the Barnard
BULLETIN volume CLXV issue 2
Growing Up: A Photo Essay by Ana Bautista Suite Stories
Politcal Gaffes Chinatown Books for Grownups + more
in this issue
the election may be over, but that won’t stop the
from wild parties to Harry Potter, we prove
first ladies from speaking out one more time.
art isn’t just for conventional museums
plus, political gaffes both domestic and foreign!
Bernini / 28
headline, bottom line / 12
T + L’s Global Bazaar / 29
Fiona Rowan makes her Bulletin debut in
she said/ she said / 13
books for grownups/ 30
this month’s centerpiece
political gaffes / 14
fraternities of finance / 15 #TRENDING / 6
Gaga body / 16 SPOTLIGHT / 33
these are a few of our favorite things! NEW YORK CITY LIVING
q&a with Tsechu Dolma
get the low down on NYC’s up and coming
explore Barnard’s past and present with a
hotspots. plus, you’ll never guess which famous
trip down memory lane and an inside look
sex toy shop now offers delivery!
into the college’s most well known office
chinatown/ 18
suite stories / 7
delivery / 20
what we’re looking forward to this month
career development / 8
Barclay’s Center / 21
archive spread / 10
going out / 22 growing up photo-essay / 23
2 - OCTOBER 2012
Letter from the Editors
The World Only Spins Forward After Hurricane Sandy, our campus is incredibly fortunate to have escaped the worst of the damage. It goes without saying, however, that the Barnard community extends far beyond the minimally damaged gates. Yet despite the devastation mere miles away, our campus can function as a second home for those most affected. It is an incredibly surreal experience to witness our city struggle, but equally surreal is the opportunity to watch New York rebuild itself in the wake of such a heartbreaking hardship. Here at Barnard, students have opened their doors to friends displaced by lost power. Sororities have collected canned food for the Red Cross. Faculty and staff have encouraged students to lend a hand to those struggling. The city that is so very near to us all finds itself thrust into a project of rebuilding and redevelopment. The theme of this month’s issue follows suit. While our Centerpiece focuses on growing up in the conventional sense, an urgency for growth threads throughout the other articles. From the most trivial dilemmas such as learning to deal with the concerns of the highly volatile “suite” dynamic, to the more significant apprehensions of growing into new workplace roles. From Lady Gaga’s Body Revolution to Bernini’s Sculpting in Clay, it becomes clear that ideas of improvement and continued development are not new. Whether art grows into a finished product or a pop icon grows towards self-acceptance, progress isn’t something that can be stopped. In the words of Tony Kushner, “The world only spins forward.”
RAY ROGERS Managing Editor
BEHIND THE SCENES Photographs / Ana Bautista Model / Fiona Rowan Creative Director / Megan Maquera Art Director / Rhea Schmid
the Barnard
BULLETIN Editor-in-Chief Christine Petrin ’13 Creative Director Megan Maquera ’14 Managing Editor Ray Rogers ’13
Features Olivia Grosvenor ’13 Gillian Osswald ’14 Politics & Opinion Laura Baron ’13 Hannah Miller ’15
Managing Art Editor Cleo Levin ’14
Art Director Rhea Schmid ’15 Associate Art Director Allison Cohen ’14 Art & Photo Editor Isabel Francisco ’16
Arts & Entertainment Maitland Quitmeyer ’14 Charlotte Volpe ’14 New York City Living Gloria Noel ’14 Lauren Wingenroth ’15
Public Relations Mara Schwartz ’15 Sabrina Singer ’15 Social Media Editor Natalia Quintero Ochoa ’15
Senior Designers Gabriela Ittah ’14 Mora Grehl ’15 Design Assistant Lily Kaplan ’16 Art & Design Assistant Jordana Roat ’16
Web Director Alexis Liu ’15 Stylist Zinnat Ferdous ’16
Head Copy Editor Kayla Desroches ’14 Copy Editors Melanie Shapiro ’15 Eloise Giegrich ’16 Molly Mitlak ’16
BARNARD BULLETIN 3009 Broadway New York, NY 10027
3. 4.
THE PLAYLIST: Never Grows Old
1. Always Be My Baby - Mariah Carey 2. Lovefool - Cardigans 3. Torn - Natalie Imbruglia 4. Crash Into Me - Dave Matthews Band 5. There She Goes - Sixpense None the Richer
6. Summer Girls - LFO 7. The Sign - Ace of Base 8. It’s Raining Men - Geri Halliwell 9. Genie In A Bottle - Christina Aguilera 10. Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
6 - NOVEMBER 2012
By Mora Grehl
Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any of the images on this page
1. Down with Love DVD; 2. Trader Joe’s Chocolate Covered Almonds with Turbinado Sugar and Sea Salt; 3.; 4. Le Pen in Brown; 5. Ann Taylor Ankle Strap Wedges; 6. Mocha Coffee from Zabar’s
FEATURES Suite Stories
By Hannah Miller
n the midst of midterms, papers, and and had a frank chat about responsibility. “Af-
Not every suite has to be as synergized as
general life responsibilities, if there are ter we talked it out, everyone felt better about the Flying Monkey Salon to have a successful no clean spoons in the kitchen after your
the whole thing. If we hadn’t communicated,
living situation. The members of Plimpton
roommate promised she would do the dishes,
the situation would’ve been a lot more awk-
3C are all actively involved in different facets
there’s a fairly decent chance World War III ward,” Rachel says. Brita pitchers are now a
of campus life. From athletics to sororities to
will break out. Rachel Smith (BC ’15) expe- long-standing joke in 6F.
student clubs, each girl has a different niche.
rienced exactly this when she walked into the
As a result of busy schedules, the 3C ladies
Communication is also the key to success
kitchen of her 600 suite and found it com-
in a nearby 616 suite. Known as the “Flying sometimes find themselves constantly in and
pletely flooded. One of her suitemates had
Monkey Salon,” suite 5B is a special interest
out of their suite. However, at the end of the
left the sink running while filling a pitcher
housing with art as its focus. In addition to
day, their dorm is a home to all of its residents.
and had forgotten about it before dashing off having to deal with the usual suite challenges
Suite member, Sarah Schutz (BC ’15) says,
to class. The water had flowed over the lip of
of deciding who does the dishes and organiz- “Even though I don’t get to see my suitemates
the sink, soaked everything on the countertop ing this week’s shower schedule, 5B also has as much, I still feel really comfortable around (including a contraband microwave), seeped to plan and promote events, a requirement for them. I think it’s because we all respect each into drawers and cabinets, and created a gi-
all special interest dorms. By working togeth- other.” This sense of respect has translated
ant puddle that spanned practically the entire er, 5B has managed to launch several well-at- into a cooperative and positive dorm experikitchen floor. This first story speaks to one of the first
tended events this semester, including do-it- ence for these Plimpton girls. yourself dorm decorating and a group outing
Each of these suite stories illustrates a dif-
rules of suite living: you have to deal with oth- to College Night at the Frick. This spirit of ferent ingredient crucial to a balanced and er people’s mistakes and messes. According collaboration also extends to the way 5B coor-
successful living situation. A combination of
to Rachel, the girls in her suite are extremely dinates its living situation. From deciding on
communication, collaboration, and respect
close, most of them having lived together pre-
which drawings to hang on the walls of their add up to a happy dorm-life and less stress.
viously. Though the situation was tense at first common area to creating a weekly chore chart
And in college, less stress is always a good
with questions of who was to blame, the girls on a white board, 5B knows what it means to
of 6F engaged in some communal cleaning
engage in group living. !"#$%&''#!()$*$$
Staff Biographies:
By Christine Petrin constant flow of emails from Bar- Tannenbaum. Chow replies similarly admitting
As for the student body, Tannenbaum be-
nard’s Career Development (BCD) “[she] went to law school without really know- lieves the students at Barnard are warmer and Office doesn’t seem to annoy the stu- ing why.” Chow describes the path that led her more focused on their studies compared to
dents, despite the number of BCD advertise- to practice corporate law for three years. And students from the other schools where she has ments floating around campus. In fact, Barnard how much she hated it: “I quit without anything worked. Chow agrees with Tannenbaum’s senstudents typically speak very highly of Career lined up,” she says. “Never do that,” Tannen- timents: “I can’t remember being so mature at Development… and they aren’t the only ones. baum interjects, directed at me. The Princeton Review ranked it number five
such a young age. Everyone is very committed,
Still, Tannenbaum sees potential value in dedicated, and passionate.” “Barnard has a lot
among the country’s top career services for Chow’s past. Having experience in a career field of different programs, and there’s a lot for an college students, and The Today Show profiled that, in the end, may not fit well at all can still individual student to offer an employer” Tanthe office last winter, featuring some of the of- teach people a lot about themselves, what they nenbaum says. “I feel like I can counsel better fice’s most noteworthy elements including the want and what they don’t want at the end of the because students already have superb writing Matching Alumnae to Partner with Students day. “I am glad I had a glittery job, [however] skills. And that’s really what their jobs are all Program and the Borrow A Suit Program for so maybe students should get to experience about.” Without wasting too much time fixing interviews. Who can argue with a Matt Lauer that too,” she says. While both counselors stress cover letters, the fun, counseling aspect of her stamp of approval?
