The March Issue

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CENSORSHIP UNVEILED Photographed by Ayélet Pearl artwork by Allison Cohen, Anne-Marie Randall, Rhea Schmid & more

in this issue:

Photograph by Ayélet Pearl LETTER FROM THE EDITORS / 3

Linsanity / 12



see what’s up-and-coming on our website

we ask, does censorship hinder our individu-

white, and blue Made in the U.S.A.



relive those ‘only in New York’ moments and FEATURES

be prepared for your next subway juant

we’re celebrating women, educators, and ... a

subway the smart way / 20

smaller Big Mac?

New York diaries / 21

Women’s History Month / 6

YOTS / 22

girls who code / 7

fashion round-up / 23

value of teaching / 8 downsizing / 9

look your best while supporting the red,

ality or protect us from trashy obscenity? TRENDING TOPICS / 5 these are a few of our favorite things!



q & a with Lauraly Grossman BEAR ESSENTIALS / 30 the best way to stay in the know about this month’s campus activities THE CALENDAR / 31 what we’re looking forward to this March

get the low down on the newest novel-turnedPOLITICS & OPINION

blockbuster, and we take you behind the

the Lincredible racism surrounding basketball’s

scenes of New York’s toughest sport

latest star. plus, in honor of Women’s History

Hunger Games / 23

Month, Headline, Bottom Line is female-centric

roller derby / 24

headline, bottom line / 10

Whitney Biennial / 25

campaign spotlight / 11

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Letter from the Editors

Taking a Beat The old-timey idiom that March “comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb” might be a fair assessment of the changing weather patterns, but hardly represents the steady elevation of stress as we come to full midterm madness. These are the times when our college’s motto, “Strong, Beautiful, Barnard Women,” can be more cure than affirmation, subtly adding to the pressure that we are supposed to maintain looks, grades, and sanity with ease.


The first of March also marks the official start of Women’s History Month. Though we may be a far cry from perfectly functioning fembots, we are still pretty kick-ass even on our worst days, and have a fairly impressive history to back it up. When Spring Break offers a momentary pause, take the time to not only breathe and imbibe, but also reflect on our collective awesomeness. Remembering that Margaret Sanger survived jail time and Elizabeth Cady Stanton was

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able to dash off the Declaration of Sentiments might help put that 10-page essay in perspective. Not only can our spirited influence be remembered, but it can also be anticipated. Now is an excellent, if not defining, time to be a woman. Women’s issues have been brought to the forefront of our national agenda. The country’s political landscape is crawling with controversies in regards to birth control, ultrasounds, and fights over funding a Women’s History Museum. In a time when women’s rights are under attack, the commercial world answers back with depictions of strong female leads, such as Katniss in the highly anticipated Hunger Games movie. So whether you are debating the

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OneMillionMoms campaign or just discussing dating pet peeves with your friends, use this month not only to revisit our past, but also to contemplate our future.

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Managing Editor

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!"#$%#$&"'(()*+% follow us on Instagram and Twitter for more outtakes!

MARCH ONLINE TURMOIL IN GREECE ............................ by Sarah Lipkis IRON LADY’S HARSH WORDS ....... by Chana Tolchin

#TRENDING !"#$%&'()"%'*+%,-#)'+$%.#/0,-%)",%1+,$",$)%$.+#(2%,$$,()#34$5 KATE SPADE “EAT CAKE FOR BREAKFAST” TEE Is there a better mantra than this? Fun, frivilous, sweet and girly

DRINKIFY.ORG & GOJEE.COM These fun sites are great when having friends over for dinner. Drinkify pairs your favorite tunes with the appropriate spirits. Gojee is a collection of mouth-watering recipes that you can search by ingredients. Same goes for their boozy beverages.

VIVA GLAM NICKI LIPSTICK Beat the winter blues, and support the Mac AIDS Fund, with this fun, bold pink lipstick!

PLAYLIST: Spring Vibrations 1. Sunshine - Atmosphere, Sad Clown Bad Summer 2. Somewhere Over The Rainbow / What A Wonderful World - Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, Facing Future 3. Wildflowers (Exhale Efreet)- ::M∆DE:IN:HEIGHTS::; APORIA: IN THESE §TREETS 4. It Was a Good Day - Ice Cube, The Predator 5. Rain - Calvin Harris, Ready For The Weekend 6. Let Your Love Grown Tall - Passion Pit, Manners 7. Sun Was High (So Was I) - Best Coast, Art Fag 7 8. Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles, Abbey Road 9. Bloom - Pogo, (Available Online Only) 10. Kaya - Bob Marley and the Wailers, Kaya


- J. Shadé Quintanilla



METALLIC BRAIDED BELT Our favorite new belt from LOFT. Stretch sides let you wear it over anything!

Features Meryl Pledges Big

The movie mogul backs the creation of a National Women’s History Museum in D.C.


By Sabrina Singer

he month of March signifies the arrival of spring, the beginning of baseball season, the week-long break from

classes, and the less anticipated, but highly significant Women’s History Month. This March marks the 25th anniversary of the congressional resolution to create a national celebration of women’s significant contributions to the United States. According to the Library of Congress, this year’s Women’s History Month theme is “Our History is Our Strength” expressing the idea that “although women’s history is intertwined with the history shared with men, several factors—social, religious, economic, and biological—have worked to create a unique


sphere of women’s history.”

Despite the widespread support for Women’s Smithsonian Institute—but first, it must find sentative Maloney has stated that Streep’s supHistory Month, Congress remains uncoopera- a permanent home. Administrators hope to port for the museum has been absolutely crititive in designating a permanent space for the drum up popular support for the Museum in cal and has brought her “prestige, star-power, National Women’s History Museum. The Mu- order to pressure Congress into passing the bill and heart” to this cause which has experienced seum hopes to illuminate the role of women in in both the Senate and the House. national history as well as encourage all people Meryl Streep has been vital in keeping the to further the discussion of democracy. ConMuseum’s cause in the news. In September gress has twice failed to pass a bill that would when twin bills were re-introduced into the give the museum a venue—keep in mind there Senate and the House of Representatives calling are National Museums for the Postal Service, for the construction of a building adjacent to African Art, and the CIA. Many argue that the National Mall, Streep stated: “The stories of women deserve as much recognition for their women will be chronicled. Their achievements contributions to the United States as the Postal honored in monument and in our new museum Service or any other group of Americans. This on our nation’s mall where our foremothers’ stoconundrum caught the attention of actress ries deserve to be.” Additionally, Streep acceptMeryl Streep who has recently become the ed the honor of being featured on Vogue’s Januspokeswoman for the National Women’s Hisary cover with the caveat that the coalition of tory Museum. Streep is an outspoken advocate Washington women fighting for a home for the for the Museum and has personally donated National Women’s History Museum be featured one million dollars to the cause. as well. Perhaps recalling Streep’s bone-chilling The Women’s National History Museum is stare in The Devil Wears Prada, Vogue agreed.


currently a privately funded institution that

sponsors traveling exhibits and also hosts online archives. The Museum receives no federal support and is run mainly on donor assistance, but hopes to apply for admission into the

Representative Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) and Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) are also avid supporters of the museum and co-signatories on the respective House and Senate bills. Repre!"#$%&''#!()$*$$


tremendous resistance in Congress. Senator Collins has called Streep an “inspiration” and has insisted that her backing has helped the movement continue. In the coming celebration of Women’s History Month, then, especially through the programming sponsored by Barnard and Columbia throughout the month of March, remember Streep’s message that “the history of the human family was written by man” and that “we owe it to not just our forefathers, but our foremothers, to celebrate what that they have done in our country.” Women’s History Month is an excellent start to the recognition of female accomplishments in this country, but it is only the beginning. Women deserve a museum where visitors can learn about distinctively female accomplishments and how women have been essential to the shaping of the contemporary United States.

