancer within six months of each other, require care and pass away within two years following their diagnosis. Just as others could not predict a husband would have a stroke, a mother would be permanently disabled in a car accident or that an adult daughter would develop Multiple Sclerosis. Even if an illness runs in your family, you often don’t know when, or if, it will develop. The need to provide care and support usually happens suddenly and unexpectedly. It may start slowly with accompanying someone to an appointment or taking over the grocery shopping. Alternately, it can happen in a split second, as in the case of a stroke or accident. Just like that, a completely new set of demands can be placed on an already busy person. It is common that

Can You Prepare in Advance to be a Family Caregiver?

most caregivers don’t let go of other demands to fit new duties into their schedules – they just juggle caregiving along with their job, spouse, children, friends and own health and well-being. Here are a few steps caregivers can take to better prepare themselves and reduce the immediate burden. Early communication between family members is essential to reduce stress and future conflict. Be proactive and create a long-term care plan. What are your family member’s wishes? Who will do the caregiving when the time comes? Ensure financial and legal issues are taken care of in advance, including an Enduring Power of Attorney, Representation Agreement and Living Will. Have automatic bill paying and direct deposit set-up in advance for things such as pension cheques and utility bills. Do a safety check on the home to help prevent falls and other accidents. (See page 4 for an article on Staying Safe at Home). The November 2009 issue of the Network News newsletter available at www.familycaregiversnetwork.org includes an article on falls prevention strategies.


Ensure that an up-to-date list of doctors, lawyers, bank, pharmacists, insurance etc. is available and everyone knows its location. Make caregiving a responsibility for the whole family – “share the care.” Certain family members will be better at certain tasks (personal care, financial, household chores). Include everyone in the decisionmaking, respect each person’s needs and keep the lines of communication open. If possible, learn as much as you can about your family member’s medical condition so you are more knowledgeable about what to expect and can prepare in advance. Gather information about available community resources and supports for both you and the person for whom you SL will be caring. Next month: Advocating for your family member. Barbara Small is Program Development Coordinator for Family Caregivers’ Network Society.

The Family Caregiver column is brought to you by the generous sponsorship of ElderSafe Support Services A division of Saint Elizabeth Health Care

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Ron Bannerman


September 11, 1945–November 9, 2009

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on and I met Barb and Barry Risto, the publishers of Senior Living magazine, while they were researching an article on mining in the Cumberland area. We were impressed by the fact that their articles focused on local topics with seniors in mind, and we were happy to pass out a few magazines to test the community’s interest. By the time we drove down the main street of Cumberland, all of the magazines they had given us were gone! There was a definite call for a periodical of this nature in the Comox Valley, and we were happy to begin delivering magazines monthly for the Ristos. Ron and I always enjoyed meeting people each month and we developed a good working relationship and friendship with Barb and Barry. On November 21, 2009, over 700 people attended a memorial service held at the Cumberland Recreational Institute to honour Ron and all his accomplishments. He was well loved and respected, and his friendly smile and positive attitude will surely be missed. Reverend Peter Thomsen of the Cumberland United Church gave a blessing to begin the ceremony, and several of Ron’s friends spoke about his early life, his teaching contributions and his retirement activities. A local singer and friend, Gordie Carter, performed his song “Likely.” The song always reminded Ron of his friendship with a teacher originally from the town of Likely. Each summer, Gordie and his group travelled to Likely to perform live in the local hotel and, because this annual trek impressed Ron, “Likely” seemed the perfect song for his memorial – warm, optimistic, and positive. Mr. Fred Bates, as mayor and friend, gave an account of the projects and work done by Ron in both the village of Cumberland and the larger region of the Comox Valley. Born and raised in Cumberland, Ron developed long and meaningful relationships with many acquaintances and co-workers. The love and support from his family and friends has helped us through these difficult times. Our family appreciates your kind thoughts in the “In Memoriam” article in the December issue of Senior Living. We will continue to maintain a connection with Barb, Barry and the staff. Thank you for your condolences. Gratefully, Cindy Bannerman and family

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Staying Safe at Home


alls are the leading cause of injury among seniors in Canada. In fact, more than half of all injuries among seniors are a result of falls and most of those occur in the home or surrounding area. The bad news is that a fall can result in a serious injury such as a hip fracture, as well as a loss of independence. The good news is that falls can be prevented and there are steps seniors can take to make sure they stay safe and self-sufficient at home. Fall prevention starts with knowledge. As the body ages, normal changes occur, such as the reduction of vision, hearing and sense of touch, which can increase the risk of falls. Other risk factors include reduced balance, physical fitness, side-effects


from medications and unsafe conditions around the home.

A senior who takes action to prevent a fall at home can live safely and independently for many years to come. There are many way to reduce the risk, for example, keeping physically fit can prevent a decline in mobility, strength, balance, and flexibility and keep muscles toned. People who cannot hear or see properly are at a greater risk of falling. Check

hearing and vision regularly and wear appropriate glasses and hearing aids. Be aware of the side-effects of medications. Medications that cause dizziness or weakness can affect balance and perception. One of the greatest risk factors is unsafe conditions around the home, especially in the kitchen, bathroom and on stairways. Here are a few tips to help “fall proof” your home: • Remove throw rugs or scatter mats; their edges are treacherous hazards. Another option: secure them to the floor or ensure they have non-skid backing to keep them from slipping • Have handrails installed on the stairs

Brenda Ellis Certified Senior Advisor

Nanaimo Harbour City Seniors ������������������ ���������������������������� ���������������� CITY OF NANAIMO T H E








• Ensure stairways are well lit and free of clutter

• Keep an easy-to-read list of emergency numbers near the telephone

• Keep walkways free of telephone and electrical cords and other clutter

• Keep outside walkways free of leaves, ice, snow and debris

• Install grab bar(s) and non-slip surfaces in the bathtub or shower

• Wear supportive shoes when gardening or walking around the home

• Use a bath seat, if standing up in a shower is difficult • For those who have trouble getting on and off the toilet, use a raised toilet seat or grab bar • Improve lighting in the bathroom or hallway by installing a nightlight • Wipe up any spills immediately to prevent slipping • Keep items in the kitchen in easy-toreach locations • Only use a short, stable step stool with a handrail

• For those that require one, use a walking aid (e.g. cane or walker) • Remove your reading glasses when mobile • Take care not to trip by always checking the floor • Get help for heavier work around the house or garden A senior who takes action to prevent a fall at home can live safely and independently for many years to come. SL Giovanna Boniface, BSc (Bio), BSc, (OT), is an occupational therapist with over 12 years experience.

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Presented by:

10 AM - 4 PM | Pearkes Recreation Centre 3100 Tillicum Rd., Victoria BC

A Full Day of Activity and Entertainment Exciting, Interactive Demonstrations and Displays. Meet active, enthusiastic participants over the age of 50. • • • • • • • •

Discover new hobbies or join a new club Enjoy a variety of entertainment all day long Over 65 exhibits by groups and individuals over the age of 50 Performance Stage 10AM - 4PM dancers, musicians, singers, storytellers, etc. Over 55 exhibits by senior-focused businesses and organizations On-site antique appraisals (small items or photos only, please) On-Site Café Provided by Chef on the Run Free Parking

Last Chance to Book Booths We are seeking individuals over the age of 50 who are actively engaged in a special interest such as sports, fitness, hobbies, crafts, art, writing, travel, learning, outdoors, collecting, volunteering, performing, etc. Applications must be submitted to the Event Planner for consideration. Application fee: $15 to share an 8’ table or $25 for a 6’ table. Contact: Jill Stefanyk at McAllister Media E-mail: jill@mcallistermedia.com Phone: (250)380.2299

Win a 7 Night Alaska Cruise for 2 Onboard the Celebrity Mercury Courrtesyy of:

in partnership with:

50+ Active Living Celebration


10 AM - 4 PM | Pearkes Recreation Centre 3100 Tillicum Rd., Victoria BC SENIOR LIVING

Antique Appraisals Free Evaluation by Senior Living Columnist Michael Rice. Small items or photos only please.

Master of Ceremony Meet Senior Living Columnist Pat Nichol, who once again will be playing host to the numerous performers you will see throughout the day.

Admission by Donation

50+ Active Living Celebration Entertainment Schedule 10:45

Opening Ceremonies


Mary Ross - Accordionist


Victoria Ballroom Dance Society


Gypsy Rovers


M’tonim Mailika Marimba Band


Vic Lindal - Motivational Speaker


Grandview Quartet


Victoria Ballroom Dancing - Audience Participation


Dixieland Music


Victoria Village Squires Barbershop Chorus


To Be Announced




Victoria Old Time Dancers

March is Embrace Aging Month and the Greater Victoria Eldercare Foundation invites you to explore the possibilities! Join us at the 50+ Active Living Celebration on March 5th or expand your horizons, learn a new skill and make friends at one of the free workshops or senior-focused events during March. Look for a full listing of events online at www.gvef.org, call the Eldercare Foundation at 250-370-5664, or visit our booth at the 50+ Active Living Celebration.

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etirement living isn’t about relaxing all day. Today’s seniors are active. Many exercise regularly, have hobbies, enjoy crafts, garden and look for ways to help others. As a result, a number of retirement residences are catering to the interests of the more active retiree. As a way of managing their own landscape communally and ecologically, the staff and residents at Shannon Oaks have created a food garden as well as landscaping for colour around the building. With a greenhouse, the food, all organic, is used in the kitchen while residents take tomatoes, herbs, or whatever they need from the tubs when they entertain in their own suites. Clarice Durnerin, a former teacher who still likes to garden, grew up on a farm in California. After their retirement, Clarice and her late husband, who had never been outside of Los Angeles, decided to travel. They journeyed up the west coast until they got to Seattle when her husband decided that “tomorrow we go to Banff,” however, Clarice insisted on going to Victoria where, as a missionary in the 1950s, she had taught on an Indian Reserve. Their Victoria visit stretched into six weeks before they went home, sold everything, and came back to live permanently, and where Clarice continued to garden. They didn’t make it to Banff for another two years, says Clarice. Originally from Scotland, George Fraser’s father-in-law taught him about gardening. George remembers picking up

his fiancée to go to the movies when her father would ask George to help him with the gardening. With a nod from his sweetheart, George stayed, opting to garden instead of going to the movie. In Prestwick, during the war, George worked as an apprentice in an aircraft factory. When the war ended, George’s apprenticeship became redundant and he worked at various jobs in Scotland until the Frasers decided to move to Canada. Here, George found a job with Imperial Oil in Don Mills, Ontario and seven years later in Victoria. When Imperial Oil burned down, George joined George Fraser the Victoria School Board. Also a painter and musician, the former accordion player now plays his full-sized consul keyboard in his suite. “I have a whole orchestra,” he says. Other senior gardeners are found at Lakeside Gardens Retirement in Nanaimo. The Origin at Longwood gardeners tend a raised “chef’s herb garden” providing fresh herbs for the chef’s daily menus. Some green thumbs maintain their own potted urns and bird feeders on their patios and balconies. At Hecate Gardens, the Gardening Club maintains flower beds and a “do as you like project” has a large strawberry patch for seniors. In addition to raised garden beds, the Comox Valley Seniors Village offers workshops to create Mediterranean plant box designs for balconies and patios to reduce the use of water. Residents at the Wellesley enjoy rooftop gardening and pots; gardening and floral design takes place at Somerset house in

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Victoria; Rose Manor offers a greenhouse, run and used by seniors for their own use, and a gardening group thrives at Alexander Mackie. Many residents in seniors’ homes like to have their own pots on their balconies and patios. For those who prefer a different kind of activity, former Saskatchewan resident, who spent most of his life in the bulk oil business, Pete Wollner says woodworking has been his lifelong hobby. Pete and his wife, Grace, moved from Lampman to Regina before they retired to Victoria. At the Wellesley, Pete fixes lamps, cabinets, dresser drawers and whatever anyone wants him to repair. In the woodworking shop, he makes “pretty much anything anyone wants.” Also a professional barber who brought his equipment with him, Pete says, “I can cut somebody’s hair in an emergency.” On Monday mornings, Pete, a competent duplicate bridge player, also teaches beginner’s bridge. “They twisted my arm long enough,” says Pete. “I’ve got so much on my plate, but it’s hard to say, ‘No.’” Harold Booth, also from Saskatchewan, where he worked with the Power Corporation, has lived in Victoria for 24 years. Having spent a short time in the army in his youth, Harold had the good fortune of being stationed in Victoria, where he was involved in the parade. That was when he decided that someday he would live in Victoria. A year before he retired, Harold saw an ad in a paper announcing classes in stained glass; he took a couple lessons and now has a complete photo album of flowers, windows, tiffany lamps, decorative window hangings and pieces he has constructed. Every Harold Booth member of his family,


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no matter how young, has a sample of his work. Activities in retirement houses vary from crafts, like ceramics at the Legion Manor, to walk-abouts and fitness classes. Seniors at Somerset, the Peninsula at Norgarden and Lakeside Gardens swim to keep fit. Comox Seniors Village offers Pilates. Douglas House and The Beechwood in Sidney have carpet bowlers. Parkwood Place, among others, has a billiard room for seniors. Some homes offer snooker tournaments. Volleyball at Parkwood Court provides physical therapy for many. Residents at Ross Place, Carlton and others practise Tai Chi for mind and body fitness. Two years ago Raymond (Jim) Green moved into Carlton House at Oak Bay and, three months ago, joined the Tai Chi group. Born in England, Jim served in the Royal Navy during the war. After the war, he left the navy to fulfill his dream of becoming a

fruit farmer in Canada, but his first job, working with a soup company in Vancouver, didn’t fulfill his expectations. At the same time, Jim’s future wife would not come to Canada until he was well established, “so strange enough,

on a golf course and enjoyed golfing every day. Having taken Tai Chi in the past, Jim decided to try it again at Carlton with instructor Gordon Muir, who says the ancient health art, developed in China over 2,000 years ago, works on the theory that the whole body is made up of chi meridians. “In the chi meridians, there is an essence flowing that can either increase or decrease depending on whether you lead a good life or a bad life. Of course, if you have more chi, then you have more energy and more liveliness and you tend to live longer.” Keeping active, going green, reusing and recycling, seniors in some houses have organized an ongoing collection of used items Clarice Durnerin for Our Place. Hecate Gardens about that time, the Canadian navy was seniors donate the money they get from expanding.” Jim joined the navy and his recycling to special events for those sefuture wife joined him in Canada. niors who can’t afford it, and Berwick After he left the navy, Jim went to House knitters collect leftover yarn and work for the federal government and fi- unfinished garments, which they knit nally retired in Nanaimo where he lived into squares for afghans and then do-

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Jim Green doing tai chi

nate to charity. In keeping with going green, many residences have replaced their regular lighting with low energy light bulbs and have low flush toilets. From gardening, eating more organic, turning off lights when they leave a room, recycling, reusing to walking, swimming and exercising, seniors today are going green, staying active and SL living longer.