they never place their own values onto a stu- position is the focus. For Tannenbaum, who has
So who are the staff members keeping dent, they do their best to help students come a Master’s in Educational Counseling, working this Career Development machine running to their own conclusion in order to make the as a counselor in higher education is exactly smoothly? Recently, the Bulletin ventured most informed decision. across Claremont to sit down with two of Ca-
where she wants to be since “it keeps [me] flex-
Informed decisions come from truthful con- ible. Working with students, mentors, and al-
reer Development’s leading women. Rachel versations, not only with the counselor, but also ums. It all meshes together. It all connects.” Tannenbaum, the Associate Director for Stu- with oneself. “I like to ask probing questions,”
Still, the women both consent that the great-
dent Programming, and Valerie Chow, the As- says Chow, “really find out what [they] are try- est weakness of Barnard students is their intersociate Director for Civic Engagement and Ex- ing to get out of [a particular job] and why.” viewing skills. “Students tend to downplay their periential Learning, gave us a peak into the life Tannenbaum suggests students “live it and accomplishments,” says Chow. While perpetuof a career counselor. In an office that’s all about breathe it” before making any career decisions finding the perfect fit at work, it raises the ques-
ating the docile and humble female stereotype
The conversation shifts to what makes Bar- is not a Barnard goal, it seems as though it un-
tion: how does one decide to become a career nard’s career services in particular so success- consciously occurs, and Barnard students must counselor? For both Tannenbaum and Chow, ful. Tannenbaum, who has previously worked learn to be more confident about themselves. career development was not what they set out in Career Development Offices of other, larger
And what better place to do so than with
to do. Tannenbaum interned for a public rela- universities, says she is most impressed by the Barnard Career Development? Both women tions company in college and hoped to contin- return rate on responses from alums. When Ca- encourage students to drop by and speak with ue working in PR for nonprofit organizations. reer Development reaches out to the alumnae a Peer Career Advisor for help with the basics Chow graduated from college after following to mentor, advise, or even hire students, they or a counselor for a more in depth conversation the pre-professional track, eager to finish law almost always hear back. In some instances, al- about career choices. The office is filled with school and begin a career as a corporate lawyer. ums even take it upon themselves to initiate the life experience from beyond the Barnard gates, “You tell yourself you’re going to do some- conversation, looking to see how they can give each member with a distinctly unique underthing without taking the time to reflect,” says back to the Barnard community. !"#$%&''#!()$*$$
standing of the working world.
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Participation Award
Homework Abolished!
A New Kind of Queen
It was not a humanitarian, a president, or
Francois Hollande, France’s recently elected
James Meredith was the first African Ameri-
any other type of individual leader who
Socialist president, has proposed the ban-
can student accepted into The University of
won the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize awarded
ning of homework. The movement is part
Mississippi, which was vehemently segre-
this past October. Instead, it was the Euro-
of a broader set of education reforms,
gated at the time. After a long legal battle,
pean Union – an association of 27 member
which also include the expansion of the
which eventually reached the Supreme
states that formed in the 1950s – that was
school week (currently French students
Court, Meredith was finally allowed to set
named the awardee on October 12th. The
attend school four days a week from 8:00
foot on campus, but not without the help
Norwegian Nobel Committee granted the
AM to 4:00 PM) and the addition of 60,000
of 500 US Marshals as his personal escorts.
E.U. this prize for spreading stability, de-
teaching jobs in the next five years. Hol-
Fast forward fifty years, and arrive at Ole
mocracy, human rights, peace, and recon-
lande suggests that homework presents
Miss in 2012 where you will see Courtney
ciliation in the decades following WWII.
inequalities for students from poorer so-
Roxanne Pearson elected the first African
In particular, the Nobel Committee hon-
cioeconomic backgrounds who may not
American Homecoming Queen at Ole Miss.
ored the friendship developed between
be returning to a household conducive to
She spoke to Meredith just a few days before
two historical enemies, France and Ger-
study. He stressed in his speech given at
being crowned, and he told her that he was
many, which have fought numerous wars
the Sorbonne in early October that school
proud of what she has accomplished. Pearson
in past centuries but between which, in the
is where “the child becomes the citizen of
is an unconventional queen -- a 21 year old
present day, “war would be unthinkable.”
the future.” The increased use of in-school
student studying secondary English educa-
instructional time would no doubt be a
tion; she’s not in a sorority, and she does not
benefit, but the question remains whether
have the ultra-thin physique that is most of-
The European Union? Really? The same
it would be more effective than students
ten associated with Homecoming Queens.
association of nations marked by contem-
tackling work on their own at home.
Nonetheless, she beat the other nominee,
porary strife as its powerful members as-
Ashleigh Davis, by a margin of 90 votes.
sert an agenda against which its weaker al-
Research at the University of Illinois has
Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Greece
actually found that there is no statisti-
this fall, her arrival was met with the warm
cally significant correlation between how
welcome of the government and the an-
wealthy a parent is and how much they
gry rioting of popular unrest. As for two
assist their children. The 1% may not be
nations, traditionally enemies, no longer
at work, but they have a busy schedule
warring – why not award it to the U.S. and
of manis, pedis, and mani/pedis—not
Canada? It’s been way longer that these two
to mention aura cleansing. Though Mr.
neighbors have maintained friendly rela-
Hollande’s proposal stems
tionships. The current puzzlement reflects
from a very real concern,
the decision to grant the award to Presi-
and additional schooling
dent Obama at the start of his first term in
would no doubt hold a
2009 – as if the committee had failed to do
benefit, motivating your
its homework before the meeting and just
kids and caring about
needed someone with a catchy name to
honor. Overall, the Nobel Peace Prize seems
does not come
intent on ignoring contemporary realities to
with a price
focus on how it imagines the world looks.
BOTTOM LINE Finally, a reason to not roll our eyes at popularity contests reminiscent of those awkward, sweaty high school auditorium dances. You know the ones, where people would somehow manage to sneak a beer into the dance, and seven of you and your closest friends would stand around the bathroom, passing the bottle around wishing that a single sip could suddenly save your Friday night. Ole Miss seems to be tearing down stereotypes left and right with Pearson. You don’t have to be in a sorority, you don’t have to be a specific race, and you don’t have to look a certain way to be popular. This Homecoming doesn’t need a beer to get any better. Now, if only Ole Miss would rethink their weird virginal bride-esque white ball gown requirement for all Homecoming Queens.
lies vehemently protest? When Germany’s
While the presidential election may be over, we at the Bulletin are still left thinking about the women who have spent the past months campaigning for their husbands. Our writers take a creative spin for this issue’s She Said/She Said and place themselves in the shoes of Ann Romney and Michelle Obama.
Shannon Browning
Camille Bernier-Green
Though I have witnessed to put money back into families’
The United States is at a preci- eral are representative of Barack
many of life’s misfortunes, I have pockets.
pice, and more, now than ever, it is Obama’s
never been victimized. I have
Mitt cares. Nobody seems to
time for Americans to boldly stand and commitment to the Ameri-
come under scrutiny for my life know about Mitt’s heart, but I
up for their values as we confront can people at large. As the father
decisions, lived with multiple do, and I know that his heart is
our dedication to morality.
of two young daughters, as well
sclerosis, undergone the removal good. It’s what I am in love with.
. Many argue the economic cri- as a husband, he believes women’s
of a cancerous lump in my breast, I have watched Mitt work with
sis is at the center of the upcoming issues, including health care and
raised five rowdy boys, and cam- the Democratic party effectively
election. Of course there is truth to equal pay, are critical to the suc-
paigned for Mitt -- both with and and respectfully as the governor
that, as America cannot progress cess and progress of this nation.
without success. It hasn’t been an of a traditionally liberal state, I
without a stable economy and a Romney’s position on women’s is-
easy life, but it has been a worth- have watched him sit by the hos-
realistic, sustainable plan as to how sues have morphed multiple times,
while one.
pital bed of David, a fourteen-
to maintain it. Yet it is more cru- leaving men and women alike
God has tested my strengths year-old dying of leukemia, and I
cial that we take the time to ponder unclear as to his positions on ma-
as I know he does with strug- have watched Mitt raise our sons
and to understand all issues fea- jor issues directly affecting them.
gling families of today. So many with compassion, value, and love.
tured in this campaign as reflec- Romney’s website lacks a section
remain suffering. Everyone has Mitt’s heart is what guides him
tions of our priorities as a nation committed to women’s issues. The
moments of crisis. Unemployed through.
and ideals that are significant to advancement and personal well-
or well-off, every American fac-
So, women, here is where I
our future leaders. Are we willing being of women is not Mitt’s pri-
es struggle. My advice to them? call to you. After hearing your
to cut funding for education and ority, though women themselves
Keep going. Through my hard- voices and your concerns, our
allow the United States to remain are at the very center of this race.
ships, I have not only realized the conversations do not point to the
behind countries such as China, More critical than this country’s
astounding levels of support my so-called “War on Women,” but
Japan, Germany, France, and Great economic needs is the need of
husband has provided, but also the tragic state of the economy.