Girls Who Code


By Anisa Aull he image of the computer scientist

ly found my major by process of elimination,”

female scientist has not become the butt of

in the popular imagination may be

explains a computer science major at Barnard,

as many Hollywood jokes as the male nurse,

one of those “kernel of truth” ste-

who is also a double-degree at the Jewish Theo-

she is still made out to be the exception to

reotypes. He is the specky, socially inept pro-

logical Seminary. She finds doing work for her

the rule, and thus, women in the lab become

grammer, whose spine has grown at the exact

non-computer science classes to be a refresh-

a self-fulfilling prophesy.

angle to match the perfect viewing height for

ing break from the grind of coding. Anti-social

But perhaps the graduating major statis-

a screen. Glamorized by The Social Network,

stereotypes of computer scientists may also ac-

tics are an inaccurate representation of Bar-

he is the awkward genius, so uncool that he’s

count for some of the major’s unpopularity at

nard women’s current presence in computer

cool. He’s also a he.

Barnard. “I’ve definitely made friends in my

science on campus. Last semester student

classes. If anything it’s a good opportunity to

enrollment of Barnard students in Intro-

women are chronically

get to know people

duction to Computer Science increased


from other colleges,”

dramatically. Computer fluency has become

she says.

an essential skill in life and the workplace.

It will probably come as no surprise that in

Computer Science and Engineering.


ing to the Bureau of Labor Statistics only 25% of people employed in Computer Science and Mathematics careers are female. Despite the fact

“In the last five years, there have been fewer than ten graduating computer science majors at Barnard with zero majors in both 2007 and 2009.”

But the social stig-

Just as exposure to the liberal arts supple-

mas surrounding sci-

ments a computer science degree, exposure

ence and engineering

to computer science can be an invaluable

may have affected the

part of a liberal arts degree. “I took the intro

way girls view aca-

course to fulfill the math requirement. And



although it isn’t my major, I don’t regret

major declarations. No

having learned it all,” observes Rebecca, a


matter how crunchy

theatre major, who found coding “difficult

the majority of full-time college students,

and liberal many elementary schools have be-

yet rewarding.” Perhaps the increase in en-

men are more likely to major in higher-paying

come, many young students still emerge think-

rollment in the introductory course will be

fields such as engineering and computer sci-

ing—somewhat mysteriously — that some jobs

reflected in an increase in graduating ma-

ence while women seem to gravitate toward

are for females (nurses, for instance) and some

jors at Barnard in coming years, and even-

fields such as education. It’s a bit mystifying

jobs are for males (scientists). And while the

tually in greater gender equality in the field.

that women comprise

that in the twenty-first century statistic and stereotype seem to match up so well. So, how does the Barnard experience stack up to these rather depressing national statistics? It turns out rather badly. In the last five years, there have been fewer than ten graduating computer science majors at Barnard, with zero majors in both 2007 and 2009. This may be partially due to the tendency for women who know they want to major in computer science to attend engineering schools rather than liberal arts colleges. Still, a liberal arts education is beneficial for majors, especially those who do not know they want to major in computer science when they apply to college. “When I started at Barnard I thought I was going to be a Biology major, but I didn’t end up liking that. The Barnard requirements ex-


posed me to a whole bunch of fields. I basical!"#$%&''#!()$*$$


The Value of Teaching Do we under-value teachers who look beyond the test?


By Olivia Hull ccording to a new paper entitled into account as much as we can. Obviously if

Rockoff acknowledges that value-added

“The Long Term Impacts of Teach- Johnny’s parents got divorced last year, we’re approaches aren’t the only way to assess ers,” your fourth grade teachers, and not going to know that on the test.”

teachers, and that tests are flawed. He hopes

even fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth have a lot

“A common misconception is that our mes- someday there will be a standardized test to do with where their students go to college sage is ‘fire teachers.’ We already know that that is so good, it won’t matter if teachers and their eventual earnings as a young adult. teachers have lasting impacts on students’ “teach to the test.” One of the major drawThe report released by the National Bureau of lives, what we’re trying to do is put some mag- backs of evaluation based on standardized Economic Research last December suggests nitude around that, to use test scores to iden- test scores is “that teachers don’t get to

that the effectiveness of teachers in raising stu- tify consistently successful teachers. It’s just know what they could do better,” Rockoff dents’ test scores—the so-called “value-added” says. Another teacher evaluation strategy is

system—can affect students long after they

leave grade school. Not surprisingly, the report has raised a lot of eyebrows in the mainstream public, academic, and economic spheres.

“I think the reason why everybody is interested in education is because everybody has

gone through school and has their own opin-

The whole testing debate has ‘steered us away from what we should really be focusing on which is equity.’ Even the best teacher cannot overcome a serious lack of material resources.

ions about it,” says Jonah Rockoff, professor of

economics at Columbia and one of three au- one dimension of teacher evaluation over the thors of the study.


classroom observation, which Rockoff says can be highly effective, but rarely unbiased, and always costly. “In the same way that you wouldn’t want to look at test scores alone, you wouldn’t want to look at classroom observation measures in isolation either. It’s best to harness as many data points that are not biased.” Rockoff ’s next research project involves evaluating prospective teachers at the hiring

Rockoff says they could test their find- stage. He is currently working with the D.C. cized for unfairly punishing teachers whose ings using any nonbiased measure of student Public Schools to study ways of determining students are disadvantaged by factors outside achievement, but have been using standard- effective teachers from ineffective ones beThe value-added approach has been criti-

of the teacher’s control, such as coming from ized tests because it’s available. “There’s an fore they step into the classroom. “Because an unstable home environment. Further criti- ongoing debate about whether value-added the costliest thing you can do is put a bad cism points to the fact that values have been can be unbiased, and I think we’ve gone a far teacher in front of a class. In this paper we’ve shown to change from year to year, so that a way to settling that debate,” he says. But even shown that you’ve done lasting damage to high value-added teacher could become a low those who agree that value-added is free of sig- these kids. We want to expand the amount value-added teacher from one year to the next. nificant bias are still hesitant to condone the of information available to employers so they can make more informed choices.” “I think that these measures are unstable, reliance on standardized tests, which they say Bell says teacher education programs, inand it’s not really clear what they’re telling us fail to measure other important aspects of a about learning,” says Professor Lee Ann Bell, teacher’s long-term influence on students.

cluding Barnard’s, will surely be affected by

“It’s distressing because it’s taking away this shift toward high stakes testing in K-12 “It’s hard to tell what’s cause and what’s effect. the focus from what teachers need to do to public schools. “What they’re really trying Some measures, like teenage pregnancy, can be improve,” Bell says. “If teachers feel their ca- to do is to foil [our student teachers] at evwho heads Barnard’s Education Program.

predicted based on social economic status in reers hinge on test scores, who will teach ESL ery turn, to discourage them from staying fourth grade, not just test scores.” students, or students with disabilities? It pits in the profession. We train our teachers to But Rockoff says they’ve done a lot to con- teachers against learners.” trol many factors affecting scores. “Teachers

The whole testing debate has “steered us


who start at different places can still show away from what we should really be focusing growth – the study controls for factors such on, which is equity,” she says. “There’s a real as students who are learning English as a sec- apartheid in schools in New York City. Even ond language, as well as students with learn- the best teacher cannot overcome a serious ing disabilities,” he says. “We are trying to take lack of material resources.”



act as intellectuals, to reflect on their teaching practices. We don’t train them to follow

a script, to focus solely on test prep. Why would a creative, intellectual, excited person want that? We’re driving out those we most want to keep.”

