An Employee Owned Company
Perfect Resources for Schools, Ministries, and Parents
Bible & Bible Reference Dive In! Kids’ Study Bible
The Comic Book Bible Rob Suggs
978-1-64352-292-0 $24.99 / Hardback 944 pages Want to know God better? Then learn to study His Word! The Dive In! Kids’ Study Bible will guide kids into a lifelong adventure of learning, through the easy-to-understand New Life™ Version text and 36 colorful inserts that explain the why’s and how’s of going deep into scripture.
978-1-60260-685-2 $5.99 / Paperback 264 pages The Comic Book Bible highlights stories from the entire Bible— Genesis through Revelation—with fun artwork and age-appropriate text. Perfect for ages 8 and up.
The Student Bible Dictionary —Expanded and Updated Edition Johnnie Godwin, Phyllis Godwin & Karen Dockrey
Discover the Bible Tracy M. Sumner
978-1-64352-220-3 $12.99 / Paperback 160 pages
978-1-63058-140-4 $9.99 / Paperback 304 pages
Just for 8-12year-olds, this book explains the most important book in human history. Find out what the Bible is, why God gave it to humanity, and how to read and enjoy the Bible for yourself.
Here’s an updated, newly designed edition of a popular Bible reference for students of all ages—especially teens who seek to learn more about the Bible and its times.
Books for Little Hearts My First Video Book: Who Built the Ark? Twin Sisters®
978-1-68322-838-7 $9.99 / Padded Hardcover / 12 pages Who Built The Ark? is a story, a silly song, AND a full-length animated video that tells the all-time favorite classic Bible story of Noah.
Classic Bedtime Bible Stories and Devotions for Kids Jesse Hurlbut, Daniel Partner, Alessia Girasole & Janice Thompson
978-1-64352-102-2 $12.99 Paperback / 256 pages
God’s Best for Me MariLee Parrish
My Mix and Match Flip Book of Prayers Kelly McIntosh
978-1-64352-203-6 $4.99 / Paperback 192 pages God’s Best for Me
overflows with 180 inspiring devotions that will remind kids (ages 8 and up) that God has only the very best in mind for them.
Good Night, God Twin Sisters®
978-1-68322-583-6 $4.99 / Picture Board Books / 8 pages Bedtime becomes the best part of a busy day as little ones are encouraged to talk with God in this delightful, rhyming prayer book.
365 Read-Aloud Bedtime Bible Stories Daniel Partner
978-1-55748-264-8 / $3.99 Paperback / 368 pages Parents and children will enjoy these Bible stories—one for every day of the year—and the one hundred-plus illustrations.
My Little Bible Storybook Twin Sisters®
978-1-64352-005-6 $9.99 / Picture Board Books 26 pages
978-1-64352-262-3 $9.99 / Picture Board Books / 16 pages
This fun, colorful board book will delight parents and kids alike, as they read through classic Bible stories.
Help little ones to delight in prayer with this fun “mix and match” flip book designed to cultivate big faith in their little hearts.
I Can Read the Easter Story Twin Sisters®
Bible Stories for Little Hearts Twin Sisters®
978-1-68322-836-3 $4.99 / Paperback/ 32 pages
978-1-68322-581-2 $9.99 / Padded Hardcover / 16 pages
This fun, interactive book will encourage children to read about Jesus’ Resurrection as they place stickers that help tell the important events of the Easter story.
Written especially for young children, these classic Old and New Testament Bible stories introduce little hearts to God’s Word in a fun and creative way.
Fully Illustrated in Color!
365 Classic Bedtime Bible Stories Jesse Hurlbut, Daniel Partner & Alessia Girasole
Noah Lives in the Ark oah was 600 years old when the rain started. Rain fell for forty days and forty nights. like windows in the sky were It rained opened. But the window in the ark was closed. Noah was inside and could not see out. safe One day Noah sent out a dove. The dove came back with an So Noah knew the earth was olive leaf. drying out at last. “Bring your family and all the animals out,” God called. Gladly the ark for over a year. Noah came out. He had lived in
978-1-63058-380-4 / $19.99 Hardback / 384 pages Parents and children alike will delight in this fullyillustrated storybook that brings 365 read-aloud classic Bible stories to life for impressionable young hearts.