Britain in terms of competency in this country to view it’s citizens as
developed a sincere compassion Women have been hit hard by
math and science? Are we satisfied people.
and understanding for others. I this economy, and our current
with an average graduation rate of
want them to know that it gets President is doing little to fix it. I
77%? Barack Obama is not. Are struggles, victories, and hardships.
better. Keep going.
This country is one built on
know you have concerns not only
we willing to tell same-sex couples We are a nation of individuals, yet
Just like the American individ- about your own job security, but
their love is not legitimate enough together we are coalition of hard-
ual, America, as a country, must your children’s, and I know these
to be recognized? Barack Obama working, creative, and caring peo-
maintain the mindset that it gets concerns come from women ev-
is not. Are we comfortable telling ple. As we watch this presidential
better. Though it seems bad now, erywhere, whether stay-at-home,
women that their opinions are ir- cycle come to an end let us keep
the American value system is one working, single, married, or
relevant when it comes to their some perspective and most impor-
of opportunity and perseverance. grandmothers. My husband, Mitt
own bodies? Let me assure you tantly, let us not forget that despite
We must strive for what we want Romney, is the candidate to turn
that Barack Obama is not.
in the workplace. To allow people this around, and I stand behind
Throughout this campaign the Americans.
the opportunities to do so, we him no matter what.
need to address women’s issues has
propose reformed education and
remained at the forefront as the
health care systems and tax cuts
perspectives on this issue in gen)*+!",--+)./!0!!
our personal politics, we are all
Political Gaffes By Andrea Adomako “Forty-seven percent of Americans pay no income tax… my job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.” This remark, made by Mitt Romney during a fundraiser, sparked intense criticism of Romney and provided ammunition for those who portray him as an out-of-touch millionaire. Every year, some politician makes a comment so outrageous that the fallout results in the demise of his campaign. Here’s a look at the top political gaffes in recent American history. 1.) “Oops”—Rick Perry During the 2011 Republican Debate, Texas
5.) Bob Dole’s Fall
Governor Rick Perry stated he would cut
Many people believe that Senator Bob Dole’s
three agencies of the Federal Government,
chance to beat former President Bill Clinton
but he was only able to list two. While other
in the 1996 Democratic presidential primary
candidates on the stage tried to help him,
ended when he fell off a stage in Chico, Califor-
he continued to struggle, before eventually
nia. Dole, then 73, reached down to shake the
uttering a sheepish “oops.” Perry had led
hand of a supporter, when an unanchored rail-
in many Republican primary polls, but his 3) “I am not a witch. I’m nothing you’ve heard. I ing on the stage gave way. Though uninjured fumbles during the GOP debates inevitably
am you.” —Christine O’Donnell
ended his chances as a viable candidate … In a 2010 television ad, Tea Party favorite oops.
by the fall, the televised image cast light on the age difference between Dole and Clinton.
Christine O’Donnell, who was running for a U.S. Senate seat in Delaware, tried to reiter- 6.) Edmund Muskie’s Tears
2.) “From what I understand from doctors, ate that she was normal by telling voters that In 1972, Senator Edmund Muskie was a leadthat’s really rare. If it’s a legitimate rape, she was not a witch. Years earlier, on a show ing candidate for the Democratic presidential the female body has ways to try to shut that
hosted by Bill Maher, she admitted that she nomination, when a New Hampshire newspa-
whole thing down. ” —Todd Akin
had dabbled in witchcraft. The ad sparked late- per ran two scurrilous editorials, one of which
In an August 2012 interview with a St.
night spoofs and mocking Internet videos. As a accused Muskie’s wife of hard drinking and
Louis television station, Rep. Todd Akin
result, O’Donnell lost the election to Democrat off-color humor. Muskie held an impromptu
(R., MO), commented on what constitutes
Chris Coons, but perhaps it didn’t take occult press conference on the steps in front of the
“legitimate rape” and said that pregnancy
knowledge to foresee the future on this race: newspaper’s offices, offering an emotional re-
from rape is highly unusual. Women’s
one must question if it was only her statement
buttal to the attacks. His candidacy came apart
rights advocates and scientists reprimand-
that resulted in her loss.
when Muskie reportedly had “tears streaming
ed Rep. Akin for his comments, which Romney said were “insulting, inexcusable
down his face” as he emotionally defended at4.) “We’re going to run this campaign on posi-
tacks made on his wife and himself by the pub-
and, frankly, wrong.” Romney and his run- tive, constructive ideas . This fella over here with lisher of the news ning mate, Rep. Paul Ryan (R., WI), even
the yellow shirt, macaca—or whatever his name
paper. Consequently, many were concerned
asked Rep. Akin to withdraw his candidacy.
is—he’s with my opponent.” —George Allen
that Muskie didn’t posses the composure
Akin apologized for his statement, but said
During a 2006 campaign rally, then-incumbent
needed to serve as president. Though Muskie’s
he planned to stay in the Senate race. Even U.S. Sen., George Allen (R., VA), twice called aides tried to do damage control by claiming more menacing is the fact that there are
an aide to his Democratic challenger “macaca,” the tears were melted snowflakes, his hopes
doctors out there who “taught” him this.
which some took as a racial slur. The aide was
for the nomina-
of Indian descent. Videos of the incident went
tion were still
viral and introduced the relatively unknown
dashed. It was
term, whose variants mean “monkey” in sev-
Senator George
eral cultures. Allen said he didn’t know the
McGovern who
phrase was derogatory and claimed he made
went up against
it up. He later apologized for singling out the
President Rich-
aide. However, this proved inadequate since
ard Nixon in
Allen’s challenger, Jim Webb, won the election.
Fraternities of Finance
By Talia Klein
’m not at liberty to say where I worked
ment track focused on operations and business tions of me and my other female counterparts
this summer or where I’ve signed to work
management. Nonetheless, I worked at a bank
were to get the job done with the same tact we
starting in the summer of 2013, but it’s safe where I was expected to be on my A-game at
had used to get the job in the first place. We
for you to assume, as I did, that this financial
least ten hours a day. To my surprise and satis- were all there for a reason, and we were go-
institution has a reputation as a horrifyingly faction, my experience working in finance was
ing to be held to the same standards as any guy
cutthroat environment, sucking out all of the
something I greatly benefited from as a woman.
in the same position. In a lot of ways, this was
femininity of the female experience. Before I
While it may be a field definitely dominated by
liberating in our gender-obsessed society. Ev-
began work this summer, I feared that it would
men, it is clear the women employed here are
eryone was on an equal playing field, and the
be that place – an institution where I would
there for a reason. They too logged the hours, issues being raised everywhere in the news
have to hide who and what I am in order to fit put in the work, and wanted to be there. into the stereotype of a Wall Street Woman: a
with regard to women in the workplace didn’t
As a young woman, I arrived there in June a seem to be so apparent in my situation. Male or female, we all commiserated on shortcomings, whether that meant a man being called out on not wearing socks with loafers or a woman being told it was inappropriate not to wear stockings to meetings. For me, the issue we should be discussing for young people going into finance isn’t about how women need to raise the glass ceiling and make it to the top, or even how men need to understand how women’s lives are different. The truth is we are all different and that is what leads to success: different styles and different ideas working together. Respect and understanding of these differences on all ends is what will lead to equality and positive growth.
crazy intense, money-obsessed, non-emotion- naïve almost-senior. Even as a member of the al lady, as smart as her male counterparts, but
strong Barnard community and as someone over, young, smart, unjaded, diverse graduates
inevitably one day hitting a glass ceiling in a who assumes leadership roles in all aspects of
male dominated, fraternized world. I was ter-
This is what the financial world needs. Moregoing into finance is what the economy needs.
life, I was scared. I feared the competition and The intimidating men I expected to be work-
rified, and rightly so, based on the evidence I worried I wouldn’t be able to live up to the
ing for were actually tough, inspiring men and
presented to me from my male peers who had
expectations of the unemotional, cold, tough
women who expected nothing short of excel-
spent prior summers paying their dues with
men to whom I would be reporting. But I, and
lence from everyone on their team, myself in-
sleepless nights and long weekends in the of- all the other young women I knew working on
cluded. If my unexpectedly egalitarian experi-
fice, crunching numbers and correcting pitch “The Street” this summer, rose to the challenge. ence is any indicator of the strides being made books.
What became clear through the ten weeks
in the financial world, then I have lots of hope
I should qualify my experience and tell you
working in this male-dominated field was that
for the field I’m excitedly entering in July.
that I didn’t work in investment banking, but
no one was looking at me as a woman; they
rather was placed on a leadership develop- were looking at me as an intern. The expecta!"#$%&''#!()$*$$
DY BY GAGA By Eloise Giegerich
It wasn’t her voice. It wasn’t her fishnet stockings with nothing un-
media. While the support and media attention that Lady Gaga’s Body
der them. It wasn’t even the fact that she smoked a joint on stage.
Revolution has received is a promising sign, the question still remains
No, Lady Gaga wasn’t seriously criticized for any of these things at
as to whether or not the campaign is strong enough to not only last,
her recent Amsterdam concert. But she did face condemnation for
but to truly break through today’s beauty stereotypes.
being fat.