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For more information about seniors’ residences, please refer to the ads in Senior Living Magazine.

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Six Steps to Staying Young at Heart BY ANNE DANAHY, MS RD


lthough the rate of heart disease has been decreasing in Canada, it remains the leading cause of death for those over the age of 55. While it’s true that advancing age puts people at risk, most of the other factors that increase the odds of a heart attack or stroke are diet- or lifestyle-related. The good news is that everyone, regardless of their age, can lower their chances of developing heart disease with these six simple steps. 1) Eat fruits and vegetables. The fibre in produce helps to lower cholesterol levels, and the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that all fruits and vegetables provide keep arteries strong and reduce blood pressure. Eat at least five servings each day and strive for variety. The best choices include leafy green and brightly coloured vegetables, such as spinach, carrots and sweet potatoes, as well as grapes, oranges and any type of berries. 2) Skip meats that are high in cholesterol-raising saturated fat, such as sausages, hamburger and most other cuts of beef. Eat fish instead. Any fish is healthy (as long as it’s not fried), but

cold-water fish such as salmon, herring, rainbow trout and sardines have the greatest amount of heart-healthy omega-3 fat. Eating fish twice a week can help improve cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure. 3) Go a little nutty! Snack on a handful of raw almonds, walnuts or peanuts, instead of potato or corn chips. Nuts are a great source of protein, as well as heart-healthy fats. The fat in most chips will raise cholesterol, while nuts can help lower it. 4) Spend some quality time in the kitchen. Preparing meals from scratch is the most effective way to reduce sodium, and improve blood pressure. Examine food labels for sodium content, and strive for less than 2,400 mg per day. Skip the frozen dinners, canned soups and packaged rice, all of which are high in sodium. Instead, add some zip to meals with fresh or dried herbs, low salt seasoning mixes and lots of heart-healthy garlic. 5) Make half of grains consumed whole. In their latest revision to Canada’s Food Guide, Health Canada urges

all individuals to add more whole grains to their diets. Foods made with whole grains have more vitamins and minerals, in addition to soluble fibre, which has been shown to decrease cholesterol. Replacing white bread, rice or pasta with whole-grain alternatives will help people meet their daily fibre goal of 2035 grams, and it could help clear arteries of plaque build up. 6) Get moving! The most recent physical activity recommendations from the Public Health Agency of Canada suggest that all adults (including those over the age of 65) aim for at least 30-60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity most days of the week. Regular exercise is essential for anyone who wants to strengthen his or her heart, maintain a healthy weight and enjoy life! If the thought of spending that much time at the gym is daunting, consider everyday activities such as vacuuming, mowing the lawn, raking leaves, dancing or playing ball with grandchildren. Strive for a balance between structured “exercise” such as walking, swimming or biking and acSL tivities such as these each day.


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12/3/09 10:38:30 AM

Seedy Savers



ary Alice Johnson, an organic grower and seed saver, was shelling scarlet runner beans on a sunny September afternoon during her first year of farming when she decided to work with seeds for the rest of her life; they were so beautiful. She took her seeds to the first Victoria Seedy Saturday and has not missed a Seedy Saturday since. Mary Alice began commercial organic farming in Sooke in 1990. She started to save old varieties of seeds developed over the centuries “because they are strong and acclimatized to my environment and have not been raised

with chemicals, so they will do well without them. It is important for our food security to have seeds grown locally,” she says. “We plant our farm with seed saving in mind, aware of the isolation distances needed for different varieties of crops, the time it’s going to take for them to mature and the quali-

ties we are going to select as we observe the crop.” A former teacher who grew up on a farm in Colorado, Mary Alice met her husband in Malaysia and spent much of her teaching career in Asia where she taught, raised her two children and set up a school on the east coast of Malaysia. Since returning to Canada in 1984, Mary Alice has gone back several times to visit farmers in Asia. At home on the Island, she helped set up adult literacy programs for the Sooke school district and the province, and still teaches organic gardening and farming classes at Camosun College. A farmer at heart,


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Does the thought of downsizing or moving



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she loves “getting dirty, touching the earth,” and is “fascinated by the structure, growing patterns and cycles of plants.” Originally from Texas, Rebecca Jehn, a farmer and music teacher, began saving seeds to replant the next season and found that she ended up with more seeds than one farmer needs. After giving extra seeds to family and friends, she realized that selling seeds might be a lucrative way to augment her income when there was no produce to sell. Soon, she began collecting hard-tofind hardy varieties of specific seeds to package and sell. “Many of the heritage and heirloom varieties were being lost and it was up to the small scale farmer to save these varieties from extinction.” According to Rebecca, saving seeds is a tactile job. “Where one is in touch with the cycle of nature and the seasons from planting seeds, cultivating the growing seedlings, choosing the best specimens for seed production, putting up supports for the growing mass of

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Rebecca Jehn, left, and Mary Alice Johnson.

flowers that will produce the seed, harvesting them at the peak of their growth before the birds get them or the heads become blown and scatter their seeds to the four winds, then drying them further to ensure long shelf life and removing and separating the seeds from the chaff and finally packaging them for sale,”

says Rebecca. In addition to farming, she holds workshops on seed saving, plant propagation, harvesting and marketing produce, and canning and preserving the harvest. “The best way to grow food is organically without the use of fungicides, herbicides or pesticides that pollute the food and the environment,” says Rebecca. It is also important for seeds to become adapted to their environment. Seeds that have been “re-grown and re-grown in the same location produce better in that location.” Rebecca began growing food as a child, helping her father in their backyard garden. In the early ’70s, she joined her brother in the Kootenays, where she worked at a mine. There, she also grew a big garden, which fed her family for an entire year. Later, she studied music while working as a chef in food services at the University of Victoria. Rebecca began her farming career in the early 1990s. Since 1991, she’s taken

her certified organic seeds and produce to Victoria Seedy Saturday, where gardeners and farming groups interested in biodiversity, heritage and organic gardening buy and/or swap seeds, learn SL tips and meet friends.

Victoria’s 17th Annu al Seedy Saturday Hosted by the Jam es Bay Market Society Sat, Feb 20, 10 a.m . – 4 p.m. Victoria Conferenc e Centre, 720 Douglas Street Admission $7, unde r 12 free For more informat ion, call 250-381-5323 or em ail info@jamesbaymar ket.com For more informat ion on Seedy Saturdays on Vanc ouver, Denman and Salt Spring Isl ands, visit www. seeds.ca/ev/events.p hp

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eople spend the first half of their lives acquiring possessions, and the last half getting rid of them. Downsizing is often seen as a negative because people fear change and cannot let go, but change can keep a person young and allow him or her to move on. Downsizing is necessary when moving to a smaller home or an apartment, a retirement facility or to live with a relative. This shrinking of a world after so many years of expanding can be a negative experience unless looked at in a positive light. A group of mostly seniors at a brown bag lunch for women in transition, saw


the upside to downsizing, “I gave all my jewelry to my nieces and granddaughters,” said one woman at the luncheon. “Now, instead of leaving them those things in my will, I don’t have to carry insurance; I don’t have to worry about losing those items; and I feel free of all that stuff. And the bonus is I now get to see my heirs enjoying [them].” What she didn’t expect was that her nieces and granddaughters would treat her like a queen. “They can’t seem to do enough for me,” she said. “I get invited to many extra family functions, I get more letters and phone calls from them, and they constantly worry about what I might need or want.” Her story

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resonated with the group. Give items to loved ones today instead of waiting for “someday.”

• Falconer Books, Nanaimo (250-754-6111) • Home Instead, Victoria (250-382-6565) • Medichair, Victoria (250-384-8000) • Medichair, Nanaimo (250-756-9875) • Medichair, Duncan (250-709-9939) • Munro’s Books, Victoria (250-382-2464) • Pharmasave Campbell River ((250-287-3222) • Pharmasave Comox (250-339-4563) • Pharmasave Cook St (250-386-6171) • Pharmasave Duncan (250-748-5252) • Pharmasave Esquimalt (250-388-6451) • Pharmasave Hillside Ave (250-595-8106) • Pharmasave James Bay (250-383-7196) • Pharmasave Ladysmith (250-245-3113) • Pharmasave Quallicum (250-752-3011) • Pharmasave Sidney (250-656-1348) • Pharmasave Tuscany Village (250-477-2225) • Pharmasave View Royal (250-881-8887) • Pharmasave Westhill Centre Nanaimo (250-740-3880) • Pharmasave Mill Bay (250)743-9011 • Tanner’s Books, Sidney (250-656-2345) • Volume One Books, Duncan (250-748-1533) • Crown Publications (250)386-4636

Ownership carries responsibilities. The more a person owns, the more responsibilities he or she has. Giving up things no longer needed limits responsibilities and saves money. Items donated to shelters, churches and charitable organizations help others. The same holds true for items sent to consignment shops – if the items sell it brings in a little money, the purchaser enjoys them, and some consignment shops give the money to the charitable organization that sponsors them. Tax receipts are often given for items donated to charitable organizations. Don’t hold on to the past, instead, live in the present – get rid of that clutter and look forward to a simpler future. Move forward with creative, positive energy. Finally, downsizing helps get rid of clutter. Most people tend to be packrats: collecting, keeping and storing stuff they don’t really need or use. One last upside: downsizing can stop people from becoming clutterbugs. SL



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Sunshine Manor

Cormorant Island Health Centre (VIHA) 

VIHA (250) 949-3411; 49 School Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

CAMPBELL RIVER Evergreen Seniors Home (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250)286-7274; 635 Evergreen Road Monthly Rent: varies with income, all meals/snacks included Capacity: 14 spaces, 22 additional in Oct. 2009 - private/subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; hairdresser; dietician; on-site podiatry; 24hr emergency call system; linens; towels & duvets; furniture; cable; computer station; outdoor gardens Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA, 24hr nursing care, recreational staff, on-site chefs, access to private PT/OT, non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only (with prior approval) Other Comments: Phase II will be open in October increasing capacity to 36 spaces - 35 private roms and one double. Cozy, homelike atmosphere, close proximity to amenities, home-cooked meals, home nursing care services.

(250) 204-6033; 70 Jones Road www.sunshineseniorscare.ca Monthly Rent: up to $5000 depending on care level Capacity: 6 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; outings; foot care; emergency call system; transportation; linens; exercise program; hairdressing; in room telephone & cablevision jacks; wireless internet; raised garden beds Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: (IC) 1-3 / multi-level care / extended Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / manager Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: caring staff; step-in showers; respite services when room availabe

Yucalta Lodge, The (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 830-2222; 555 Second Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

CHEMAINUS Chemainus Health Care Centre (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 748-4671; 9909 Esplanade Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Ken & Murry Forde House 

(250) 923-4824; 142 Larwood Road; www.wpsls.com Monthly Rent: $600 to $750; SAFER Program available; VIHA Cluster care on site; no meals included Capacity: 40 spaces; non-profit; plus 6 patio homes Hospitality Services: regular group activities; large day room with full kitchen; handyDart; hot lunch program on site; near bus; near shops; laundry facilities on each floor; full kitchens Staff on Site: manager Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: 1/2 block from ocean

Ironwood Place (VIHA Affiliate) 

VIHA (250) 830-2222; 1351 Ironwood Street; www.viha.ca Capacity: 54 units Hospitality Services: restaurant serving lunch and dinner; games room; crafts room; wellness clinics; scooter garage; pendant personal alarm system; 24 hr on-site emergency response Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Mountain View 

(250) 830-1588; 280 South Dogwood Street Monthly Rent: condos & strata rates vary by unit; no meals Capacity: 53 spaces; private Hospitality Services: meeting room; common kitchen area; full kitchen; in-suite laundry; underground parking; games room; catering facilities; happy hour; hand-rails; showers Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: great views; formerly called Lions View; contact Coast Realty for more information

New Horizons (VIHA Affiliate)


Alphabetical Listing of Senior’s Housing Accommodations on Vancouver Island

VIHA (250) 951-9500 or (250)287-7166; 850 - 14 Avenue www.viha.ca; www.newhorizonscare.com; 94 units Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info

Sunshine Lodge  (Campbell River & District General Hospital)

Dovehill House 

(250) 416-0332; 3292 Ash Road www.dovehillhouse.com Monthly Rent: $2800; all meals included Capacity: 19 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; exercise program; television lounge; dining room; access to communal kitchen; daily coffee / tea and snacks; private bathrooms; monthly church service; bingo; music; esthetician; horticultural club; art club; hairdresser; yoga Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets on consideration Other Comments: age-in-place; flexible personalized service to meet resident’s individual needs; raised gardens with patios; beautiful ocean views; no stairs; walker friendly; in Village of Chemainus

Rosewood Care Home

(250)246-9850; 2881 Josephine Street www.rosewoodcarehome.com Monthly Rent: call for info; all meals included Capacity: N/A ; private rooms Hospitality Services: housekeeping; laundry; access to hairdresser and transportation; auditory monitors in bedrooms Type of Care: 24 hr nursing; palliative care; seniors daycare & emergency respite when space available Staff on Site: nursing staff Other Comments: special diets accommodated TYPES OF HOUSING SERVICES PROVIDED

 (I) Independent / Supportive Living

(A) Assisted Living

 (C) Complex Care

(X) Campus of Care

VIHA (250) 830-2222; 375-2nd Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.