Genesis 7:6–8:19
Jacob’s Dream at Bethel
Jacob’s Marriage
Genesis 27:41–28:19
A Genesis 6:1–7:5
fter Esau Noah lost his the blessing, he wanted to kill Jacob. Rebekah heard of this and said, “Jacob, Builds Ark hurry to your uncle Laban’s.” Jacob rushed away alone. All he carried was a walking stick. At Bethel he lay down
to sleep.
A long time passed after Cain stone was Jacob’s pillow. In a dream, he saw a ladder with angels on it. God blessed killed him, saying, Abel. land was full of people. God had made. The people were “I’m yourThe God. This land is yours looked at the world Thehe world will be blessed because wicked. God father’s said, “I am sorry I made theseand your children’s. of your family.” But God saw one good man people.” named Noah. He told Noah, “I am made. They will die with all When he woke up, Jacob going said, “Thistoplace wipeisout God’s It’sI the gate of heaven.” thehouse. people things on earth. Only you are living right. So you saved.” Then God told Noah and your family will be to build a huge boat called an ark. This ark was as big as building. “I am going to flood a three-story the earth with water,” God said. “All the people and all the animals will drown.” “Noah,” God went on, “bring two of every kind of animal into the ark. Gather food for for yourself. Then go into the them and ark with your family. In seven days I will send rain. The rain forty days. Everything I created will fall for will be wiped off the earth.” And Noah did all the things him to do. God told
Genesis 29:1–30:24
acob traveled to the city of Haran. There he found the same well where Eliezer met his mother, Rebekah. A young woman herded her sheep to the well for water. This was Rachel, the daughter of Jacob’s uncle Laban. Jacob was so happy to meet her that he wept. And he fell in love with Rachel there. Laban welcomed Jacob into his house. Soon Jacob told Laban, “I’ll work seven years to marry Rachel.” Laban replied, “Better that Rachel marry you than a stranger.” Seven years passed. It seemed like only days to Jacob because he loved Rachel so. The day of the wedding came. The bride wore a thick veil. But when Jacob lifted the veil, it wasn’t Rachel. Jacob had married Leah, Rachel’s older sister. Jacob didn’t love her. He’d been cheated because Laban wanted the older sister married first. Then Jacob worked seven more years for Laban. Finally, he married Rachel. In those times men often had two wives. Jacob lived with Laban twenty-one years. He had eleven sons there. Only one named Joseph was Rachel’s son. Jacob loved him best.
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Games, Activities & Puzzles! Scripture Memory 50-Count Game Cards Twin Sisters®
Bible Go Fish 50-Count Game Cards Twin Sisters®
Bible Snap 50-Count Game Cards Twin Sisters®
978-1-63058-792-5 / $3.99 / Cards
978-1-63058-794-9 / $3.99 / Cards
978-1-63058-793-2 / $3.99 / Cards
Bible Go Fish adds an inspirational twist to the classic card game. Each card in this delightful deck reminds children to be thankful for all of God’s blessings: family, sunny days, Jesus, and more!
Players try to win by collecting all of the cards and yelling SNAP! before everyone else. From the story of Creation to the teachings of Jesus, this inspirational game features beloved stories from the Bible.
Scripture is presented in a fun way as kids learn to commit God’s Word to heart. Designed for beginners as well as advanced Bible scholars, each flash card includes 2 levels: easy and hard. The fun doesn’t end there. . . A bonus free song download is included for “The Fruit of the Spirit”! 999 Super Silly, Awesomely Hilarious, Funny Bone-Tickling Jokes for Kids JoAnne Simmons
An Arkful of Animal Jokes—for Kids!