The media-branded absurd notions of beauty have not always been
Critics wasted no time in attacking the pop star’s body, not simply
the standards that women strive for, or fight against, in Gaga’s case.
calling attention to her fuller figure, but openly using the word “fat”
Regarded as the sex symbol of her generation, Marilyn Monroe was
as ridicule. Following the media eruption over her weight gain, Lady
the quintessential woman of the 60s, and all this at a modern-day size
Gaga has taken to the web, using her site, Little Monsters, to fight
8. Instead of attempting to cut dress sizes, the women of Monroe’s
back and encourage positive body image. On September 25th, she
time were eager to gain weight and fit in with the curvier, more desir-
launched Body Revolution 2013, a campaign encouraging her fans to
able look of the period. Newspapers were plastered with ads promot-
embrace and share their flaws with the world. To kick off the revolu-
ing ways in which women could gain weight and fill out their skinny
tion, Gaga posted photos of herself clad in just a bra and underwear,
figures, and well-known actresses were used as spokespeople to ad-
with captions reading, “Bulimia and anorexia since I was 15….But
vocate for and represent various drugs and methods of weight gain.
today I join the BODY REVOLUTION.”
Today, however, advertisements have reversed their message. They
Since coming out with the campaign and revealing her personal
now advocate for diet pills and cleanses that will guarantee a thinner,
struggle with eating disorders, Gaga has amassed huge support from
more socially acceptable figure. In looking at the criticism of Lady
her fans, who have shared and continue to share posts and pictures
Gaga, one sees an almost sad irony in the situation. While it is com-
documenting their own battles with eating disorders and body inse-
mendable that the pop star made herself vulnerable to the world, it
curities. Over the past month, both the National Eating Disorders
is difficult to fathom how her photos have garnered such harsh judg-
Association, and the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and
ment. The media’s choice to call Gaga’s nearly naked pictures “fat”
Associated Disorders, have acknowledged Body Revolution, praising
when her ribs are still clearly visible is disturbing to say the least. It
Gaga for sparking discussion about such critical issues of eating dis-
makes one wonder what has happened to the world so that this kind
orders, body image, and the way in which women are portrayed in the
of criticism is not only possible, but also accepted.
Bombarded daily by such ridiculous and
Despite the negative impact of the media’s
matter what her motivation is behind her lat-
unrealistic expectations of beauty, many young
depiction of acceptable beauty, Gaga attempts
est project, a positive online community sur-
people, girls specifically, have finally cracked
to harness the media’s power and use it for the
rounding eating disorders is more than wel-
under the intense pressure generated by the
opposite effect. Because of her large following,
come amidst all of the thinspo blogs.
media. In recent years, incredibly alarming
Gaga is able to reach out to thousands of young
“thinspo” (thinspiration) and “pro-ana” (pro-
girls, and encourage them not simply to reject the
anorexia) blogs have surfaced, providing an
pressures of society, but to break the beauty stan-
online community of “support” for girls who
dards of today. Still, is Gaga’s revolution really
are either suffering from an eating disorder, or
spreading the right message? Many have argued
trying to lose weight. These blogs have since
against the pop star’s campaign, accusing her of
spread to other media sites, including Tumblr
seeking publicity through her photos, rather than
and Instagram, creating a movement in which
actually attempting to make a change. Whether
girls can share stories about their weight loss,
or not her motivation for Body Revolution is the
and encourage one another to keep up their
genuine interest of society or simply a personal
eating disorder and dieting efforts in pursuit
vendetta against the media is, and perhaps will
of the ever elusive “perfect” body. The fact that
continue to be, unknown. With thousands of fans
such terms and support groups exist is terribly
sending posts and photos each day, one cannot
upsetting, and yet, it is not entirely surprising
deny the immense impact that the movement
that they do exist. The existence of these com-
has made thus far. Even if Body Revolution is a
munity forums underlines many things: the
publicity stunt, Lady Gaga, complete with her
incredibly toxic nature of beauty standards;
undeniable pop culture clout, has appointed her-
the pervasive power of media; the human need
self the leader of a critical and current cause. She
for affirmation; the fragility of self-esteem.
has the potential to bring society one step closer to breaking down its beauty stereotypes and, no
As inspiring as the revolution may be, the campaign does have its flaws. If Gaga truly wishes for there to be a “body” revolution, why is she objectifying her own body and encouraging her fans to do the same through photos? While everyone likes to be told that they look beautiful, constant focus on appearance negates the message that personalities, not only bodies, are beautiful. As Bitch Magazine writer, Kelsey Wallace, points out, many of Gaga’s responses to her fans’ posts still emphasize this concept of appearance rather than simply commending the fans on their radiant inner beauty. An example of this is seen in a post from Emily Rose, a fan who is recovering from anorexia. Beneath the photo of Rose, Gaga commented, “We support your bravery and have compassion for your pain. (and huh gUUrl, you don’t need to diet ur FINE AS HELL)”. Wallace argues that this comment provides a contradictory message to fans, and asks whether or not Rose would have to go on a diet if she was not “FINE AS HELL.” Gaga’s comment also seems superficial at best -- could eating disorders and the need to reach out to strangers for affirmation signal larger personal struggles than just trying to lose weight for the sake of beauty? While Gaga undoubtedly means well in her comments, it would perhaps be more beneficial if she were to use her influence and popularity to steer the conversation away from appearance all together. Even beyond that issue, the question still remains as to what exactly a “body revolution” actually is. It is wonderful that Gaga feels comfortable enough to post photos of herself exposing her body, but will this tactic transform beauty standards? The fact that Lady Gaga, in an effort to put an end to negative body criticism, is still inadvertently focusing on exterior looks, makes one wonder whether or not a true body revolution is viable. Can Mother Monster shatter through the deeply rooted beauty standards of today, or will the socially prescribed beauty trap swallow her efforts? It looks as if we will just have to wait and see.
Chinatown Guide By Cleo Levin Many New Yorkers write off Chinatown. They either deem it a tourist trap filled with cheap, tacky tchotchkes or an insular ethnic community impenetrable to those unfamiliar with Chinese culture. There are, however, several destinations that fall into neither category and offer an exciting alternative to the cityâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ubiquitous commercial establishments.
as *$)+,#-%#.$/01/
Pearl RiverMart Pearl River has been a New York establishment for 40 years and, in this time, has gathered a following with everyone from hipsters to famous fashion editors. Entering the store, you are confronted with racks of silk tops and slippers and, as you travel further in, you can find everything from ceramics to Chinese foodstuffs, silk flowers, and more American trends, like tote bags and pencil cases made from recycled materials. Toward the back of the store is a tea balcony with a entire wall filled with jars, each containing a different flavor of tea leaf. From up here, you can look out at the giant dragon garlands strung across the ceiling and the shoppers below. Granted, some of the merchandise at Pearl River is likely offered at cheaper, more conventional Chinatown shops, but in terms of variety and style of presentation, Pearl River cannot be beat.
477 Broadway
Fay Da Bakery Considering the popularity of some Asian confections, it’s incredible that Chinese pastries have not caught on as more of a trend. Mochi and bubble tea both have rave followings, but the Chinese bakeries scattered throughout the city do not receive the same kind of attention. Chinese pastries differ significantly from their Western alternatives; they are not traditionally as sugary, and often use glutinous rice flour (mochi) or crispy noodles as a base rather than dough. Fay Da is one of the more successful Chinese bakeries in the city, with several locations in both Manhattan and Queens. The ambiance at Fay Da is not as trendy as Pinkberry, with their artsy light fixtures and pebble floor, but what they lack in interior design, they make up for with the beauty of their fare. Fay Da offers a variety of classic Chinese sweets, including mooncakes, rice balls, and lotus puff pastry, and each piece is exquisitely crafted. The taro cake, a perfect sphere with a marbled lavender surface, was especially eye-catching, and the golden glaze of the sweet bun is certainly seductive. At under $2 per item, you cannot go wrong.
191 Centre St Apotheke
The underground, Chinatown speakeasy is one of the city’s whispered legends. Ironically, one, far more famous than the others, has accrued quite a public following. With its nondescript façade for the “Gold Flower Restaurant” and discreet location, Apothoke routinely serves to fulfill all the Bond fantasies harbored by Manhattanites. It would probably already be the next “hip joint” tourists always seem to be scouting out if not for the prohibitive prices ($15-18 cocktails) and intense bouncers. The space is patterned after a nineteenth-century apothecary, filled with antique medicine bottles and eerie glass orbs. Prescriptions (or drinks) include everything from the Pigmy Gimlet with vodka, kiwi, and eucalyptus tincture to Hecho de Mexico with tequila, tamarind, and an Haberno pepper. Additionally, Apotheke is a “farm to bar” establishment. All their ingredients are local and organic. A little something to moralize a $60 tab and a night of revelry.