Dainty Little Bites


By Safa Siddiqui ould you like to supersize

Many popular dieting strategies fall short

tested the effects of acute withdrawal from

that?” A Hulk burger ma-

because, as ABC news writer Dr. Rachel

preferred high-fat diets in mice by switching

terializes, snugly tucked

Adams says, “Substituting a salad for a Big Mac

carbohydrate and fat-rich foods to plain

between a Godzilla fountain drink and King

is not an appealing choice.” Calorie

Kong fries. Ah, now you remember why you

labeling has not been effective

saw the poster on the subway with the caption:

in helping consumers cut backn

“Portions have grown, so has type 2 diabetes.”

either. After all, are slices of apples

It’s easy to conclude that the supersizing phe-

equivalent to a pizza when you are

nomenon has become a sad fact of American

craving a deep dish crust bathed

life and that fast foods will continue to expand

in mozzarella? Schwartz adds that

like inflatables. With an affordable supersizing

Americans don’t stop eating when

option offered at many fast food restaurants,

they are full, but do so when they

why would anyone look back? Imagine what

see their plates are empty, just

would happen if someone were actually of-

another reason downsizing may

fered to downsize their meals? Now that’s just

not be as absurd as it sounds. Apart

crazy talk, right? Maybe not, according to a

from food substitution problems,

recent study published in the journal Health

extreme and fad diet strategies

Affairs. Researchers were curious to see if

have other pitfalls. Weighing and

restaurant-goers would choose to “downsize”

measuring foods is not practical,

their meal for the same price and by doing so,

enduring approaches for most.

reduce their overall caloric intake. The results

Many diets have short shelf lives;

of the study suggest the answer is yes. In a fast

once a weight loss goal is reached, people fall

house chow. Results of the experiment

food Chinese restaurant in Durham, NC, un-

back into their old eating habits. Diets often

showed that “acute withdrawal from such a

suspecting diners were given a “downsizing”

deprive people by “eliminating certain foods

[preferred] diet elevates the stress state and

option for a side dish. Initially, the restaurant

or even whole food groups,” an unrealistic and

reduces reward, contributing to the drive for

owners feared that their customers would

risky tactic according to Dr. Adams.

dietary relapse.” Downsizing does not resort

be offended by the offer but the results surprised everyone. Approximately one third of the patrons selected the downsize option, and trimmed 200 calories from their meals in the process. Observers noted that these customers “did not appear to feel deprived—they had an equivalent amount of leftovers as the regular group.” It was a win-win for both parties, as the restaurant maintained profit and the consumers kept their figures.

After all, are slices of apples equivalent to a pizza when you are craving a deep dish crust bathed in mozzarella?

Previous studies conducted by the same researchers




to such extremes and seeks to accommodate consumers by evading the feeling that they are actually dieting. Other explanations for the effectiveness of downsizing can be extrapolated. Perhaps consumers who ordered a downsized meal ate it slower in order to make it last longer, contributing to an overall feeling of fullness both physiologically and psychologically. Maybe people just wanted to try the newest thing offered by the restaurant just because


Lifestyle changes are more successful when

it was novel, and reduced calories as an

consumers would not ask for less food,

people feel like they have control over their fate.

added bonus. If the results of this study can

they would accept it if given the choice. But

By giving customers the choice to downsize

be replicated successfully, then downsizing

what makes this downsizing anomaly work?

their favorite meal, it may give them the

meals may just gain momentum in becoming

According to Janet Schwartz, lead author

warm rush of self-assuredness that is helpful

the solution to America’s expanding waistline.

of the study, letting consumers downsize

in changing their dieting patterns without

And now the question remains: would you

portions will allow them to decrease caloric

the bitter taste of guilt. A study conducted by

like to downsize that?

intake without sacrificing what they want.

researchers at The University of Pennsylvania !"#$%&''#!()$*$$


POLITICS & OPINION HEADLINE, BOTTOM LINE By Liza Darvin and Christine Petrin

Ultrasound Cock-Blocked After passing through the Virginia House of Representatives, the state’s notorious ultrasound bill was met with intense partisan protest in the Virginia Senate. The original bill would have required a transvaginal ultrasound for all women planning on receiving an abortion. Additionally, the bill called for a 24-hour waiting period between the ultrasound and the abortion itself, presumably a sort of “go to your room and think about what you’ve done” strategy. While this politically mandated timeout remains, the state recently released a revised copy of the bill, one that would not subject patients to the transvaginal transducer in favor of the more familiar—and less invasive—external ultrasound. The revised version is expected to pass the Senate within a number of days.

BOTTOM LINE So don’t worry, ladies! Your hoo-has are likely to remain transducer-free, at least for

Pill Poppin’

JCP Loooves Ellen

When Obama announced a birth control

When Filene’s Basement closed in 2009, it

mandate requiring employers to cover fe-

sent a clear message to other big brand de-

male employees’ pharmaceutical contra-

partment stores: shake things up, or prepare

ceptives, there was a collective moment

the funeral march. JCPenney has promised

of breath holding as the nation waited

a redesign from top to bottom, and is put-

for the requisite conservative backlash.

ting up some serious dough to cover the

Nothing if not dependable, Republican

costs—$800 million buckaroos, to be exact.

pundits and religious organizations raised

This year, JCP has been rolling out some of

a ruckus, decrying this infringement on

its improvements, which include a bland re-

religious freedom. Obama was swift to

vamped logo and an innovative, if not ques-

respond, remarkably unveiling a compro-

tionable, pricing policy to replace the use of

mise that satisfied religious zealots and

coupons. Surprisingly, of all their contro-

horny 20-somethings alike: in cases of re-

versial changes, their decision to hire Ellen

ligious conflict, the insurance companies

DeGeneres—beloved funny woman and the

would absorb the cost. Unfazed in the face

next best thing to Oprah—drew the most

of reasonableness, the bill remained chal-

flak. The anti-gay group OneMillionMoms

lenged chiefly by Catholic bishops and

started a petition to try and get Ellen fired

only the most adamant members of the

on the grounds that she didn’t represent

flock. Though it came surprisingly close,

“family values,” though thankfully JCP had

the Senate backed the bill 51-48, mark-

enough good sense to stand behind their star.

ing their first good decision in… forever.


the time being. And guess what? You won’t even be required to view the ultrasound!

BOTTOM LINE OneMillionMoms proved themselves to be OneMillionBigots on a national level, and Ellen came out looking like a champ. JCP was

Of course, the image must be projected in

Ellen is a big ol’ scary lesbian, and instead

woman from averting her eyes.” Yeah, it’s

coming to her defense as a human being.

actually mentioned in the bill that the

“She’s lovable, likeable, honest and funny, but

doctor must do everything short of strapping the patient to that machine from A

The most ridiculous part about this con-

Clockwork Orange to keep all eyes glued to

troversy was the fact that women were

the ultrasound screen. Not to mention, a

largely excluded from either the public

regular ultrasound most likely won’t even

outcry or defense. Who lead the Catho-

provide a clear enough image of the fetus

lic crusade against coverage? Old, white

at this stage in the pregnancy. So really the

men. Who acted as witnesses for the

whole bill seems like a complete waste of

House Oversight Committee to exam-

time. This needless infringement on wom-

ine the new regulation? Old, white men.

en’s rights will only result in a blurry pic-

And when 98% of Catholic women ad-

ture and two appointments for a procedure

mit to using birth control, why is this

that could be done in one. Pick your bat-

even an issue? Old, white men need to

tles Virginia Republicans; it doesn’t seem

stop making policies that negatively im-

like you’re getting much out of this one.

pact the more fertile and virile among us. !"#$%&''#!()$*$$


at her soul, we trust her,” sweetly stated JCP’s CEO Ron Johnson in an interview with Associated Press. Of course, Ellen still might have to watch out for her spokeswoman job—not because she is gay, but because the commercials produce more groans than laughs.


also able to save face, bypassing the issue that

such a way that would “prevent a pregnant


Campaign Spotlight: The Future of Education By Lauren Wingenroth

hroughout recent history, the US Depart- small initiatives such as increasing funding

Of the Republican candidates, Newt Gin-

ment of Education has struggled with the edu- for charter schools, recruiting 100,000 more grich presents the most attainable plan for cation gap between blacks and whites. Today, math and science teachers, containing college improving the education system. Like Paul, America faces a new problem. According to a tuition prices, and raising the dropout age to Gingrich wants to move away from a bureaurecent New York Times article, the education 18. However, even Obama’s proposed efforts cratically dominated system and towards an gap between high and low-income Americans will not be enough to combat the devastating innovative program that emphasizes parental has increased by 50% since the 1980s – now divide we face. twice as large as the current gap between blacks and whites.

choice. Gingrich’s Pell Grant proposal aims

The Republican candidates in the coming to give each student a sum that would follow election are distinctly disunited in their edu- them to whatever school they chose, thereby

Since this problem is complicated by cul- cation platforms. Ron Paul strongly supports allowing the freedom that Paul suggests is tural factors, illustrated by the fact that wealth homeschooling and educational freedom, pro- necessary as well as maintaining integrity and tends to marry wealth and poor usually ends posing idealistic programs that actually threat- competition in public schools. Expanding up with poor, it is a difficult one to address. en low-income Americans. He believes that charter schools, rewarding students for gradu-

