My Mix and Match Flip Book of Prayers

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DEAR GOD, today was a very good day!

Thank You for loving me in a great big, super special way.

Please bless Mommy and Daddy, I pray. Š 2020 by Barbour Publishing, Inc. ISBN 978-1-64352-262-3 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for commercial purposes, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without written permission of the publisher. Published by Shiloh Kidz, an imprint of Barbour Publishing, 1810 Barbour Drive, Uhrichsville, Ohio 44683,

I trust You hear

Our mission is to inspire the world with the life-changing message of the Bible.

every word I say. AMEN.

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Thank You for Your Word, the Bible, that is so true.

Please bless all little kids and big kids too.

I praise You! AMEN.

HELLO, GOD, I am so glad You hear me.

Thank You for my nose that smells and my eyes that see.

Please bless the people of the world who live across the deep blue sea.

Close to You, God, is where I always want to be! AMEN.

HELLO, GOD, I just want to say. . .

Thank You for the gift of a brand-new day!

Please bless people near and far away.

Your Word I promise to obey. AMEN.

HEAVENLY FATHER, knowing You love me is such a treat!

Thank You for good food to eat.

Please bless everyone I pass on the street.

Knowing You makes my life complete. AMEN.

GOD, I am so glad You sent the gift of Your Son.

Thank You that I can play and have fun.

Please bless my family— my cousins, aunts, and uncles. . .every one!

In my heart, God, You are always number One! AMEN.

Classic fun for kids— or family game night! Bible Story Match!

This exciting, “2-games-in-1” Bible memory match is based on Old Testament and New Testament Bible story favorites. Deck one features cards with art from stories including Noah’s Ark, Baby Moses, The Parting of the Red Sea, Strong Man Samson, Jonah and the Whale, and Queen Esther; while deck two includes Jesus Is Born, Fishers of Men, The Woman at the Well, Jesus Walks on Water, The Good Samaritan, The Empty Tomb, and many more! Fifty game cards in each deck, featuring colorful artwork from Barbour’s popular 365 Classic Bedtime Bible Stories, will delight kids of all ages.

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