Steeples, The (VIHA Affiliate) 


(250) 246-1805; 9910 Esplanade Street Monthly Rent: varies with income; 2 meals included Capacity: (AL) 16 one bedroom suites; subsidized Hospitality Services: towel and linen laundry services; weekly light housekeeping; social program Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff; not 24 hrs/day Restrictions: designated smoking area outside; small pets upon approval Other Comments: located across from Chemainus Health Care Centre; near bus shops and beach; Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info

COBBLE HILL Gate House Adult Care

(250) 743-4913; 3380 Cobble Hill Road Monthly Rent: (L1) $2750; (L2) $2950; (L3) $3150; (Palliative) $3400; all meals included Capacity: 5 spaces; private Hospitality Services: housekeeping; laundry services; shared bathrooms; regular activities; foot care nurse Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3 / palliative / respite care Staff on Site: LPN / RCA Restrictions: smoking outside; in house dog and cat Other Comments: located on a hobby farm; large grounds; raised gardens; patio; space for 1 elder day care per day

COMOX Berwick Comox Valley  

(250) 339-1690; 1-866-625-1690; 1700 Comox Avenue www.berwickrc.com Monthly Rent: call for information; meals and utilities included Capacity: (I) 124, (C) 9 suites; private Hospitality Services: chef prepared meals and snacks; laundry services; weekly housekeeping; activity programs; 24 hr emergency call system; hairdresser; tuck shop; guest suite; parking Type of Care: call for information Staff on Site: 24/7 / LPN / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: roof-top lounge with view of water and mountains; atrium; library; private dining room; computer stations; movie theatre; television lounges; games room; country kitchen; outdoor dining terrace; Island owned and managed; conveniently located within walking distance to the town’s amenities

The Views at St. Joseph’s General Hospital  (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 338-5453, The Views (250)339-1556; 2137 Comox Avenue, Comox BC V9M 1P2 www.viha.ca Capacity: 125 beds; some private, semi-private and standard 4-bed rooms; Eagleview has one respite room Services: complex care; extended care; professional nursing; direct care giving; recreation/activation programs; occupational therapy; physiotherapy; music therapy; pastoral care; hairdressing; nutritional and social services Other Comments: open visiting hours; families welcome to participate in activities

Stevenson Place 

(250) 339-7012; 1683 Balmoral Avenue; www.novapacific.ca Monthly Rent: from $2393; 1 meal included Capacity: 33 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; emergency



call system; resident driven activity program; full kitchen in units; near bus & shops; linens & towels; hair salon; parking; guest suite Staff on Site: non-medical staff 24/7 Restrictions: small pets allowed Other Comments: ownership options available

COURTENAY Abbeyfield - St John the Devine 

(250) 338-6311; 994 8th Street; www.abbeyfield.ca Monthly Rent: $1525 including utilities and full cable; all meals included Capacity: 10 spaces; non-profit Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; activity program; exercise program; near bus; all units on ground floor; emergency call system Staff on Site: live-in house coordinator Restrictions: designated smoking areas; some pets allowed Other Comments: 5 blocks from downtown core

Casa Loma Seniors Village (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 897-4033; 4646 Headquarters Road www.retirementconcepts.com Monthly Rent: $1850 to $2700; 2 meals included Capacity: 125 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; activity program; daily snacks; exercise program; outing bus; parking; hairdresser; guest suite; emergency response; library; computer station; kitchenette in units Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: rural setting; 1.5 km to downtown Courtenay; view of Beaufort Range & Comox Glacier

Comox Valley Seniors Village (VIHA Affiliate)


(250)331-4104; 4640 Headquarters Rd. VIHA (250) 898-2255 or 1866-928-4988 www.retirementconcepts.com *Opened March 2009 Monthly Rent: call for info; (C) all meals included; (A) 2 meals Capacity: (C) 136; (A) 96 Hospitality Services: laundry services; weekly housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; linen & towels; emergency call system; guest suite; spa services Prescribed Services: bathing, grooming, & medication Type of Residential Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; small pets allowed in (A) only Other Comments: lounge; gardens; bistro; library, games room, general store, hair salon; underground parking; different services available for Assisted Living or Residential Care suites

Cummings Home

(250) 897-0075; 1926 Cummings Road Monthly Rent: from $2500; all meals included Capacity: 6 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; linens; towels; activity program; emergency call system; hairdresser; tea served in garden; companion & transportation; medications given by staff; medical supervision and accompaniment to medical appointments Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-2 Staff on Site: RN / RCA provides personal and medical care Restrictions: smoking and pets reviewed on individual basis

Glacier View Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 338-5453 or GVL(250) 338-1451; 2450 Back Road, Courtenay, BC V9N 8B5; www.glacierviewlodge.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included

CROFTON Oceanview Retirement 

(250) 246-4967; 8035 Vye Road; www.oceanviewretirement.com Monthly Rent: $2000; all meals included Capacity: 17 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; medical lab support; exercise program; horticultural therapist Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: Care aide / staffed 24/7 Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed Other Comments: located on the Pointe at Crofton; Oceanside candlelight dining; community garden; summer tea house; 8 acres landscaped gardens

CUMBERLAND Cumberland Intermediate Care (VIHA) 

VIHA (250) 338-5453; 2696 Windermere Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Aging with Choice


Capacity: 100 spaces + 2 respite; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: linen and laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; emergency call system; dietitian; hairdresser; music therapy; spiritual care Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: beautiful location; adult day program; bathing program; respite program; gardens and walking paths; facility cats

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DUNCAN Abbeyfield Duncan 

(250) 748-1352; 5905 Indian Road Monthly Rent: from $1290; all meals included Capacity: 9 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; resident driven activity program; regular handyDart service Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: gardens; close to bus stop

Biscay Manor 

(250) 746-4173; 3034 Biscay Road Monthly Rent: $2500 to $3000; all meals included Capacity: call for info; private rooms Hospitality Services: housekeeping; private laundry; bed linens; duvets and quilts; lifeline connection Staff on Site: 24 hr non-medical staff Other Comments: outskirts of Duncan; garden; flexible meal times; special diets accommodated

Cairnsmore Place (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 748-4671; 250 Cairnsmore Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Cerwydden Care Facility (VIHA Affiliate)

(250) 746-4432; 3243 Cowichan Lake Road Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 56 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; linens; towels; emergency call system Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication

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Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: private & semi-private rooms

Deertrail Cottage  

(250) 746-9641; 1711 Escarpment Way www.deertrailcottage.com Monthly Rent: from $3000; all meals included Capacity: 9 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; linens; towels; activity program; emergency call system; transportation Prescribed Services: bathing; personal care & medications Staff on Site: 24 hr non-medical staff / RCA Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: country setting; outdoor ponds; gardens

Duncan Manor 

(250) 748-0521; 280 First Street www.duncanmanor.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; meal packages available Capacity: 123 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; complete units; personal furnishings; resident driven activity programs; hairdresser; entertainment; library; recreation room; exercise room Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets

Heritage Manor 

(250)748-3488; 1051 College Street Monthly Rent: From $2600 all meals included Capacity: Call for info: private rooms Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping and linens; hairdresser; companion and transportation to apopintments Prescribed Services: bathing; personal care and medications Staff on Site: 24hr RCA Restrictions: outdoor smoking Other Comments: Restored Heritage House with beautiful grounds and covered deck for year round enjoyment. Near the Cowichan District Hospital. Family environment.

Sherwood House 

(250) 715-0116; 280 Government Street www.sherwood-house.com Monthly Rent: call for more information; rent includes all hospitality services Capacity: 62 spaces; private Hospitality Services: three meals a day and snacks; personal emergency call system; laundry facilities; activity program; housekeeping; six separate lounges; private dining room; kitchenette in units; flat linen service; parking; some units have stoves Staff on Site: non-medical staff / security 24 hr Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: near bus & shops; hairdresser on-site

Sunridge Place/Meadows at Sunridge  (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 748-4671; 361 Bundock Avenue 50 Assisted Living units; 160 Complex Care units Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Wedgwood House 

(250) 746-9808; 256 Government Street Monthly Rent: $2450 to $2550; 1 meal included Capacity: 40 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; linens & towels; activity program; parking; emergency call system; lounge; dining room; full kitchen in units Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking allowed; small pets allowed Other Comments: gardens & patios



LADYSMITH Ladysmith Health Centre (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 245-7399; 1111-4th Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

La Rosa Gardens (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 245-1016; 1211 Cloke Road Monthly Rent: (I) $1400 to $2100; (A) call; 2 meals included Capacity: (I) 39; (A) 21 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; emergency call system; hairdressing; cable Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: designated smoking area outside; small pets allowed Other Comments: 2 blocks from Ladysmith Hospital

Lodge on 4th (VIHA Affiliate)

(250) 245-3318; 1127 4th Avenue Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: (C) 89; (Mental Health Complex Care) 12; subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; towels; linens; emergency call system Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / CA’s Restrictions: smoking outside; visiting pets only Other Comments: in Ladysmith

Seaside Lodge 

(250) 245-4151; 3740 Shell Beach Road Monthly Rent: from $2800; all meals included Capacity: 5 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; transportation & companion; regular entertainment; personal assistance available Staff on Site: LPN / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed by consideration Other Comments: situated by the ocean; ocean views; quiet setting; bird watching; gardening

Wing View Senior’s Home  

(250) 245-0135; 468 Battie Drive; www.wingviewseniors.com Monthly Rent: $3100 to $3500; all meals included Capacity: 6 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; transportation; regular entertainment; personal assistance; cable included Staff on Site: LPN / RCA Restrictions: smoking outside; house pet only Other Comments: ocean views; private rooms with 2-piece bathrooms

LAKE COWICHAN Evergreen Place 

(250) 749-0190; 20 South Shore Road Monthly Rent: $475 to $600; no meals included Capacity: 31 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; full kitchen in units; public bathing facility on-site Staff on Site: live-in manager Restrictions: no smoking; no pets



Berwick On The Lake  

(250) 729-7995; 1-877-525-3111; 3201 Ross Road Monthly Rent: call for rates Capacity: (I) 124; (C) 36 spaces; private Hospitality Services: 3 meals daily (chef prepared) and snacks; laundry services; weekly housekeeping; activity programs; 24 hr emergency call system; transportation; hairdresser; tuck shop; guest suites; parking Type of Care: independent; licensed care Staff on Site: 24/7 LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: walkway and pier on the lake; gazebo; patio & sunrooms; library; private dining room; computer stations; television lounges; country kitchen; café; games room; Island owned and managed

Dover House

(250) 756-4222; 6155 Hammond Bay Road Monthly Rent: $4050; all meals included Capacity: 24 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; regular entertainment; towels; linens; emergency call system; pet therapy Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; 2-3 / palliative / respite Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking Other Comments: specializing in dementia care; beautiful yard

Dufferin Place (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 755-6229; 1200 Dufferin Crescent; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Dwelling Place

(250) 756-3008; toll free 1-877-884-CARE; 2630 Labieux Road www.dwellingplace.ca Monthly Rent: varies with level of care; all meals included Capacity: 16 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; cable included; guest suite; transportation; music therapy; near shops; 24 hr care Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3 / palliative / respite Staff on Site: RN / LPN Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed by consideration Other Comments: specializing in dementia; alzheimer care available

Harmony House

(250) 753-2316; 2316 Arbot Road Monthly Rent: varies with level of care; all meals included Capacity: 6 spaces; private Hospitality Services: private home setting; laundry services; housekeeping; personalized activity program; full spectrum nursing care provided Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed Other Comments: specialize in high care needs; new home

Hecate Gardens 

(250) 753-0387; 940 Hecate Street; www.hecategardens.com Monthly Rent: $995 to $2100; all meals included Capacity: 81 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; transportation; underground parking; fireplace lounge; hairdressing; smoking room Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication

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Staff on Site: non-medical staff / home support Restrictions: smoking in designated areas only; pets allowed Other Comments: mountain views; close to all amenities

Kiwanis Village 

Campus of Care with the following Housing/Care Options: www.kiwanisvillage.ca Kiwanis Manor - (BC Housing Affiliate)  1201 Kiwanis Crescent. Nanaimo, V9S 5Y1 Applicants must register with BC Housing Registry at 1-800-257-7756 Kiwanis Villa / Kiwanis Soroptimist Suites  For information contact: (250) 740-2815 1233 Kiwanis Crescent, Nanaimo, BC V9S 5Y1 Kiwanis Soroptimist Suites/Kiwanis House (VIHA Affiliate)  For information contact: VIHA in Nanaimo (250) 755-6229; 1233 & 1234 Kiwanis Crescent Kiwanis Village Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)  For information contact: VIHA in Nanaimo (250) 755-6229

(250) 716-1920; 2263 Jingle Pot Road; www. keepinghouseseniorshome.com Monthly Rent: From $2,100/mo; all meals & cable included Capacity: 8 spaces; private; 1 respite Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; transportation; regular outings; hairdressing; emergency call system Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: RCA / Non-medical staff / owner/ manager live-in Restrictions: no smoking Other Comments: bright rooms; French doors from rooms to courtyard; 2 piece bathrooms

Lakeside Gardens Retirement Community  

(250) 756-0799; 4088 Wellesley Avenue www.lakeside-gardens.com Monthly Rent: call for information; all meals included Capacity: 123 spaces; private Hospitality Services: linens & towels; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; emergency call system Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: lakeside location

Longlake Chateau 

(250) 756-1411; 3035 Ross Road; www.holidaytouch.com Monthly Rent: $1760-$3680 2nd resident $685; 3 meals included Capacity: 110 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; hairdresser; emergency call system; transportation; cable included Staff on Site: non-medical staff / live-in manager Restrictions: smoking in designated areas; pets allowed Other Comments: lake views; 5 star accommodations

(250) 754-7711; 388 Machleary Street www.chartwellreit.ca Monthly Rent: call for information; all meals included Capacity: 134 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; hairdressing; outing bus Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / LPN / non-medical staff Restrictions: call for more information Other Comments: 22 beds for Alzheimer’s & dementia care