However, it is not beyond the ability of our families – not the government – should deter- ating early, expanding Teach for America, and government to implement programs that mine what children learn, and that it is impos- implementing more programs that allow colbridge this gap. In fact, it is the responsibil- sible to develop one-size-fits-all standards for lege students to graduate debt-free are also on ity of our government to mend such a breach. schools. Paul admits that homeschooling is Gingrich’s list. In order to bring real-world les-

Education should be playing an important role expensive and often forces families to sacrifice sons into a high school setting, Gingrich wants in the 2012 presidential election, and yet, few the income of a parent. To compensate for the prominent businesspeople such as pharma-

candidates are giving proper attention to the monetary loss homeschooling incurs, Paul of- cists, bankers, and community entrepreneurs integrity and equality of our schools. Most of fers a $5,000 per child tax credit for education to give lectures on their professions during the

the swing states, crucial in determining our costs. This amount hardly seems sufficient to school day. Ultimately, Gingrich’s goal is to next president, have undergone major cuts to cover the costs of homeschooling, especially shrink the federal Department of Education their education budgets since the recession, when it involves a loss of income. but other issues still overshadow education in the election.

In addition to the unfeasible cost of homeschooling for struggling families, other prob-

and give states more control and more funding. It is clear that neither Mitt Romney nor Rick

President Obama’s education platform is lems are present in Paul’s plan. Paul wants par- Santorum consider the education gap to be an promising, but noncommittal. His proposi- ents to have total control over their children’s issue of urgency – both Republican candidates tions aim to please most voters – especially curriculums, but many parents cannot make fail to list education as a platform issue on those who are more concerned with the these decisions, especially those who are not their campaign pages. These exclusions speak federal budget than with improving educa- well-educated themselves. The so-called free- to unfortunate truth that education is becom-

“Race to the Top” Fund, which allows states to who are experts in both what they teach and genuinely rooted interest in the improvement compete for $4.35 billion in grants by raising how they teach it. Parents are not always able of the state of public education fail to see the standards in their struggling schools. Though to provide a comparable level of expertise, and importance of education as a class leveler, an these programs have been fairly successful so therefore Paul’s plan to promote homeschool- opportunity giver, and a potential solution to far, the gap still exists. Obama is campaigning ing seems as though it will actually exclude the the myriad problems that occupy the debates of the 2012 election. to continue these programs, as well as other families with whom we are most concerned. !"#$%&''#!()$*$$



tion. Obama reformed Bush’s “No Child Left dom that homeschooling allows cannot com- ing a lower priority on the political agenda. Behind Act” of 2001 and implemented the pensate for the sacrifice of certified teachers These candidates and those who do not have a

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Racism Disqualified Linsanity and the Knicks

By Allyson Gronowitz


inconceivable. Lincredible. Thril-Lin’.

Lin was eventually picked up off of waivers the game against the Toronto Raptors on what

The man who inspired these cringe- by the New York Knicks, but he spent most of will now forever be referred to by Knicks fans worthy puns became a basketball sen- his time toiling away in the D-League or keep- as VaLINtine’s Day 2012. Yet Jeremy Lin is

sation virtually overnight, unleashing “Lin- ing the bench warm for his more glamorous more than just a record-shattering, 6-foot-3 sanity” all across the nation.

teammates in New York. When the Knicks’ Harvard graduate living the basketball play-

Jeremy Lin, the 23-year-old Harvard gradu- roster became depleted due to injuries to key er’s dream. He’s more than just the guy who led the New York Knicks to a season-high ate with a degree in Economics, seems to be players, Lin finally got his chance to shine.

On February 6, Lin scored 28 points in his seven-game winning streak. He’s also AsianNBA. He grew up in Palo Alto, California and first career start. Later that week, Lin began American. an unlikely candidate for superstardom in the


chose to attend Harvard when he was guaran- to raise even more eyebrows as he became the

Lin’s recent rise to fame has incidentally co-

teed a spot on the basketball team. Despite set- first NBA player to earn 20 or more points in incided with a sudden spike in racism towards ting several Harvard records and earning the his first four starts. When Lin earned 38 points Asian-Americans in the USA. A recent potitle of the Ivy League’s all-time leading scorer, against the Los Angeles Lakers on February litical ad sponsored by Michigan Republican he went undrafted in the 2010 NBA draft, and 10—outscoring perennial All-Star Kobe Bry- Senate candidate Pete Hoekstra garnered neghis minor stints with the Golden State War- ant—the jaws began to drop. To add to the ative attention for its overtly racist portrayal of riors and the Houston Rockets proved to be Linsanity, Lin netted the game-winning three- a Chinese woman. The ad, which aired during nothing special.

pointer with less than a second remaining in the Super Bowl February 5, aimed to discredit !"#$%&''#!()$*$$


Hoekstra’s Democratic opponent, Debbie Sta- typical Tiger-Mother-esque father.


benow, (or Debbie “Spend-it-now,” as the Chi-

Jeremy Lin’s unprecedented NBA success has Edmund Lee, an Asian-American writer nese woman in the ad calls her), by portraying turned this classic Asian-American stereotype for a New York-based website called Capiher as irresponsible and accusing her of mis- on its head, and, because this kind of athletic tal, sums up the transcendent significance spending taxpayers’ dollars. In the commercial, success causes a sort of cognitive dissonance of “Linsanity” for Asian-Americans pera Chinese woman pedals up on her bicycle and with regards to the common stereotype of fectly. In an effort to combat the stereotype thanks “Debbie Spend-it-now” for her over- Asian-Americans, has also uncovered the en- of Asian-Americans as solely academically spending in painfully broken English. grained racism felt by many Americans towards driven, he declares that Jeremy Lin’s athletic

Naturally, Hoekstra’s ad was roundly de- their ethnically Chinese compatriots. Already, success demonstrates that “we are not all Tinounced as “disturbing,” “demeaning,” and one unnamed ESPN employee has been fired ger Mom cubs. We are not so uniform and “despicable.” But the inherent antagonism in for publishing a racist headline in reference to so blind to feeling and emotion that we can’t Hoekstra’s ad points to much more than just Lin, and prominent heavyweight boxer Floyd swagger and sway. We’re not merely silent a silly conception of foreigners as being less Mayweather Jr. derided the hype surrounding strivers. Some of us can dunk and drive and intellectually refined than the prototypical Lin as solely relying upon the fact that Lin is smile like everyone else.” What’s more, Lin American. In fact, it calls to mind an image of Asian.

is also a point guard, which means he not

Asian-Americans that is just the opposite, and,

While it may seem as if Lin has emerged only “dunks and drives,” but he also calls the in the face of this image, aims to reassert the out of nowhere, Kobe Bryant remarked after plays. Lin is not just a player in an American dominance of the “pureblood” American over Lin’s historic 38-point night that “[Lin’s] skill game, he is also a leader. the domestic success of “foreigners.”

