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h t u younlimited

today... a voice for

ISSUE 003 By young people, for young people

tomorrow n o t C a p m i ... an


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Hiya all! Welcome back issue is here. awaited third Finally the long rent bunch of diffe put together a ve ha e w e su For this is joyable and you will find en at th pe ho l al e articles that w to from fashion, ll find anything u' Yo g. in st re lars fairly inte us a few regu superhero's, pl ite ur vo fa ur yo solvents' and page. and the KYC schools news e th , nt ra 's like Tom s of we get all kind am we have, te g bi e th of Because nt people. loads of differe m fro s ew vi le. opinions and by young peop this is written , es in az ag m uth a young Unlike most yo es that you as su is l al e ud cl d tries to in Youth Unlimite ways open to and we are al t ou ab ad re ant to person may w r you. suggestions fo prove the at we could im th s ay w in s y idea d If you have an ld like publishe article you wou an ve ha u yo magazine or . to contact us‌ then feel free .uk Email: KYC@rb 390 2056 Phone: 0208 052 Text: 07795813

pAGE 2

e team. e spaces on th m so ve ha e w ptember Also, as of Se Let us know!!! get involved‌ to t an w u yo r4 So if out for numbe issue and look is th y jo en u We hope yo ! ntres very soon s and youth ce ol ho sc to g in com

the team Thanks from Enjoy!

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s t n e cont FEATURES age 04 n >>>>>p to s g in K f o d n 05 The Lege > > > > page > > > > y n in Curves Vs. Sk page 06 ! >>>>>> n w o d w o h S 09 Superhero > > > > page > > > > > > The EU > > > y History: e 16 Making Povert > > > > > pag > > ? n e p p Will it ever ha page 18 >>>>>>> > > > > > > Fashion

REGULARS page 08 >>>>>>> t n a R r la u g Tom’s Re TS AND INFO YOUTH EVEN age 23 >>>>>>p > > > > > General info > page 24 >>>>>>> fo in s e tr n e e 24 Youth C > > > > > pag > le p o e P g Info for Youn

ND US e 10 INFO, HELP A t’ > > > pag h ig a tr ‘s rd o c Setting the re page 12 >>>>>>> > > > > > > e 14 Solvents > > > > > pag > > > > > > Schools > > lan ng People’s P u o Y d n a n re e 20 The Child > > > > > pag u yo r fo s n What is mea > > > page 22 > > il c n u o C Kingston Youth


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Body image is everywhere in the media. Look at the people in any magazine, turn on a music channel, look at posters and billboards; most have unnaturally slender bodies, “perfect” skin, legs that seem to go on forever. And then there’s you, looking in a mirror. Maybe you’ve got a spot, or you don’t have the figure you want. Can this contrast really be any good for us? With all these “perfect” celebrities flaunting themselves everywhere, it’s enough to make anyone feel a bit insecure.

look isn’t perfect. In fact, it possibly doesn’t even exist. But you would be hard pressed to find anyone that doesn’t want to lose weight, dye their hair, change themselves in some way. Some say it’s due to peer pressure; they need to look more like their friends. Why? If your friends are that bothered about how you look, it’s possible they’re not really such good friends after all.

We know what the media says, but we wanted to know a bit more about what you think. We recently ran a survey in different schools, colleges and 6th forms around Kingston to discover your opinions. The answer was very clear. Not only do you think the media puts too much pressure on young people – especially teenage girls – you also think it’s wrong. Out of over 70 people questioned, only three said they thought a No doubt you’ve heard this saying before: skinny figure was sexier than a curvy body. it’s what’s inside that counts. And it’s a great That’s over 95% of you. It seems popular theory, brilliant on paper. Sadly, I know very few opinion definitely gravitates towards an people that live by it. One doesn’t straighten her average female shape. So why is the hair, won’t wear make-up, doesn’t care what people culture to lose it? Most people say about her clothes. And she’s one of the most thought the media is to blame and genuine, nicest friends I have. So, in case you haven’t they’re about right. Every fashion heard it all before, in case you think you need picture of a model you see in to change – don’t. magazine or on poster… it’s been altered. You really don’t need it. And anyone that says you do is Waistlines get pulled probably very unhappy with themselves, and it’s hard to believe in, teeth are they’re a true friend if they don’t like you the way you are. whitened, any Maybe you’re not perfect but no-one is. Settle for being yourself, facial flaw is which is damn near enough. covered. So perhaps the written bt Morgan Mead, Amy Moran, Leaticia Kitenge and Paul Kenny ‘perfect’

They’re called


love handles

for a reason!!

Super hero showdown! By Tom White-Clarke, chris fullbrook & Dominic Roberts Have you ever wondered what would happen if all the super heroes in the world got into a big ruckus, who would survive and which would be annihilated? Well today you have your chance to catch what we think of the battle. What follows is how we think such a colossal battle would pan out, and which super hero would emerge victorious! We haven't necessarily used any proper methods to decide the winners, but we hope you all agree.

Spiderman Vs Flash Gordon

Hulk Vs Wolverine The Hulk's strength does give him weight yet Wolverine's ability to heal and metal bones effectively make him 'unkillable' via this brute force method, and we have been informed that in the comics, Wolverine cut off Hulk's arms and legs. Wolverine wins. .

Buffy Vs Blade Hmm, both slayers of vampires, both begin with B, this one was close. We think Blade's mastery of the sword and selection of vampire powers to draw from would make him the winner here, Buffy on her own, without her cohort, is left weakened.

Superman Vs He-man A much as it breaks our hearts, we must knock one of these great superheroes out of the competition in the first round. Two of our strongest heroes, however in this battle, Superman takes the advantage through his sheer variety of powers (and Prussian blue tights) compared to the simple overwhelming strength of He-man. Superman goes through.

Power rangers Vs Powerpuff Girls


Erm.. not a hard one this one. Despite Flash being in "Defenders of the Earth" (defenders)… we must remember Spiderman's supreme strength, agility, webslinging and wall-climbing ability. Flash is left completely overwhelmed, Spidey goes through.

Our youth worker made us put the PPGs in…The Rangers have some serious GUNS…whereas the PPGs have the word "puff" in their name. Rangers take it, no contest.

Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Vs Thundercats This is a tough call at the best of times. Both are very skilled with their weaponry, and have their trusted leaders in the Sensei Splinter and the Thundercat leader Liono. However, on this occasion, the Turtles are far too well protected by their shells for the "Sword of Omen" to penetrate. Turtles go through.

Batman Vs Captain Planet At the end of the day no one has really heard of Captain Planet, apparently his powers lie in refuse collection. On these grounds and Batman's intolerance of vigilante cleaners, Batman emerges on top of this warm up.

Catwoman Vs Wonderwoman A cat fight you might say?...well the one is a non-cat is going to win unfortunately. Catwoman is possibly the worst hero invented, having neither powers nor gadgets. Wonderwoman, however, has far superior strength and speed, and so would wipe the floor with Catwoman.

QUARTER FINALS Wonderwoman Vs Superman

Spiderman Vs Power Rangers

Both positively super, however who has the power to overcome the other? Not meaning to be sexist in this, but SuperMAN does really have the far more beefy powers and strengths. I'm sure he doesn't like hitting girls, but when given the chance he can turn woman-beater.

For purposes of fairness, we've decided not to give the Power Rangers access to all their "zords", seeing as they already have a 5:1 advantage. Despite this, Spiderman outdoes all of them on agility, strength and stamina. With their zords it might have been a different story, however Spidey marches on!

Spiderman Vs Wolverine Hmm both are MARVELous‌ (get it?), however I don't really think that Spiderman could be caught by Wolverine. A simple blast of his web would stick Wolverine to the wall, giving him time enough to slap Wolverine silly. Spidey's in the final!

Wolverine Vs Teenage Batman Vs Blade A truly great battle Mutant Ninja Turtles

between two vigilantes A tough call at the best of that have no great times, especially when we super power apart from consider the numerical the weapons which they advantage. Both are well wield. They are both protected, with shells and creatures of the night; metal skeletons, however however Batman does only one has a power to seem to have abilities regenerate. Wolverine also such as flight and a beats down their turtle power big car! For that reason with his awesome strength, enabling him to making some Blade is left in his dust as Batman progresses tasty turtle soup. Wolverine to the semi-finals. goes through.


Batman Vs Superman Clearly two of the nation's DC comic favourites. As much as Batman is cool and very much a wonderful hero, he is no match for the krypton-based powers of Superman. The big S moves on.

THE FINAL Superman Vs Spiderman As we reach the final, these two titans clash in a fury of power and rage. Both are strong, both are agile and both want the title. Spidey fights hard with his web-slinging and agility, however they are no match for Superman's laser-eye beams, which destroy his webs in an instant. Superman finishes off Spidey, and Superman is our champion! So, in conclusion, we decided that Superman wins! And we hope you're not disappointed with our choice. If you're particularly angry about any of our decisions, then please write into the magazine to the address at the front, and let us know what you think about the battle.




Every issue our resident grumbler Tommy WC has a whinge about the latest things that get right up his nose, This month Tom has a major problem wih: CHAIN MAILS

They're all lies, damn lies I tell you!!!…..well most anyway. Chain mails really are the most annoying things you can find in your inbox at any time of the day. Come on people, what's the point? it's bad enough starting these things, but even worse emailing them on! Chain mails are a plague, a virus that infects and fills up our in-boxes until we are constantly "copy and paste this and send it to 15 people or you will dieing” for ever. The only reason people start them in the first place is to try send it round as many people as possible so they can try and fulfil their own ambitions of actually getting people to care about what they say. Well here's news for you…no-one does! So stop your craziness! The most annoying part of the whole ordeal is the threat of implications at the end of the email. This usually consists of "send this to 216 people EXACTLY or you will be held to ransom by woodland creatures and forced to eat pine cones until you admit you are a secret anti-green peace activist

who shaves squirrels for his own personal amusement!". I can't POSSIBLY understand the reason why anyone would send this kind of threat to their friends! One day, one of these offensive emails will reach someone who's going to shoot themselves because they have no-one to send it on to and fears "eternal bad luck". Surely the best way to go about chain mails is using some sort of treat such as "please send this to as many people as possible as I really want to get the message round to as many people as possible thank-you!!"… see much more effective!

As well as that, there's no way anyone could agree to sponsor the sending of emails, otherwise they really are more stupid than the people who send the emails in the first place! So dear reader, please don't succumb to this strange and sadistic fashion of sending on chain emails, they really aren't true. Your love life will not suffer, you will not have bad luck, you will not grow horns, you will not develop uncontrollable urge to shout "I smell!" in public. However, you will succumb to the idiots who start them, you will annoy your friends, and you will be punished by God in one way or another. So please do not copy and paste the untruths and help fight the evil ones!!

One of the most annoying types of these is the heart churning tearjerker from which "every email you send donates 10p to this woman who has lost her face in a horrible face-painting accident". Firstly.. it's out of order to people So everyone keep cool… without faces…and two its just not and remember… guns don't believable! You might as well say kill badgers… wrappers do. that they have complete eyelash failure or butt-cancer or something.

‘Your love life will not suffer, you will not have bad luck, you will not grow horns!’

(Thanks go to Morgan Mead and her crazy/logical hatred of chain mails)