978-1-68322-561-4 / $4.99 Paperback / 224 pages
Perfect for 8–12-year-olds, this book features chapters on more than 30 kinds of animals, from alligators to chickens, monkeys to skunkies, and snails to zebras.
978-1-64352-251-7 / $4.99 Paperback / 224 pages
Compiled and edited by kids for kids, 999 Super Silly, Awesomely Hilarious, Funny Bone-Tickling Jokes for Kids promises hours of good, wholesome entertainment for the whole family!
Bible Story Match!
Bible Tic-Tac-Toe
978-1-64352-279-1 / $12.99
978-1-64352-319-4 / $12.99 / March 2020
Kids ages 3 and up will love this exciting “2-games-in-1” Bible memory match based on Old Testament and New Testament Bible story favorites. Fifty game cards in each deck!
Bible Tic-Tac-Toe is a fun, engaging twist on a classic game your kids will love! Each colorfully designed game board features art from popular Bible stories—complete with matching Bible character- and story-themed “X” and “O” game pieces!
Wild Words of Sport Tracy M. Sumner
Bible Bingo Twin Sisters®
978-1-64352-156-5 / $4.99 Paperback / 192 pages
978-1-63409-768-0 / $12.99 This fun, engaging Bible Bingo game encourages your entire family to memorize God’s Word. Biblical principles and truths are shared through pictures that correspond with scripture verses.
Enjoy the crazy words of athletics and gain insights for life from age-appropriate devotional thoughts based on the easy-to-understand New Life Version of the Bible.
Super Bible Puzzles for Boys
Scripture Memory Circle-a-Word Twin Sisters®
978-1-68322-988-9 / $4.99 / June 2019 Paperback / 192 pages
978-1-64352-006-3 / $4.99 Paperback / 48 pages
Boys 7–10 will love this collection of activities featuring dozens of word searches, crosswords, trivia questions, and more covering exciting stories like David and Goliath.
Kids will have fun memorizing scripture verses as they complete each Circle-A-Word puzzle! Each puzzle features one scripture memory verse, with every word of the verse found in the “circle-a-word” puzzle.
Also Available: Super Bible Puzzles for Girls 978-1-68322-989-6
Bible Hidden Picture Challenge Twin Sisters®
My First Bible Mazes and Puzzles Twin Sisters®
978-1-64352-007-0 / $4.99 Paperback / 48 pages
978-1-68322-837-0 / $4.99 Paperback / 48 pages
Bible Hidden Picture Challenge promises hours of fun as kids find cleverly hidden objects in Bible story illustrations from the Old and New Testaments!
My First Bible Mazes and Puzzles is packed with a variety of fun activities including mazes, word scrambles, crosswords, secret code challenges, and more!
PHONE: 330.260.4826
Chapter Books Kingdom Files: Who Is Jesus? Matt Koceich
Imagine. . .The Great Flood Matt Koceich
978-1-68322-626-0 / $4.99 Paperback / 96 pages
978-1-68322-129-6 / $5.99 Paperback / 112 pages
Just for kids ages 8 to 12, this biblically accurate biography series explores the lives of Bible people while drawing readers into a fascinating time and place.
An exciting, epic adventure series for kids ages 8 to 12 written by schoolteacher and missionary, Matt Koceich. The Imagine series brings the Bible to life for today’s kids as they ponder what it would be like to live through a monumental biblical event.
Also Available: Kingdom Files: Who Was Jonah? 978-1-68322-630-7 Kingdom Files: Who Was Esther? 978-1-68322-629-1 Kingdom Files: Who Was David? 978-1-68322-628-4 Kingdom Files: Who Was Daniel? 978-1-68322-627-7 Kingdom Files: Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus? 978-1-68322-631-4
Also Available: Imagine. . .The Ten Plagues 978-1-68322-380-1 Imagine. . .The Fall of Jericho 978-1-68322-714-4 Imagine. . .The Giant’s Fall 978-1-68322-944-5 Imagine. . .The Miracles of Jesus 9781643521558 Imagine. . .The Tower Rising 9781643524115
Prayer & Scripture Memory Maps g n i l l e Bestsr Maps! Praye S TA R
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..... ............ ............ ....... ............ ............ ............ ............ ... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ........... God, ............ ............ ............ Dear .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ........ ........... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ .... .... .... .... .... ........ ............ ............ ............ ............