level was probably there from the beginning. It

Lee’s message has reverberated across

Amy Chua concretized the prevailing im- probably just went unnoticed.” Ostensibly, one the nation since Lin’s first NBA game with age of Asian-Americans as successful over- of the reasons Lin’s talent “went unnoticed” for the Knicks, simultaneously empowering achievers in her 2011 memoir, Battle Hymn so long is because of his ethnicity. As a Harvard Asian-Americans and forcing everyone else

of the Tiger Mother. In it, she describes to seriously confront and subsequently and defends her overtly harsh parenting abandon harmful stereotypes. Fittingly, methods, basing her parenting ideology the thrilling VaLINtine’s Day game in on that of her strict Chinese immigrant Toronto just happened to coincide with parents. In what is perhaps the most fathe Toronto Raptor’s Chinese Heritage mous chapter in the memoir, Chua writes night. Unsurprisingly, the significant about threatening her younger daughter, proportion of Chinese-Canadians in the calling her derogatory names, and dehome crowd cheered for Lin, a player on nying her basic requests for bathroom the opposing team, nearly every time he breaks until she had perfected a certain touched the ball. piano piece. The memoir was received Linsanity has taken hold of America with both scandalized scorn and wistful in several different ways. There are those jealousy. Most believe that Chua expects Americans who are shocked that sometoo much from her children, but many one of Chinese descent could “come out Americans not-so-secretly envy Chua’s of nowhere” to lead one of the NBA’s success. Chua herself is a professor at the high-profile teams in the most populous Yale Law School, and her oldest daughter at- economics graduate, Lin fit more with the mold city in America on a surging seven game win tended Harvard. of the brainy, overachieving Asian-American streak. There are those who resent Lin for his Asian-Americans have the highest college than with that of the all-American athlete. success on the court—as the former ESPN graduation rate of any ethnic group in AmeriAs one of only four Harvard grads to play writer and Floyd Mayweather Jr. can attest. ca, and Chua’s memoir only serves to reinforce in the NBA, Lin is already of a rare breed. He There are also those who idolize Lin for shatthe image of Asian-Americans as being over- boasts the additional distinction of being one of tering the constricting stereotypes frequently-driven and brainy. In addition, an October only a handful of Chinese players to make it to ly associated with his race. But it is also the episode of Glee was titled “Asian ‘F’” based on the NBA. But as far as Asian-American basket- story of a kid who is fulfilling his life-long the plotline featuring Mike Chang, an Asian- ball players go, Lin is literally one of a kind, and dream of playing professional basketball— American character, who receives an ‘A-’ on a this is why he has become an instant hero and the NBA’s own Cinderella. Or should I say, test and is forced to contend with his stereo- role model for Asian-Americans across North Linderella?

“As a Harvard economics graduate, Lin fit more with the mold of the brainy, overachieving Asian-American than with that of the all-American athlete.”

#$% ! "&'(#)(*+, #-

By Jordan Borgman


ne day in my seventh grade French class, our teacher decided to break up the routine of practicing endless conjugations by screening a movie instead. It was a welcome relief, but that didn’t stop the widespread shock of my class-

mates as the camera suddenly cut to a shot of a naked woman. The film caught a glimpse of her through an upstairs window where she stood mid-shower, and it was a no-holds-barred full-frontal view: bubbles, breasts, and all. This called for a discussion. The teacher explained to us that nudity was far more common in European films and that hang-ups regarding nudity weren’t nearly as common across the pond as they are in the United States. This in turn led us to speculate that the French must have a much healthier relationship with their bodies. In the end, the consensus credited the film’s attitude towards nudity to European sophistication. That was in 2003. Now, in 2012, wardrobe malfunctions, a panty-less Britney Spears, more reality TV show hot tub drama than most of us care to count, and somehow nobody’s talking about American sophistication. So what gives? Is the nudity that’s been increasingly encroaching on our airwaves a sign that as a culture we’re finally getting over our Victorian complexes, or are we just allowing more of something that is, quite simply, profane? It’s an interesting question, especially considering that, in the vast majority of cases, the female body is the one on the line. This has feminists—and everyone else—deeply divided. After all, some say a woman embracing her body and sexuality is an improvement over the days when a glimpse of an ankle was a cause for scandal. Others point out that women’s breasts have now become a stock feature in any good sex scene, while it’s barely possible to count on one hand the number of times a penis has made an appearance. (As Frank Rich pointed out in a 2004 New York Times article printed two







“ hile most women might not want to be sexualized, they do want to be sexy when the moment calls for it.�

weeks after Jackson’s breast made its national appearance, the Super Bowl programming contained plenty of men grabbing themselves below the belt, which nobody seemed to mind.) Then there’s the ascetic argument: that in some cases, a woman’s body can be profane, but in others it’s art.

“There are few women who would give up their short skirts and go back to the days of ankle-length dresses and long white nighties.”

Add to that issues with the First Amend-

enforcement of this policy created a code of standards for all motion pictures to abide by (it would be replaced with the rating system we know today in 1968.) Breasts, bubbles, and everything else were banned. As with any good law, however, there were some glaring loopholes. In this case, it was education. Filmmakers traveling to remote areas

ment, and Janet Jackson’s momentary wardrobe malfunction becomes a outside the United States turned their camera lens liberally on cultures politically-charged statement that is still a hot topic of discussion at every and tribes with different standards for sexuality, in particular to places Superbowl.

where women left their breasts uncovered. Most of this footage would

While many of us have an interest in these questions simply by vir- then be played as short clips for audiences before their feature films—à tue of the nature of our school, their real life consequences suggest that la newsreels and Betty Boop—under the banner of being “educational.” they are far more than pure scholarly abstraction. As many world-weary While some filmmakers certainly meant well, others were only too happy reporters have pointed out, Jackson’s breast was available for public view- to take advantage of this break in the law as an excuse for titillation. ing for a mere nine-sixteenths of a second—and yet it has garnered more

The upshot, of course, was the exploitation of foreign women, and

press attention than any number of obscene gestures or profane language disproportionally so of those from so-called “exotic” cultures that are, that have sneaked onto the airwaves combined, including M.I.A. flipping not at all coincidentally, some of the twenty-first century’s most disenoff the camera at this year’s Super Bowl. The Federal Communication franchised. The loosening of censorship has not generally been a story Commission’s explanation for this was that these incidences were “non- of women’s empowerment, but instead the complete opposite. This being sexual, fleeting, and isolated.” Since Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction was said, there are few women who would give up their short skirts and go also “fleeting” and “isolated,” the offense must be in its sexual nature. back to the days of ankle-length dresses and long white nighties. And, since the male crotch grabbing apparently wasn’t a problem, we are

And so, in the end, we’re caught in the middle. It is reminiscent of a left to deduce that its true indecency lies in the fact that it’s a woman’s political cartoon—signed by one “Evans”—depicting two women, one in body specifically that is on display. a bikini and one in a burqa, passing each other on the street. “Everything What is forgotten in most of these discussions regarding the profan- covered but her eyes,” the bikini woman thinks. “What a cruel male-domity of a woman’s body, after all, is that her body is more than just an ar- inated culture!” Meanwhile, the woman in the burqa thinks to herself, tistic or titillating token; it has a biological purpose. If we say that see- “Nothing covered but her eyes. What a cruel male-dominated culture!” ing breasts on national television is profane, then what do we say to the

While the comic is meant to shed light on another debate altogethwoman who wants to breastfeed her child in public? Although its purpose er—that of a clash of cultures—perhaps it would not be going too far in has moved from sexual to functional, it’s still the same organ—so does it comparing apples to oranges to apply it to the question of censorship. have the same connotations? Especially with more women moving into Perhaps nudity’s censorship and endorsement are equally strangling to fethe workforce, fewer mothers are safely cloistered away at home and out male empowerment. Even this, however, puts that discussion into far too

of the public eye. And, since babies are unlikely to wait until a convenient simplistic terms. Women have, after all, made great strides since the Hays time to demand to be fed, this means that we’ve got more breasts running Code first came into practice, and the fact that this debate exists at all is around in public. This has aroused its fair share of outcry by offended a result of more and more women coming into the public sphere, which coworkers or passersby, many of them other women. If breastfeeding can most of us here at Barnard would agree is a wonderful thing. Pinning all thus be considered profane in the same vein that cleavage is on TV, then of today’s issues surrounding censorship and the body down to exploitadoes that mean that Janet Jackson is actually a hero for mothers in public? tion does not grant them the nuance that they deserve.