The European Union controls everything that we do and, if you don't believe this to be true, consider this fact: nine out of every ten pieces of new legislation enacted in the United Kingdom come from Brussels, i.e. the EU. This meant that, when Britain finally Quite simply, the laws of this land started negotiations for entry, it had are no longer laws of this land. to accept the CAP as a term of its The laws that govern the United entry, despite the fact that it would Kingdom, by and large, originate in the European Union's headquarters, severely damage Britain's economy. With such a small percentage and not in the United Kingdom. employed in agriculture, Britain This means that the Houses of Parreceives very little of the CAP liament are left in a political subsidies. vacuum, they can still pass laws but these laws tend to be focused f this he o s rt law on less influential issues rather The no longe ! Although this d than on the real problems facing are s lan d i n h t a may seem a l f modern Britain. o laws slightly odd example to include in this article, as CAP was Some could deny this is the case, introduced over forty years ago for example with the recent Smokthe most significant consequences ing Ban, which is an influential law. are still affecting us today. The EU This ban is likely to lead to a reducis faced with a budget out of control tion in the numbers smoking, and a situation where non-agricultural improve working and leisure countries, e.g. Britain, are in bitter environments, and reduce rates of dispute with agricultural countries, heart disease and lung cancer e.g. France. At the same time the rates, thereby cutting NHS surplus food is being dumped on expenditure. Likewise the terrorism second and third world countries, bill that has been passed will, destroying their local farms and supposedly, result in more terrorists farmers who cannot compete with being arrested and thus reduce the the cheap EU food. risk of terrorist attacks in the UK, both pieces having a significant The undeniable question is, how impact on the UK. much more, unpublicised, damage However, it could be said that is being done to Britain and other legislation produced by the EU, countries? The problem is that Brisuch as the Common Agricultural tain's relationship with the EU Policy (CAP) also heavily influences is undemocratic and heavily the UK. In order to secure the bureaucratic, which is partly our original CAP agreement, which own fault. For over thirty years, Briwould benefit France, the French tain has been using the 'Enabling President purposely kept Britain out Act' to make EU legislation become of the European Union. This was law in the UK without it having to because in 1961, 25% of French go through the Houses of Parliament. employment was in Agriculture, In other words, the power to make compared with only 4% in Britain. laws has been placed into the hands Therefore it was essential, if the of unelected officials. French President was to prevent political instability, that he got a good deal for France.

The European Union Economists and social planners, specialists in their field, are deeply concerned with Britain and the EU's future if the current situation prevails. In 1999 Bill Jamieson and Patrick Minford, two leading economists, claim that without serious reform the EU will become 'a cul de sac of stagnation, decline and inevitable global eclipse'. Simply put, the EU's economy will collapse and its place in the world market will disappear. It will become an economic non-player.

e mag n a d uch o Britia m w t Ho one ntries? d g in u is be other co and However, it is not all gloom and doom. Jamieson and Minford claim that by replacing the customs union within the EU with a free-trade area and by joining NAFTA (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) Britain may yet pull through. As they put it, 'Britain does have choices'. The only question is, will our generation seize these opportunities and choices or will we take the path of least resistance like our forebears? Written by Charlotte Harris Edited by Joy Walshe

Setting the record ‘ LGBQ - what is it?

The Issue

exual and LGBQ stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bis n referred to as Questioning. These groups are ofte simply being 'queer'. and romantic 'Gay' refers to guys whose sexual gender. Lesbians feelings are mostly for the same other women. are women who are attracted to o are attracted Bisexuals are men and women wh classifying to people of both genders. Before es, many themselves under one of these nam estioning' - that is, people may say that they are 'qu ing with their they are questioning or experiment sexual orientation.

and Many LGBQ youth feel very alone ,a ver we Ho alienated from their peers. of peogovernment study shows that 6% 3.6 und ple in Britain are gay - that's aro with million! But there are still problems munity. raising awareness of the gay com ion and Many LGBQ youth rely on televis to be the media to learn what it means these of LGBQ. In one study, 80 percent dia youth ages 14 to 17 believed me n as stereotypes that depicted gay me line, effeminate and lesbians as mascu xual while half believed that all homose people were are gay unhappy.

‘6% of people in britain - that’s 3.6 million! Meeting other people

idea of LGBQ youth groups, Whilst some people criticise the the rest of the young as they encourage segregation from ial part of a queer young community, they can be an essent you've just come out (either to person's social life. Particularly if g to brave the big bad yourself or others) it can be dauntin nted groups can offer the (straight) world, whereas queer-orie ple your own age. It is support both of services and peo ple to know that they are important to many queer young peo ny others feel the same as not alone in the world and that ma ice and problems on a daily them and encounter similar prejud basis.

The Law In the UK the age of consent for xual heterosexual couples and homose and les men is now 16 in England, Wa . Scotland and 17 in Northern Ireland the This was changed in 2001 - before age of s 18. consent for homosexual men wa sent con There is no statutory age of for lesbian sex. Section 28 was introduced in the al 1980s, and made it illegal for loc lity. xua councils to 'promote' homose s, However, it never applied to school and was repealed in 2003.

Further Information Fact-files and information on LGBQ youth (under 25), contact details for many youth groups, and a forum for meeting other LGBQ teenagers. HIV AIDS charity, with a gay & lesbian section and advice on STIs. Providing articles on topics and issues related to adolescent sexual and reproductive health, including LQBQ youth, sex education, etc. Kingston and Richmond NRG Youth group for LGBTQ teenagers. 020 7803 1684, or check out their website

‘straight’ difference? What could make a lity in class helps to cussion of homosexua

Open dis ople less ues, making young pe iss BQ LG " se ali m or ers "n topic either with their pe e th up ing ing br t ou inhibited ab eer youth vironment in which qu en an s te ea cr It s. ult or ad and thus ates' views on the topic by can judge their classm safe or desirable. Talks be uld wo t ou ing m co whether policies schools to improve their ow all uld wo s nt de tu -s ex ing them pupil-centric giv by , ing lly bu bic ho on homop onment e an unrestricted envir ot om pr o als d an ism critic ws. for pupils to air their vie

Following the recent introduction of a GLBT Champion, we provide the low-down on the issues for LGBQ teenagers, and interview the new champion.


y can affect anyone of an ing lly bu bic ho op m Ho can rceived homosexuality sexual orientation. Pe w n from society's narro result from any deviatio m fro ne d can thus affect anyo an es yp ot re ste al xu se ir who e girl with the short ha the out and proud to th and the boy who is studious or , ey ck ho at od go is ed ct, after weight, perceiv plays in the band. In fa cond most likely homosexuality is the se trigger for bullying.

