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Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord— that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.

james 5:11 nkjv

Lord, I know what it is to endure sorrow, but when I look at Job and all his losses, one right after the other, I know my loss is small compared to what some have experienced.

But that doesn’t mean my pain is unimportant to You. No matter what I’m going through, if I hold fast to You, Your compassion and mercy fi nd me out. When I suffer and put my faith in Your promises, You always come through.

Thank You, Jesus, that no matter what I may go through, You are still in control of my life, and Your compassion becomes new each day.


The LORD is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and great in mercy.

psalm 145:8 nkjv When I am overwhelmed with grief, it’s easy to start questioning You, Lord. How could this happen? I wonder, and it doesn’t take long for me to start wondering about Your goodness.

I appreciate Your reminding me that though my circumstances have changed, Your eternal goodness cannot. You were good before this occurred, and You remain so throughout the ages. No matter how I’m feeling, Your graciousness, compassion, forgiveness, and mercy work in my life.

Turn aside the doubts that would separate us, Jesus. I want to be faithful to You, no matter how I feel today.


[God] redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.

psalm 103:4 Though I feel as if I’m at the bottom of a pit, I’m thankful I do not have to stay there, Lord. While sorrow touches my life for a time, You have not given up on me. Your redemption lies ahead, even when my life seems dark.

As I turn to You in all my pain, love and compassion appear new again. Where emotional death once reigned, Your life and joy return. Thank You, Jesus, for pulling me out of the pits of sin and sorrow. Because You gave me new life, I can move beyond the pain and into new joy. In prayer, I’m taking my fi rst step right now.


He has made His wonderful works to be remembered; the LORD is gracious and full of compassion.

psalm 111:4 nkjv It’s easy to get so caught up in my own troubles that I forget Your greatness, Lord. When sorrow fi lls my heart, the world becomes tiny if I focus on my own pain.

But You have given me so many wonderful things in the world to remind me of Your grace and compassion. Redirect my thoughts again, Jesus, as I am comforted by a child’s laugh or the encouragement of a friend. When others remember my loss with tenderness, let it remind me that You love all Your children, including me.

I know You have many more works to do in my life. Keep my eyes open for them as I cling to You now and forever.

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