OTHER RESOURCES • Catalyst Miami
EJ Series
Miami Climate Alliance
FRIDA Fund - How Do Feminism and Climate Activism Connect? Video About Environmental Justice
Teen Vogue: 4 Activists Explain Why Climate Activism Needs Feminism
Harvard Study Links COVID19 to Air Pollution Exposure
First EJ Organization: WeAct
Green Action: Environmental Justice & Environmental Racism
DeJusticia: Feminism & Environmentalism
Climate Accountability Institute: Carbon Majors
Instagram: @CatalystMiami; @MiamiClimateAlliance; @Prii_Barbosa; @queerbrownvegan
GLOSSARY These terms are related to the EJ Movement, and you may encounter them in this zine or elsewhere: • Activism: action with the goal of bringing about social/political change • Climate Refugee: An person who is displaced by climate change due to famine, natural disasters, rising sea-levels, etc. • Economic Justice: The idea that the economy will be more successful if it is fairer. There should be a universal basic income, and income equality regardless of identities. • Environmentalism: pg. 9 • Environmental Justice (EJ): pg. 4 • Environmental Racism: pg. 7 • EPA: Environmental Protection Agency of the US government. • Executive Order 12898: Signed by President Clinton. Took Federal action to address environmental injustices in communities of color and low-income communities. • Feminism: The advocacy of women’s rights based on the equality of the sexes (and all people). • Frontline Community/EJ Community: Communities that are disproportionately impacted by environmental injustices. Tend to be communities of color and/or low-income communities. • Greenhouse Gas Emissions/Climate Change: CLICK HERE • Just Transition: A transition away from fossil fuels and toward renewable energy resources in a way that is just to vulnerable communities. • Robert Bullard, Ph.D: A Professor at Texas Southern University credited as being the “father” of Environmental Justice. MORE HERE • Social Justice: Justice in terms of the distribution of wealth, opportunities, and privileges within a society. • Toxic Wastes & Race: pg. 7 • Transportation Justice: pg. 16 • Warren Sit-In: pg. 6 • WeAct: The first official EJ organization in the US, started in 1988. It is located in New York.