‘i am concerned that too

hobic to a survey on homop which feature s ing eo rd vid co d Ac an s ok many LGBQ pupils are bo s, Play group Stonewall, sitive state, bullying by gay rights often denied some of homosexuality as a po respondents had been with eir al th de of % ich 90 wh e os th as as well % had their life chances by a compulsory d names and almost 60 lle be ca ld ou sh bia ho op m ho bullying’ lence as a result of , and could be been the victims of vio part of the PSE course of the ken livingston ssions. sexuality. About a third se eir th ion ss cu dis th wi d linke had told their an open-minded ung people surveyed yo This would encourage ly t the bullying, but in on and enforce the same ou e ab ag rs rly he ea ac te an or m s fro nt pare attitude a result. ed to racism s did bullying stop as ophobia as that afford se m ca ho of to ce 6% an ler -to ro ze hools. or religious hatred in sc 0,000 LGBQ spite an estimated 45 De of k lac a is e er deny there th rtant to us all, and the UK, many schools ss ro ac s nt e de th stu in Role models are impo th , bo silence as a youth to try to emulate lem, taking their pupils' ob pr a is g queer people for LGBQ kin is e yp therefore ite, camp male stereot eir non-existence and th of ion at irm nf rs co he media - where the wh ac and te for them. Although lleges, where students need to make provision no el fe and in schools and co ent of that in theory harassm ar of harassment. ed fe r re fo ag t se ols clo ho e sc th of in % y 80 sta fect on their ay have a negative ef m s nt de stu r r ee fo qu up licy nd licy for teachers to sta less than 6% have a po , po rn eir lea th to it y e ilit ad ab m or ols ty safe If scho hers would bullying. eer students, then teac ally with homophobic ific ec sp als de ich wh if queer or perceived qu selves ion, education can out being labelled them sult of bullying or isolat re a As be less concerned ab eir queer students than th plaints seriously. r m fo co er s' rd nt ha de h stu uc m ok to be they likely es and they are more heterosexual classmat ion. ter compulsory educat af ve lea or t ou op dr to ely ‘often e three times more lik Queer young people ar eir th or depression than teenagers to suffer from anxiety to three times al classmates and two xu se ro te he t have never or consider or carry ou rm ha lfse to ely lik e or m , direct result of bullying actually met suicide. This can be a support readily o be due to the lack of als ay m t bu anyone h and the subsequent available to LGBQ yout d invisibility that this that’s lgbt, feelings of isolation an can cause.

and just beliEve the tv sterEotypes’

d term for most LBGQ * 'Queer' is the preferre young people brakis written by Sophie Lam aw and Marianne Bradsh


Solvents come in a huge range of shapes and sizes. Most are common household products, like glue, correcting fluids, deodorants, gas lighter refills, cleaning fluids and even hairspray. This makes it worryingly easy for anyone, especially young people, to get hold of them. Compared to other drugs, they're also relatively cheap. When you think of drug-related deaths, images of those who have died from ecstasy overdoses and alcohol related deaths spring to mind rather than those of deodorant bottles and lighter fuel. However glue sniffing kills many more people than ecstasy, just without all the press coverage.

Most users in the UK are between 11 and 18 years old Solvents are usually inhaled from a sleeve, cloth or plastic bag. Some users put a plastic bag over their head and inhale that way. This adds to the danger of solvent abuse by giving a risk of suffocation. Inhaling by squirting gas directly down the throat is particularly dangerous as it can cause your airway to swell up so you can't breathe or stop your heart. This method also makes it very hard to control the amount you're getting and increases overdose risk.

solvent abuse killed 64 people in 2000. a quarter of them were under 18

around 5 youngsters die each month in The law says it is illegal for a shop to sell solvents to an under-18 if they know the drug will be abused, the uk from solvent abuse People are becoming increasingly aware of the so called "street drug" generation, however we still need to be aware of other ways in which people abuse solvents.The average home has 30 kitchen and bathroom products that can be abused, and it is the very fact that all of these substances are legal and have legitimate uses that allows users to argue that they are doing nothing wrong.

but unfortunately there's no way of telling what the customer will do with it. It isn't illegal to buy or own solvents no matter what age you are.

Solvents make you light headed makes you hallucinate makes your mind play tricks on you makes you reveal your secrets to people it can freeze your lungs give you brain damage makes you so you can't walk straight make a quiet person become violent It kills thousands of brain cells every time It can make you throw up It can give you spots

It's not clever, it is? Poem by David Stark

How to get a natural high? People say they abuse solvents and take drugs for the "buzz" and basically just get high! But there are ways to do this which are natural, and you won't be breaking the law or harming your body.

one in seven 15 and 16 year olds in britAIn sniff solvants to get high Simple things like exercising can give you a natural high. When you exercise your body produces more endorphins: these are the body's natural painkillers and 'feel-good' chemicals. The result is that no pain signals are sent to the brain and your body starts to relax, leaving you in a state of euphoria. In fact this is the same effect given by heroin, however this way you don't feel anxious, depressed or irritable and damage your health all at the same time.

It's all about increasing your endorphin levels.

Other ways in which you can do this is by: Drinking more mineral water and fruit juice rather than sugary drinks. Trying to snack on fruit rather than sweets and crisps Having a chocolate now and again Getting more omega 3 oils - try eating oily fish like mackerel, sardines and tuna. One more thing that we all do anyway but listening to or playing music reduces stress and anxiety and can help produce that natural high.

For help and information on drugs contact the Informaton Dealers Team on 07867536967 or email them on

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The Tiffin Girls' School set to open new wing By Sophie Lambrakis