. . Here’s what’s going on in my life.
ed S. . . f I ne d. . . r stuf u, Go ............ ........... Othe ...................................... ........God, th Yo ...................................... Dear ............ are wi ............ to sh ................................... ...................................... ............ ...................................... ........ .... ............ ......................................................................... ............ .......................................... .... .... ........ ......................................................................... ............ ...................................... .... .... .... .... ........ ......................................................................... ...................................... ............ ........ ............ ............ ........ ............ ............ ........ ............ ............ .... ............ . . ..................... thankful I’m .... en. ............ for. ........ .. My worries.Am d, ............ ......................... u, Go ...................................... k Yo ............ ........ yer s! Th an ............ ......................... ..................................... my pra ...................................... ari ng ............ ........ for he ............ ......................... ..................................... ...................................... ............ .... .... ............ ......................... ..................................... ...................................... ............
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People I am praying for. . .
..................................... .....................................
..................................... ........................................................................................ ..................................... ........................................................................................ ..................................... ........................................................................................ ..................................... ............ ...................................... ...................................... ........................................................................................ ........................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ...............................................................................................................
............................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................... .................................................................................................. My needs. . . ............................... ............................... ..............................
Other stuff I need to share with You, God. . .
.............................. .............................. ................................ ................................ .................................
The Prayer Map for Boys
The Prayer Map for Girls
The Prayer Map for Teens
978-1-68322-558-4 / $7.99 Spiral Bound / 176 pages
978-1-68322-559-1 / $7.99 Spiral Bound / 176 pages
978-1-68322-556-0 / $7.99 Spiral Bound / 176 pages
.................................. ................................... .................................... ..................................... ......................................
Thank You, God, for hearing my prayers!
“O Lord, hear the prayer of Your servant and the prayer of Your servants who are happy to fear Your name.” Nehemiah 1:11
Each page of these creative journals feature a fun 2-color design that guides kids and teens to write out thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a simple, yet specific “map” for them to follow as they talk to God.
The Scripture Memory Map for Girls
978-1-64352-086-5 / $7.99 Spiral Bound / 176 pages
These unique scripture memory journals are a fun and creative way for girls to hide the truths of God’s Word in their hearts.
The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls
978-1-64352-087-2 / $7.99 Spiral Bound / 176 pages
s l r i G s u o C o u ra g e
& Brave Boys!
100 Extraordinary Stories for Courageous Girls Jean Fischer
978-1-68322-748-9 $16.99 Hardback 208 pages
The Bible for Courageous Girls
978-1-64352-069-8 $24.99 DiCarta / 944 pages
A to Z Devotions for Courageous Girls Kelly McIntosh
978-1-64352-437-5 $14.99 / Aug 2020 Hardback 64 pages
