The Time Is At Hand!: An Introduction To The Book Of Revelation - Desmond Ford DOWNLOAD HERE
For nearly 2,000 years, the book of Revelation has been viewed as the most difficult book in the Bible. The hundreds of commentaries in the Library of Congress testify that there is no unanimity about the meaning of the symbols of Revelation. And yet this is the only book in the Bible where a special blessing is pronounced on its readers. It's a book from Jesus Christ about himself, his gospel, the future, and what will happen to the saints at the end of time. Desmond Ford's Introduction to the Book of Revelation is the fruit of decades of study plus research at the University of Manchester under Professor F. F. Bruce. Ford off ers a much neglected key-this sacred book can only be unlocked by understanding the preceding 65 books of the Bible and, in particular, the life, teachings, and death of Jesus. The main message of Revelation is that the church is to repeat the experience of its Lord. After its final proclamation of the gospel, it will be condemned to martyrdom. And this climactic sin of the world will precipitate the return of Christ in glory.Author: Ford, Desmond Publisher: Illustration: N Language: ENG Title: The Time Is at Hand!: An Introduction to the Book of Revelation Pages: 00000 (Encrypted PDF) On Sale: 2010-01-20 SKU-13/ISBN: 9781450200042 Category: Religion : Biblical Studies - Prophecy
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