d Christmas ha It seemed like us Tiffin Girls come early to the 16th that awoke on s 03 to the new December 20 n ol had was o that our scho ne e flurry of pho fire! Amidst th ates, s and classm d n ie fr to lls a gs c choosing the emerged es of 'Evenin ri re lly e a a s tu a ils n p d e u v n p e a d th n a . the tru s by Sir even as I write ' including talk including 15 s g , ‌ g in h it h in w is w e rn n fu o t ry tha ve-in ugh, Ro nd many staff proposed mo avid Attenboro a D h d it n W a t n is e classrooms a s in June, the end n destroyed. er, Mathew P th e n 6 e 2 m b f re d o a B h te ry , a e s d v e offic ough are now ow gly close, alth as holidays n on Singh, we in n im te S h ig fr a , With Christm nty will feel Meanwhile there was ple nearly there. sure very few ' s le I'm b ta n starting early, u o ilding, m d a well-earne village of 'de for the old bu ll e ia a k lg m ta s ta s to g o e in n y m ti la of urs loomy e school p ent wild rumo its dark and g went up on th h it n w w o ir break and inv e th ding and never-en complete with e of the fire. , s rs u ld o a e c fi id e rr o th c to as ways. ms. concrete walk heating proble been ithin months have W 8 ! 1 g t n s lo a r p s fo e t A h o ! T But n ing itself ol hunted fin Girls' Scho so to the build ind of being s if d lw 'T n ir A e h t h th w ig s a s k e in e ther, w e sroom to ano een ered everyon s b g la d d c a a e h b n l' e o a w e ts m p c o p fr Fire A e archite us ome disastro se change, th the aim to s o h g lo it in r w d , , fo lu d rk c e o h in w c t n lau five other were hard a prove the ns with up to o and builders s a s ly le in a rt rebuild and im e c wing is ms, but, ke sales were and the new sses in the gy re la o c m g in lost wing. Ca v d a ly been te H y have certain ment to this. d stickers prin e ta n s th a te d ile e h ry is w n lle a a g rg g o one am longin n with an art ol got o r o h m fo c I m s o l, c u le tf o in n h s e w s v e as the ew stylish gla . nctity of the n a school, the a e fundraising s n th a e th in ith lt d r u e fo m lv o a v in The Tiffin s behind it £200,000 sworth Wing'. frontage hide ld d o n a 'H s e ic n The target of ff o l has truly rise classrooms, , but, with o f e o o n h c o e d S y ' ft tu ls e ir h G a was er and The much s the newly e ashes, bigg en an atrium. v th e m o t fr h g u ro events such a cp has b efore! n Trek, an Au needed revam er than ever b tt e b ry tu n reinstated Tiffi e c t 21s es, the wing up to taff tion of Promis d a group of s standards, an

If you want to include some news about your school or an interesting story, call Vicki Metcalf on 07795 813052 or email us at

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taken over by s a w l o o h c S Boys er. 06, Beverley l's head teach In January 20 o o l. h c S ls ir G e Boys Schoo b m Coombe o o C s a n is know ols. Boys School ip of the scho y h e rl rs e e v n e rt B a p w o e N about th schools think th o b m o fr ils AFF pOINTS T e of the pup s m o s t a h w is Below w OF VIEW oints of vie ombe Girls School p 's il p u P & cher el pupil from Co eography tea , G by niki pat rs e k ic V ie m Ja use 17: Miss Jones izzi woodho schools can th 6th form, age o b ry d n a t a "I think it is ve ea is gre a is n o ti "I think the id ra e d fe . I hope the good! 100% benefit from it I think it boys: brilliant! e b m o o success". C m well. upil fro e will work very th e s Anonymous p u a c e b bad idea e deration is a fe e "I also think th th elieve Bevk b in I th ll. "I e w g n lo If n". ill not get a idea is great. Coombe dow g two schools w n ri b t s ju rr ill a c y w erley School Coombe Girls ey are on the way th irls School: G e b m o o C will upil from o schools doing now, they tw e th d n Anonymous p a , od ea is very go be absolutely "I think the id ” ll. e o will ther very w brilliant, and s will work toge s”. Coombe Boy Mr Patterson a e n o d s a h rs Campbell oughT What we thea is excellent! Especially as M e for Coombe boys now. id the sam s… "We think the ls, she will do ir g e b m different thing o k o in C th h it le w p b o e jo p great , many 't…." e in this article e s u o y but some don s a a t e u id B t n a lli ri b thinks it a some people

Demos wanted!!! in the next upcoming issue youth unlimited will be starting a demo review page... we’re looking for demos from any local can be a band, a solo perFormer even an mc your style could be jazz, emo, indie, rnb... anything as long as its vaguely musical just send a nameD cd with your contacts to youth unlimited demo review school lane youth and communiTY centre school lane surbiton kt6 7qj for the chance to have your music reviewed and read throughout the borough!

Make Poverty History: Will It ever Happen? 2005 was seen by many in around the world as the year when things could really change. Millions of people got excited turning up to the Live8 concerts, believing that they were having a good time whilst still helping the poor in A f r i c a . Bob Geldof once more appeared on everyone's TV set at an incredibly regular interval and the G8 retreated into their meeting rooms in Scotland to "discuss" world poverty. This is not to mention the widespread

sporting of the white 'Make Poverty History Bands' and the constant supply of leaflets and booklets that managed to come our way detailing the appalling conditions that exist worldwide and just how many people suffer every day. Days passed, weeks passed, the year passed and Blair, Bono, Geldof (to name but a few) stood up and patted each other on the back for having raised poverty awareness, for having made a difference. But what difference?

Africa Diamond Dogg

Yo world click your Fingers every three seconds To remember all the dead in Africa 'cause of world poverty They say the Good die young So you should have fun Time won't wait for noone When God calls you've gotta go home Everyone heard mumma say every Day is like this blacks whites die every day In the mist so let's pray for the dead They say the Good die young So you should have fun Time won't wait for noone When God calls you've gotta go home You know you're the only one it's just another song it's gonna go out to everyone yo us individuals can help the kids of Africa your money ain't gonna change shit it's all up to us if kids were dying in England it would be our number one priority 'cause it's Africa we don't care and that ain't fair they are our brothers and sisters dying and we ain't crying make poverty history don't just say it do it Important Notice: The make poverty history coalition is no longer in existance however its member organisations continue to campaign on the issues. For more information check out

Africa manages to illustrate the richness, the beauty and the intensity of this vast swath of land that lies to the south of Europe and to the west of Asia - attached to both by a mere strip of land.

‘around 11 Million people across east africa are Africa has great natural beauty - its powerful rivers, its screaming facing a serious food forests, its vast deserts, and, because of this, it was once viewed by early European explorers to be the land of hope. In it you could see crisis. water is scarce. man in his natural environment, you could see animals and plants food is running out. so colourful and wonderful, that nothing in Europe could rival them. people have dieD and more Anything and everything was possible in the land brimming with possibility and resources. Sadly, for Africa, it has always been the will die if sufficiEnt aid continent's beauty and natural resource that has been its downfall. is not delivered fast’ In the 19th century it was the Europeans who grabbed the land and in the 20th it was the local chieftains and power hungry inhabitants and in the 21st century it has been the puffed up politicians and rock stars that lay a claim on this land.