(250) 729-9524 or (250) 760-2325 (Rentals); 6085 Uplands Drive www.retirementconcepts.com; (RC) = resident(nursing)care Monthly Rent: call for rates; (I) 1 meal; (A) 2 meals; (RC) 3 meals Capacity: (I) 56; (A) 152; (RC) 150 private / subsidized Hospitality Services: (A/I) emergency call system; housekeeping (incl flat laundry service); full activity and entertainment program; scheduled bus outings; cable and utilities included Prescribed Services: (RC) activities of daily living & medication Type of Care: complex care; intermediate; extended; palliative and dementia care Staff on Site: (A) non-medical staff 24 hours; (RC) RN / RCA / LPN / recreation and hospitality staff Restrictions: smoking outside; small pets only in (A and I) suites Other Comments: underground resident parking; surface guest parking; bistro; general store; library with internet access; beauty salon/barber shop; greenhouse/gardening; lounges; guest suite; plenty of outdoor decks and space

Nanaimo Travelers Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)

Keeping House 

Malaspina Gardens (VIHA Affiliate)

Nanaimo Seniors Village (VIHA Affiliate)  

VIHA (250) 755-6229; 1298 Nelson Street; www.viha.ca Sharen Plecas Program Coordinator - 1-250-760-2636 Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Oak Tree Manor 

(250) 716-1799; 325 Hecate Street www.oaktreemanor.ca Monthly Rent: From $1685; all meals included Capacity: 66 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services (linen & towels); housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; secured underground parking; hairdresser; cable included Type of Care: independent Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed in first-floor suites Other Comments: panoramic ocean & mountain views; walking distance to waterfront and all amenities

Origin at Longwood 

(250) 751-7755; 6205 Oliver Road www.origin.ca Monthly Rent: from $2300; gourmet lunch and dinner included Capacity: 176 suites; private Hospitality Services: flat laundry service; housekeeping; outing bus; emergency call system; general store; library; computer stations; greenhouse gardening program; private dining; pub Staff on Site: medical staff; client services; recreational staff; concierge from 7am – 11pm Restrictions: No smoking; small pets allowed Other: recreation program; swimming pool; movie theater; yoga studio; full service spa; full gym with Keiser equipment

Wexford Creek (VIHA Affiliate)


(250)753-4044 (C) or (250)713-1696 (I & A Rentals); 80 - 10th St. V9R 0A8; www.gss.org Monthly Rent: (I & A) from $1999, (C) VIHA Subsidized Capacity: (I & A) 40, (C) 110 Hospitality Services: laundry; housekeeping; utilities included; cable; recreation and activity programs; parking; guest suite; emergency call system; private dining room; hair salon; up to three meals (I & A), all meals (C) Staff on Site: RN / LPN / HCA, recreational, hospitality, client services Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care, medication admin Type of Care: Independent/Assisted living and Complex Care Restrictions: no smoking; no pets [small pets in I/A] Other: On a bus route in a beautiful setting with outdoor courtyards, walking paths; close to shopping; restaurants; physicians; dentists

Woodgrove Manor (VIHA Affiliate) 

Beauty, dignity and the best value in Victoria. The Oak Bay Kiwanis Rose Manor Society invites you to join us at Rose Manor, a comfortable, warm and friendly home in downtown Victoria. 3 meals and 3 tea times Weekly laundry & housekeeping Activies & much more Suites Available Now Call today for a viewing appointment (250) 383–0414

PARKSVILLE Arrowsmith Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)


(250) 390-1036; 6304 Metral Drive Monthly Rent: $4000 to $4800/month; 3 snacks served daily (in addition to meals) Capacity: 41 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; towels & linens; emergency call system; hairdresser Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3 Staff on Site: LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: no scooter use indoors; individual patios, free cable hookup

VIHA (250) 951-9500; 266B Moilliet Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Cokely Manor (VIHA and BC Housing Affiliate) 

(250)248-4331 ext 3; 266A Molliet Street Monthly Rent: varies with income; 2 meals included Capacity: 30 suites (some one bedroom); non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; outing bus; dining room; computer station; near bus & shops; church services; lounge; general store; cable TV; Lifeline Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical 10am - 7:30pm Restrictions: smoking outside; small pets allowed Other Comments: excellent restaurant/bistro on site; craft room


(250) 383–0414 www.rosemanor.ca

Halliday House (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 248-2835; 188 McCarter Street Monthly Rent: $115 to $135 per day; all meals included Capacity: 22 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; flexible meal schedule; activity program; emergency call system; linens & towels; hairdresser; foot care; furniture Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3; respite care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff - 24 hr Restrictions: smoking outside; small pets allowed Other Comments: sundecks; ocean view

Stanford Place (VIHA Affiliate)


(250) 951-0811: 250 Craig Street, Parksville Monthly Rent: varies; call for details Capacity: (CC) 181 rooms; private & subsidized; (A) 52 suites; private and subsidized Type of Care: 24/hr complex nursing care; respite care; independent/assisted living Restrictions: smoking in outdoor designated areas only Other: warm; home like atmosphere in prime central location close to shopping; bus routes; library; medical offices; ocean. In-house hair salon; art studio; market; daily recreational acitivities; exterior spacious courtyards with water fountains.

Trillium Lodge (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 951-9500; 401 Moilliet Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

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Gardens at Qualicum Beach, The   (VIHA Affiliate) (250) 752-2818; 650 Berwick North Road

Abbeyfield Port Alberni 

(250) 724-5054; 3839-8th Avenue; www.abbeyfieldportalberni.homestead.com Monthly Rent: from $1185; all meals included Capacity: 22 spaces; non-profit Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; activity program; outing bus; cable included Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed Other Comments: call for more information

Echo Village (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 720-0334; 4200 10th Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Fir Park Village (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 720-0334; 4411 Wallace Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Heritage Place (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 723-0480; Site Manager Doug Murray 250-731-6297; 4200A10th Avenue Monthly Rent: varies with income; 2 meals included; Lifeline included Capacity: 26 suites; 1 bedroom, 650 sq. ft, air conditioned Hospitality Services: housekeeping incl flat laundry; activity program; computer station; near bus & shops Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: Care staff provided by VIHA Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: therapeutic baths

Returning the Favour Care Home 

(250) 724-1520; 4517 Redford Street; www.redfordhouse.ca Monthly Rent: from $1950; all meals included Capacity: 12 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; emergency call system; housekeeping; activity program; transportation; personal furnishings; near bus & shops; foot care; hairdresser Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: cozy home-like environment

Tsawaayuus Rainbow Gardens (VIHA Affiliate)  VIHA (250) 720-0334; 6151 Russell Place; www.viha.ca; www.rainbowgardens.bc.ca; 10 Assisted Living units Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Westhaven (WCGH) (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 720-0334; 3949 Port Alberni Highway; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

PORT HARDY Eagle Ridge Manor (VIHA)

Hawthorne Place 

(250) 752-4217; 750 Memorial Avenue; www.novapacific.ca Monthly Rent: from $2400; 1 meal included Capacity: 33 spaces; private Hospitality Services: light housekeeping; emergency call system; resident driven activity program; near bus & shops Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking for leasers; pets allowed Other Comments: gazebo; gardens

Qualicum Manor (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 752-1262; 124 Fourth Avenue East Monthly Rent: varies with level of care; all meals included Capacity: 54 spaces (29 private / 25 subsidized) Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; hairdresser Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RCA / LPN / RN / 24 hr nursing / PT available if needed / OT / qualified chef Restrictions: no pets

SALTSPRING Braehaven (BC Housing & VIHA Affiliate)  VIHA 1-888-533-2273 or Greenwoods Eldercare Society (250)537-5561; 137 Blain Road www.greenwoodseldercare.com Monthly Rent: varies w/ income (subsidized); two meals incl Capacity: 30 one bedroom units with kitchen - suitable for one or two residents Hospitality Services: emergency call system; laundry services; housekeeping; lounges; dining room; computer station; activity program; foot care and hairdresser available - near shops Prescribed Services: home care services as required determined by Community Case manager Type of Care: assisted living Staff on Site: non-medical staff during daytime only Restrictions: no smoking inside; no pets Greenwoods (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 949-3411; 9120 Granville Place; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

QUALICUM BEACH Eagle Park Health Care (VIHA)

www.chartwellreit.ca Monthly Rent: call for information; 2 meals included Capacity: (I) 101; (A) 30; (C) 96 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: various service & care packages available; linen services; housekeeping; activity program; emergency call system; kitchenettes in rental units; private dining; tea house Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: non-medical staff / RCA / LPN Restrictions: call for more information Other Comments: full spectrum of accommodations & care available

VIHA (250) 951-9500; 777 Jones Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

VIHA 1-888-533-2273 or (250) 537-5561; 133 Blain Road www.greenwoodseldercare.com Monthly Rent: varies with income (subsidized); all meals included Capacity: (C) 49; 1 respite - individual rooms Hospitality Services: full care including activity program; footcare and hairdresser available Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RCA / RN / non-medical staff

Lady Minto Gulf Island Hospital

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 135 Crofton Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.



Meadowbrook Seniors Residence (VIHA Affiliate)  


SHAWNIGAN LAKE Acacia Ty Mawr (VIHA Affiliate)


VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 743-2124; 2655 East Shawnigan Lake Road; www.viha.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 35 spaces + daycare; subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; towels; linens; emergency call system; activity program Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: specializes in dementia care; rural setting


(250) 538-1995; 121 Atkins Road Monthly Rent: $1890 to $2590; 1 meal included Capacity: (A) 10 spaces (I) 27 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency call system; security; cable; morning coffee; kitchenette in units Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed

Quality Retirement Living at an Affordable Price Tranquil location on the beautiful Saanich Peninsula of Greater Victoria 7601 East Saanich Road, Saanichton

68 Lovely one-bedroom suites with balcony Monthly rate starting at $2090 (single), $2450 (couple) [Nov 2009]

Includes daily lunch/dinner, weekly housekeeping, emergency response system and more.

SIDNEY Abbeyfield St. Andrews 

(250) 655-3536; 10017-5th Street; www.abbeyfield.ca Monthly Rent: $1340 - $1400; all meals included Capacity: 9 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; activity program; near shops; near bus; emergency call system; scooter parking Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: family setting; sunrooms; near Library

To book a tour or for other info, please phone 250-652-3261 E-mail: legionmanor@shaw.ca website: www.legionmanorvictoria.com

Happy Lite

Amica at Beechwood Village  

(250) 655-0849; 2315 Mills Road; www.amica.ca Monthly Rent: $2195 to $4125; 3 meals optional Capacity: 105 spaces; private Hospitality Services: activity program; coffee / tea and snacks; internet lounge; library; hairdressing; housekeeping; laundry facility; foot care; outing bus; billiards; kitchenette or kitchen in unit; esthetics; garden club; near bus & shops Staff on Site: 24/7 security / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: greenhouse; gardens; courtyard

Norgarden 

(250) 656-8822; 2300 Henry Avenue; www.norgarden.com Monthly Rent: $2000 to $4000; 2 meals included Capacity: 42 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; housekeeping; underground parking; activity program; outing bus; near bus & shops; linens & towels Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: sitting areas; garden boxes; gazebo

Peninsula, The  

(250) 656-8827; 2290 Henry Avenue www.peninsulaatnorgarden.ca Monthly Rent: $2250 to $4600; 2 meals included Capacity: (I) 54; (A) 13 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity


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program; near bus & shop; emergency call system; lounge; hairdresser; underground parking; esthetician; fitness facility Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: locally owned/operated; beautiful wellness centre

Rest Haven Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 2281 Mill Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Saanich Peninsula ECU (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 2166 Mount Newton; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Sidney Intermediate Care Home (VIHA Affiliate) VIHA (250) 388-2273; 9888 Fifth Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

SHOAL Centre (VIHA Affiliate)  

(I) (250) 654-0536 and (A) (250)656-5537 ext. 111; 10030 Resthaven Drive Monthly Rent: (I) $1450 (rented & privately owned); meals not included; additional services optional on a pay-by-service basis; (A) rent determined by income with a VIHA Case Manager Capacity: (I) 54 - public-private partnership; (A) 30 subsidized units Hospitality Services: (I) full kitchens in units with 5 appliances; restaurant on premises; near shops; near bus. (A) bed linen laundered weekly; fridge and microwave; 2 meals per day provided; emergency call system Prescribed Services: (A)bathing, personal care & medication as needed; activities of daily living and medication Staff on Site: (A) community home support workers Restrictions: (A) no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: Beacon Community Services care providers on site; compounding pharmacy; access to community activities

SOOKE Ayre Manor Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)


(250) 642-1750; 6764 Ayre Road admin@ayremanor.ca Monthly Rent: varies by income, all meals included Capacity: (A) 25 1 bedroom apartments w/ fridge & microwave (C) 32 private rooms w/ ensuite bathrooms Hospitality Services: (A) housekeeping; laundry towels and linens; activity programs (C) same as A w/ personal laundry Prescribed Services: (A) bathing; grooming; medication (C) nursing assesment; treatments and medication adminstration; personal care and bathing; foot care available Type of Care: Complex Care & Assisted Living Staff on Site: (A) Community support worker (C) 24/7 RN/RCA/ Recreation/Support Staff Restrictions: no smoking in building, no pets Other Comments: operated by Beckley Farm Lodge

Eagle’s Bluff Lodge 

(250) 642-5293; 7317 McMillan Road www.eaglesblufflodge.com Monthly Rent: $2300 to $3500; all meals included Capacity: 11 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; towels; linens; personal furnishings; access to kitchen Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1 & 2 Staff on Site: RN / RCA / LPN / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: greenhouse; gardens; ocean view; near senior activity centre; very cozy; waterfront



UCLUELET Forest Glen (VIHA Affiliate)  

VIHA (250) 720-0334 or (250) 726-2789 Box 833-1783 St. Jacques Boulevard www.viha.ca Monthly Rent: based on income; 2 meals included Capacity: (A) 5; (I) 5; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; near shops; emergency call system; parking; transportation; computer station; library; utilities included Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: manager / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; small pets allowed Other Comments: new facility

