1 minute read
Library Lovers’ Day
from The Barker #138
This Term the Barker College Library celebrated a special day in the world of libraries nationally, Library Lovers’ Day!
The Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA) promotes this event to celebrate the multifaceted role libraries play within communities and all the opportunities they offer to patrons.

The Barker College Library has played a significant role within the Barker community since it was first mentioned in the April 1912 edition of The Barker where it was described as “very popular” and where any “very popular book has a short life, but a gay one.” Throughout Barker College’s history, the library has had many iterations and relocations; from a space “tastefully decorated with framed coloured posters…., four beautiful reproduction Persian carpets…. and a readers’ table” up until 2002 when the Barker College Library’s current building was opened. Even after this date, the space and services have evolved and continue to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the School community.
The library is pivotal to students’ learning and progression to becoming independent learners and researchers. It is also a haven for many, especially on a Summer’s day! The library services the community through the free reading program “Book Bites” in Years 7 and 8 and the “Books and Bikkies” book clubs for Years 7 to 10 during lunchtime.
The space also hosts “Wrapped with Love,” a charity knitting group, a Board Games club, and Creative Writing. Teachers are also able to schedule research assistance for students through the library and it is the perfect environment for some extra study until 8:30pm (Monday-Thursday). The library is even open for those who want to put in a few extra hours on Saturday (1pm-4pm).
Library Lovers’ Day was an opportunity to bring some love into the library and to celebrate all things library. Library Lovers’ Day featured ‘Blind Date with a Book’, the opportunity to share why the School community love libraries, as well as a few sweet treats.

Claire Elliott Assistant Coordinator Library Services