9 Doyers St., nr Bowery
Museum of Chinese in America Compared to the city’s other cultural museums, MOCA is relatively unknown, only having been in place for 3 years. Yet, it is certainly worth a visit, offering a fascinating history in a beautiful space. MOCA doesn’t have the marble majesty of the Met at only 14,000 sq. ft., but the design is impeccable, executed by famed architect Maya Lin in the loose imitation of a traditional Chinese house. The permanent exhibition tells the story of Chinese-Americans, from the 1850s to the present, through the use of monitors, sound pieces, video, posters, and artifacts. Especially notable were the spoken stories played in each of the galleries, serving to engage you on multiple sensory levels. There are two connected special exhibitions through February 24th: “Alt.Comics: Asian-American Arists Reinvent the Comic Book,” which describes Asian-Americans work in graphic novels and “Marvels & Monsters: Unmasking Asian Images in U.S. Comics, 1942-1986,” which offers a fascinating dissection and categorization of the stereotypes Asian people fell into within America’s revered superhero comics.
215 Centre St., Student admission $5, free admission on Thursdays
Sex Toys, Christmas Trees, and Karaoke Machines By Megan Tuttle hermit-season now extends beyond
wardness of domesticating a 10-foot-tall tree is like Koronets and Famiglia.
midterms and finals!
doubled by cramped living space, high build-
delivery. From groceries to karaoke machines,
else do it?
ood news for Barnard students: York can be a genuine pain, as the usual awk-
lano Market deliver, as well as fast-food spots There are certainly options for the more
That’s right; the vogue trend this season is ings, and low ceilings. So why not let someone day-to-day items as well. Need a pair of high heels? A karaoke machine?
it’s easier than ever to obtain items Pharmaceuticals? vil-
as quickly (and as lazily) as physi- Beer? Beerrightnow.
cally possible. While perhaps some
items are outside delivery limits,
there are quite a few bizarre items
Perhaps the only delivery service missing
available for delivery to fill any and
is baked goods. Most bake shops don’t deliv-
all gaps in your life.
er, and restaurants that include pastries, like
Let’s say for example, the mood
Kitchenette, normally include a steep delivery
strikes. In olden days, buying sex
minimum in concert with
toys required either a shopping
their normal menu prices.
spree or a three to five business day wait for
So what if you just want a
items to ship. But the era of 30 minutes or
cheap treat? Will you have
less delivery has changed all that. Babeland
is a high-end, women-centered sex bou-
ROOM? Say it ain’t so!
tique with a recently added bike delivery
Just kidding, of course
option. Unfortunately for
someone thought of this,
us up-towners, delivery
and of course, it’s two bril-
is limited to Brooklyn. It
liant students right from our unviersity. The
also totes a hefty $30 de-
student-made bakery, A Piece of Cake (cakeat-
livery fee, although there, was created this year by Co-
is free delivery on Valen-
lumbia College students Maya Meredith (’14)
tine’s Day (something to
and Nathan Ratapu (’13) with the mission of
consider if you happen
delivering gourmet pastries, if not instantly, at
to be having sex/wanting
least free and without a
to have sex in Brooklyn
minimum. Planning one
this February). Considering that the most fre-
to two days in advance
quently delivered items are lube and condoms,
makes this option the
we can guess that the average customer really
perfect local remedy for
doesn’t want to put their clothes back on.
a night of late studying,
Another item on the bizarre delivery list?
or at least for the urge to
Family Christmas trees. Of course Christmas
have high-quality baked
trees can be a hassle, especially in a city like
goods without wander-
New York where you can’t exactly hoist your
ing halfway around the
newly purchased tree on the roof of a subway
The delivery men of New York City will also
city. Meredith and Ratapu’s menu boasts deli-
car. Gathering the entire family together pres-
take care of you in less extravagant, but equally
cious treats like Mexican hot chocolate cup-
ents enough difficulty without trying to drag a lazy sit to trek to Westside for groceries, have cakes with chocolate sour cream frosting. tree up a five floor walk-up. With prices rang-
no fear! You are in luck: websites like Grubhub
Unfortunately, not everything can be deliv-
ing from $100-$250, Tyler’s Trees -- started by and Eat24 allow you to order from restaurants
ered right to your door. But as the delivery sys-
two entrepreneurs in their twenties -- will not
in your immediate area entirely online, without
tem continues to expand, at least we can take
only deliver the tree, but also set it up in your
needing to call or pick up a menu. In Morning- solace knowing our karaoke machines and
apartment. Purchasing Christmas trees in New
side Heights, even delis like Nussbaum and Mi!"#$%&''#!()$*$$
breast pumps are only a phone call away.
Barclay’s Center & The New Brooklyn By Charlotte Volpe New York’s premier borough on the rise, ter’s opening with a performance on Septem- write Barclays into the Brooklyn narrative. Brooklyn, has inspired its own brands of ber 28th. He often references the borough in
A 19-year-old Barclays Center worker from
honey, clothing, and even a Starbucks drink. his songs, and credits his upbringing in the
Queens reveled in the grand opening: “It’s
Residents, particularly those who are mov-
Bedford-Stuyvesant projects as influencing
history right here,” he said. “And I’m working,
ing into the gentrifying neighborhoods, take
his character and style as a rapper. However,
keeping it together.”
particular pride in their nouveau-Brooklyn now a multimillion-dollar entrepreneur, Jay-Z identity. The idea of “The City” as the all-
is emblematic of the divide between old and
Still, in the past month since its opening,
supreme New York is waning; indeed, new new Brooklyn. Barclays’ choice to kick off its
the building itself has been subject to graffiti
Brooklynites pride themselves in never having to venture into Manhattan because all things good and great exist in Brooklyn. This mentality is a product of the gentrification occurring in the borough, and manifests itself in the recent opening of the Barclays Center in Prospect Heights. The Barclays Center, of similar character to Madison Square Garden, is an arena for the Brooklyn Nets and a venue for big entertainers like Jay-Z, The Who, and Russell Peters. The $1 billion structure represents Brooklyn’s increasing self-sufficiency
Jay-Z is a veritable rags to riches story, but how much can he now relate to current residents’ qualms about expensive, moneygenerating developments that are replacing more utilitarian building in their neighborhood?”
from Manhattan, and the tensions that are
from Occupy protestors and the neighborhood surrounding it has been quite vocal in their continued frustration. Accounts of Barclays visitors urinating and even defecating around the building after games and concerts surfaced at the end of October, making national news. Granted, the center has not been open long, but it does leave New Yorkers wondering how Brooklyn will continue to adjust to its new addition. Brooklyn has become a hot spot, attracting even tourists craving a New York City adven-
emerging between gentrification and tra- opening with a Brooklynite artist as a nod ture of different proportions. Neighborhoods to its new home is ironic. Jay-Z is a veritable such as Williamsburg and Red Hook have
opers of the Center razed eighteen acres of
rags to riches story, but how much can he become hipster meccas and have inspired an
land under the pretense that they would also now relate to current residents’ qualms about influx of young, indie culture into the neigherect public housing and create new jobs for
expensive, money-generating developments
borhood veins. The building of the Barclays
Brooklyn residents. The housing was not cre- that are replacing more utilitarian building in
Center symbolizes how Brooklyn is further
ated, and new jobs weren’t either. This affront their neighborhood? Indeed, as a major hand trying to place itself on the map as a destinaholds particular resonance because of the
in the venue’s operations, he helped facilitate tion in its own right, not as an appendix to
arena’s opening during a time of economic the sort of development that disregards those
Manhattan. However, because Brooklyn is
recession and compromised job stability. The whose financial needs are closer to those with
changing so rapidly, disputes flare over the
dichotomy between Barclays’ purely recre- whom he grew up. At his opening concert, a
new development that exemplifies the two
ational newness and the affordable housing few protesters stood outside the arena, mock- struggling worlds in the borough. The Barthat was denied has colored its opening in a ing its decadence with signs that read: “Bilstark economic light.
clays Center is both a boon and a symbol of a
lionaires for Barclays. Who’s in Your Pocket?” new era. Although Brooklyn’s traffic and ecoAnother woman held the sign “Brooklyn Sold nomic output are sure to increase, questions
Jay-Z, a Brooklyn native, spokesperson, but We Ain’t Buying.” Others were ecstatic to and Barclays investor, inaugurated the Cen-
witness Jay-Z’s route back to his hometown to
of retaining neighborhood stability, character, and integrity remain.
ditional neighborhood layouts. The devel-
Going Out Without Going Out
By Adrienne Nel ew York City: Carrie Bradshaw’s
tickets are reserved for the orchestra section,
one true love, Tim Gunn’s runway, and have original values of up to $350! Jay-Z’s jungle, and Gaga’s stage.
If you are looking for something a little more low-key, try midnight yoga at Laugh-
If opera isn’t exactly your top pick for a ing Lotus, located on West 19th St between
Our backyard is overflowing with premier
Friday night, perhaps the intimate darkened
Sixth and Fifth Ave. The studio takes a light-
jazz, opera, fashion, art, food, and, oh yeah,
rooms of a jazz club are. If you’re in the mood
hearted approach to yoga. On Friday nights,
food! New York gives “going out” a whole
for some sultry songs, venture down to Smoke,
they host upbeat sessions that are typically
new meaning. Whereas most college students a jazz and supper club at 106th and Broadway,
coupled with live music. Another hang out
scattered around the country need a fake ID
which hosts four nightly performances. Walk perfect for a laid-back night out with your
and a see-thru shirt to have the “typical” killer
through the doors and you’ll find yourself in a friends is bowling at Harlem Lanes on Clay-
weekend, we re-define “going out” with access cozy club with red leather seats and shimmer- ton Powell Boulevard and 126th St. The alley to almost everything. Some new ways of go- ing chandeliers. The classic brick walls take stays open until 3 A.M. on Friday and Saturing out require leaving your fake ID at home
you back to the days of film noir, so embrace day nights. The cushy couches and glow-in-
because there is plenty to do without it.
your inner Joan Crawford and indulge in one
Since Hewitt’s cold edamame beans and under-ripened cantaloupe are less than ideal after the first two months of freshmen year,
the-dark balls are reminiscent of a suburban
of the many desserts on the menu, like their childhood where not much needs to be taken famous cheesecake.
too seriously.
