Dhupuma Yearbook 2023/24

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2023/24 Year Book

Dhuŋgarra Dhupumabuy djorra AOC

Buku-wurrpan dhiyaŋu Barkerŋu wäŋaŋuru Yolŋunha Gunyaŋaralili,

ŋunhi walala ŋaḏup’thun walalaŋgala wäŋalili gä buku-wurrpan ŋalapaḻmirrinha.

Ŋathili marrtjina (ganan ŋilimurrunha) dhiyaŋuwala ŋilimurruŋgu ḏilak gä yuṯa ḏilak.

Dhiyaŋa walala yakurra mulka-rom-manikay-dhäwu dhuwala ŋilimurru marŋgithirri yukurra. Buku-wurrpan ŋilimurru ŋunhi walala yakurra dhambay manapan gä ŋoy ŋaḏup’thun dhiyaku djamarrkuḻi’wu, dhuwala Dhupuma Barkerŋura, marr walala yurru nhina gä marŋguthirri marrma’wu romgu-Yolŋu-Ŋäpaki.

Märr ŋilimurru waŋgama waŋganykurru dhukarrkurru dhiyala wäŋaŋura gä wukurriŋura Dhupuma Barkerŋura.

The Barker community acknowledges the Yolŋu peoples of Gunyaŋara for welcoming us to their land and pay our deepest respect to the Elders past, present and future, for they hold the traditions, song lines, stories and culture, from which we all learn. We acknowledge our connection and commitment to honour the djamarrkuli of Dhupuma

Message from the Head of Barker College

Namirri bukmak,

As we near the end of 2024 there is much to celebrate, and the memories captured in these pages serve us well to remind us of all that has been achieved at Dhupuma Barker.

This year will be remembered as one that marked incredible growth for the school, in every way possible. With the addition of the Families as First Teachers to the Dhupuma Barker model, and extension to the Middle Years, we now serve to educate children from birth to 16 years. This has been quite a leap, adding teaching staff, Yolŋu co-teachers and more classroom spaces to our current site. There are now nearly 20 children registered to join the FaFT program, and we watch their development with joy, for soon they will be joining the Transition class. Much of this success is driven by the families who join the program with their little ones, embracing the play-to-learn opportunities and joining the fun activities.

At the other end of the spectrum was the addition of the Marayarr class, providing a step-up to the older students, and allowing them to mature into the school leaders. With a strong focus on class routine, literacy and numeracy, with key learning experiences On-Country, the class numbers are swelling, and attendance is exceptional. The Marayarr students are to be commended for their commitment to learning and the example they set for younger students.

Our original classes, Midawarr and Djambatj have excelled. Their days are full, and I am so thrilled when I see the work they are doing in class and how their On-Country learning is reflected in writing recounts, artworks and projects.

The start of the year saw a changing of the guard, with Mr Mitchell O’Brien, his wife Andrea and their three boys, Harrison, Lewis and Cooper, moving from the Central Coast of NSW to Gunyangara to immerse themselves in community and Dhupuma Barker.

We are so grateful to the families, especially the djamarrkuli, for welcoming them so wholeheartedly.

As with student numbers growing, our staff numbers are swelling to meet the needs of the additional classes, and I thank Mitch, Lori, Sarah, Allyson and Meg for their tireless work to bring learning to life at Dhupuma Barker. This is only achieved with the tireless support of the Yolŋu co-teachers who share their knowledge and wisdom for the benefit of all. Janet, David, Lizzie, Tanya, Wakara, Valerie, Caroline, Cedric, Jerisha and Charlene are the heart and soul of the school, and we are blessed to have them leading the Dhupuma Barker journey with us.

We will farewell Mrs Lori Cross at the end of this year, as she relocates to Queensland for her longedfor retirement. Lori has been with Dhupuma Barker for over three years and her love and care for the Midawarr class and all students has been exemplary. She will be missed by all, but she goes knowing that she is always welcome at Dhupuma.

