Community impact report December 2012
Building a better Barberton, now and forever
The Barberton Community Foundation
From the Chairman As we approach a new year, we often find ourselves looking back and reflecting on experiences, for better or worse, of another year lived. This year I find myself profoundly grateful for the opportunity I have had to help bring many great changes to the face of Barberton as a Barberton Community Foundation Board member. As my final year on the Board approaches, I look back on my almost 10 years of service and see great landmark achievements: a community YMCA, a new middle school, providing much needed funding to vital organizations like the Barberton Health Clinic, Barberton Area Community Ministries, and many others. None of these successes would be possible without the partnership of community stakeholders and the support of Barberton residents. I am truly amazed at what the Foundation, with the support of all of you, has accomplished over just 15 years of existence. It will be quite a sight to see what this community will accomplish during my children’s and grandchildren’s
years here, as Barberton continues to pull together with the collective vision of moving forward. I have often said that I wish everyone could see Barberton through my eyes. I have had the distinct privilege of working behind the scenes with many great men and women as part of the Foundation Board of Directors. They all believe we live and work in one of the best cities anywhere and focus their time, energy and resources on improving the lives of all our residents. Being a part of such a dedicated group of civically minded individuals inspires and renews my own commitment to serve this great community. I invite all in our community get involved in our mission, to help do what you can to build a better Barberton, for us all and for generations to come, and to see Barberton through the eyes of one working to build, preserve, and invest in this unique and special place we call home. Dennis Liddle, Chairman of the Board of Directors
About the Barberton Community Foundation Established in 1996, the Barberton Community Foundation has awarded over 2,500 grants and scholarships totaling more than $78 million since its inception and invested over $12 million more to promote job creation, neighborhood improvements and educational opportunities within Barberton. The Foundation strives to improve, now and forever, the quality of life for Barberton residents by providing leadership on vital issues, fostering collaboration, and creating a legacy of giving to do good. The foundation strengthens the community for current and future generations by proactively directing its flexible grant dollars to the community’s greatest needs: economic development, social services, educational excellence, and community image. Board of Directors Dennis Liddle - C. Thomas Anders - Edna Boyle - Phil Canfora - Michael Chisnell - Mary Jo Goss - Thomas Gough - Thomas Harnden - William Judge Kim Karson - Lois Matney - Fred Maurer - Bruce May - Ryan Pendleton - Richard Wiley Staff Larry Lallo, Executive Director - Carl Bako, Director of Development and Community Services - Thomas Hastings, Chief Financial Officer - Laura Hoopes Ebie, Director for Advancement - Debby Rolland, Director of Community Impact - Mary Ann Shunko, Administrative Assistant Editor & Designer Laura Hoopes Ebie Photography by Laura Hoopes Ebie, Tom Bower Contact 460 W. Paige Ave. • Barberton, OH 44203 • (330) 745-5995 • • Connect with us on Facebook!
City of Barberton Project Impact: Phase II
Building [stronger and safer neighborhoods] In cities across the United States and unfortunately here in Barberton, an all too visible casualty of continuing economic challenges are vacant and abandoned properties. There is no question that even one vacant home impacts a neighborhood and many cities across the nation are struggling to navigate a solution. Through the city’s Project Impact program, now in Phase II, Barberton is taking action to improve our neighborhoods. Thanks to a combination of matching grant money from the state Attorney General’s Moving Ohio Forward program, a $250,000 grant from the Barberton Community Foundation, and delinquent tax collection money from the new Summit County land bank, the City of Barberton will have $1.3 million in resources to demolish almost 200 blighted homes throughout the city over the next year. “It is the first step to revitalizing our neighborhoods and moving Barberton in a positive and forward direction,” said Mayor Bill Judge at the first home demolition of Project Impact: Phase II. “The over $1.3 million we’ll use to tear vacant and abandoned homes down will not only remove blighted structures from our respectable neighborhoods, it will help reduce crime, reduce our housing density and dilapidated structures, which create health and safety issues, as well as restore property values of the surrounding neighbors.” The creation of new green spaces, places for families and children, as well as countless opportunities for redevelopment and attracting new homes and businesses will come from the actions Barberton is taking. The Barberton Community Foundation is glad to significantly contribute to this important and vital cause in our community.
Outstanding Organization & Outstanding Citizen of 2012
Building [a legacy of community giving and service] On November 8th, 2012 the Barberton Community Foundation held its 13th Annual Recognition Dinner to highlight the invaluable contributions of individuals and organizations to our city. By recognizing those in our community who give of their time and resources to create a better place to live, we hope to encourage others to follow the example set by these individuals and organizations. The recipients of these annual honors are individuals and organizations who have given unselfishly to the Barberton community through service and who have greatly improved the quality of life of the citizens of Barberton.
Barberton Sports Hall of Fame Honored as the 2012 Outstanding Organization, the Barberton Sports Hall of Fame has served this community since 1979, originally founded by Chuck Ebner. The idea was to honor and recognize a handful of Barberton athletes, coaches and volunteers. Mr. Ebner’s idea has grown to several hundred Hall of Fame inductees and provided thousands of dollars in scholarships and donations to local schools and charities. The Hall is much more than just a tribute to the big names we all recognize like Davis, Bodnar, Greynolds, Sharkey, Ricks, Naragon and Schembechler. It is a source of historical pride for a community that treasures decades of memories left by athletes, coaches, volunteers, and fans who made those memories possible. Current President Dave Cooper and numerous volunteers
are devoted to continuing the traditions of the Hall and honoring those who gave so much to our community. The Barberton Community Foundation is proud to honor this great organization.
