© 2023 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Editorial assistance by Jennifer Hahn.
ISBN 978-1-63609-985-9
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You know that Bible study is vital to your spiritual well-being. . .
. . .but you also know how life interferes with your time in God’s Word. That’s why we created My Bible Study Tracker.
This handy journal is designed to focus your thoughts on a particular passage or topic in scripture, then gently walk you through a consistent, intentional study. You choose what you want to pursue in God’s Word, and My Bible Study Tracker encourages you first to consider the why: What is the purpose of your study?
Then, as you spend time in the scripture, you’ll be guided into the elements of inductive Bible study:
1) Observation: What does the text say?
2) Interpretation: What does the text mean?
3) Application: What does the text mean to you?
There’s a space for you to jot down a prayer with each study, and this journal will always encourage you to keep moving forward—even if you happen to miss a day (or a week) along the way.
God’s Word is living and active (Hebrews 4:12), and every minute spent in it will help your Christian life. My Bible Study Tracker is ready to guide you and cheer you on.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
Congratulations on starting a new study! Keep at it until you’re confident you know what God is saying to you.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
Study to show yourself approved to God, a workman who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
2 Timothy 2:15
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
If you want to dig into God’s Word, it might be overwhelming to know where to begin. If you don’t know where to start, consider one of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
These [Bereans] were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. Acts 17:11
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
There are many distractions that can divert our focus. Find a quiet place where you can study the Bible uninterrupted, even if just for a few minutes.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
“Search the scriptures. . . . And these are they that testify of Me.”
John 5:39
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
Feel like you need to read a verse or passage several times to understand it? Great! You can never overdo the reading of scripture.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
For the word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
Did you miss a day? Don’t sweat it! Just start up again as soon as you can.
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
“This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it, for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success.”
Joshua 1:8
Bible Passage or Topic:

Purpose of My Study:
Observations: What Does It Say?
Interpretations: What Does It Mean?
Applications: What Does It Mean to Me?

My Prayer:
Take advantage of a great opportunity: when studying the Bible, talk to the Author! Pray for help in studying His Word.