But maybe you’re hoping to find something
Between midterms and papers, it’s often
it’s easy to begin with the incredible variety
more interactive—enter Milonga. Milongas hard to have time to sit down and do some-
of dining that New York City offers. The first
are tango socials with a South American in- thing enjoyable that requires little effort on
spot to have on your radar is Big Nick’s Burger
fluence. They are parties where dancers come
your part, and the mid-semester-malaise
and Pizza Joint, located on Broadway between
to hang out and practice their moves to Brazil-
can even make throwing a ball down a lane
75th and 76th street. It is a quaint diner with
ian tunes. In the city, there are Milongas held seem like a heavy task. Sometimes, you just
anything but a quaint menu. They have every- in random places almost every night of the thing from Primavera Parmigiana heroes to
need to sit and stop strategizing. The movie
week, with most starting around 9 or 10 PM theater is a staple outing event, but there are
Shrimp Tourkolimanos and Greek Souvlaki. and going until the wee hours of the morning
more options than just the Lincoln Center
Nick’s is famous for having one of the biggest in dance studios, restaurants, and clubs. They
AMC. Catch a midnight movie at Sunshine
burgers in NYC, for only $8, which may beat
are typically novice-friendly and start with a Cinema, located on the Lower East Side. This
the watery soup and fries from Tom’s.
free lesson, and you can track down a location theater shows hip, indie films and, as it at-
But honestly? Let’s leave the Upper West of one at Side once in a while. Moving further down-
tracts an A-list crowd, you may even see one
Sometimes its a weekend night and the in- of your favorite celebrities. Another theater
town try one of the many Spanish Tapas bars escapable feeling of spontaneous desire hits,
is The Paris, located near Bergdorf Good-
in SoHo. Boqueria, which is located on 171
man. The Paris is a fantastic place to take a
which isn’t the worst thing ever since the city
Spring Street, is a safe bet. It offers tapas for is also filled with many random and quirky date for a classy, intimate evening out. After under $10, and a dose of a cosy interior that
places that need very little planning on your your movie, grab a New York hot dog at one
will take many back to the late spring nights
part. For example, on the first Friday of most of the many outdoor carts, and take a roman-
during a semester abroad, à la meat hanging months, the Guggenheim throws a dance par- tic stroll. from the ceiling! With your full belly and perhaps not-sofull metro card, New York’s best music joints are only a short trip away. If your night involves less Koronet’s
ty from 9 PM to 1 AM with DJs, drinks, and art. Entry is typically around $25 and the party is at the museum located on 89th St and Fifth Avenue.
viable excuse in New York City— simply go out and explore the stretch beyond 110th street. Agatha Christie once said, “It is ridiculous to set a detective story in
ed melted brie, the Metropolitan
New York City. New York City is
Opera house has a student discount
itself a detective story.” So, go out
policy that gives students the oppor-
this weekend, and investigate the mys-
tunity to buy $25 tickets for any show
teries of the city that never sleeps.
on any night. The best part? These $25 !"#$%&''#!()$*$$
pizza grease and more sophisticat-
Being under-age or under-funded is not a
“If growing up means it would be beneath my dignity to climb a tree, I won’t grow up, never grow up, never grow up, not me. ” — Peter Pan and the Lost Boys PHOTOGRAPHED BY ANA BAUTISTA ART DIRECTED BY RHEA SCHMID MODELED BY FIONA ROWAN
â&#x20AC;&#x153;All the world is made of faith, and trust, and pixie dust.â&#x20AC;?
ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Bernini: Sculpting in Clay
he new Metropolitan Museum ex-
which are more detailed and refined. Bernini
hibit, Bernini: Sculpting in Clay,
would ultimately share these small paintings
provides an equal experience to all
with his patrons for approval before proceeding
viewers, captivating both Bernini scholars and complete novices alike. It is a collection that offers a new perspective on the seventeenth-century Italian sculptor; while museums typically display an artist’s claim to fame, this exhibition, which runs through January 6, provides insight into the preparatory stages that preceded Bernini’s final works. By showcasing his preliminary sketches and models, including 39 terracotta models and 30 drawings, viewers dive further into the process,
rather than the product. For those unfamiliar with Bernini’s most well-known works, each section of the round gallery begins with an enlarged black and white photograph of one of Bernini’s finished sculptures for context. These give way to his preliminary red chalk sketches, which detail the layout and texture of the finished piece. Next to the sketches are his watercolor plans,
with the sculpture.
By Rachel Dunphy
known creations. While the exhibit offers insight into Bernini’s creative method, the contribution of this particular collection to Bernini’s legacy is up for
After the watercolors, there is a series of clay
debate. For him, these drafts were solely prac-
models, or bozzetti, each with varying degrees
tical, and they served only as intermediaries
of detail. The models are small-scale drafts
on the way to complete sculptures. Is it fair to
of each of his commissions. The final pieces’
display a collection of rough drafts with only a
forms come together from the progression of
photograph of the finished work alongside it?
slight alterations and details Bernini added
While it might not be an artists’ dream to open
each time as he revised an emerging sculpture’s
a collection of rough drafts, in Bernini’s case,
final design. Some individual parts of the ex-
it is undeniable that these sketches and mod-
hibit include more complete models, made
els can all be considered artworks in their own
from bronze or wood, and some feature studies
right. In this light, the pieces in the exhibit pro-
of the works by employees and apprentices in
vide a candid representation of the artist’s first
Bernini’s studio.
sparks of inspiration—his original genius.
Some attention is given to the artist’s most celebrated works, with a reasonably large section devoted to Ecstasy of Saint Theresa and a few sketches of his David. Still, in an effort to illuminate Bernini’s technique and formal process, the majority of the exhibit focuses on his lesser-
Bernini: Sculpting in Clay Through January 6 The Metropolitan Museum of Art 1000 Fifth Avenue 212-535-7710 Free admission with a BC/CUID
Travel and Leisure: A Trip Around the World By Christina Kyrillos
Explore the world with Travel and Lei-
Delta Airlines, the events’ primary spon-
sure.” “Travel to fifteen different coun- sor, who direct you to the main pavilion. tries without ever having to leave New Iron Chefs Jose Garces and Masaharu
York City.” “If you’re here, you’re everywhere.” Morimoto are whipping up pork belly Fascinating, right? A few weeks ago, I went to
over congee with a soy and scal-
the Travel and Leisure Global Bazaar at The
lion reduction and spicy corn
Lexington Armory. Now in its second year,
chowder along with other fa-
the Bazaar is the brainchild of former Vice mous chefs in circle around the President and Publisher of Travel and Leisure, British Virgin Islands sailboat. Jean-Paul Kyrillos. Developed in an attempt to
Here, Katie Couric is speak-
excite consumers about the magazine, travel,
ing about Room to Read, the
food, and beverages from all over the globe,
charity the event is supporting,
the event incorporated various presentations
which helps promote gender
from celebrity chefs to the tourism boards of
equality and literacy in the de-
various countries. American Express Travel
veloping world. “Woooo!” You
was on hand to book any trips inspired by the
hear screams coming from the
event. The event was a veritable experience
back of the room. It’s someone
of sensory overload, and therefore really only
zip lining over Puerto Rico,
can be described from the perspective of an at-
where Grupo Irék plays tradi-
tional salsa music and guests
Imagine you have ventured over to the East
can sample arroz con pollo.
Side. Upon arriving at The Lexington Armory,
On the periphery, the tents at
you are greeted by a variety of food
Morocco are hosting spice tast-
trucks serving specialties from Greece, ings, and there is a traditional Japan, and Argentina. The Manhattan
tea service underneath massive
Hollywood is a place where they’ll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
paper lanterns in Taiwan. Taj Hotels and Or perhaps you wish to relax on a Seabourn Resorts is anointing guests with bangles Cruise with some champagne, caviar and a and bindi’s in the traditional Indian style. Blue light coats the floor, and you look
hand massage using Molton Brown products.
Looking for some shopping to round out the
up to see a massive LCD screen making night? Perusing the wares of Venezuela, Mexit look like you are underwater. Welcome ico, and Central Asia seems like a pretty good
to the Belize Blue Bar, where ceviche and way to go. It is almost time leave, but first you have pineapple juice are sampled among other Mayan delicacies in a room designed toi
one final task. On the way out, you must look
imitate scuba diving in the Great Blue Hole at the “Next?” wall. Before guests say goodoff the coast of Belize. You walk out and bye, they are encouraged to take a fluorescent
loud drums at the base of a staircase littered
are greeted by The Great Wall of Patrón, where luggage tag and pin it on the location of their assorted cocktails inspired by the Caribbean next destination. For me, this was a no brainer.
with rose petals and Moroccan lanterns emit-
are poured from taps emerging from colorful
Tribal Belly Dance Company is performing to !"#$#%&'(")*+,*-.)/*0'&1'$.