It is thrilling that we now see construction underway on the new site. The new and expanded facilities are absolutely necessary as our student numbers grow, and we watch eagerly as the much needed facilities take shape. We are hopeful that we can relocate to the new school premises in Term 3 2025, for Dhupuma Barker to continue to flourish.

This is such an exciting time in Gunyangara. So much is achieved when Yolŋu educators, teachers, parents, community and of course the djamarrkuli work together towards inspired learning.

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds”

Hebrews 10:24

Phillip Heath AM Head of Barker College Ganbulapula

Congratulations to all of our wonderful staff and families for your support throughout 2024. Dhupuma Barker continues to go from strength to strength and we are so proud of all that has been achieved over the last 12 months.

Particularly impressive is the growth in the enrolment numbers across all classes. FaFT has been strong this year and we thank Miss Ally for her engagement with families and building the enrolment numbers. We also recognise Jerisha and Charlene for their support throughout the year.

Midawarr class has also been a hive of activity with lots of djamarrkuli coming to school consistently. They are leading the way with their attendance rates and their growth and development in all areas is testament to their engagement in learning. Miss Lori has been a rock for the class and has been well supported by Miss Meg, Tanya and Valerie.

This year we welcomed Mr Mitch to Dhupuma and Djambatj class. He has been well supported by co-teachers Caroline, Janet and Lizzie. He has settled in well and the children are strongly continuing their improvement under his guidance.

It has been wonderful to see the Marayarr class grow throughout the year under the guidance of Miss Sarah, David, Cedric and Wakara.

We have benefited this year from the administration support of Miss Andrea, working closely with teachers and community to help the day to day operation of the school. With Miss Annelise back in Sydney, these two have been a tremendous support to the Dhupuma School and their work is greatly valued.

Connection with community groups like Miwatj, Flinders University,

Nhulunbuy Christian School, the Yutjuwala Djiwarr Aged Care centre, Indigenous Outreach Programs, Nhulunbuy Swimming Pool all play a part in providing the djamarrkuli with rich experiences to build their knowledge, skills and understanding.

We continue to supplement programs with visits from staff from Hornsby including JS Chaplain – Rev Brown, Robotics, Music, Basketball and Learning Support. The connection across our campuses and some 4000km is so important. The trip to Hornsby in December for children in Marayarr will provide further beneficial experiences to connect the children with the Hornsby campus.

We love our visits to community and the school. Supporting the wonderful work of the teachers, co-teachers and interacting with the djamarrkuli and community members is a privilege, and we learn so much each time we visit.

Miss Lori finishes her time at Dhupuma Barker this year after three and a half wonderful years. She is a wonderful caring teacher and the children have benefitted from her work. We thank her for her commitment and service to the community. We know that she will be greatly missed at Dhupuma Barker and more broadly in Gunyangara.

It is exciting to see the building development for our new school. Progress since the middle of the year has been encouraging and we are looking forward to its completion around the middle of 2025.