2005 - the year to make poverty history Oxfam, one of the largest charities in the world, along with its allies created the Make Poverty History campaign. They aimed to raise awareness around the globe for the plight of the poor, the impoverished and the suffering and especially for the millions of Africans who suffer from the tragic trio of Aids, dictatorship and poverty. They always knew that in one year you could never make poverty history, but they hoped that they could get the ball rolling, that they could start something. World charities hoped that with poverty in the public eye, the politicians would be forced to act, would want to act. Yet, they got little more than broken promises and lies. The G8 summit was expected to result in debt cancellations, charity increase, and trade tariffs being eradicated. Instead, there were promises and pledges to make poverty history and very little action. Today, at this very moment, in 2006, Africa is facing one of its worst food shortages ever. Does it feature in the media? Hardly. Do those politicians who cared so much last year have anything to say? You'll be lucky. Oxfam has launched an emergency appeal because donations from governments were not as high as expected. It would seem, as with everything, that politicians are all talk and no action.

So What’s Left? A tired, disillusioned public, especially the youth, who rant and rave but feel powerless to act. Those that care, those that truly care, feel betrayed, angry and frustrated. It doesn't matter that they often donate money or time to charities. It doesn't matter that they buy fair trade foods and goods and it doesn't matter how much they empathise and pity those suffering due to poverty. The world is staying the same and it would seem that those with the power don't care. I'm a pessimist and always have been, but even I can't deny that there is a certain will concerning world poverty that hasn't existed before. Maybe it's as a result of the Make Poverty History campaign, or maybe it's simply due to the compactness of the modern world. I don't know. The truth is it doesn't matter. All that matters is if you can do something. As the song by Diamond Dogg says "don't just say it do it". If you have an idea or a plan that could help end world poverty, act on it. Write to MPs, to MEPs, to Parliament and to the Government. Show that you do care, that you care what happens to the people around you, the people in this world. To make poverty history requires innovation and determination. If we are to make our government and governments around the world act to permanently eradicate poverty we have to remind them of two things. Firstly that this is what we want and that as they act on our collective national behalf it is their duty to do as we require and secondly, that we all share the human condition - we are all 'brothers and sisters' if you like - and that is reason enough to act. Then? Anything is possible. By Charlotte Harris

A real life Dior Model - Yes, a real one! I reckon that pretty much everyone has a dream job, or an ambition. We all want to be rich and famous, don't we?! I wouldn't mind being loaded and loved!! But how about, one day, completely out of the blue, you find yourself faced with a life-changing opportunity? In this article I asked Tom Higgins to tell me exactly how his life changed, from a skating obsessive to a 'Dior' catwalk model.


AW: Firstly Tom, can you tell me how, when and where you got scouted by Dior? T: In Brighton last year, just before summer holidays. I got spotted down one of the side roads after coming out of a shop. The guy told me he had been following me for ages. AW: Ooooh nice! What did he say to you? T: "Excuse me, I'm Chris from Dior. I wondered if you would like to come and model for us over in Paris for a few days in July?" AW: Wow, quite scary! What happened after that? T: He gave me his card and I gave him my number. A week later I got called by a woman named Jennifer in Paris, from Dior. She explained everything. I then received emails, that's how all the flights and travel was arranged. AW: Only a week later?! What was modelling in Paris like? T: Firstly I had to go to fittings. They measure you and get your outfit sorted out for the show. I had to walk up and down the studio as they did this. I then came back home for a few days while they got everything ready. I went back out to Paris again and stayed for 5 days; on the last day I did the show. AW: Was the first show scary? T: Yes completely. I was so nervous when I first went out onto the catwalk. It's a really good feeling though. AW: I bet it was amazing! How much money do you get for each catwalk show? T: ÂŁ210, it is really not as well paid, as it seems.

or ok f k o l oo ot do n ; they l utis e i c a ty agen l beau o are be a c h typi ople w ferent e if p for fully d

AW: Nice amount to have lying around though! When did Dior next contact you? T: Around six months after, for the winter 06 catwalk show in January. AW: Was this show better than the first? T: I preferred the clothes I wore in the first one, but the second was better overall. AW:Probably less scary! T: Yes, it was the best thing I have ever done. I'm really lucky, I was so randomly spotted, and I didn't even want to be a model. That day I went to Brighton, if my mate hadn't been late to meet me, I wouldn't have been spotted. AW: You were so lucky! Some people would kill to be a model! Do you have anything to say to people who want to persue a career in modelling? T: Just go to all the agencies, show them pictures and keep pushing them so that you get noticed. I don't really have much to say; in the long run I think you just have to be lucky.

I think you should try hanging around Brighton! The best way to be noticed is to have an air of confidence and individuality. Put yourself out in the open, there are always scouts in London and Portsmouth, have a fun day out at the same time! The best thing to remember is that agencies do not look for typical beauty; they look for people who are beautifully different. So stand out, one day you might find yourself on a catwalk for Chanel! By Abbi Webb


The Lace Epidemic - and why it’s a load of rubbish So, we have established that London is fashionable, and that these fashions don't always last.

Lace is itchy. The whole reason it was even invented was that it was decorative. These designers don't mean decoration, they mean busiIt is considered common There is a fashion for winter, and a ness. Skirts, shirts, vest tops and knowledge that London is a fashion for summer. BUT if London is shorts, everything is set to be lace. fashion capital. Home to Vivienne so fashionable, why are designers The worst thing is, Dior, Chanel and Westwood and the London College telling us that LACE is going to be YSL are all using it, which means that of Fashion, I believe that London huge this summer? Topshop and H&M will be using it, must truly be, well, fashionable. influencing Primark, New Look and all Lace is impractical. That is why lace It is also true that fashion fads the supermarkets. is most commonly used on underhave come and gone; in fact today There will be just no escape! So let’s wear, primary school socks and tablesomething can even go out of hope that by the time it reaches fashion as quickly as the next week. cloths. How can designers (these are August, sane designers will have disDrainpipe jeans might just about last supposedly fashionable people) be missed this lacey tragedy and come telling us that lace is going to be 'hot the year, thanks to supporters such up with some new, slightly more senthis summer'? Excuse me, but did as Mischa Barton and Kate Moss. sible ides. If you do accidentally they not think that due to global However, green is already overcome across a lace item of clothing warming, it actually gets very hot durtaking the February navy and red (maybe as a punishment or part of a ing the English summer. Did these combo summer. revenge scheme), be sure to re-cycle designers not think of the conseit, and give it to your gran. Maybe as quences of lace and sunlight? Think a tablecloth. of the stupid tan marks we are going , to be coming back to school with in able September! n By Abbi Webb o i sh s a f u g so llin ge n is e t o d s n hu er e n b g if L o i o t es re d s going r? As you've probably already started to a y i e E wh m C see, one of the popular and hottest t LA his sum tha t trends this year is footless tights or By Helen leggings. They look awesome under lacie pants!!! Coulon denim skirts or light dresses and can be bought anywhere, and if your budget's tight this season you can always make your own by merely cutting the feet of tights you already By Helen coulon have. (Although, leggings and tights are not the most expensive of items) When the weather gets hotter, the clothes get lighter and brighter and What about feet though? The clothes this summer is no exception. This have gained an attitude and so have year, not only are the clothes light the shoes, no more dainty heels you and flamboyant, but they've taken a can't walk across grass (or even just Victorian twist too, sporting ruffles and walk) in. Wedges and platforms have bows surrounded by neutral colours; returned! Decidedly more comfortwe no longer have a summer of pasable than a pair of strappy stilettos tels and pinks, but a dramatic and when you're parading around in the wearable selection of black and warm summer evenings. whites to look out for.