Some new mothers may be more comfortable with a role model like So while someday I do want to be able to breastfeed my child regardless Beyonce, who was recently spotted in downtown Manhattan breastfeed- of whether the need catches me at a convenient time, at the same time I ing baby Blue Ivy in public. In any case, the argument for an increased don’t want my body to be fair game to whoever wants to sexualize it for cultural comfort with women’s bodies carries a good deal of weight. Es- the sake of spicing up their talk show. And while most women might not pecially when juxtaposed with the highly repressive, patriarchal days want to be sexualized, they do want to be, well, sexy when the moment women needed to be completely covered in layers of petticoats, regardless calls for it. We want to be comfortable with our bodies and we want othof comfort, and Freud could get away with classifying all female sexuality ers to be comfortable with them as well, but not so much that they’re up

as “deviant.” Compared to this, the opening up of cable to female nudity for grabs. should be empowering. Right? This leaves us in a very strange place, and one with no easy answers. Or Perhaps so—but the history of film and television censorship tells a wait. There’s one easy solution. Why don’t we try putting a woman behind different story. When the Hays Code came into effect in 1934, it stamped the camera for once? out all but insinuations to sex in films with remarkable efficiency. The

NEW YORK CITY LIVING Subway the Smart Way

By Sinead Roban

How many times have you been late because you missed a subway transfer or didn’t know that the 1 would be under construction for the weekend? Sure, there are subway maps in every station and car, but there are tons of apps that make it a breeze to get around using public transit. With a quick download, these apps will help you hone your NYC street smarts. iTrans NYC Subway: Boasting complete compatibility with Google Maps, NYC Subway uses your phone’s GPS to show each subway station and tells you how close you are to the next one. The app features a “Journey Planner” that outlines the best route for reaching your destination, provides transit service status updates, allows you to bookmark your favorite places + more. $0.99 (iPhone) LIRR Schedule: This app is a great alternative for Android users. Simply enter the LIRR station from which you wish to depart and your desired destination, and you’ll get a list of trains that fit with the times you want to travel. FREE (Android)

OnTime: LIRR: For when you dare to leave the city, OnTime provides you with updates on the LIRR train schedule. The app features a countdown clock so that you know exactly how much time you have to make it to the train you’ve selected. $2.99 (iPhone)

Exit Strategy NYC: Exit Strategy features official MTA subway maps and promises to get users out of every train station in record time, providing diagrams to explain exactly where you should stand on the platform, which car you should ride in, what staircase you should use to exit the station, and so forth. It even tells you whether the car doors will open on the left or right. What makes this app great is the fact that it doesn’t require an Internet connection or phone service, so it can actually be used on the subway. $3.99 (Android and iPhone)

HopStop: This application is based off of the popular website by the same name, known to college kids as a reliable site that provides transit directions for major cities across the country. Simply type in your starting location and your destination, and you’ll get detailed instructions on how to get to where you’re going (including walking directions for once you’ve gotten off the train). The app allows you to choose your desired mode of transportation (subway, bus, walking, biking) and is specific to the time of day that you will be traveling. When the subway just isn’t going to do it for you after a long night, use HopStop to get an estimate on how much a cab ride back to campus will cost! FREE (Android and iPhone)

NYC Subway Map: This is probably the most basic app you can find, but it’s far more convenient than toting around a paper map. The PDF version of the subway map is great for checking to see where you can make a transfer. FREE (Android and iPhone)

Overall, HopStop is your best bet for day-to-day navigation. If you don’t mind shelling out a few bucks, Exit Strategy stands to bring the most convenience to your life. With each use, these apps should bring you one step closer to mastering the NYC subway system like a native New Yorker. THE BULLETIN -­

bu -­ MARCH 2012

Illustration by Rhea Schmid

new york city living

Metro 24: Metro 24 is a bargain for the Android user (sorry, iPhone fans!) that loves to travel. Featuring subway schemes for cities in the U.S., Europe and even Asia, this app is your best bet for taking command of your commuting needs, whether you’re in NYC or out exploring another region of the globe. $4.00 (Android and iPhone)

By Anonymous

The Bulletin is back with personal confessions from Barnard students, but this time we have extended our scope from wailing toddlers to all manners of mishaps and mayhem that may befall our readers. This is a place to share those “only in New York” stories that are just too good to keep to yourself…


nd so the clock struck midnight, jaded by the same seven block stretch of restau- to ask him a very pressing question, and it had and little Miss Cinderella was just rants and bars. Steering clear of the deathly 22 to be done in secrecy. Is there a karaoke bar starting to wander and meander, ounce chocolate milkshake with a side of heart INSIDE of this restaurant? He smiled without

dance and clack-clack-clack down the streets attack at Tom’s, we shivered all the way back saying anything and beckoned for us to come of New York City. Donning a fabulous pair down to 109th and Amsterdam, which happens closer. He waved his arms like a magician in of black patent leather sling back stilettos, a to be the home of Roti Roll, a deliciously afford- front of a skinny yellow pocket door just to backless dress that classily fell just two inch- able, anytime-snack, which is greatly enhanced the left of the counter. He pushed it open and es above her freshly shaved knees, a vintage by alcohol. It is somewhat akin to an Indian gestured for us to enter. The whole thing was pair of medallion stud earrings, and a bead- food burrito.

très Lewis Carroll. At this point it was near-

ed 1950s Japanese clutch, she happily strut-

So there we are, shoveling mouthfuls of pan- ing 4 am on a Thursday night, and the bar was ted down the street with Prince Charming eer, spinach, fresh onions, and tomatoes into essentially empty other than the four bartendsecurely fastened to her right arm, en route our mouths, nodding affectionately towards ers, and three drag queens. When we entered, to the biggest ball of all: The Heights. one another. Yes this, this, is what we had been they cheered. I was pulled onto the stage by a Or so my, shall we say, somewhat inebriat- looking for all night. Not a place to buy over- Queen who began serenading me with Teenage ed mind pictured as I walked down the street priced beer and watch people drunkenly shuffle Dream. shivering on that cold January night. Ah, the around a dance floor, never mind the fact that

I told him it was my birthday, and suddenly

sweet scent of birthday was in the air, satu- those people may have been us... But, yes. We I assumed the role of Center of the Universe, as rated with the lingering taste of room tem- had been in desperate search of this savory taste planned. My night ended up with a Roti Roll perature vodka chased with mouthfuls of a of Roti Roll. We were the only diners in the en- in my right hand, my boyfriend’s hand secured strawberry cupcake and the wailing notes of tire hole-in-the-wall restaurant, and, as such, in my left, one Queen behind me grinding, anNicki Minaj. The night was young, and in- we were wildly spinning around in the restau- other in front of me shaking, and one on stage deed I was headed straight for the Heights rant’s spinny bar stools. We also happened to belting it out. At the close of the bar, we walked with my boyfriend in tow. After a not-so- be singing along to the music: Backstreet Boys out into the stinging cold of the night. surprising lackluster atmosphere (read: stale alternating with Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. It

new york city living

very well-worn Heights, we tilted our heads buy. Yes! We wanted to sing our favorite shitty eyes and there were at least ten or fifteen rats back and let the last few drops of Heineken songs. Suddenly, after the initial warmth of our rushing frantically back and forth across the

slip down our throats before we slipped out newly fed bellies wore off for just a moment, we sidewalk, a mere foot in front of us. Shriekthe door. both had a realization. ing out of sheer panic, I yanked my boyfriend All of which, I know, is very trite for a

It wasn’t Lady Gaga singing, nor was it Katy backwards and across the street, running back

birthday being celebrated in Morningside Perry, nor was it Nick or AJ or Howie or Kevin to the safety of my apartment building. Heights. At this point, I was teetering on or Brian. I stumbled up to the cashier and urthe edge of sleep and boredom, feeling a bit gently motioned for him to come closer. I had


bl -­ MARCH 2012

Illustration by Anne-­Marie Randall

With my head resting on Prince Charming’s scent of spilt beer with a slight undertone of was almost as if someone had read our minds. shoulder, I let my eyes close and began zombie old weed) at the well-known, well-loved, and Yes! We wanted all of the Roti Roll we could walking back to my apartment. I opened my


By Alexa & Laura

ALEXA - There are some small things a potential partner can do to LAURA - In every YOTS issue so far, we have tried to encourage you to instantly set your teeth on edge and trigger that nagging inner voice: retreat, this one’s not worth it, it’ll never work. Despite this immediate gut reaction, you don’t let them go. You call them back, hoping whatever used to annoy you will have disappeared magically. No matter how much we YOTS-ers may know better, this frustrating cycle is an inevitable part of playing the field. To cope, I’m venting my dating grievances. so that you know you’re not alone in dealing with the bull.


2 3

get out there and slut it up. If you remember from our first issue, YOTS “is not about being promiscuous, it’s about having fun and being safe.” I firmly believe that the confidence you have academically and professionally should extend into the bedroom, and there is no shame in following through on your desires and, well… getting what you want!