2024 Students

FaFT Class

Kalani Gurruwiwi

Kenric Wirrpanda

Le Bron Yunupiŋu

Johnathon Marika

Fiona Yunupiŋu

Heavannah Pascoe

Celeste Maymuru

Leanna Yunupiŋu

Zyan Yunupiŋu

William Yunupiŋu

Seraphina Schebeck

Tynesha Dhamarrandji

Levi Wunungmurra

Gregory James Yunupiŋu

Jeriah Small

Damien Maymuru

Kenai Wanyubi

Javiah Small

Janiah Gurruwiwi

Emma Gurruwiwi

Johnny Burarrwanga

Lisa-Marie Marika

Kaylisha Marika

Taylah Gurruwiwi

Zeriya Dhamarrandji

Ava Yunupiŋu

Caleb Yunupiŋu

Zamahl Marika

2024 Students

Midawarr Class


Jovhan Burarrwanga Bunuwarra

Tyrese Dhamarrandji Bonbatjiwuy

Adela Ganambarr Gaŋarr

Naomi Wanambi Ŋalawurr

Johnson Yunupiŋu Minybunala

Lilani Gurruwiwi Garramu

Marlena Yunupiŋu Dhanaya

Messiah Yunupiŋu Lip

Zalia Yunupiŋu Barrumbuwa

Zara Yunupiŋu Murrupu

Year 1

Violet Ganambarr Bowunima

Isiah Gurruwiwi Bilirri

Kelvin Gumana Begul

Eli Marawili Mukurala

Jasmine Dakis Yunupingu Lälarrk

Dominico Yunupiŋu Djambalmurru

Nicky Yunupiŋu Dharnmirrwuy

Kymani Yunupiŋu Djarrdjundjun

Lorraine Marika Wanillima

Tyrell Gurruwiwi Gurruwurru

Year 2

Cordelle Angeles Darrkamawuy

Jayden Ganambarr Mana

Angie Gumana Wanumatji

Jamien Gurruwiwi Birrirri

Marlisha Yunupiŋu Daylulu

Ruth Dhurrkay

Tiani Webb Djirrmilyun

2024 Students

Djambatj Class

Year 3

Elvira Gurruwiwi Bonba

Zion Yunupiŋu Bunuŋu

Alana Yunupiŋu Dukupitj

Telsey Yunupiŋu Gumbadika

Year 4

Bella Baxter Ganibirrki

Veronica Gurriwiwi Dhamburraŋiny

Redrick Marika Maŋarrina

Anton Yunupiŋu Dhaŋala

Brayden Yunupiŋu Murphy Yunupiŋu Dhayirra

Alicia Gurruwiwi Garrimala

Jamal Yunupiŋu Burratha

Kelsey Yunupiŋu Markala

Year 5

Davina Ganambarr Gurrmanda

Mya Gurruwiwi Naykalan

Queenie Guyula Dhuwalkitjpuy

Nikita Yunupiŋu Munumbilil

Limaia Gumana

Talitha Wirrpanda Gurala

Leah Dhurrkay

2024 Students

Marayarr Class

Year 6

Cyrus Angeles

Milan Djarrmiŋu

Justin Gurruwiwi Wirrpangu

Andrew Thorne

Rarneena Warinyina

Grant Yunupiŋu Yarrayarra

Sean Yunupiŋu Gadany

Year 7

Kerisha Darcy Gitjaki

Jasmine Yunupiŋu Gurrumiya

Year 8

Nikesha Munungurr

Tanika Yunupiŋu Bayalaŋa

Year 9

Amanda Yunupiŋu Minhdurru


Djambatj Class Teacher Bawara

Marayarr Class Co-Teacher Lalambarri

Co-Teacher Milminyina

Midawarr Class Teacher Bayini

Janet Gurruwiwi Djambatj Class Co-Teacher Watj Watj



Elizabeth Roe Djambatj Class Co-Teacher Gawuki

Midawarr Class Co-Teacher Buwakurru


Lori Cross
Meg Kent-Spark Midawarr Class / Relief Teacher Ropu
Sarah Adams Marayarr Class Teacher
Valerie Dhamarrandji
Caroline Dhamarrandji Co-Teacher
Tanya Yunupiŋu
Jerisha Burarrwanga FaFT Family Liaison Officer Ganyawu
Wakara Gondarra Co-Teacher
David Yunupiŋu
Allyson Billot FaFT Early Childhood Educator Murriyil
Charlene Yunupiŋu FaFT Family Liaison Officer Garrinygurru
Andrea O’Brien FaFT Operations Coordinator Gunawu
Cedric Marika Co-Teacher

Student Reflections

This year I have loved going On-Country, going hunting and learning raypirri (cultural discipline). We have been learning our sounds and practicing writing. I am manymak at my maths and counting. I also love playing with my friends and drawing shapes.


This year I have loved counting, measuring and doing maths. I like playing with Lego and doing drawings and paintings. At lunchtime I play basketball and everyday after lunch we learn to read books.


At school, I like learning maths and winning in spelling match! I like going out On-Country, playing sport and swimming at the pool. Before school I draw and practice my reading. My favourite things this year have been Hip Hop, Garma and Flinders. I love hunting too and finding bush medicine.