Leon Ricks Honored as the 2012 Outstanding Citizen, Mr. Ricks has been a lifelong resident of Barberton. He graduated from BHS in 1954. After serving our country in the United States Air Force, he served as a reserve officer for the Barberton Police Department and worked for the Postal Service for 32 years. Art Bradnick appointed him Director of Public Safety and Leon served in that role until 2007. Barberton City Council passed a commendation honoring him in January 2008 for his 29 years of service to the City. Mr. Ricks has a long list of community and volunteer service. He was a charter member of the Barberton Community Foundation Board of Directors and has served on the boards of the Barberton Red Cross, the Barberton Public Library, United Way and the Summit County Health District. He is a past president and remains a member of the Kiwanis Club of Barberton (“Noon Kiwanis�), a member of the Barberton NAACP and is very active in his church. Beyond all of his professional and volunteer service, Mr. Ricks is never short on kind words. Run into him anywhere in town and you are a better person once the conversation is over. His sincerity and genuine concern for all are unmatched. The Foundation and the entire community of Barberton owe a great deal of gratitude to this true pillar of the community.
Barberton Community Foundation Website & Community Event Calendar
Building [a connected community]
A major undertaking of the Foundation this year has been the launch of a new website. There is so much good happening at the Foundation and throughout Barberton that we felt it was important to better share those stories with our community and the world. We also felt a responsibility to show the impact our efforts have on people’s lives, which is after all, the true measure of our success and the reason for the Foundation’s existence. Another goal of creating a new website was to find a way to connect us all as a community. We know that service and philanthropy begins with a connection—to a person, a cause, an organization, a set of values. With the addition of the new community events calendar, we hope to help you, as active community members, engage other local organizations and non-profits and make those important connections. In an effort to provide a one stop destination to find out about what is happening in Barberton, we gather events and activities from all around town. If you know of an event and would like it listed on the calendar, please contact us! The connections we make with organizations, causes, and people in our community can act as powerful catalysts for change. Our collective energy and sense of purpose of can truly move Barberton forward.
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City of Barberton Annual Mum Festival
Building [a beautiful place to live, work and enjoy] Over the past 22 years, Barberton residents and visitors from around the region have been treated to an ever-expanding and increasingly beautiful Mum Festival. Since 1991, when the idea to have this special event coincided with Barberton’s Centennial, the Mum Festival has grown to become one of the largest displays of mums in North America. This year visitors enjoyed 21 varieties of mum and over 20,000 individual planted mums. The Barberton Community Foundation is a proud sponsor of this very import annual community event. Events such as the Mum Festival are becoming increasingly popular in urban areas around the country and can have both direct and indirect benefits for our community. In addition to attracting visitors from around the region and even nationally, the Mum Festival offers opportunities for community service, volunteerism, and provides a sense of community well-being and quality of life. Vendors and local artisans are able to practice their craft and offer fine art for sale, sharing unique and beautiful works. The abundance of food, flowers, music, and crafts encourages locals and visitors to spend time in our community and has a great economic impact. One of the foundation’s goals is “to improve our community image both for residents and non-residents alike, creating a welcoming environment, and a renewed sense that Barberton is a great place to live, work and visit.” Events like the Mum Festival help to distinguish our community in the region and beyond, offering at once the beauty of nature, while encouraging community pride and involvement.
Quarterly Grant Awards • Beacon Journal Charity Fund, $10,000 helping qualified youth orthodontic cases (extreme) and families with the cost of treatment • Victim Assistance Program, Inc., $5,000 providing Barberton residents with an Advocate for one-on-one assistance navigating the legal system
Educational Excellence • Junior Achievement, $7,500 bringing Economics for Success Program to all Barberton Middle School 8th graders
Building [strength and capacity of local nonprofits]
The Board of Directors of the Barberton Community Foundation voted to award $61,000 in quarterly grants to eight local nonprofit organizations serving Barberton at the board meeting held November 15. Grants are assessed and recommended for approval based on their alignment, strength and impact in the focus areas defined by the Foundation’s Strategic Plan 2020. Among those receiving funding this quarter: Social Services • United Way of Summit County, $5,000 assisting those in financial need with utility bills throughout the year • Greenleaf Family Center, $2,000 for the Don’t Laugh at Me Program helping elementary school children understand the impact of bullying through a 12-week prevention program • Barberton Public Schools, $6,500 helping 3rd graders learn how to be safe and feel comfortable in the water • Barberton Area Community Ministries, $13,000 helping to purchase food pantry items serving the hungry in Barberton
• Barberton Public Schools, $12,000 for Schools Preparing for the Future Program providing classrooms with additional STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) modules Other awards made this month include two small grants, which were approved directly by the Foundation staff: • Barberton Parks and Recreation, $1,000 for the 2013 Winter Youth camp • United Way of Summit County, $1,000 for scholarships to Barberton residents who participate in the Neighbor Leadership Institute Program Grant support from the Barberton Community Foundation is available to nonprofit organizations requesting funds whose projects exclusively serve the citizens of Barberton. Grant applications in all focus areas are evaluated and awarded each quarter. Applications for the upcoming grant cycle are due January 2, 2013. Additionally, the Foundation’s Small Grant Program accepts applications monthly for grants up to $1,000, due the last Friday of every month.