1 minute read
Mis-En-Scene by Aydan Shahd
I want to rearrange the architecture like one might want to move furniture one inch to the left. I want to see what it would be like if the pillars yawned and stretched out from under the façade. I want to remove a brick and make the gap a little cave for a pet mouse or maybe a carrier pigeon, leave him toasted sunflower seeds and gold coins. I want to paint opaque over the stained glass window in just some places so the shadows make strange signs on the floor when the sun shines, like omens like twisted tongues. They will be deciphered to mean the very end or the coming salvation of the world, to mean that I wanted to paint the window.
Is it enough to play god or to fall on your sword for the taste of lime juice and fresh snow, is it enough that I want you because I do is it enough that you have to trust the unerodable momentum of my blue bounding desire I bring you back a chip off the roof tiles because the way it caught the fog made me happy, I give it to you it means nothing it means I want to crouch with you in the chimneys covered in soot it means I’m not fucking around. Come to you with the stick in my mouth every day it’s a little more askew, soon you will have a yarn ball, soon you will have a kaleidoscope, soon a funhouse where you’re the man in every mirror and I love each one. Come with me to pick at the paint on all the walls claw through the plaster hit the thrumming electric thread. The exposed nerve in your gum Fallen scaffold Our itching skin