VICTORIA Abbeyfield Heritage House (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 381-5243; 507 Government Street Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 10 spaces; subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; exercise program; near bus; emergency call system; towels; linens Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: live-in housekeeper Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: restored heritage house; bed sitting with bath; in James Bay; medical centre nearby

Abbeyfield House St. Peter’s 

(250) 479-6140; 1133A Reynolds Road www.abbeystpetervicbc.shawwebspace.ca or www.abbeyfield.ca; abbeyfieldhousestpeter@shaw.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 12 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; emergency call system; near shops; near bus; parking; cable included; hairdresser; computer station; activity program Staff on Site: qualified chef / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: quiet neighbourhood; beautiful gardens; private patios; small personal flower garden 4 x 6

Aberdeen Hospital (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 1450 Hillside Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Alexander Mackie 

(250) 478-4888; 753 Station Avenue; www.hayworth.ca Monthly Rent: from $2150; 2 meals included Capacity: 126 suites; non-profit Hospitality Services: emergency call system; laundry facilities; housekeeping; leisure & activity program; outing bus; tea kitchens in all units; near bus & shops; spa room; computer stations; homemade fresh baked goods Coffee and Tea service twice daily; cable; computer stations Staff on Site: 24/7 non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: tuck shop; family atmosphere

Amica at Douglas House  

(250) 383-6258; 50 Douglas Street; www.amica.ca Monthly Rent: (I) $2400 to $4200, 2 meals included; (C) $5200 to $6500, all meals included Capacity: (I) 64; (A) 39; (C) 103 spaces; private Hospitality Services: activity program; laundry services;

Amica at Somerset  

(250) 380-9121; 540 Dallas Road; www.amica.ca Monthly Rent: $2350 to $4950; 1 meal, utilities & cable included Capacity: 134 suites; private Hospitality Services: kitchenettes in each suite; meal packages available; laundry facilities; housekeeping; activity programs including fitness centre/programs (MPower™); games rooms; bus outings; daily coffee/tea & snacks; private dining room; internet lounge; guest suites; hairdresser; minutes from bus and shops; billiards; emergency call system - Lifeline Staff on Site: 24/7 security / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: five-star dining; pool; hot tub; massage therapy clinic; chapel; theatre; library; billiards; landscaped walking gardens; secured underground parking; suites; conservatory; observation deck and patios overlooking ocean; ocean parks and beautiful walking trails

Anderson Manor Nursing Home (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 385-5321; 90 Linden Avenue www.viha.ca; andersonemanor@shaw.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals; 4 snacks; cable and utilities included Capacity: 16 spaces; subsidized Hospitality Services: activity program; housekeeping; laundry services; linens; outing bus; parking; foot care; hairdresser; emergency call bell systems; cameras; safe area Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / LPN 24/7 Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: one block from the Ocean, Parks, and Cook St. Village; bus stop access

Beacon Hill Villa (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 383-5447; 635 Superior Street www.retirementconcepts.com Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 80 spaces; private, semi-private / subsidized Hospitality Services: exercise classes; security system; walking groups; outing bus; linens & towels; emergency call system; electronic security Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: near Beacon Hill Park; near bus and shops

Beckley Farm Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 381-4421; 530 Simcoe Street www.viha.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; non-profit / subsidized; all meals included Capacity: 64 rooms; private with ensuite bathrooms Hospitality Services: housekeeping; personal laundry and linens; common dining rooms; outing bus; 3 meals; coffee/tea and snacks prepared on site; activity programs; dining/lounges in each wing; hairdresser available Prescribed Services: nursing assessment; treatments and medication administration; personal care and bathing; foot care and dental hygiene available

Dementia Care For Over 30 Years


housekeeping; coffee / tea & snacks; internet lounge; library; foot care; hairdressing; guest suite; outing bus; parking; age-in-place Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication; (I) medical consultation; pharmacy & dietary reviews; daily nursing assessments and referrals Type of Care: complex care / IC 1-3 Staff on Site: 24/7 RCA / RN / security / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed Other Comments: observatory decks overlooking ocean & park

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Type of Care: Licensed Complex Care and Respite Care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / Activation / Support Staff - 24/7 Restrictions: no smoking in building; no pets Other Comments: in James Bay; newly renovated and reopened January 2008; subsidized programs include Adult Day Program, Mobile Day Program, Community Meal Program, Community Bathing Program

Berwick House  

(250) 721-4062; 1-866-721-4062; 4062 Shelbourne Street www.berwickrc.com Monthly Rent: call for info; meals and utilities included Capacity: (I) 100; (C) 38 spaces; private Hospitality Services: chef prepared meals and snacks; weekly housekeeping; activity programs: 24 hr emergency call system; transportation; hairdresser; tuck shop; guest suite; parking Type of Care: call for information Staff on Site: 24/7 LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: lovely gardens; gazebo; library; private dining room; computer stations; television lounges; games room; country kitchen; outdoor dining terrace; Island owned and managed

Berwick Royal Oak  

(250) 386-4680; 1-866-721-4680; 4680 Elk Lake Drive www.berwickrc.com Monthly Rent: call for info; meals and utilities included Capacity: (I) 204 (C) 27 Hospitality Services: chef prepared meals and snacks; weekly housekeeping; activity programs: 24 hr emergency call system; transportation; hairdresser; tuck shop; guest suite Type of Care: call for information Staff on Site: 24/7 staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: lovely gardens and water features; library; private dining rooms; computer stations; television lounges; games room; country kitchen; chapel; 125 seat theatre; English pub; glass wine cellar; fireside lounge; fitness centre; spa; outdoor dining terrace; Island owned and managed

Brentwood House 

(250) 652-0635; 1167 Stelly’s Cross Road Monthly Rent: varies with income; subsidized Capacity: 14 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry; housekeeping; exercise programs; activities; music appreciation; day trips; personal furnishings; electronic monitoring; secure building and yard; parking Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: licensed dementia care Staff on Site: LPN 24/7, RCA/activity staff. RN, non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking Other Comments: Cozy, home-like setting, 1.5 blocks to Brentwood Village

Camelot 

(250) 384-3336; 455 Kingston Street; www.novapacific.ca Monthly Rent: from $2011; 1 meal included Capacity: 34 spaces; private Hospitality Services: emergency call system; night response; laundry services; housekeeping; linens & towels Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed

Carlton House of Oak Bay 

(250) 595-1914; 2080 Oak Bay Avenue; www.carltonhouse.ca Monthly Rent: $2195 to $5570; all meals & parking included Capacity: 88 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency call system; hairdressing; massage therapy; cable; esthetician; leisure services Staff on Site: 24 hrs per day



Restrictions: no smoking, pets considered Other Comments: elegant Georgian décor; located in Oak Bay Village; guest suite available; on bus route; tours available

Cedars, The (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 477-4850; 3710 Cedar Hill Road; www.dawsonheights.ca Monthly Rent: $2050 to $2700; 2 meals included Capacity: 53 units (43 market & 10 VIHA) Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; linens & towels; housekeeping; recreation program; hairdressing; kitchenettes Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication assistance available through outside home support services Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pet Other Comments: City living in a rural setting; on bus route; near shopping and medical services; walking trail

Central Care Home (VIHA Affiliate)

(250) 384-1313; 844 Johnson Street www.baptisthousing.org Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 147 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; towels and linens; emergency call system; outing bus; hairdresser; foot care; occupational therapist Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / LPN Restrictions: smoking outside; no pets Other Comments: near town; single rooms

Chown Place Gorge View Society  (250) 360-1977; Chown Place www.gorgeviewsociety.bc.ca Call for information

Craigdarroch Care Home (VIHA Affiliate)

(250) 595-3813; 1048 Craigdarroch Road www.craigdarrochcarehome.ca Monthly Rent: Rates are according to a Care Components for individualized client needs; all meals included Capacity: 16 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; hairdresser; activity programs; music therapy; walking clubs; exercise programs; foot care; arts & crafts club Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN, LPN, RCA’s and non-medical staff (hsk/cook) Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: small and intimate w/ home style meals, family style ambiance

Cridge Village Seniors Centre (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 384-8058; 1307 Hillside Avenue; www.cridge.org Monthly Rent: private from $2450 all inclusive / VIHA subsidized rates Capacity: 76 suites (40 VIHA + 36 market); subsidized/private pay Hospitality Services: recreation programs; housekeeping; laundry facilities; emergency pendant alarm; outings; chapel; linens & towels Prescribed Services: activities of daily living & medication management Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: guest suite; on bus route; near shopping; 12 acres of Garry Oak meadows; paved walkways

Douglas Care Community   

(250) 383-9011; 660 - 647 Niagara Street; www.douglascare.ca Monthly Rent: from $1480 (C) private care rates; all meals incl. Capacity: (I) 7; (A) 7; (C)26 suites; private


Hospitality Services: meal packages available; laundry services; housekeeping, emergency call system, activity programs; foot care; hairdressing; cable included as well as other professional services such as physiotherapy upon request Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: independent to complex care, including palliative and respite Staff on Site: RN/LPN/RCA and non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking, some pets Other Comments: in James Bay; close to park and water; warm community atmosphere; multi-generational community

Esquimalt Lions Grafton Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)  506 Grafton Street; Greater Victoria Housing Society www.greatervichousing.org; (250)384-3434 Call for more information

Glengarry Hospital (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 1780 Fairfeld Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Glenwarren Lodge - Revera Long Term Care 

(250) 383-2323; 1230 Balmoral Road www.reveraliving.com Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 130 spaces; private / VIHA subsidized Hospitality Services: personal furnishings; laundry services; housekeeping; towels; linens; activity program; pastoral care; cable & internet connections; physiotherapy; hairdressing Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; no pets Other Comments: quiet areas; beautiful courtyard

Glenshiel Retirement Residence 

(250) 383-4164; 606 Douglas Street www.theglenshiel.bc.ca Monthly Rent: $1035 to $1940; all meals included Capacity: 68 units; non-profit Hospitality Services: housekeeping; activity program; laundry facilities; linens; parking; cable & phone included; hairdressing; foot care; close to downtown; coffee and tea served am, noon, pm Staff on Site: non-medical staff 24 hr Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: next to Thunderbird Park & museum; close to Beacon Hill Park; tuck shop; affordable housing

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Gorge View Society, The 

(250) 360-1977; 11 Chown Place (off Harriet Rd.) www.gorgeviewsociety.bc.ca Monthly Rent: $259 singles; $405 couples; no meals included Capacity: 99 suites; non-profit Hospitality Services: personal furnishings; laundry facilities; resident run activity program; full kitchens; guest suite Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets; 55+ Other Comments: cottages with bachelor suites; assistance provided to find housekeeping and food services if required

Greater Victoria Housing Society 

(250)384-3434; 1 - 772 Bay Street www.greatervichousing.org Apartments for low income seniors in Victoria, Esquimalt, Saanich and Colwood.

Hart House Seniors Residence


(250) 598-3542; 1961 Fairfield Road Monthly Rent: call for more information; all meals included Capacity: 20 spaces; private

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33 33


Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; hairdresser; foot care; outing bus; emergency call system; towels; linens; home cooked meals Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed Other Comments: heritage house; outside patios

Highgate Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 472-0077; 1538 Cedar Hill Cross Road www.highgatelodge.com Monthly Rent: $2000 to $3200; all meals included Capacity: (I) 49, (A) 5 suites Hospitality Services: housekeeping; emergency call system; 24 hr snack / fruit bar; entertainment; transportation; activity program; parking; linen services Staff on Site: non-medical staff / 24 hr emergency services Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: sunrooms; woodworking room; pool table

Hillside Terrace (VIHA Affiliate) 

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 1460 Hillside Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Island View Place

(250) 652-0891; 7013 East Saanich Road Monthly Rent: from $4500; all meals included Capacity: 19 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; private rooms; activity program; theme nights; dining room on each floor; foot care; dental hygienist; hairdressing; towels; linens Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: recreation programs

James Bay Care Centre (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 336 Simcoe Street; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Jesken Aerie (VIHA Affiliate) 

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 817 Goldstream Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Joan Crescent Manor

(250) 595-1315; 1045 Joan Crescent Monthly Rent: call for information; all meals included Capacity: 18 spaces; private

Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; linens; towels; transportation; activity program; hairdresser; foot care nurse; emergency call system; home cooked meals Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication; dementia care; nursing care; physiotherapy; individualized care Type of Care: complex care / IC 1-3 / respite / palliative Staff on Site: RN / RCA / non-medical staff / physiotherapist Restrictions: no smoking; pets allowed on individual basis Other Comments: across from Craigdarroch Castle; safe walking areas in garden; outside patio; heritage home

Kensington, The 

(250) 477-1232; 3965 Shelbourne Street; www.lrc.ca Monthly Rent: $2235 to $4135; evening meal included Capacity: 113 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency call system; activity program; outing bus; hairdressing; guest suite; kitchenettes; meal packages available Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: near all amenities; near bus; quiet area; beautifully landscaped courtyards; large bright suites

Kiwanis Pavilion, The (VIHA Affiliate)

(250) 598-2022; 3034 Cedar Hill Road; www.obkp.org Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 116 beds subsidized; 6 beds private pay Hospitality Services: laundry services; linens & towels; housekeeping; activity program; spirituality program; end-of-life care; age-in-place care Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Residential Care: complex care / dementia care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; visiting pets only Other Comments: garden access

Legion Manor Victoria (VIHA Affiliate) 

(250) 652-3261; 7601 East Saanich Road www.legionmanorvictoria.com Monthly Rent: $2090 singles; $2490 couple; 2 meals included Capacity: 25 subsidized assisted; 43 supportive units Hospitality Services: daily lunch and dinner prepared on site, houskeeping, laundry facilities, activity program, emergency response system, hairdressing, podiatry. Small pet allowed in some units, medical appointment transportation, non-smoking building Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets only Other Comments: tranquil; country setting


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Lion’s Cove - View Royal (VIHA Affiliate)  

Lodge at Broadmead, The (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 4579 Chatterton Way; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Luther Court (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 477-7241; 1525 Cedar Hill Cross www.luthercourtsociety.org Monthly Rent: varies with income; call for more information Capacity: (I) 28; (A) 30; (C) 60; (Adult Day Program) 60 clients; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; gift shop and cafe; wellness program; library; foot care; hairdressing; personal furnishings; emergency call system; pastoral care Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication, home support Type of Care: Campus of Care Staff on Site: non-medical staff / RN / LPN / RCA Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: private rooms, garden access



(250) 514-9781; 290 Old Island Highway; www.novapacific.ca Monthly Rent: $2600 to $2800; second person accommodated for additional $600; 2 meals & basic cable included Capacity: (I+A) 15 suites; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: emergency call system; housekeeping; laundry facilities; activity program Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: live-in houseparent Restrictions: smoking allowed; pets allowed Other Comments: serene country setting; all suites are 2 bedroom and 2 bathrooms and a balcony, in-suite laundry, 5 full size appliances; parking with extra charge

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Marrion Village (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 592-2231; 1968 Bee Street; www.baptisthousing.org Monthly Rent: varies with income; 2 meals + 2 snacks included for Assisted living residents only Capacity: (I) 125; (A) 50 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry facility; housekeeping; activity program; linens; emergency call system; near bus & shops Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: LPN during business hrs; non medical staff

Minton House 

(250) 380-4977; 1070 Southgate Street Monthly Fees: include varied strata fees and service fee package; 1 meal included Capacity: 26 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency response system; exercise program; resident driven activity program; full kitchens in units; scooter parking Staff on Site: 24/7 staff provide security and emergency response (first aid & CPR) Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed; no personal care home support from VIHA or private Other Comments: you own your own home; well maintained; sunny patio

Mount St. Mary (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 861 Fairfield Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Mount Tolmie Hospital (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 3690 Richmond Road; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.



