Junior School
Kindergarten and Year 6 Buddy Class Program Once again, this year we have undertaken our Buddy Class Program, partnering our Kindergarten classes with a Year 6 Buddy class. The opportunity to instigate such a program in a school context enables us another opportunity to help foster a safe school environment for our children. It reinforces the concept that school is ‘for me’ - a place of belonging - leading to increased self-esteem and greater academic growth. It allows our younger students to feel safe and cared for whilst our older students feel valued and respected. The teaching of pro-social skills and values enables all students to develop resilience. Our buddy classes meet weekly to share in a variety of activities - it is the most anticipated time of our week! Term 1 saw us participate in a wide variety of tasks including reading stories together, playing inside and out, collaborating on drawing tasks, Year 6 buddies leading their Kindergarten peers through an introductory lesson on SeeSaw (our Pre-K to Year 2 digital learning platform) and an introductory Buddy Interview. There were many creative experiences too, including the decoration of our quilt squares to celebrate Harmony Week, a painted handprint artwork, an Easter Egg Hunt where the Year 6 students planned and hid the clues for their Kindergarten buddies and an exchange of handmade Easter cards. All our children thoroughly enjoyed participating in these activities, each and every opportunity enabling them to strengthen their bond with each other.
4 • The Barker • Issue 131 • Winter 2021
Buddy programs teach and provide opportunities to practise the values of respect, compassion, care, embracing difference, responsibility, inclusion and friendship - another wonderful way to link in our PYP Approaches to Learning and Learner Profile Attributes. This program has been such a wonderful introduction to the Barker community for our Kindergarten children. Year 6 have benefited in equal measure, allowing them to display compassion, enthusiasm and care for others, along with taking on a variety of leadership opportunities, enhancing their communication and enabling them to be role models and teachers in a variety of circumstances. We have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the children’s relationships strengthen as they have spent time together and we look forward to many more fun times as the year progresses. Cecilia Greer Junior School Classroom Teacher & Early Stage 1 Coordinator