1 minute read
The Season for Growing and Knowledge of Everything
from The Barker #138
The sound of the horn and the djamarrkuli come running from their houses and climb into the back of the troopy.
There is always lots of chatting and laughing while we drive house to house and pick up more students and families. We are greeted at school by Erika (Wellbeing Officer) who has prepared a hearty breakfast for all the djamarrkuli. We gather in the classroom, put on our uniforms, brush our teeth, exercise and say our morning prayer. We count the students sitting in the circle. 1, 2, 3….24, 25, 26. These are fantastic numbers for our little school. Miss Lori takes the younger students named Midawarr class (the season for growing) and Mr Tom keeps the older class named Djambatj (knowledge of everything). The School has started well for 2023 and we have had great support from all of our staff. We would like you to meet our wonderful staff below:
English name/yäku: Janet
Yolŋu name/yäku: Watjwatj
Skin name/Malk: Gutjan
Homeland/Waŋa: Bariny Bariny
What do you like about Dhupuma Barker?
I love all of the djamarrkuli. Seeing them come to school, playing, learning, enjoying themselves. I love getting them out on Country and seeing them use their knowledge. This school is manymak!
English name/yäku: Cedric
Yolŋu name/yäku: Balpirrirriwuy
Skin name/Malk: Balaŋ
Homeland/Waŋa: Guluruŋa
What do you like about Dhupuma Barker?
The djamarrkuli are learning both ways. Good teachers with Yolŋu and Balanda. I’m looking forward to the future and seeing what this school becomes as we continue to grow and learn together.

English name/yäku: Lizzie
Yolŋu name/yäku: Djalulu
Skin name/Malk: Galigali
Homeland/Waŋa: Galawarra
What do you like about Dhupuma Barker?
I love going out Learning on Country with the kids. This is when they are at their happiest. I enjoy seeing the kids pick up a book everyday and sitting down learning to read.
English name/yäku: Mikey
Yolŋu name/yäku: Guyarŋa
Skin name/Malk: Wāmut
Homeland/Waŋa: Gunyaŋara
What do you like about Dhupuma Barker?
What I like about Dhupuma is watching the djamarrkuli learn and how much they have grown in the past few months. I want to teach these kids to be the future yidaki players for ceremonies.
English name/yäku: Erika
Yolŋu name/yäku: Nonna

Skin name/Malk: Galikali
Homeland/Waŋa: Mallarrami
What do you like about Dhupuma Barker?

I love all the smiling faces and the kids so keen to learn. We have the freedom to learn in both Yolŋu Matha and English.
Tom Spencer Dhupuma Barker Classroom Teacher