Daily Devotions for Courageous Girls
978-1-64352-524-2 $9.99 / Sep 2020 Paperback 384 pages
How God Grows a Praying Girl
978-1-64352-320-0 $4.99 Paperback 192 pages
100 Adventurous Stories for Brave Boys Glenn Hascall
How God Grows a Courageous Girl
978-1-64352-157-2 $4.99 Paperback 192 pages
978-1-64352-356-9 $16.99 / April 2020 Hardback 208 pages
The Bible for Brave Boys
The Prayer Map® for Courageous Girls
978-1-64352-528-0 $24.99 / July 2020 DiCarta / 944 pages
978-1-64352-179-4 $7.99 / Jun 2020 Spiral Bound 176 pages
A to Z Devotions for Brave Boys Matt Koceich
Lunch Box Notes for Courageous Girls
978-1-64352-514-3 $7.99 / Aug 2020 Paperback 96 pages
978-1-64352-515-0 $14.99 / Aug 2020 Hardback 64 pages
Daily Devotions for Brave Boys
978-1-64352-525-9 $9.99 / Sep 2020 Paperback 384 pages
The Prayer Map® for Brave Boys
978-1-64352-443-6 $7.99 / Jun 2020 Spiral Bound 176 pages
Lunch Box Notes for Brave Boys
978-1-64352-513-6 $7.99 / Aug 2020 Paperback 96 pages
Cards of Kindness for Courageous Girls: Shareable Devotions and Inspiration
978-1-64352-101-5 $16.99 Hardback 208 pages
978-1-64352-164-0 $7.99 Paperback 96 pages
How to Be a Courageous Girl of God
978-1-64352-358-3 $12.99 Concealed Spiral 176 pages
978-1-64352-068-1 $12.99 Concealed Spiral 176 pages
978-1-64352-258-6 $4.99 Paperback 192 pages
100 Extraordinary Stories of Prayer for Courageous Girls Jean Fischer
How to Be a Praying Girl of God
How God Grows a Brave Boy
PHONE: 330.260.4826
She Believed
978-1-64352-273-9 $9.99 Hardback 32 pages Also Available She Prayed 978-1-64352-497-9
Popular Books for Teens! iAspire Teen Study Bible
978-1-64352-275-3 $24.99 Hardback / 944 pages Want to know God better? Then learn to study His Word! The iAspire Teen Study Bible will guide readers into a lifelong adventure of learning.
The Bible Promise Book® for Teens
978-1-68322-450-1 $5.99 Paperback / 288 pages Searching for real answers about life— helpful answers that you can really trust? The Bible Promise Book® for Teens offers 125 everyday topics with answers from contemporary Bible versions.
The Scripture Memory Map for Teen Girls
The Prayer Map for Teens
978-1-64352-087-2 $7.99 Spiral Bound 176 pages This unique scripture memory journal is a fun and creative way for girls to hide the truths of God’s Word in their hearts.
Daily Wisdom for Teens
978-1-68322-735-9 / $15.99 DiCarta / 384 pages Start your day off right—every day of the year—with Daily Wisdom for Teens, and spend time in the loving presence of your heavenly Creator.
3-Minute Prayers for Guys
3-Minute Devotions for Guys
978-1-64352-187-9 $4.99 Paperback 192 pages
978-1-63058-857-1 $4.99 Paperback 192 pages
This devotional prayer title packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for teen boys. Each of these 180 prayers, written specifically for guys, meets them right where they are, and offers a relevant scripture and question for further thought, too.
You’ll find just the wisdom and encouragement guys need in 3-Minute Devotions for Guys. This practical devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes
Each page of this creative journal features an engaging 2-color design that guides teens to write out specific thoughts, ideas, and lists. . .which then creates a simple, yet specific “map” for them to follow as they talk to God.
The Guy’s Guide to Four Battles Every Young Man Must Face Jonathan McKee
The Guy’s Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket Jonathan McKee
978-1-68322-949-0 $12.99 Paperback / 192 pages
978-1-62416-990-8 $12.99 Paperback / 224 pages
With humor and honesty, McKee offers up practical, spiritual advice, plus a truth-filled arsenal of weapons to help reader fight the good fight against four common battles every young man will face: sexual temptation, controlled substances, screens, and self-esteem.
The Guy’s Guide will encourage reader’s faith, challenge them spiritually, and give them real-life advice how to live out their faith in today’s highly secularized culture.
978-1-64352-253-1 $5.99 Paperback / 192 pages This practical and inspirational guide will give readers new ways to approach prayer with 90 focused, 5-minute plans for their daily quiet time.
Prayers and Promises for the Graduate
Your Sleep Will Be Sweet (Teen Girls)
978-1-64352-301-9 $5.99 Paperback / 224 pages
978-1-64352-234-0 $9.99 Hardback / 208 pages
For high school or college. . . Prayers and Promises for the Graduate is the perfect gift, saying “I care” every time the graduate picks it up.