With that said, there are also times when what you want is the opposite of being a slut. When Vacation Boyfriend came to visit me (check out our February issue for that story) I felt conflicted about sleeping with him. My top 3 red flags for obnoxious phone games guys like to play… He was a nice guy and had literally flown in from California just to see Just to be clear: I’m good with text messages. What I’m not good with me, but the pressure of obligatory sex was seriously turning me off. After is when I get a text from a guy, answer it within a few minutes (because a mini-breakdown and some great advice from my friends, I relearned my phone is always right by my side), and then don’t hear back again the important lesson of trusting your gut. The first night he was in town, for oh, I don’t know, an hour? Two hours? Maybe he reads the text we ended up having a nice dinner together and then heading our separate and forgets to answer. Maybe he doesn’t feel his phone vibrate when ways—and it was totally fine. I’m glad I waited, because it gave me time it’s in his back pocket. Or maybe he can give me a f*cking break, and to remember what I liked about him in the first place. The next night I remember that he started a conversation, and be attentive enough to trusted my gut again, and this time I did take him home with me… and we had a great time. continue it. Don’t ask for my number if you’re not going to use it. I don’t go around asking for guy’s numbers unless I plan to call them; why isn’t that respect mutual? Now, everybody, listen up for this please: Telling me your plans isn’t the same as asking me to hang out. Here’s an actual transcript of this lameness in action: ... the next day

So what’s the moral of the story? You know yourself best, so don’t be swayed by anyone or anything that pushes you in a direction you’re not comfortable with—including this column! And in keeping with the theme of dating grievances, here are a few of my red flags that my gut immediately knows to run from:


Guys who wait way too long to get in touch after I’ve given them my number. If I have to respond, “Who is this?” and then still can’t remember what they look like, it’s been too long and I’m no longer interested. Sorry!


Guys who don’t automatically reach for a condom before P in V. And even more frustrating, guys who express any form of surprise or annoyance when I insist on a condom, and mindlessly reach for my stash in the drawer next to my bed. Obviously, I know where my own condoms are. That does not make me a slut (in a bad way!).


Why, exactly, should I have come? Because you asked me so nicely?

Guys who kill the mood in bed by being way too aware of the awkward noises that happen during sexy time. I’m a former dancer and my hips crack a lot. No need to point it out every time and laugh, you moron.


Texting spelling mistakes! “You’re” is not the same as “your,” and “too” is Phew, feels good to get that off my chest! I wish I could say that I’m not the same as “to” and “alot” is not a word. If you don’t know these basic above all these aggravations, but sometimes it’s really hard to ignore grammar rules, I’ll assume you aren’t capable of giving me an orgasm. these pet peeves no matter how much you vibe with someone in other ways. All we can do is be our most resilient and honest selves, and please, try not to be too hard on yourself if you end up frustrated beIf you have any questions or comments for Alexa or Laura, don’t be shy! Email, (subject cause he didn’t text you back . . . again. It happens! Vent to your wingline: YOTS) and we promise to be in touch! woman and do like Jay-Z— move ‘on to the next one’!



bm -­ MARCH 2012

Illustration by Rhea Schmid

new york city living


Fashion Round-Up Barnard Girls Dress to Impress


By Ellen Watkins arnard students have no need for New Style Ambassador notes. Architectural details trendsetter, goes by a simple mantra: “When York City’s Fashion Week; at Barnard, such as studs and fabric appliqués decorate you look great, you feel great.” She finds sarit’s a sartorial day every day. Even a many an ankle boot, purse, and jacket around torial inspiration in a wide array of sources,

trip to Liz’s Place, typically brimming with campus. And in this fickle winter weather, from the classic glamour of Grace Kelly and sleep-deprived students, yields an impressive layering is key: fur vests, leather jackets, and Jackie Onassis to the eclectic chic of Sarah Jesarray of outfits ranging from classic J.Crew to chunky knits abound. Jeans and leggings are sica Parker to the bohemian grace of the Free daring Theory. Barnard style, much like the commonly seen, but one might also spot a People clothing brand. Fiona relies on—what Barnard woman herself, is impossible to de- crisp white Yves St Laurent suit on a casual else?—a great pair of boots, a little black dress, fine. A mélange of aesthetic choices, from Doc Tuesday afternoon.

a few pieces of statement jewelry, and “one

Marten boots to vintage fur-trimmed coats to

Barnard ladies need trustworthy footwear set of lingerie that makes you feel more than classic Chanel purses, forms a unique stylis- to get them from class to class, and the most fabulous.” tic environment that encourages the Barnard popular picks are tough ankle booties, sleek There may be common trends, but when it woman to experiment with any look—and riding boots, and simple flats. Accessories of- comes to Barnard’s overarching style, there is more often than not, she pulls it off with flair. ten take a starring role, adding color and glit- no single definition. Whether stepping out in A discussion of Barnard style requires a ter to otherwise mono- or dichromatic attire. motorcycle boots or Jimmy Choos, Barnard visit to the College Fashionista website, where Vintage costume jewelry, feather earrings, and women stride into the world with purpose, collegiate “Style Ambassadors” from various glittery nails—as well as classic Hunter

individualism, and confidence.

institutions post photographs of and com- boots, Longchamp bags, and delicate ments on the ensembles of chic students. necklaces—lend just the right amount Ironically, many of the students posted on the of playfulness. While a muted palette Columbia page are Barnard students, a fact is generally favored by Barthat might not surprise the women of our col- nard Students, there are a lege on the hilltop. Anna Carolan, Style Am- few bright spots in the bassador and Barnard sophomore, plays a key otherwise tame range role in the presentation of Barnard style to the of


inter-collegiate community. As the author of has





BA R N A R D “My class j ust got ca ncelled! I’m so happy t hat I could make out with an an telope righ t now!”

the “Style Advice of the Week” posts, Anna is fashionistas in evresponsible for hand-selecting a stylish stu- erything from quirky dent on the Barnard or Columbia campus. She graphic sweaters to anadmits this isn’t a difficult task, as, in her view, imal-print garb to bright effort into their ensembles.

Nicole Klein (BC ’14), a

Anna notes that while the overall look of Barnard student and style exBarnard is polished, there’s room for indi- pert, feels that personal style vidual experimentation. This pervasive sense is a bonus in this fast-paced of stylistic originality is only fitting; Barnard environment. “People make women are driven and self-motivated, and the judgments quickly, and your proof is in the closet. And although an exact style choices are a clear way definition of Barnard style perhaps can’t be to make a statement about given, there are distinct trends that can be who you are,” she says. She found from the chemistry lab to the English completes her look with boots, seminar.

turquoise jewelry, scarves, and

More attention to texture and embellish- a trusty tote bag. Fiona Brunment than to color is a common thread, as the ner (BC ’14), another Barnard


bn -­ MARCH 2012

Images courtesy of College Fashionista Columbia University

Barnard women on the whole put concerted paisley ensembles.

ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Hunger Games Low-Down


here’s a new film phenomenon

special effects of the film concerning how

district. Affable and earnest, he competes

that thankfully has nothing to do

the glittering world of the Capitol will be

for his life as well as for Katniss’ heart dur-

with sparkly vampires. The Hunger

portrayed. That is why it is so surprising

ing the competition. He will be played by

Games, premiering March 23rd, has gener-

that Gary Ross was selected to direct this

Josh Hutcherson, whose most significant

ated a lot of buzz over whether it will do

blockbuster franchise. Ross is most fa-

role to date was Laser in the indie hit, The

justice to the eponymous trilogy on which

mous for writing the screenplay for Big and

Kids Are Alright. It remains to be seen

it is based. Suzanne Collins published the

for both writing and directing Seabiscuit.

whether Hutcherson will be able to capture

first novel of the series in 2008 and since

Though he’s received four Oscar nomina-

the emotional depths of a character so be-

then, the YA literary world has caught Hun-

tions, Ross has very little experience with

loved that his fans are known by the twisted

ger Games fever. All three books have been

sci-fi, causing many fans to doubt whether

moniker “Peetaphiles.” But before breaking

bestsellers, with The Hunger Games being

he can excel in bringing Panem from page

out your “Team Peeta” t-shirt, it’s impor-

the first YA or children’s book to sell over

to screen. The Hunger Games trailer has

tant to consider his rival for Katniss’ love.

one million copies for Amazon’s Kindle.

already suffered criticism for weak digital

Gale Hawthorne is Katniss’s best friend and

imaging. Hopefully, Ross’ ability to tell a

will be portrayed by Liam Hemsworth, who

good story will outweigh his lack of techni-

is better known for being Miley Cyrus’s

cal expertise.

boyfriend than for any particular acting

Ross may have nothing to fear because fans will have plenty of vivid characters to distract from possibly weak special effects.

gig. However, his brooding stare and good looks seem an apt match for the emotionally fraught Gale.