Your Own Cupcake Bar” at Celebrity Cruises?
ting perforated light. You then enter the armory, to be greeted by correspondents from
“Puerto Rico! Xoxo the Kyrilloses,” reads my
glass coolers built into a wooden wall. Now orange tag. What can I say? They had me at for something sweet. Maybe the “Decorate the zip line.
SexLoveLiesVampiresDarkness50 ShadesSecrets Books for A du ltWron g
Grownups? GuiltBloodPain Sex Love Lies Vampires Darkness50 ShadesSecrets A du ltWron g Guilt Blood Pain Sex Love Lies Vam By Amanda Brown
With the continual presence of books marketed as strictly “adult-only,” including J.K. Rowling’s newest novel Casual Vacancy, and literature such as E. L. James’ Fifty Shades of Grey, the fastest-selling paperback of all time, it’s hard not to wonder why books for grownups are only “grownup” if you would be embarrassed to be caught reading them in public. For some reason, our culture has a perverse fascination with lives we would never want to actually live. But what makes this subject matter so oddly captivating to so many readers?
erhaps that rush you got when you
ing’s first—and perhaps final—foray into the
at the top seat, James’ Fifty Shades taking the
were a child after stealing cookies
adult world of literature was not so positively
next three spots, and another novel, concern-
before dinner, or when you got away
received by the Mecca of book reviews, The
ing a woman who is supposedly murdered
with watching that TV show your parents
New York Times. Michiko Kakutani’s scath-
by her husband, penned by Gillian Flynn
told you was too mature, is resumed when
ing review of Casual Vacancy rips the work
coming in at fifth. This top-five list, and the
you sneak around with your own copy of Fif-
apart and says the characters Rowling creates
rest of this list of 15, which consists of mul-
ty Shades of Grey.
tiple thrillers and
Maybe we thrive on
the embarrassment
seems to speak a
of reading some-
lot for the general
who now typically
Maybe these books
looks for a daily
are nine-to-fivers’
thrill by means of
only way of escap-
a somewhat trashy
ing their doldrums
of cubicle life and
ates a desire for a
experiencing some
little bit of excite-
ment. In contrast,
even if their ver-
the bestseller list
sion of “real” is
in 1962 consisted
not exactly so. For
of J.D. Salinger’s
Franny and Zooey
people decide to
and Harper Lee’s
pick up such a nov-
To Kill a Mocking-
el, it happens, and
bird. In 1987, the
millions of people have been curious enough
are “self-absorbed, small-minded, snobbish
most recurrent name is Stephen King with
to buy it.
and judgmental folks, whose stories neither
Danielle Steel coming in at a close second, an
engage nor transport us.” She marks the novel
illustration of the increasing popularity of a
as “banal” and “dull,” two words no author
more “adult” novel.
The same phenomenon arises when child actors attempt to move from their bucolic Disney roles into the adult world of “grownup” movies; Lindsey Lohan, who began as little Annie and Hallie in The Parent Trap, attempted to make the transition by starring as an oh-so charming stripper/writer being harassed by a psychotic serial killer in I Know Who Killed Me. Why is it that she had to act in a violent and sex-filled role to be considered an adult? Rowling’s newest novel, Casual Vacancy, concerning an unexpected and sus!""#$%&'%()*+,-+.'$/'+0&1*2'*
low literary merit.
picious death in a small village in England, is a far cry from the fantastical, magical world
ever wishes to read in regard to his or her work. What stands out most in the review, however, is one sentence that simply sums up the “grownup” nature of this book. Kakutani writes, “This is definitely not a book for children: suicide, rape, heroin addiction, beatings, and patricide percolate through its pages.” We are left feeling disappointed after expecting so much from such an imaginative author who now gives us “a dismaying sense of human weakness, selfishness, and gossipy stupidity.”
Instead of crafting an intelligent and interesting plot, novelists these days seem to go for what is easiest, and they throw a little obscenity into their writing to appeal to the masses of people who excite easily. Sadly, it seems that J.K. Rowling may have fallen prey to this dire need to grow up, leave Hogwarts behind, and ignore the child that exists in everyone. It’s rare that a novel is published now without the addition of a murder, rape, strange sexual foray, or any mixture of “adult” topics. Whatever the reason may be, novels that are
of Harry Potter. Had the name Rowling not
The general public’s propensity for this kind
geared toward grown men and women seem
been attached to this new novel, would there
of reading seems to increase as time passes.
to necessitate a higher level of graphicness
be such flocking to bookstores and Amazon
No longer are people reaching for Fitzgerald
and sexuality than in times past, and while
to purchase her latest work? And would (re-
or Eliot, but instead they scour book stores for
the new “grownup” book may not appeal to
luctantly, yet generally) positive reviews pop
the newest E.L James or the like. On The New
everyone, it certainly appeals to many.
up in critiques? Or would all 512 pages sit in
York Times’ bestseller list for this week, the
warehouses collecting dust amidst the count-
five top earning books, combined print and
less other grim tragicomedies? Ms. Rowl-
e-book fiction, consist of Rowling’s newest !"#$%&''#!()$*$$
IF THE SHOE DOESN’T FIT... By Rachel Caron-Delas
adies, do yourselves -- and everyone staples like those at Zara or H&M, or towering, ers and marchers. Naturally, we want to look else gaping at the sorry, staggering designer heels. Regardless of whether you think our best -- and ‘naturally’ is the key. The exsight of you -- a favor: leave those they’re pretty or not, the fact is that two steps out pression “beauty is pain” misses the classiness
vertiginous shoes at home. If you can’t walk the front door and you’re on the floor. Of course, of natural beauty. Hobbling around in $800 in them, they’re meant to be buried among the more coordinated among us can instead opt Louboutins disregards the attractiveness that a the rest of your coveted, impractical stuff for the “awkward flamingo gait” strategy: those style at ease possesses. That said, if your sartoin the heap at the back of your closet. R.I.P. contorted baby steps with bended knees in the rial intention is to attract a lot of attention, not struggle to get from point A to point B. We’ve to worry. Guaranteed all eyes will be on you. Recent trends in women’s footwear have all seen it. Some of us have even been there. gone to new heights. Literally. One might argue Unless you are Lady Gaga, with a special that the Spice Girls popularized platforms in
Sky-high heels make the intuitive act of talent for floating in shoes that might eas-
the ‘90s, but apart from pop stars and models, walking look like a form of sadistic torture, ily measure a quarter of your total height, the average woman was hardly caught strutting especially when one has the power to avoid why not settle down? One option is to pracher stuff in a pair of six inch platform pumps. the discomfort. Like all our actions, the way tice your walk. Sticking to flats, but wearAlas, times have changed. Nowadays, what you we walk reveals something about ourselves. ing them like you’re ten feet tall is a way to put on your feet is not simply a question of Whether consciously or unconsciously, how achieve the confidence that heels produce taste and fashion, but also an issue of daring you stroll about town is a manifestation of while also being practical at the same time. athleticism. The streets are full of girls trying to personal body language. The next time you’re rock chunky “Lita” shoes by the LA-based Jef- on the street, observe the different types of
For many fans of high shoes, the aim is to
frey Campbell brand, steep wedges from trendy prowlers. Wide, paced strides suggest confi- channel sophistication, sexiness and poise. dence and stability. Smaller, lighter steps con- Worn properly, the illusion is indeed effective.
vey timidity or hesitancy. Notice how angry Granted, heels create the illusion of longer limbs walkers are characterized by the pounding of and added stature. They can make legs look
grace and composure. Sadly, the opposite is most often what we see. And don’t forget an ever-popular fashion choice: hightail over to some
“boot” camp for a comfortable, confident strut!
their heels. There are also waddlers, swagger- more toned or can even accentuate the look of certain clothes. The right shoes can inspire
SPOTLIGHT are so many problems and most people in the world don’t know about it.” In many places, but notably in Nepal, global warming is creating climate-refugees. In an under-researched area, Tsechu sought to do more than just study how local communities are compensating for climate change. Two years ago, she helped found a Himalayan group on campus, and last summer, Tsechu traveled with a group of fellow students to the Upper Mustang region of Nepal and constructed a greenhouse to support a sustainable economy using grant money from Columbia and private foundations. Tsechu explains that the greenhouse is important because the people of the region suffer from malnutrition and other issues such as high infant mortality rates that result from the inability to grow crops in the winter. “People can no longer move around like nomads,” she says. “People are stuck in limbo between the past and present.” Her greenhouse will provide the people of the village with food yearround and a framework for sustainable living.