Two hundred devotions will comfort and refresh teen’s tired spirit as she unwinds at the end of her busy day. She’ll relax as she spends much-needed quiet time with God.
3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls
The Devoted Life
978-1-63058-856-4 $4.99 Paperback 92 pages
978-1-68322-687-1 / $14.99 DiCarta / 208 pages
Readers find just the wisdom and encouragement they need in 3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls. This practical devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into 3 short minutes. Also Available: 3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls Journal 978-1-68322-937-7 Choose Kindness: 3-Minute Devotions for Teen Girls 978-1-64352-188-6
Also Available: 3-Minute Prayers for Teen Girls 978-1-64352-055-1
978-1-68322-556-0 $7.99 Spiral Bound 176 pages
The 5-Minute Prayer Plan for Teen Girls
The Smart Girl’s Guide to God, Guys, and the Galaxy Susie Shellenberger & Kristin Weber
978-1-62416-760-7 $12.99 Paperback / 224 pages The Smart Girl’s Guide melds spiritual and practical advice with humor, equipping readers to stand up for their faith and really live the Christian walk every day.
Marjorie Jackson
This guided creative journal offers inspiration and encouragement for living your life fully devoted to Christ. Whether it’s through creativity, meditating on scripture, prayer, or writing, you’ll experience a time of life-giving fun, faith-strengthening encouragement, and God-glorifying growth.
The Bullying Breakthrough Jonathan McKee
978-1-68322-688-8 $12.99 Paperback / 192 pages Th i s sobering glimpse into the rapidly changing world of the bullied provides helpful ways to connect with kids and so much more! Parents, youth workers, anyone who interacts with kids. . .they need this book!
Journals BE the CHANGE JoAnne Simmons
Colors of Prayer: An Interactive Devotional Journal for Kids
978-1-64352-105-3 $14.99 Paperback / 224 pages Colors of Prayer is a creative prayer journal for kids featuring 7 sections of journaling space—each assigned to a specific color of the rainbow. Kids can quickly and easily locate a topic of interest, read a faith-building, devotional-like introduction, and then begin to journal their own thoughts and prayers.
Featuring 201 numbered people, places, and things that a child can pray about (that God also cares about!) alongside page after page of kid-friendly, yet thought-provoking, journal prompts Also Available! 201 Things to Pray About (girls) 978-1-64352-318-7
This delightful Just for kids, ages prayer journal for 7 and up, this spirkids (ages 8 to 12) itually impactful journal will help to encourages them to pray big and pray guide boys and girls on a path to pro- bold. . .AND in patient expectation mote more kindness, love, hope, and that God will answer. change in the world.
978-1-68322-884-4 $7.99 Paperback 192 pages Christian parents encourage their kids to be more like Jesus in their words, thoughts, and actions. . .and this delightful devotional will introduce kids to the wonderful qualities of Jesus that are worth imitating.
Daily Wisdom for Girls
Power Prayers for Boys
978-1-68322-745-8 $14.99 Paperback 384 pages
978-1-64352-263-0 $4.99 Paperback / 224 pages
Inspiring devotions for every day of the year, written specifically for a girl’s heart and mind.
This fun, interactive journal for kids will help them grow in their faith. Bible-related reading, praying, writing, drawing, and doing activities will keep kids, ages 6 and up, engaged for hours!
Also Available! Power Prayers for Girls 978-1-64352-261-6
The Bible Promise Book® for Bad Days Jean Fischer
978-1-68322-713-7 $7.99 Paperback 192 pages
978-1-68322-843-1 $4.99 Paperback / 192 pages Whether they’ve experienced a hard day because they got a bad grade on a test. . .or they got in a fight with their very best friend. . .or they got in trouble from Mom or Dad for making a bad decision. . .this little book will remind kids that tomorrow is a new day and that their heavenly Father loves them—no matter what!