I like to come to school so I can learn all day so I can be smart and strong and healthy. At school you can think about everything, then you can have work then you can have a house. You know what you can do.


In the mornings I love playing spot in the Midawarr classroom. At lunchtimes I play basketball with my friends. On Fridays we go to the oval and play games and then go to the pool to cool off.


The best thing about school is On-Country, looking for guku (wild honey) and going fishing at Barn. I love blue bone fish. It’s manymak (good) playing football at the oval, sharing the football with other kids. I like getting my work right when I am using the iPad and Mathletics. Raypirri (cultural discipline) is important to stop teasing and be kind.


I like playing with magnets, Lego and counting at school. My favourite thing to do at school is read books and play with kids at lunchtime. Sometimes we draw and paint pictures. The best part about this year is going to the oval for football and going to the swimming pool!


Student Reflections


Marayarr Class Camp

This is the first camp for our middle schoolers. It was to the homelands and a fantastic opportunity for our class to enjoy wholesome activities On-Country.

Thank you to King Stingray for the tunes.


Indigenous Outreach Projects Hip Hop at Dhupuma Barker

Dhupuma Barker students continue to strive for excellence. Recently, a proud group of children, staff, and community members participated in something special during the final weeks of Term 2, 2024.

Indigenous Outreach Projects (IOP)

Hip Hop is a collective of culturally diverse individuals who inspire and empower communities through dance and music. Michael and his team visited the community, reconnecting with friends they had made during previous visits to Gunyangara. Early morning games energised the creative students, allowing them to connect with new friends and move freely.

Students brainstormed themes that are meaningful to them and their lives in North East Arnhem Land, focusing on their passions, strengths, and community challenges. The following days involved recording these concepts into singing and rap verses and filming a video clip in the beautiful setting of Gunyangara (Ski Beach).

The motto of IOP Hip Hop is “No Shame, Be Proud, Respect.” Daily confidence circles provided a safe space for students to express themselves without judgment. Students, either individually or in small groups, performed freestyle dance moves in the circle, creating an electric atmosphere. Any anxiety about creative expression quickly disappeared, with positive results evident in the classroom and community. No shame.

Dhupuma Barker students also shone at the Midawarr Festival, an event celebrating the vibrant local community and connecting local disability and aged care services. The students stole the show, with attendees from all backgrounds, including friends from Yutjuwala Djiwarr Aged Care, joining in the dancing. Be proud.

The week concluded with a dance party on the Gunyangara Community Basketball Courts. Students performed a routine practised earlier with visitors from Nhulunbuy Christian College, who joined the fun at Ski Beach.

Do yourself a favour and scan the QR code to see what these amazing students and the IOP Hip Hop crew achieved in a week of workshops. Keep an eye out for the talented Cedric Marika, one of the Co-Teachers at Dhupuma Barker. Respect.

Sarah Adams

Dhupuma Barker Teacher

Developing a Meaningful Relationship

Dhupuma Barker School has developed a beautiful and meaningful relationship with the Aged Care residents of Yutjuwala Djiwarr.

The students have been involved in various activities such as designing artwork for the metal grille fencing for the facility, sporting events, dancing and regular morning teas.

This beautiful connection is beneficial to the wellbeing of the residents and creates a sense of community between different generations enriching the lives of everyone involved.

Harmony Day was a highlight for everyone. The elders and students painted a banner together and it was wonderful to see everyone express themselves creatively. Daisy's choice to paint her spirit animal, the Myapunu (turtle), reflects a deep connection to her culture and traditions. She took pride in sharing this with her grandson Justin, marking their artwork with their names and the date. These artwork activities nurture intergenerational connections and inspire the sharing of stories, traditions, and personal experiences. It really was a memorable, ‘fill up your bucket’ kind of day for everyone involved -

Dhupuma Barker students and Yutjuwala Djiwarr. Aged Care residents partnered with Rio Tinto on a tree planting expedition. Planting trees was a great, handson activity for all participants to connect with Country and each other. We really enjoy these connections as they have positive effects on the environment but also strengthen bonds within the community. We love seeing the power of teamwork and shared goals in making a difference in both local ecosystems and people's lives.