Looks for spring/summer 2006

Children and Young People’s Plan 2006 - 2010 by chris fullbrook Learning and Children’s Services has produced a plan that lays out their intentions from here to 2010. The content of this plan are naturally quite relevant to young people, we can expect a better service and more chance to feed back. It's broken up into five parts, being healthy, staying safe, enjoy and achieve, making a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being. I can assure none of these has been approached half heartedly the plan itself is a very large document, hopefully representing the weight of their commitment, so in a bid to understand it better we were granted an interview with

It is important that lots of different people read it. A children and young people's version is being prepared by young people, similar to the leaflet that went out for consultation. There is also a summary version that we will be circulating.

Chris Fullbrook, KYC member and Young people's Champion.

CF: The plan is broken down into 5 blocks - being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieve, making positive contributions and economic well being. Can you prioritise any of them?

PL: Would I say that anyone of those was more important than the other? I started off the process thinking Patrick Leeson, about whether one or more was more important than the Director of Learning and Children's Services. others or which needed particular work in the borough. I think now that they all need to hang in together for things This is, in my opinion, a new to get better. The key thing is that young people can learn and achieve and in order to do this they do need to be endeavour that is very healthy healthy and safe themselves, and be helped to make a for young people, but please positive contribution and achieve economic well being. read and make the decision The most vulnerable young people for yourself. g need to feel stable and safe. n u time yo t s ir f e h t All the five elements are nicely ‘this is een b y l e CF: The Youth Plan is for in u n e combined together and I think eg people hav d for’ these 5 areas need to pull the next 4 years - why do it? e t n u o c c a and consulted together to make it happen. All PL: This plan is really these elements need to be nicely combined together in all important because it is the first time that such a plan has 5 areas. been produced that covers the 0-19 age range and it is important to involve yp up to 19 years of age. It is the CF: At the end of the plan there is a section called first time young people have genuinely been consulted "What will be different?". How do you think yp will and accounted for, and there is a commitment in the plan see a difference at the end of this plan in that young people will continue to be consulted and this 2006/2007/2008? is really important. CF: The Plan covers a massive range of topics how long did it take to put together?

Various bodies who have been working on their own now have a single direction.

What will be the main benefits to yp, 14-19, and how PL: We have been working on it for quite a bit, will they see it? I would say for the last 8 - 9 months. We started off with a general consultation to get people's The things that people should notice re PL: o m e views, we have taken it to different b l il w hopefully in the next 2-3 years, are especially ‘There meetings and organisations. It has r e t t e b that yp who have particular issues in life get d n a choices been given to several different r the help, advice and support they need to o f ies groups of people to look at and opportunit succeed,and there will be more choices and olds’ several different versions were better opportunities for 14 - 19 year olds as 14 - 19 year produced and we have now arrived to what they can do in and out of school. at the finished plan.

CF: Kingston Youth Council are mentioned several times in the plan. Could I hear your vision of the role they will play in the plan? PL: KYC is mentioned quite a few times in the plan because it is the absolute key forum for young people and we want to build up the work of the Youth Council. We need to build stronger links to other forums, for example schools' councils and we want to support specific groups of young people ng people and children, such as looked after ‘you r say children. We want the youth council a greate to have greater standing in Council issues’ overall. Young people, through the Youth Council, will have a greater say in local policies and decisions about local issues across the Borough. CF:

I know that the Mayor, Mary Reid, is behind this.

PL: She is also making this a priority in her mayoral spotlight and charity throughout her Mayoral Year. CF: That's good news. I think the facilities for young people in Kingston, such as the theatre, are very impressive. Could you use the theatre for drama clubs?

CF: You mentioned how important it is to get feedback from yp. I've got my hands on a yp's version of the plan - who should I go to give feedback and how should I do it? PL: We will produce enough copies so that as many you as possible can get a copy. The children and young people's version will be circulated through schools, the youth service and youth forum, and other e v a h l youth groups. The summary actually wil l contains information as to how respond a c o in l and we shall feed comments into the participation strategy, and that will be the main focus for gaining young people's feedback. CF:

Thank you very much - that was very interesting.

As you can see our youth service is quite excited about the prospects of the plan. One thing about administration in politics is that it often goes unnoticed when such an effort is made. However the Children and Young People's plan offers some quite significant changes that hopefully everyone will feel as a benefit to them, and if it doesn't, let them know, constructive criticism never hurt anyone.

PL: Our intention is that when the theatre is open and we are hopeful that this is still going to happen - the council is committed to that - we will have a very strong community, education and youth link. There should be an opportunity for drama for schools, youth groups, drama clubs and other community groups to use the theatre it will be a really good community resource. CF: I have some concerns about the consultation which I have personally done regarding enjoying and achieving. There seems to be a lot of focus on achieving for more vulnerable young people. There is a group of yp achieving high results academically and some achieving middle to moderately high results. How are you going to target them in the plan to give them a better opportunity to improve their academic achievements? PL: We are targeting the achievements of all yp. The Plan is just as much about supporting able and gifted yp as much as doing more to support under-achieving groups. Clearly some groups of young people are a particular priority because they need more support to succeed in life.