Mt. Edwards Court Care Home (VIHA Affiliate)


(250) 386-1188; 1188 Esquimalt Road www.renaissancevictoria.com Monthly Rent: $1925 to $2850; breakfast and dinner included Capacity: 59 suites; private Hospitality Services: near shops; near bus; full kitchens; laundry facilities on each floor; activity program; common dining room; meal packages available; housekeeping Staff on Site: non-medical staff / security Restrictions: no smoking; no dogs Other Comments: 12 special chef cooked dinners annually

Oak Bay Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 472-0677; 1485 Garnet Road Monthly Rent: condo rates vary; 1 meal included Capacity: 41 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry facilities; activity program; housekeeping; emergency call system; exercise program; near bus; near shops; guest suite Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking in suites only; small pets on 1st floor Other Comments: quiet location; near University Heights

(250) 370-6600; 2251 Cadboro Bay Road Monthly Rent: (I) $1360 to $2400; (C) varies with income; all meals included Capacity: (I) 36; (C) 250 rooms; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: housekeeping; laundry services; activity program; parking; hairdressing; foot care; bed & breakfast room Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / multi-disciplinary team Restrictions: no smoking; no pets

Parkwood Court

(250) 598-1575; 3000 Shelbourne Street; www.lrc.ca Monthly Rent: from $4540; all meals included Capacity: 79 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency call system; activity programs; hairdressing; complimentary coffee/tea & refreshments; outing bus; chef on staff; dietician on staff; linens & towels Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3; Extended Care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: family and friends encouraged to participate in all resident activities; 24 hour professional nursing on site

Rose Bank Gardens 

Rose Manor 

(250) 383-0414; 857 Rupert Terrace; www.rosemanor.ca Monthly Rent: $1250 to $2600; all meals included Capacity: 70 suites; non-profit Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; parking; onsite beauty salon; near bus & shops; foot care; guest meals; one guest suite; bed linens & towels Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: beautiful gardens; call for more information

Ross Place Retirement Residence  

(250) 598-1565; 3051 Shelbourne Street; www.lrc.ca Monthly Rent: from $2230 to $4794; all meals included Capacity: 102 suites; private Hospitality Services: meal packages available; laundry services; housekeeping; activity programs; kitchenettes; emergency call system; complimentary coffee / tea & snacks; linens & towels Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: no smoking; small pets allowed Other Comments: shuttle service; waitlist benefits

(250) 381-8666; 2638 Ross Lane; www.residencesallegro.com Monthly Rent: (I) $1500 to $5500; (A) varied Capacity: (I) 146; (A) 40 Hospitality Services: All inclusive rentals consisting of: light housekeeping; linen service; meals; recreation activities and weekly bus outings; emergency call system Staff on Site: non-medical staff 24 hours/day Restrictions: no smoking; small pets (dog or cat only) allowed Other Comments: Deluxe suites offer a scenic view of Victoria! Deluxe suites include in-suite laundry, kitchenettes, private balcony and fireplaces. Some suites overlook gardens and courtyards, indoor and outdoor parking available, beautiful rooftop patios with views of the city, located on main bus routes, close to shopping, medical offices and two major hospitals, onsite hair salon and coffee shop. Guest suites and short term rental program available for respite or convalescence.

Parry Place (VIHA) 

Sandringham (VIHA Affiliate) 

Parkwood Place 

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 382-4443; 408 Parry Street; viha.ca; 21 one bedroom suites Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Piercy Respite Hotel (VIHA)


VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 370-5641; 1454 Hillside Avenue Respite Care Only - individuals may be able to book a stay at the hotel if they are age 55 and over, live at home in the community, require minimum to moderate assistance, and receive assistance or support from family or friends to maintain their independence. Cost: Call VIHA for reservations and pricing Capacity: 12 suites; furnished; private Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Priory & Heritage Woods (VIHA)

VIHA (250) 388-2273; 567 Goldstream Avenue; www.viha.ca Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.


Renaissance, The 

(250) 385-2241; 1002 Vancouver Street; www.baptisthousing.org Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 83 spaces; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; towels; linens; emergency call system; outing bus; hairdresser; foot care; occupational therapist Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA Restrictions: no smoking in building; no pets Other Comments: courtyards


250-595-2313; 1650 Fort Street

Selkirk Place (VIHA) 

(250) 940-1028; 385 Waterfront Crescent; www.selkirkplace.ca Capacity: (A) 41 Units, (C) 217 Suites Private/Subsidized Call VIHA Home & Community Care for more info.

Shannon Oaks 

(250) 595-6257; 2000 Goldsmith Street; www.shannonoaks.com Monthly Rent: All-inclusive rental. Price varies based on suite Capacity: 102 suites; non-profit Hospitality Services: Variety of daily activities; full services dining, weekly housekeeping and 24-hour emgergency response. Adjacent to shopping and Oak Bay Recreation Centre. Staff on Site: Live-in Resident Managers Restrictions: no smoking; some pets allowed Other Comments: Beautifully appointed with inviting suites, spacious lounges and lush gardens. Amenities include a private dining

Shelmarie Resthome (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 598-3212; 630 Foul Bay Road www.viha.ca Monthly Rent: set rate per diem for all residents, as per VIHA; all meals and laundry included Capacity: 21 spaces; subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; close to Royal Jubilee Hospital Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: mental health Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside Other Comments: women residents only; all female staff; converted 100 year old house

Slugget House 

(250) 652-0635; 1336 Marchant Road, Brentwood Bay

St. Charles Manor

(250) 595-4255; 1006 St. Charles Street Monthly Rent: varies with care; all meals included (3 meals /day) Capacity: 50 spaces; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; outing bus; 3 snacks daily; physiotherapy; dietitian; footcare nurse; hairdressing; emergency call system; secure environment; linens provided Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care; IC 1-3; extended care, palliative; respite Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / 24hr professional nursing care Restrictions: no smoking Other Comments: specializing in dementia care; in Rockland area; expansion complete

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St. Francis Manor By The Sea 

(250) 382-7999; 1128 Dallas Road www.saintfrancismanor.com Monthly Rent: $1800 to $2300; all meals included Capacity: 12 suites Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; hairdressing; foot care; kitchen areas on each floor; emergency call system; personal furnishings Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff - 24 hr emergency response on-site Restrictions: no smoking; no pets Other Comments: ocean front bordering park

Sunrise Senior Living

(250) 383-1366; 920 Humboldt Street; www.sunriseseniorliving.com Monthly Rent: from $4500; all meals included Capacity: (A+R) 93 suites; private Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; hairdressing; massage therapy; foot care; esthetics management; wellness program; outing bus; personal furnishings; kitchenette in units; near bus & shops Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: licensed complex care; respite and Alzheimer’s care Staff on Site: RN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed Other Comments: beside Beacon Hill Park; specializing in Dementia Care; quiet residential neighborhood; lovely gardens

Sunset Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)

VIHA (250) 388-2273 or (250) 385-3422; 952 Arm Street www.viha.ca Monthly Rent: varies with income; all meals included Capacity: 108 spaces including 2 respite beds; non-profit / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; emergency Other Comments: fireside lounge; workshop area; in Western Communities; garden patio; some gardening for residents; patios


Senior Living Special Housing Edition

Up-to-date listings of senior housing facilities throughout Vancouver Island, including Independent/Supportive Living, Assisted Living and Complex Care. This guide is an indispensable resource to:

• seniors looking for alternative housing • seniors moving to Vancouver Island from other parts of BC or out of province • children of seniors who are assisting their parent to select a housing option • professionals who work with seniors or their families • businesses that provide services to seniors

Listings include addresses and contact information, housing costs, number of units in the housing complex, hospitality services, optional home care services, amenities and security features.

TO ORDER a copy... Please mail a cheque for $5.25 ($5 plus GST), along with your name, phone number and address, to Senior Living, 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria BC V8T 2C1. We will mail you a copy of this resourceful housing guide upon receipt of payment. FEBRUARY FEBRUARY2010 2010

37 37


call system; parking; towels; linens Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Type of Care: complex care Staff on Site: RN / LPN / RCA / non-medical staff Restrictions: non smoking; no pets Other Comments: adult day programs; located on Gorge

near bus; hairdresser; billiards room; library; beauty parlor; activity/ fitness/crafts room Staff on Site: live-in manager Restrictions: smoking in designated areas; small pets allowed Other Comments: golf course nearby; short stays available in furnished suite

Victoria Chinatown Care Centre (VIHA Affiliate)

Wellesley, The (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 381-4322; 555 Herald Street

Call for more information. *Adult Day Program available

Victorian, The 

(250) 477-1912; 1773 Feltham Road; www.the-victorian.net Monthly Rent: From $2575; all meals included Capacity: 91 suites; private Hospitality Services: housekeeping and linen services; activity program; scheduled bus service; bus outings; emergency call system; all utilities included (except telephone); hairdressing and barber service; on-site free laundry facilities; free parking; chapel; library; billiards room and exercise room Staff on Site: Live in managers available to you day and night Restrictions: small pets allowed Other Comments: Quiet location, beautiful garden with pond, individually controlled heat and air conditioning in each unit, chef prepared meals made from scratch daily, private dining room for intimate dinner parties, green house for residents use, innovative travel program, short stays available in furnished suite.

Victorian at McKenzie, The 

(250) 381-9496; 4000 Douglas Street www.holidaytouch.com Monthly Rent: $2150 to $4125; all meals included Capacity: 114 suites; private Hospitality Services: housekeeping; laundry services; outing bus; activity program; chapel; parking; TV room; emergency call system;

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(250) 383-9099; 2800 Blanshard Street / 2811 Nanaimo Street www.retirementconcepts.com Monthly Rent: (I) $2125 to $4500; 1 meal included + optional lunch / (A) $2225 to $3600; 2 meals included Capacity: (I) 140; (A) 64 suites; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: laundry services; housekeeping; activity program; underground parking; emergency call system; chapel; lounge & bistro; high tea 3 times weekly; foot care Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff / LPN / 24 hour security Restrictions: no smoking; pets in independent living; no pets in (A) Other Comments: roof-top garden; library; billiards; hobby room; flexible meal scheduling; outing bus; exercise program; esthetics; hairdressing; general store; guest suite; computer station; woodworking room; theatre room and stage area for entertainers

West Shore Lodge (VIHA Affiliate)  

(250) 478-7527; 1828 Island Highway (Colwood) www.westshorelodge.com Monthly Rent: $1700 to $2200; all meals included Capacity: (I) 50; (A) 12 spaces; private / subsidized Hospitality Services: emergency call system; utilities included; activity program; housekeeping; laundry services; elegant dining room; computer station; underground parking Prescribed Services: bathing, personal care & medication Staff on Site: non-medical staff Restrictions: smoking outside; pets allowed


Finding the Right Residence for You

inding a residence that suits your needs and desired lifestyle begins by asking questions. First, make an accurate and honest assessment of your physical, financial, mental and lifestyle needs. This will help you not only asses the level of care you will need, but also highlight your desires and interests. This information will help you ask the right questions when you are visiting the residences. Visit as many residences as you can. Independent and Assisted Living residences come in all shapes and sizes. Call to set up an appointment for a tour. (If your needs fall into the Complex Care category, or you require subsidization, see the end of this article for details about how to proceed through the application process*.) In addition to touring the residence, you will often be invited to stay for a meal or even stay overnight to sample the services and atmosphere. Make sure you ask questions that address your particular needs and collect written materials to study in greater depth at home. When you have narrowed your preferences to a couple res-

idences, make an appointment to visit each residence again. By this time, you will have a stronger sense of what you are looking for and can ask very specific questions. Ask for a copy of the Occupancy Agreement or Residence Contract and a copy of the policies and procedures. The Occupancy Agreement will provide information about fees, services, resident rights, operator and resident responsibilities, exit criteria and conditions of termination. Policies and procedures will tell you about things like parking, entering and exit processes, having visitors, noise restrictions, pet rules, smoking rules, etc. Confirm the price and charges for extra services. Are any price increases expected? What services are included? Is there a maximum percentage the prices can be increased per year? Ask what the price changes have been over the past three to five years. Other areas to scrutinize are environment, staffing, residence safety, emergency procedures, resident/family responsibilities, social activities and the degree to which the resi-


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dents have choice and autonomy. What would happen if the residence closes? Is there an appeal process for dissatisfied residents? Find out how each resident’s needs are assessed and monitored to establish the point at which your needs may not fit the level of care provided at that residence, requiring you to move to an alternate level of care. Inquire about policies on refunds, transfers and discharges. You may want to schedule a couple “surprise” visits to the residence at different times of the day and week. If you can, visit near mealtime or early evening to see how the residence is managed during busy and slack times. Ask residents about their experiences at the residence, both the good and the bad. Take your family members along and ask for their opinion, but make sure they are assessing it from your point of view, not their own. For more information about questions to ask when assessing a residence, or help in determining what kind of residence is best suited for you, Senior Living offers a book called “To Move or Not to Move: A Helpful Guide for Seniors Considering Their Residential Options”. You can order it by filling out a form included in this magazine or through the Senior Living online bookstore at www.seniorlivingmag.com/ bookstore. * If your needs suit an Independent or Assisted Living residence and subsidization is not required, you usually apply directly to the residence itself. If your needs fall into the Complex Care category, or you are asking for subsidization, you need to apply through the Home and Community Care office in your region. You will find this listing in the blue pages of your phone book, under Health Authorities. An intake worker will assess your needs to determine if you fit their criteria, and make application on your behalf. Although you may specify a preferred residence, placement is usually based on availability – you may need to move into another residence until the one you want has an SL opening.