It's brilliant to nurture intergenerational connections and celebrate through shared experiences like tree planting, art sessions, and even hip hop dance workshops. This partnership demonstrates the importance of community engagement and the positive impact it can have on individuals of all ages. We always look forward to our visits and we have many more morning teas planned.


Energy, Eagerness and Enthusiasm Mark the Start of a New School Year

There was much excitement as the doors of Dhupuma Barker reopened on 15 January for the start of the 2024 school year.

Northern Territory schools opened 30 January, but there was so much eagerness for students to get back to class, it was decided to start earlier and get busy.

The students, affectionately known as djamarrkuli, returned with a remarkable eagerness for learning, reflecting the deep regard and esteem held by the Gunyangara community. This is a testament to the exceptional groundwork laid by our founding teachers, Tom Spencer and Lori Cross.

There have been some exciting changes for Dhupuma Barker, including new teacher Mitchell O’Brien and his family relocating to Gunyangara in January. We are also very proud to see the addition of learning to the Middle Years, allowing classes to extend to Year 10.

The initiation of the Families as First Teachers (FaFT) program by Allyson Billot and Jerisha Burarrwanga fosters strong bonds between families and the School. The FaFT program welcomes babies and toddlers with their parents to share games, books and craft within a warm community and fosters early development and family empowerment. In the Midawarr (K-2) class, Lori Cross and Tanya Yunupingu celebrate the students' dedication to excellence.

Our teaching team, including Sarah Adams, David Yunupingu, Cedric Angeles, Mitchell O’Brien, and Elizabeth Roe, seamlessly integrate the Djambatj (3-5) and Marayarr (6-9) classes, laying a solid foundation for academic growth. This year, Marayarr students have transitioned to new classrooms, guided by esteemed Yolŋu staff such as Valerie Dhamarrandji and Caroline Dhamarrandji, for enriching creative and cultural activities during Term 1. Students are engaging with Yolŋu culture profoundly, finding purpose in their education as they journey toward leadership within both school and community.

The theme for learning at Dhupuma in Term 1 is “stories”, with Yolŋu co-teachers sharing the local stories from around the community, involving some fun excursions. The first story was about the Macassans coming to trade goods (tobacco, machetes, cloth and other tools) for ‘trepang’, the sea cucumber.

A visit to the local beach, Butjumurru, to see the rocks where they used to smoke the trepang to get it ready to trade, was a highlight. The djamarrkuli also heard the story of Galaru - a story

about Wuyal the sugar bag man, who named places as he travelled across the country on his hunt for ‘guku’ or honey. Students in all classes have been writing their recounts of stories or creating beautiful artworks to reflect their learning.

Dhupuma Barker continues to forge valuable connections with partners such as Flinders University Health Team, Nhulunbuy Christian College, Travelling Tadpoles Swimming Lessons, and Miwatj Clinic Community Education. The Flinders University session highlights the importance of healthy bodies, and saw the djamarrkuli, check their height, weight and learn how to use a stethoscope to listen to their heart beats.

Our deepest appreciation extends to the expansive Barker College community of students, staff, and families.

Each day in East Arnhem Land is a blessing, enriched by the unwavering love and support from our Barker family in New South Wales.

Mitchell O’Brien Djambatj (3-5) Classroom Teacher
Indigenous Barker

Junior School Prayer

Gungayu ŋärraha gärthura Gärray God

Märr ŋarra yurru birrkayun lätjuguma

Gä nhama lätjuguma

Gä waŋa lätjuguma

Marr ŋarra yurru marrtji wängyi ga gunayun ŋarragu

Wukirri ga lätjuguma birrkayun ga manymak Melkuma wiripuwu djamarrkuli

Yäkuyu Djesu Gärray waya.

Yo! Yo!

Help me this day, O God, to try to think in a kind way, to try to act in a kind way, to try to speak in a kind way, that I might leave my school this day knowing that I have shown kindness to others; for Jesus Christ’s sake, Amen.

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