For more information on the children and young people’s plan, or to see the Young people’s version go to

KYC Kingston Youth Council

Hey, Welcome to another edition of Youth Unlimited, written by youth for youth. We’ve enjoyed writing this one as much as the others and hope you enjoyed reading it. I’d like to firstly say thank you to those of you who voted for me to become the Member of Youth Parliament in Kingston and to assure you that now exams are over I’m beginning to work on many upcoming projects with the youth council, for example myself and last years MYP Chris Fullbrook are hoping to launch a campaign with the Odeon, Kingston, to look at Cinema prices… but we’re not promising anything yet! I want to take this opportunity to wish you all good luck with your exam results this summer, I’m sure they’ll all be what you want but if not remember, just like many of us, there’s always next year! If your results aren’t what you expect then its not the end of the world – that’s what I keep telling myself anyway J

Halima Moin, Kingston Member of Youth Parliament for 2006 with Chris Fullbrook, Kingston’s 2005 MYP

We’ve got a packed year ahead of us, and we’d love you to be involved. Coming up in October we are working on Black History Month and the Reel Event. Soon you may see us in your schools as we are starting to work with your school councils so we know directly what you want. We are now supporting the Guardian Centre for the Blind as our charity for this year along with many other projects and campaigns taking place so if you want to get involved with any of these individually or as a group then please do email us. As you flick through this work of art, amazed at the glory it holds, if you think something is missing then why don’t you email us your idea? We are always looking for new members to join the magazine group, but if you don’t want that commitment then write an article on a topic of your choice and email it to us to appear in the magazines – no strings attached.

Contact Details... To get in touch with Halima or the KYC you can... Phone: 02083902056 Text: 07795813052 or look at the website

‘If you believe you can or you believe you cant you’re absolutely right’ Henry Ford (Once again good luck with you exam results!)

Whenever you score condoms reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy & Sexually Transmitted Infections

For the chance to WIN a signed England football shirt and sports vouchers log on to before July 9th 2006



Your local Youth Centres


KINGSNYMPTON Youth Centre Kingsnympton Park Estate Kingston Hill Surrey KT2 7RR 020 8549 5705

, uth service Kingston Yo rvices Se en r d il d Ch Learning an Kingston town

BARNFIELD Youth Centre Parkfields Road Kingston Surrey KT2 5LL 020 8546 4103

SEARCHLIGHT Youth Centre Kingston Road Kingston Surrey KT3 3RX 020 8549 4514

maldens & coombe

FOUNTAIN Youth Centre 1 Kingston Road New Malden Surrey KT3 3PE 020 8942 5251


ALBANY PARK Canoeing and Sailing Centre Albany Mews Kingston KT2 5SL 020 8549 3066

DICKERAGE Adventure Playground Dickerage Lane New Malden Surrey KT3 3EQ 020 8942 1707

SCHOOL LANE Youth Centre School Lane Surbiton Surrey KT6 7QJ 020 8390 2056

The Venner Youth Centre The Manor Drive Worcester Park KT4 7LG 0208 8330 2805

HOOK Youth Centre Devon Way Chessington Surrey KT9 2RJ 020 8397 2216

south of the borough

HEAD OFFICE Guildhall One, Room 103 Guildhall Surrey KT1 1EU Email:

CHESSINGTON Youth Centre Church Lane Chessington Surrey KT9 2DR 020 8397 2495

ts es and even on activiti n io e at ic rv rm se uth For info ople go to yo for young pe ng at

Info for Young People In and Around Kingston & Richmond SEXUAL HEALTH Magic Roundabout 23 Richmond Road, Kingston Mon 3.30-6.30pm, Sat 9.30am-12noon (Megan Dawson) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8974 9252 Off the Record 2 Church Street, Twickenham Mon 3.30-5.30pm, No fri service (Deborah Kerpner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8744 1644 Wolverton Centre, Kingston Hospital, Galsworthy Road Walk-in: Tues 9-11am, Thurs 2-4pm App. only: Mon 8.30-11.30am, Weds 4.30-7.30pm, Thurs 9-11.30am, Fri 8.30-11am (Was unable to check these times) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8974 9331 Roehampton Clinic, Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton Walk-in: Mon 3.30-5pm (under 18s only), Mon 9-11am, Fri 9-11.30am App. only Tues 2-6.30pm, Weds 8.30am-12.30noon, Thurs 8.30-11.45am, 2-4pm (Dorinda Philby) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8355 2470/2077 West Middlesex Hospital Sexual Health Clinic, Twickenham Road, Isleworth Mon 9am-12noon, 2-6.30pm, Tues 2-4.30pm Weds 1.30-3.30pm (family planning), 4-7.30pm Thurs 9am-12noon (women only), 2-4.30pm Fri 9am-12noon Please arrive half an hour before closing time

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8565 5718 Sexwise Helpline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 28 29 30 National AIDS Helpline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 567 123 TRAVEL

DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Kingston Information Dealers (Drug and Alcahol Support) . . . . . . . . . .0786 753 6967 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Email:

Train Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08457 484950

Frank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0800 776600

London Transport Travel Information . . .020 7222 1234

Release – drugs & legal advice helpline .020 7729 9904

National Express Coach Enquires . . . . . . .0990 808080


GENERAL WELFARE & BENEFITS ADVICE Kingston Citizens Advice Bureau Neville House, 55 Eden Street, Kingston, KT1 1BW Walk-in Monday, Tuesday & Friday 11.30 - 1.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0870 126 4019 Richmond Citizens Advice Bureau Linfield House, 26 Kew Road, Richmond TW9 2NA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .08457 0505152/020 894 2501 GENERAL HEALTH NHS Direct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0845 4647

Kingston Connexions Swan House, 51 High Street, Kingston, KT1 1LQ Walk-in: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9am-5pm, Weds 10.30am-5pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8410 4105 CfBT Connexions 1 Ilex House, 94 Holly Road, Twickenham TW1 4HF Mon – Fri 9.30am-5.30pm . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8891 6162 INFORMATION, ADVICE, COUNSELLING & SUPPORT Off the Record 2 Church Street, Twickenham Tues, weds, thurs 4-8pm Fri, 2.30-6.30pm Sat, 10am-2pm (Deborah Kerpner) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .020 8744 1644

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