Courageous eous g a r t u O



Photo: Frances Litman


Wisdom, Confidence, Character and Strengths. Look for them not with dismay, but with hope. –Valerie Munroe

he year I turned 40, I threw a party and invited all of the new friends I had made since coming to the Island. The theme was “Life Begins at 40.” Everyone had to bring something that reminded them of babies – new life – and it had to be fun. I was determined to celebrate each passing year as a brand new year. Dismay was not going to be part of my life; I was going to live my life with hope. My 40s were a time of change, of learning, of some maturing. Not much, but some. Life was one big party.

Along came the year I turned 50. That was the year, filled with confidence, I left my job in corporate Canada to start my own company. It was filled with lots of fear, finding strengths I didn’t know I had and plummeting back to depths of fear again. That year began dramatically and dynamically and just kept exploding. It was the beginning of my characterbuilding years: my 50s. I had teenagers when most people had grandchildren. Boy, did I build character! Throughout my 50s, I travelled and I spoke to audiences from Victoria to the Netherlands. I made friends, and it seemed that as I turned toward my 60th year, nothing could get better. But it did. At 60, I wrote my second book, a book that became the basis of this column – Becoming Courageous and Outrageous. This column has been the mirror, the reflection of all the lives that have touched mine. Sometimes the mirror is steamed over with

laughter or tears and, sometimes, the reflection is that of someone who has all of the characteristics I look for in others – confidence, strength both of body and of character. Now, in this year, as I turn 70, I wish for wisdom – for you and me. The wisdom that comes from living life with joy, from the years we have travelled and the sights we have seen. May we continue to view the future not with dismay but with hope. Remember, we are aging, but we never SL have to grow old. See you on March 5th at Senior Living’s annual 50+ Active Living Celebration at Pearkes Arena.

Pat Nichol is a speaker and published author. She makes her home in Victoria, but travels the world. She can be reached at www.patnichol.com

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When Talking Is Not Enough BY MAXINE FISHER, M. ED., MTA


usic therapy, as defined by the Canadian Association for Music Therapy, is the skilful use of music and musical elements by an accredited music therapist to promote, maintain and restore mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. Music has nonverbal, creative, structural and emotional qualities. These are used in the therapeutic relationship to facilitate contact, interaction, self-awareness, learning, self-expression, communication and personal development.



The author playing music with Billy and Joyce Krachmanow

Humans hear and experience sound for the first time in the womb when they hear the mother’s heartbeat, breath and muffled voice. From the moment of birth, loved ones’ voices are recognized through the musicality of their speech. Most people have been deeply moved by a piece of music during their lives. Songs can be used to create a retrospective road map of those lives. Think back to those songs from childhood, teens, 20s, 30s and onwards; humming a tune can bring back old memories while particular songs are often

Photo: Shimon Karmel

“Music can name the unnamable and communicate the unknowable.” –Leonard Bernstein

associated with a person or place. Music is universally accessible to individuals as well as groups of people, and to experience music, one does not have to have formal musical training. Music Therapists bring music to clients to enhance and improve their lives. Music heals, relieves tension and energizes. Singing and playing instruments in a safe environment with others brings joy and a sense of community and allows people to express their feelings. Song lyrics often describe inner thoughts and bring about discussions. For many years, Music Therapy has been successfully used to assist people who struggle with physical and emotional issues. In one case, music helped a stroke survivor who was unable to speak with words. However, he was able to sing words to familiar songs and even say a few words following the song. Often, people with dementia (including Alzheimer’s) experience moments of joy and clarity when singing familiar songs. Family members, at times, have joined in song and expressed how relieved they were to see their loved ones having a break from confusion and observed how much more present they were. Using familiar songs, Music Therapy can “facilitate reality orientation and stimulate long and short term memory,” says Music Therapy Association of British Columbia’s Vice-President Kevin Kirkland. Live music has a different impact than recorded music. Singing a familiar song directly to someone, making eye

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contact, observing their breathing and matching it with the ments they may not have chosen to play during the first few rhythms in the song, all contribute to bringing that person sessions. Learning new skills keeps brains functioning at a back into the moment and participating in the basic human higher level. Everyone wants to continue learning and experiencing the best that life can offer. interaction of sharing music. Music can be shared in many different environMany people say they cannot sing well or do ments. Home visits allow people to experinot have a good voice. One woman, who ence the joy of music in their own familcould only whisper due to an operation For many years, iar environments, while being offered on her vocal chords, came to the music opportunities to make choices and group and sang along. Although her Music Therapy has express themselves through musical voice was barely audible, her joy and activities specifically designed for enthusiasm while singing was exbeen successfully them. Some of the seniors I have traordinary. It is not how we sound used to assist people worked with in their own home to others, but how we feel when have experienced a loss, are dealwe sing that brings a song to life. It who struggle with ing with an ongoing illness, have brings joy to others and us when we physical and suffered a stroke or have the onset of join in song. dementia. Music Therapy sessions ofSome residents always stay in their emotional issues. fer relief to family and caregivers when rooms and do not participate in senior they see their loved ones participating in facility events. For these people, a visit to their rooms with the introduction of songs ofand enjoying music. SL ten brings them great joy and inspires them to join the music group, socialize and have fun. For a list of helpful resource books, go to www.seniorlivIn independent and assisted living, seniors have said they ingmag.com/articles/musictherapy look forward to the music groups. Participants are encouraged to request songs and the members choose from a variety Maxine Fisher is accredited by The Canadian Association of new and familiar songs. As time goes on, many partici- of Music Therapy and has been working with seniors, famipants in the group sessions show a strong desire to try instru- lies and children for over 16 years.

When You Love Your Own Home, Why Not Stay? �������������������������������� ��������������������������������� ��������������������������� ��������������������� ������������������� ������������������ �������������������� ���������������� �������������������� ������������������


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SENIOR LIVING HOUSING DIRECTORY FOR BC LAUNCHED! It’s finally here - the housing directory our readers have been asking for...

www.FindSeniorHousing.ca It is our intent to make this the most up-todate, comprehensive senior housing directory for BC you will find anywhere! Content can be searched easily by location, type of housing or special amenities. We have over 400 listings, with about half containing newly posted information. Please bear with us for a month or two as we continue to gather and post the most up-to-date information on all the senior residences throughout BC that we can find.

www.seniorlivingmag.com FEBRUARY 2010


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alentine’s Day is one of the most popular times of the year to send flowers. Many people don’t think twice about where they buy their flowers. That is why the Better Business Bureau would like to remind consumers, before they start smelling the roses, to make sure they know whose roses they smell! Each year, the BBB receives numerous reports from consumers that show a pattern of complaints alleging nondelivery or late delivery of flowers and extra charges on credit cards. Make sure you know the florist you’re dealing with before handing over credit card information. Here are some smart shopping tips for this Valentine’s Day: Call and speak to the company – see how they treat you and find out their physical address. Stay local. Avoid delivery compli-



Keep Valentine’s Day Rosy cations – order flowers from a store in your city or in the city where the recipient resides. Variety is the spice of life. Roses are traditional, but can be pricey. Flowers that have bright garden-like colours are also popular. Presentation is the key. Think about hand-delivering the flowers for that personal touch. E-Cards Be cautious when opening e-cards on Valentine’s Day. Holidays are a popular time to send e-cards to loved ones. However, spam emails have been reported to have a malicious computer Storm malware attached to them. A rash of malware-infected emails with the subject line, “You make my world Beautiful” have been sent to in-

boxes around the world. The email’s direct recipients were instructed to click on a link to receive their e-cards. Once users clicked on the link, a virus was automatically downloaded and invaded their computers, which exposed email contact lists to potential identity theft and financial loss. Be sure you only open emails, attachments and links from people you know, and use your anti-virus software to block the threat. This Valentine’s Day, be careful about opening the next secret e-admirer email, and do some homework about the florist you choose. In the end, you’ll have a better chance of keeping your SL Valentine’s Day rosy! If you believe you have been the target of a scam, call the Better Business Bureau Vancouver Island at 250-386-6348 or toll-free at 1-877-826-4222, so others can benefit from your experience. E-mail info@vi.bbb.org

Photo: Jason van der Valk

give you peace of mind and end all further discussions. Enjoy your time with your family while you are active and well. Try not to worry about their future. That will be in their hands.


Dear Goldie: What do I do with a family that won’t take me seriously? For months, I have been trying to discuss my Will, but they always become amused and assure me I am not about to die. I am 86 years old and have no serious illness. I live alone in an apartment and do my own housekeeping and shopping. I am a church member and also do volunteer work with lonely seniors to keep busy. My Will states that my money, bonds and investments are to be divided between my three children, but my worry concerns the family heirloom china and silver. Two granddaughters would love to have some of it, but I have a feeling one of my daughters will not be willing to share with them. Is there a solution? –D.N. Dear D.N.: If you have a legal Will, you can state which items are to be given to your two granddaughters before the remainder of your estate is shared by your children. Another way to prevent future haggling is to give the pieces to your two granddaughters now before you die. This will SENIOR PEER COUNSELLING CENTRES Victoria 250-382-4331 Duncan 250-748-2133 Nanaimo 250-754-3331 Sidney 250-656-5537 Courtenay/Comox 250-334-9917 Salt Spring Island 250-537-4607 Port Hardy 250-949-5110

Dear Goldie: I am a healthy active man in my early 70s. I walk every morning and play golf twice a week. I am active in charity groups, attend opera and the symphony and enjoy single life. So, why am I writing to you? Well, it seems every lady I meet wants to settle down in marital bliss, and I am not interested. I had a good marriage and still enjoy my children and grandchildren. I like to date for evenings out at dinner and entertainment. That is all I need. Is this unreasonable? –L.W. Dear L.W.: No, this is not unreasonable, and I’m sure you can find ladies who will be interested this type of dating. I wonder if you are clear in your intentions. It seems odd that all your dates are looking for marriage. Many women tell me they enjoy an occasional evening out with no strings attached, just a bit of romance and certainly good manners. You seem to enjoy the lifestyle to which you have become accustomed. All I can suggest is to keep your communication SL lines clear so there is no misunderstanding.

SUBSCRIPTION ORDER FORM Vancouver Island Edition 12 issues for $32 (includes GST) Name ________________________________________________ Purchase a Subscription for $32 and never miss an issue! Address ______________________________________________ City __________________________________________________ Province ____________ Postal Code _________________

Goldie Carlow is a retired registered nurse, clinical counsellor and senior peer counselling trainer.

Mail cheque to:

Senior Living 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria BC V8T 2C1

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BYGONE Treasures View of Roatan from Valor


All that Glitters

old has fascinated us since the dawn of time as a store of wealth, a status symbol and as attractive jewelry. As gold and silver prices have reached record levels, you may discover you have some long forgotten precious metal stored away. During my antiques valuation presentations, I’m often asked about items made of gold, so you should know some terms and abbreviations. Pure gold is 24 karat, and is rarely used for jewelry because it’s soft. More common is 9 karat (English gold), often stamped .375, meaning 37.5 per cent of it is gold and the rest is base metal, 10K, which is 41.66 per cent pure and 14K, which is 58.33 per cent pure. If you have items marked RGP, GP, GF, HGE, rolled gold or gold filled, these are not gold. These markings mean the items are plated with a thin layer of gold, which will eventually wear off. Most folks have a few bits of gold around the house, usually in the form of jewelry or coins. While Canada is not known for producing circulating gold coins, in the early 1900s, we did strike English-style gold sovereigns, as well as $5 and $10 gold pieces. These coins are worth more than the gold in them. More recently, the Royal Canadian Mint



has produced numerous gold coins for sale to collectors. As I write this, a $20 gold coin produced in 1967 for Canada’s Centennial is valued over $500. More likely, you’ll have orphan gold earrings, a charm bracelet, rings and brooches, where the value can add up quickly. The gold in fountain pen nibs, when marked 14K, is often overlooked. If you have pens in good condition, keep them that way, but if they’re broken, you can add marked nibs to your gold pile. If it’s not gold, it might be silver. The most common form of silver is sterling, (92.5 per cent pure), marked .925 or sterling or having a row of symbols called hallmarks, which show where and when the item was made. Even broken and bent sterling objects have value. Regarding coins, all your Canadian dimes, quarters and 50-cent pieces (remember them?) dated 1966 or earlier are worth more than their face value. How much depends on the daily silver price. Just because something looks silver doesn’t mean it is silver. Items marked EPNS, Plate or Plated, German Silver or Nevada Silver are not silver, but may have a thin silver plating or wash. Now that you’ve gathered a little pile of precious metal and would like to swap it for the cost of a gift for someone spe-

cial, what happens BY MICHAEL RICE next? I would advise against responding to TV commercials telling you to pack everything in an envelope and mail it back east. Those full-page ads asking you to bring your swag to a hotel or community hall, or invitations to attend a “gold party” are not your best bets either. This is not to say these folks are dishonest, it’s just that these buyers will pay less than an established local buyer. The costs of advertising, hall rentals and party hostess commissions come from somewhere, which means you will receive less from these sources for what you have to sell. For items you plan to pass on but don’t use or wear, write “gold” on string tags and attach them to each appropriate object. Donations to church sales or thrift shops should have the same tags, as this will help volunteers to recognize and price valuables accordingly. As always, if I can help with further information or identification, please write, email or visit me at the 50+ Active Living Celebration on March 5th at SL Pearkes Arena. Michael Rice PO Box 86 Saanichton BC V8M 2C3 or fenian@shaw.ca



re you or a senior member of your family thinking about future housing options? If you are considering anything from a supportive living residence to an apartment or strata complex that is senior-oriented, you may find the right housing option for you on Senior Living’s newly launched online senior housing directory for British Columbia. While still in its infancy, the goal is to make this the most comprehensive, up-todate online BC senior housing resource available. Over the years Senior Living has stood out as one of the foremost resources for senior housing, especially for Vancouver Island, publishing a special housing edition twice a year containing the listings of all the senior residences on Vancouver Island. This publication is used by social workers, hospitals, care workers, and various

other professionals helping clients find housing alternatives. Acting upon the request of numerous BC-wide readers for relevant housing information in their area, Senior Living has created this provincial online Senior Living Housing Directory. This directory is a valuable online resource for seniors and family members looking for housing to match their desired lifestyle or medical/mobility needs. Types of housing include assisted living, complex care, independent or supportive living, respite, as well as a range of rental or purchasable housing options including senior-oriented apartments, condos and retirement communities. Using automated technology, the Senior Living housing directory will be updated at least twice a year. Residences can update their listings

anytime they like through a direct link they will be provided with. But to make updating routine, twice a year every residence or housing community will be emailed an electronic form to fill out. By simply clicking the “submit” button, their listing will be instantly updated on the Senior Living website. Not only is this site optimized for online searches, but it will be promoted in every issue of Senior Living, a marketing advantage that will keep the directory continually in the public eye. Developing this resource directory will take time, but the Senior Living publishers are confident it will become one of the best housing sites for seniors in BC. The directory can be found at www.FindSeniorHousing.ca or by visiting the Senior Living website at www.seniorlivingmag.com

