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In October 2017, at the closing ceremony of the Get Engaged Conference, which was hosted at Bard College Berlin, participants were asked to come up with ideas on how to stay connected post-conference and share what they learned with other students in their home institutions. That was when a group of students from the Get Engaged Conference came up with the idea of the Global Engagement Fellows Program
Global Engagement Fellows started by scheduling office hours to discuss civic engagement with students at their home institutions They served as a bridge, connecting students with a broader network of other young leaders across the globe. Currently, our Global Engagement Fellows promote and coordinate thematic civic engagement projects across the Open Society University Network (OSUN) on a daily, weekly and monthly basis Selected fellows have developed and sustained a civic engagement project and demonstrated leadership skills, as well as a desire and aptitude for working with others.
With the mission of helping young leaders improve their civic engagement activities at the institutional, national, regional, and international level, the Global Fellows Program aspires to spread knowledge and share success stories of young leaders to foster civic engagement movements – not just in their home institutions, but worldwide. The Global Engagement Fellows Annual Magazine gives students the opportunity to promote their projects and share them with students across the network.
In the second issue of The Global Engagement Fellows Annual Magazine, you will learn more about civic engagement through the lenses of experts, successful projects by young leaders, the direction of institutional administrators on student engagement, and support from OSUN for project leaders. You will also learn about our fellows’ other activities, such as their office hours, stories they have shared with us from other students in their campuses, Global Fellows Monthly Civic Engagement workshops, leadership during crisis, the Get Engaged conference and more
We hope you enjoy each page of this publication and come back for more.
Yours sincerely,
Zarlasht Sarmast
Global Engagement Fellows Program Coordinator