TSECHU DOLMA Tsechu Dolma is unassuming; quiet, of slight build and rather inconspicuous. The Barnard Junior does not demand your attention. Five weeks of Environmental Science Lab may pass by before you learn that she is the subject of your Bulletin article. However, don’t confuse unobtrusiveness with meekness. Tsechu is a powerhouse. Born in Tibet, she and her parents fled to Nepal due to deteriorating political, social, and environmental circumstances. She attended boarding school in India, a stone’s throw from the Bangladesh border, and wintered with her parents in Sri Lanka. She speaks 15 languages. From a devout Buddhist family, Tsechu considers herself trans-Himalayan. “Ethnicity is not defined by boundaries,” she says.
Lamenting that international students are often not encouraged to go back home, she hopes that more students will take what they’ve learned at Barnard and apply it to their local communities. “Stewardship doesn’t have to be environmental,” she says. “If you’re passionate about something, don’t worry about the difficulties.” With a laugh she adds, “Adversities aren’t that bad.” Although she has two years left of college, Tsechu already knows that she will stay involved with the environmental rights of Himalayan communities and pursue a PhD. In the meantime, she wants to write as many articles as possible to shed light on the specific concerns of climate-refugees. Whether she becomes a professor or the head of an NGO, Tsechu insists she will continue to connect one-onone with the local people. “Our desks are usually so far away from groundwork,” she says. “I want to keep mine as close as possible.”
“In the Himalayas, the temperature is increasing faster than in other places,” Tsechu states. “There !"#$%&''#!()$*$$
As told to Sabrina Singer
After feeling lost her first year at Barnard – New York City is not exactly a Himalayan village – things began to fall into place. She figured out a way to combine her passion for the environment with her academics. “Environmental problems have always been in the back of my mind,” she says. “I didn’t think that I would be able to tie them back to my education.” As the East Asian Studies and Environmental Policy double-major discusses her interests, her tone turns serious and her eyes gleam with purpose. “The environment has always impacted my life,” she begins. Her family was forced to leave Tibet when the Chinese mining and logging initiatives, including the construction of China’s largest dam, which led to massive flooding, began to impact her village. Therefore, she has the cultural background to understand the impact environmental issues have on real people.
Tsechu draws her inspiration from the Nepalese people’s resilient initiative to weather-on and keep fighting. “They live in the harshest conditions, but they persevere,” she says with a small smile and a shake of her head. She commends their participatory community leadership style. She notes a difference between the United States and Nepal, “Unlike here in the United States, civic engagement is a means of survival.”
STUDY ABROAD GENERAL INFORMATION SESSION: Are you just begin-ning to consider a semester or year abroad? Come learn the basics from the Office of International Programs. Sessions are Thu, Nov 8 from 12-1pm in 504 Diana & Tue, Nov 13 from 12-1pm in 504 Diana.
EBEAR COURSE APPROVAL REQUEST PROCEDURE TRAINING: During these trainings, Dean Young & the Registrar’s Office will take prospective study abroad students through course approval procedures via eBear in order to receive Barnard credit for courses taken abroad. They are Fri, Nov 9 from 1-2pm in 237 Milbank, Wed, Nov 28 from 121pm in 307 Milbank & Mon, Dec 3 from 12-1pm in 307 Milbank. OXFORD INFORMATION SESSION (FOR ACADEMIC YEAR 20132014): Thu, Nov 1, 12- 1pm in 237 Milbank. For students interested in studying at one of the colleges at Oxford University for the academic year 2013-14, Dean Young will be hosting a specific Oxford Information Session. Please note that applications will be due in Dec, so it is recommended that students interested in applying to Oxford attend the session. UK VISA INFORMATION SESSION: Mon, Nov 26 from 12-1 pm in 307 Milbank. Come learn from Dean Young about UK Student Visas. MANDATORY PRE-DEPARTURE ORIENTATION: Mon, Dec 3 from 5-7pm in 304 Barnard. The International Programs Office is hosting a mandatory Pre-Departure Orientation for all students studying abroad in the Spring ‘13. If you do not attend, you risk not being able to study abroad under the auspices of Barnard College (which means you’re no longer a regis-tered Barnard student & you may not receive Barnard credit for the courses you take overseas.) We’ll have visitors from other offices on campus, such as the Dean of Studies Office, Residential Life, & Furman Counseling Center—so make sure you’re there ON TIME so we can start promptly. If you have an ACADEMIC conflict (i.e. class, review session) that night, please email to learn about next steps. FIRM DEADLINE FOR WITHDRAWING FROM COURSES &/OR UTILIZING PASS/D/FAIL OPTION: Thu, Nov 15. Pass/D/Fail election is on eBear (until 11:30pm). The withdrawal form requires your adviser’s signature, & must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office before it closes at 4:30pm. Please remember that full-time (12 pts) enrollment is required. Exceptions are permitted by Class Deans only for extraordinary, compelling reasons. ADVANCE PROGRAM FILING FOR 2013 SPRING SEMESTER: Opens at 10am on Nov 7. The deadline for filing is Mon, Nov 19. Please plan to discuss your course selections with your adviser in a timely way. STUDENTS INTERESTED IN THE 3-2 COMBINED PLAN WITH ENGINEER-ING are invited to an information session on Thu, Nov 15, from 5:30 to 7:30pm, in 2nd floor Dining Room, Diana. If you are interested in the Plan but unable to attend the information session, please send a message to that effect to Dean Bournoutian (
TO BECOME A PAID TUTOR: The Dean of Studies Office is in need of Calculus & Economics tutors. We specifically need tutors in Calculus (all levels: I, II, III) & Economics (1003, 1007, 3033, & 3035). Please know that our tutors only work through the last day of classes. You will not work/tutor during the reading period or during the final exam period as that is the time that we want you to focus on your own final exams & papers. If you’d like to work as a tutor this semester, please fill out the application form & contract AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE & submit them to the Dean of Studies Office (105 Milbank). Forms to apply are available online. Visit & click on Tutor Packet. DEPRESSION WEEK 2012: Everyone feels a little down from time-to-time. It’s natural. But, people who suffer from depression & other mood con-cerns are affected much more profoundly. Each year more than 20 mil Americans will suffer from some type of mood concern. Furman Counsel-ing Center welcomes Barnard Community members to be involved in a campus community of care to address the challenges of being in an aca-demically rigorous environment. Our aims is to raise awareness about mood concerns, de-stigmatize depression & mental health treatment, create community forums for discussion about mental health & wellness, provide wellness give-aways, & much more! Dates & times: Mon 11/12: 5:30-8pm: Movie screening followed by discussion! Depression: Out of the Shadows. FREE snacks will be served. Location: Weber Lounge, 118 Reid Tues 11/13: 12-2pm: FREE Food Tasting! Taste test & learn about mood boosting foods. Location: Diana, ground floor Wed 11/14: 12-2pm: Art Therapy! Learn more about emotions & de-stress through drawing & painting. Location: Diana, 2nd floor Thu 11/15: 5-5:40pm: Group Run through Riverside Park, rain or shine. Location: Meet in the Barnard Quad. 7:15-8pm: Vinyasa Flow Yoga. Location: Well-Woman office, 119 Reid Fri 11/16: 9-4pm: Drop-In Day at Furman. No appoint-ment needed to meet with a counselor! Please invite friends, colleagues, & anyone else to join what is sure to be a week filled with bonding, empowerment, & appreciation! TRAVEL MEDICINE: Are you planning to travel abroad over spring semes-ter? Do you plan on visiting friends or relatives outside the US during winter break? If you are traveling outside of the US (especially if you are going to Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Central or South America, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East &/or the Pacific), you may need required or recommended vaccines and/or malaria prophylaxis. Travel health coun-seling can prepare you for a safe & enjoyable trip. Please call Primary Care Health Service (8542091) to set up an appt for a pre-travel visit. FIGHT THE FLU WITH A FLU SHOT! Barnard College Primary Care Health Service is still offering FLU SHOTS for Barnard Students. Brooks). Please call 854-2091 to reserve an appointment slot. Flu shots are $15 for stu-dents without Aetna Student Health Insurance, payable by credit/debit card or check. Students with chronic illnesses are strongly encouraged to get a flu shot! Please note: You must remain in the PCHS for 20 min fol-lowing any vaccination. For more Bear Essentials, visit
!"#$%&'#()&* Sunday 28
Monday 29
Tuesday 30
Wednesday 31
Thursday 1
Friday 2
7 Election Day
CollegeDJ Music Festival at Sullivan Hall
Fall Break!
8 ork val w Y Festi e N dy h 11t me C o 7th –
10 The Chocolate Show hits NYC
Horse Feathers at Knitting Factory
Hoodie Allen at Webster Hall
Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting
5 21
ING New York City Marathon 11/4
Tom Wolfe at the 92nd St. Y 11/5
Macy’s Parade Balloon Inflation 11/21
Watch the runners cross the finish line with your
Tom Wolfe, “one of the greatest literary stylists
Watch the parade preparation – You get to see
friends in Central Park at West 66th Street while
and social observers of our much observed
all the exciting sites of the parade minus the
eating a hamburger or hot dog and drinking a
post-modern era,” according to Time Magazine is
standing still for hours on end surrounded by
milkshake from Shake Shack. Feel no shame.
doing a reading on the Upper West Side.
thousands of people.
cl !0!12)1"+3!4564
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