Senior Living Housing Directory �����������������������

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Senior Living Housing Directory is a valuable online resource for seniors and family members looking for alternative housing to match their desired lifestyle, or medical/mobility needs. Senior residences and housing communities throughout BC are listed in this comprehensive directory.

This directory is published by Senior Living, and promoted in all its magazines distributed monthly to over 900 locations across BC. We hope you will find our online Senior Living Housing Directory useful and easy to navigate.


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Leave your mark for future generations.


The Color Purple), I didn’t intend to begin another major writing project when I moved to Salt Spring from the San Francisco Bay area in 2002. Still, I’d gained much, over the years, by honouring the cosmic voices I believe “speak” to all who are receptive to their guidance. And so, working with local photographer Joanne Bealy, I began the

n June 2006, as I stood in my living room, a voice that I’ve come to believe was that of an African forebear, exhorted me to write a book about black heritage on Salt Spring Island. As a former reporter, who’d spent a decade completing a biography of Alice Walker (best known for her novel

A planned gift to the University of Victoria can create many bright futures. Just ask Geoff Burton, a second year mechanical engineering student. Thanks to an estate-established scholarship, Geoff has the means to pursue his passion.

The author combing over photos compiled for her book Every Goodbye Ain’t Gone

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Photos: Joanne Bealy

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task of documenting the 150-year black presence on Salt Spring Island. Widely hailed as one of the top artist colonies in North America, there are several books about the Island. But Every Goodbye Ain’t Gone (EGAG) is the first volume to focus exclusively on Salt Spring’s black heritage and to examine its unique racial history through a 21st century lens. A quick overview: The first black settlers arrived on Salt Spring (by way of Victoria) from Northern California in 1859. Literate and highly accomplished, the free blacks fled the “Golden State” after the enactment of a series of racially repressive laws that threatened their hard-won freedom. Interestingly, the disaffected blacks in California were seeking refuge at the same time that B.C. provincial governor James Douglas (himself mixed race) was in need of skilled labourers to support the boom town frenzy after gold was discovered along the Fraser River. A core group of the blacks that arrived in Victoria later migrated to Salt Spring. The early blacks on Salt Spring included the community’s first teacher, John Craven Jones. A college graduate trained in Greek and Latin, Jones taught the youth on Salt Spring (without pay) for several years. Who could look at a 1929 class photo from Salt Spring and not marvel, as Canada marks Black History Month, at the ethnic diversity of the students? The force behind Salt Spring’s first public recreation site, Jim Anderson was another early black pioneer. An archival photo finds him in the company of a black youth in a canoe. Here’s a reflection I was thrilled to include in EGAG: “Most people find it tiresome to have to sweep


Embrace the Journey - A Care Giver’s Story by Valerie Green The very personal story of her own journey as a care giver to her elderly parents. This is a story which will touch many hearts and be relevant for numerous adult children who, in midlife, are faced with a similar challenge and must make agonizing decisions and choices. It painfully addresses the problems encountered of ‘aging in place’ and the desire for loving couples to stay together in their home until the end of their lives. 96 pages. Softcover. 5.5” x 8.5” Published by Senior Living. Price $14.95 To order, please send cheque for $19.84 ($14.95 plus $3.95 S&H & GST) payable to Senior Living. MAIL TO: Embrace Book Offer c/o Senior Living 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave., Victoria BC V8T 2C1

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Left, Jim Anderson, creator of Salt Spring’s first public picnic site with a local child. Right, Students at Salt Spring’s Central School, 1929. Photos: Couresty of Salt Spring Archives

their back porch but Jim Anderson made a hobby of keeping his beach clean and he was down there every morning [with a broom]. This was [Anderson’s] little park and he delighted in having people come down for picnics.” The boy in the photo was a member of the Whims family, also among the black pioneers. Born on Salt Spring, octogenarian Bobby Wood is related, on his maternal side, to the Whims clan. Long attractive to retirees, Salt Spring is also enlivened by many children. Those featured in EGAG include Safiya CarrollLabelle, a seasoned fiddler who often performs at the Island’s renowned Saturday Market. Then there’s toddler Levi Welch who was delivered by the same Salt Spring nurse who ushered his mother Hanna into the world, 30 years ago. Salt Spring is also home to several black children who’ve been adopted by white families. “The story of the early African American settlers is deeply moving for us,” said Shauna Klem, who is pictured in EGAG with her Ethiopia-born sons, Selamu and Dexter. Given the Island’s storied reputation for creativity, it was especially rewarding for me to profile artists of African descent living on Salt Spring. Among their ranks are Sav Boro, an acclaimed muralist and Yasmine Amal, a potter who sells her wares at the Saturday Market. As the world turns itself to B.C. because of the Vancouver Winter Olympics, I’m elated to have “answered the call” to create a book that celebrates the multiculSL tural splendour of Canada. For more info, visit www.dancingcrowpress.com 52




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Classifieds BUSINESS / VIRTUAL ASSISTANT Correspondence; general bookkeeping; faxes; document editing/finishing; office organizing. Business services for small businesses and individuals. 100% Confidential. Checkerhouse Works Inc. 250-886-3975. sparebrain1@gmail.com SAANICH VOLUNTEER SERVICES seeks more volunteer drivers to take clients to medical appointments. We’ll work with your schedule. Call 250-595-8008. RJH HAIRSTYLING in the comfort of your home for everyone in your family. Serving the Victoria area. Please call Debi at 250-477-7505. WANTED: OLD POSTCARDS, stamp accumulations, and pre-1950 stamped envelopes. Also buying old coins, medals and badges. Please call Michael 250-652-9412 or email fenian@shaw.ca COLLECTOR SEEKING vintage/collectable cameras, binoculars and microscopes. Nikon, Leica, Contax, Rolleiflex, Zeiss, Canon, etc.Mike 250-383-6456 or e-mail: msymons6456@telus.net RUTH M.P HAIRSTYLING for Seniors in Greater Victoria. In the convenience of your own home! Certified Hairdresser. Call 250-893-7082. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD. Quiet, clean, 40’s male. Will trade chores for lower rent. Or house sitting. Call John 250-891-2489. FOOT CARE NURSE with years of experience offering in-home visits. “Nursing Your Feet to Better Health”. 250-592-4788. USING HYPNOSIS YOU CAN MANAGE: stress, pain relief, habit control. Tap into motivation and creativity. No-hands-on deep relaxation. Safe, comfortable, confidential. Judith Grey, Registered Clinical Counselling Hypnotherapist. 250-388-3925. WRITTEN A BOOK? Aldridge Street Editing can get your manuscript print-ready. Transcription - Editing - Cover Design - Book Layout. www.aldridgestreet.com Call 250-595-2376. COMPUTER BASICS IN YOUR HOME. Patient senior computer lady to show you e-mail, surfing. Hourly fee. Connect with your world. 250-516-5980. PIANO LESSONS FOR ALL AGES with a BC Registered Music Teacher. For more info contact jacinthelaramee@yahoo.ca 250-7512454, in Nanaimo.

A LOT OF JUNK WON’T FIT IN YOUR TRUNK. You’re in luck, I own a truck. Seniors discount. John 250-891-2489. HOME INSTEAD SENIOR CARE - Would you like a little assistance? Meal preparation, light housekeeping, laundry, shopping, appointments, or respite. We also hire seniors. Call 250-382-6565. UP TO $5000 PAID FOR OLD PRE-1970’S GUITARS by Fender, Gibson, Gretsch etc. Estate appraisals undertaken. 30 years experience. Call John Newman 250-537-9197. MUSIC LESSONS at the Peninsula Academy of Music Arts, 1662 Mills Road, North Saanich 778-426-1800. All instruments. Bring this ad for Seniors Discount. SCOOTER FOR SALE: Winner Battery Powered Scooter with Canopy. Large Model. Was $6000.00 New. $2000.00 and it’s yours. 250-758-9807. RENTAL AVAILABLE. Washington Co-op. Newly renovated corner 2 bd apt. $875.00 lease required. Adults only, no pets, secure parking. (250) 361-2009 PERSONALS VICTORIA MAN 67, NON SMOKER light drinker, interested in meeting a woman to share outings. Object long term relationship. 250-721-1593.


$30 for 20 words or less. $1.25 per extra word. BW only. Boxed Ad - Small (2.2 x 1.2) $110. Boxed Ad - Large (2.2 x 2.4) $210. Add BW Logo - $25. Red spot color 10% extra. Plus 5% GST. All Classified ads must be paid at time of booking. Cheque/Credit Card accepted. Ph. (250)479-4705 or toll-free 1-877-479-4705. Deadline: 15th of the month. Make cheque payable to: Senior Living, 153, 1581-H Hillside Ave.,Victoria BC V8T 2C1

Do you want to reach Mainland Customers? We offer a Resource Directory in our Mainland magazine. FEBRUARY 2010


Reflections THEN & NOW



went to my first drive-in movie on my bicycle. I was supposed to have a date, and the girl was excited when I suggested a drive-in movie! But when I arrived to pick her up on my bicycle, she glared at me and slammed the door in my face. Girls sure are hard to understand sometimes. That was one of those times. So, I went alone to my first drive-in movie. I don’t remember what movie was playing, but I do remember sitting on the mound where the speaker pole was grounded. I held the speaker in one hand and dug into my popcorn with the other. I remember some of the ditty that coaxed the 15 cents out of my pocket to buy the popcorn. “Let’s all go to the lobby. Let’s all go to the lobby. Let’s all go to the lobby and get ourselves a treat! The popcorn can’t be beat. The candy sure is sweet. Let’s all go to the lobby and get ourselves a treat!” A catchy little tune, it’s still with me after all these years. Of course, it wasn’t the most romantic time. Pressing a cold metal speaker to my ear while hugging a chilly steel post, staring at a distant screen next to a sprawling bicycle cannot really be

considered romantic. But it was exciting to watch a movie while sitting under the stars surrounded by steamy car windows! It couldn’t get much better than that – if you didn’t take into consideration not having a date – or a car. It was an adventure! Later on, of course, I would take a date to a drive-in movie with my buddy Dudly and his girl – in his car. But I have to admit it wasn’t always easy getting a date with a girl willing to hide in the trunk of Dudly’s car so we wouldn’t have to pay. I wasn’t cheap. I was just always broke. Some girls understood, but most gave up talking to me. I never understood – the trunk was clean and I was a fair conversationalist. What was their problem? To my knowledge, not many drivein movie theatres still exist. Of course, they weren’t really theatres – acres of steel posts in the great outdoors that looked like a graveyard in the daytime. Some of the ones I remember became a flea market on Saturdays and Sundays, where people bought what they thought were treasures. But the era of drive-in movies

“Reflections” MAIL-IN ORDER FORM Reflections, Rejections, and Other Breakfast Foods Name_____________________________________ by Gipp Forster A collection of Gipp’s humorous and nostalgic columns. A wonderful read for Reflections, ���������� yourself, and a and Other Breakfast Foods thoughtful gift for friends and family members. Limited Edition

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Photo: Krystle Wiseman


seemed adventurous to me. Not many people can equate them with their bicycles, but I can! These days, often in the summer when my wife and I are sitting on our patio staring up at a star-studded sky, I’m reminded of the nights at the drivein movies. A couple of times, I’ve been tempted to crawl into the trunk of a car to see if I could still do it. I’d probably throw something out of whack and get stuck in there. I don’t think I’ll try it – too much of a gamble! I tried putting a chair on the front lawn in the wee dark hours and staring at the television through the living room window, but it’s not the same. My wife, thoughtful and sympathetic, made me popcorn the one time I tried it. But she was charging a dollar a bag and not 15 cents, so I went without. For me, all that’s left of the drivein movie is the memories. But they are good memories, filled with foolishness, daring, adventure and romance – including a memory of the very first time I went with my bicycle as my date! Those were simpler times I like to think; a time without video games, cellphones, iPods, or $10 movies. A time when all things seemed new and some things were found under a canopy of stars; a time when you thought about today without too much thought of tomorrow; a time to be young. SL

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