978-1-64352-016-2 $4.99 Paperback / 192 pages This fantastic prayer book for kids ages 8 to 12 will put the amazing power of prayer into perspective as they pray for their friends, their families, their neighborhoods, their schools, their cities, their country, and beyond.
When Jesus Speaks to a Girl’s Heart Janice Thompson
978-1-64352-079-7 $16.99 DiCarta / 384 pages Equip girls to stand firm in their faith and live God’s way with the inspiring daily devotional, Be the Sparkle—just the right amount of encouragement and biblically based wisdom for life.
180 Prayers to Change the World (for Kids) Janice Thompson
Power Prayers for Boys offers solid biblical reasons to talk to God and specific prayer starters for 21 key areas of life.
Be the Sparkle
The Superheroes Devotional for Kids Ed Strauss
The Superheroes Devotional for Kids features 60 interesting, challenging, and encouraging readings for boys and girls ages 8 to 12 that include spiritual lessons relating superheroes to the heroes of the Bible with themes like faith, hope, courage, pride, and power.
978-1-68322-865-3 $12.99 Paperback / 192 pages
Devotional & Inspirational
Also Available! Daily Wisdom for Boys 978-1-68322-744-1
Be Like Jesus MariLee Parrish
978-1-68322-998-8 $12.99 Spiral Bound 176 pages
978-1-64352-107-7 $9.99 Concealed Spiral 192 pages
201 Things to Pray About
978-1-64352-317-0 $12.99 Paperback / 208 pages
Read It! Pray It! Write It! Draw It! Do It! Jean Fischer
PRAY BIG! JoAnne Simmons
Your Sleep Will Be Sweet (Girls) Emily Biggers
978-1-64352-230-2 $9.99 Hardback 208 pages
978-1-68322-238-5 $5.99 Paperback / 224 pages This delightfully designed devotional— just for girls—will inspire and encourage them in their daily faith walk.
Two hundred devotions will comfort and refresh a girl’s sleepy spirit as she unwinds at the end of her busy day. She’ll relax as she spends much-needed quiet time with God.
Words of Jesus Emily Biggers
What God’s Word Says about Bullying Janice Thompson
978-1-64352-362-0 $7.99 / April 2020 Paperback / 192 pages From His teaching and preaching to Jesus’ miracles and parables, kids will read the lifechanging, memorable words of Christ alongside a relevant devotion guaranteed to motivate and challenge them to grow in their faith.
978-1-64352-399-6 $4.99 / April 2020 Paperback / 192 pages Bullying stinks. God cares. The Bible helps. Here’s a nice little book on a big, bad problem, with devotions, verses, and prayers to guide kids through the storm.
More Books on the Back
PHONE: 330.260.4826
3-Minute Devotionals 3-Minute Devotions for Mommy and Me Stacey Thureen
3-Minute Bedtime Prayers for Little Hearts Jean Fischer
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Written especially for girls, this devotional packs a powerful dose of comfort, encouragement, and inspiration into just-right-sized readings for young hearts.
Even active boys can make three minutes for God’s Word—especially when it’s presented in a fun, appealing package like 3-Minute Devotions for Boys.
Also Available: 3-Minute Devotions for Girls 978-1-62836-638-9
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978-1-68322-999-5 / $4.99 Paperback / 192 pages
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This prayer devotional packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for boys ages 8 to 12.
This devotional prayer book packs a powerful dose of inspiration into just-right-sized readings for the girls in your life.
Choose Kindness: 3-Minute Devotional Inspiration for Kids JoAnne Simmons
God Hearts Me: 3-Minute Devotions for Girls on the Go! MariLee Parrish
978-1-64352-180-0 / $4.99 Paperback / 192 pages
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You’ll love this delightful devotional that encourages the kids in your life, ages 8 and up, to take a few moments of their day to quiet their spirits, think on God’s amazing love for them, and to choose kindness in their thoughts, words, and actions.
Girls will be encouraged to take a few moments of their day to quiet their spirit, think on God’s amazing love for them, and make a meaningful connection with their heavenly Father.
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