1 minute read
1. Which tool is already being used in Dubai and will be available for the ontrade industry soon?
2. Which new flavour did GOLDBERG launch in March 2023?
3. Where is top bartender Serkar Barzani based in Germany?
4. What is the name of the favourite tequila drink that can be mixed with GOLDBERG Pink Grapefruit?
5. In which city is GOLDBERG the top filler on the Hard Rock Cafe's drinks menu?
Take the chance and try to solve our riddle. You got the solution? Send us a photo of the solution on our GOLDBERG Instagram channel and 5 lucky GOLDBERG fans will receive 10 cases of their favourite GOLDBERG flavour!
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Editor Vanessa Schorde
Sabrina Ramchen
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Chinaski 2. Luna Bar 3. Roomers Bar 4. Gekkos Bar 5. Naïv 6. Plank Cafe-Bar-Studio 7. Logenhaus Nacht- und Gartensalon 8. Normalkneipe 9. Jazzkeller 10. Seven Swans 4 THE GOLDBERG TIMES / ISSUE 02 / JULY 23 GOLDBERG & SONS CUBA LIBRE GOLDBERG & SONS PINK FLAMINGO GOLDBERG & SONS APEROL PALOMA GOLDBERG & SONS WILD BERRY MOJITO TWIST