When Katniss Everdeen comes onscreen,

There are other standouts speckled

hopefully the backdrop will be the least of

throughout The Hunger Games cast. Stanley

anyone’s worries. The heroine’s quick wits,

Tucci (The Devil Wears Prada, Easy A) will

unwavering determination, and kick-ass

play Caesar Flickerman, the flamboyant

archery skills completely outshine Bella

TV personality who interviews the Hun-

Swan’s pathetic whining and propensity for

ger Games participants. Woody Harrelson

tripping. This is why all eyes will be trained

takes a turn in a questionable flaxen wig to

on Jennifer Lawrence, the actress chosen

play the part of Haymitch Abernathy, the

to portray Katniss in The Hunger Games.

drunken survivor of Games past and Kat-

The novels take place in Panem, a dysto-

Lawrence is a hot young newcomer in Hol-

niss’s only life line while she struggles in the

pian North America that has been divided

lywood, already nominated for an Oscar at

arena. Lenny Kravitz is another hot name,

into 12 districts. Each year, a boy and girl

the tender age of 21 for the 2010 film, Win-

and his cool factor will translate well to

from every district are randomly selected to

ter’s Bone. Lawrence poignantly played Ree

playing Cinna, Katniss’ unflappable stylist.

fight in the “Hunger Games,” a brutal and

Dolly, a tough as nails teen who navigates

bloody competition that serves as punish-

incredible dangers to keep her family intact.

The combination of this all-star cast

ment for a failed rebellion against the cruel

There is no doubt that Lawrence will be able

Capitol. These “tributes” must outsmart the

to channel Ree’s survival instincts and fierce

stadium’s devious booby traps as well as

protectiveness into her Hunger Games role,

each other, all while being broadcast on live

for, like Ree, Katniss is hell-bent on staying

television. The goal of the Games is to be

alive in order to keep her family safe.

the last person standing, and this is exactly what Katniss Everdeen, the novel’s heroine, intends to do. There has been a lot of buzz about the





should make The Hunger Games an undeniable treat. If the movie is half as good as the books, it will be a definite must-see for both diehard fans and the uninitiated. So if you want to see how Panem pans out on

The other two roles that will have to hold

the big screen, or even just drool over Liam

up to close scrutiny are those of Peeta Mel-

Hemsworth, then mark down March 23rd

lark and Gale Hawthorne. Peeta is the male

as a definite movie night out.

Hunger Games participant from Katniss’ THE BULLETIN -­

bo -­ MARCH 2012

Image courtesy of

arts & entertainment

By Hannah Miller

Roller Derby: Tough Ass Chicks


By Cleo Levin rganized sports do not generally they bring to the rink. The women publish edents, with such monikers as “Miss Americarry a lot of clout in New York, short statements about themselves, which can can Thighs,” “Anne Phetamean,” and “Bitch with thick-necked Knicks fans from often bring as much entertainment as the skat- Cassidy.” Players also get creative with jersey

Jersey sticking out like sore thumbs on the ing itself. A pretty classic example is the bio of numbers, which break right out of the 1-90 subway. That being said, there’s a new game Bunny McBones, with a line that reads, “She constraints, ranging from “8 ½ x 11” to “999 hitting the Big Apple, which is accruing quite has been vegan for as long as she’s been play- lives.” Little quips such as these give the aua following—and a stylish one at that.

ing roller derby and lives with a seven-year-old dience a sense of much needed comic relief

Roller Derby is not your average sporting rabbit named Nimbus.” Mrs. McBones’ slogan when someone like Angela Slamsbury hits the event. The women of the derby have traded in further states: “Vegan but not cruelty free.” Al- hardwood for a second time, making it clear spandex for fishnets and body glitter for eye black—but this is not to say that the game isn’t a tough one. Matches are conducted with two teams of five members each skating around a track. Play consists of a series of matchups (dubbed “jams”) in which a designated scorer, the “jammer”, attempts to lap the members of the other team to win points. It then falls to the team’s remaining members to prevent this, meaning that offense and defense are being played simultaneously. The game is a contact sport in the truest sense of the word. At this point, Roller Derby is generally practiced recreationally (although it is under consideration for the 2020 Olympics). Groups are mostly all-female, participating on a regional level. Unlike beach volleyball or step aerobics, derby is not for the spaghetti-limbed or bikini-clad—these women have serious athletic records. Gotham Girls Roller Derby, founded in late 2003, is currently the most active league in the sport’s revival. GGRD, as it is commonly known, has a very comprehensive website


where players’ bios are posted. Here, one dis-

though the game is certainly a hardcore sport- that roller derby is actually one of the more ing event, it also seems to function as a meet- violent sports around. ing place for some of the city’s more eccentric inhabitants.

Luckily for us, the laughs, the cries, and the fun, are all within easy access, now that New

This is evidenced especially well by—per- York is the new center of roller derby. There

covers the athletes’ authenticity; the women haps the most essential and renowned aspect are four leagues in the city (Bronx Gridlock, have history competing in games as diverse as of derby—the naming of the players. Athletes Brooklyn Bombshells, Manhattan Mayhem, triathlons, bodybuilding, and gymnastics. nent of the sport are the performance and aesthetic aspects, which combine camp, punk, and third-wave feminist influences. Self-expression is essential, and the players, who are bookstore owners, art therapists, law students, and sculptors, have a lot of personality that

names,” which are brilliant examples of word competition teams, Wall St. Traitors and the play, incorporating mock-violent, sexual, and Gotham Girls All-Stars, which are groups pop cultural references. Whip It!, a 2009 roll- compiled of skaters from all four home teams. er derby-based film starring Ellen Paige and Together, these women have proved that athDrew Barrymore, introduced the brilliant ex- letics don’t have to translate to jockstraps and amples of “Bloody Holly,” “Eva Destruction,” beer bellies. Grrrl, let’s head to Hunter College and “Iron Maven.” Current members of the March 31st for the first match of the season Gotham Girls League have risen to their prec- and let the riot commence! THE BULLETIN -­

bp -­ MARCH 2012

Illustration by Rhea Schmid

Equally important to the athletic compo-

skate under a variety of pseudonyms, or “derby and Queens of Pain), as well as inter-league

THIS PAGE: Clockwise from left “Tear Party” by Nicole Eisenman 2011; “Untitled 99” by Kai Althoff; “Color Study #13” by Liz Deschenes. OPPOSITE PAGE: “Slothy” by Nicole Eisenman

Preview of the Whitney Biennial 2012

An Especially Modern Palette

arts & entertainment

By Alexandra Shapiro


he first day of March once again 2012 edition of the event has already been edge, spotlighting “trendier media” such as marks the arrival of “WhiBi,” more poked and prodded by influential art leaders video, film installations, and galleries filled formally known as the Whitney Bien- and anonymous experts alike, revealing the with choreography projects. Some critics may

nial, one of Manhattan’s most thoughtful and familiar attitudes that have grappled with the complain of missing the timeless presence of provocative art events. The show has incited paradoxical and identity-questioning con- paintings, but it can also be considered an new hope and sparkle for the future of mu- cepts of contemporary art. Lately, the artists open-minded way of acknowledging the inseum showcases, gracefully touching upon and their creative spaces have been on display fluence of other arts, whether performance or the altered idealism of the muse and infusing more than the pieces. According to the central technology-based. it with the realism of the metropolis. A month art history source ArtInfo, the Biennial has

Since its conception in 1932, the Whitney before showtime, the publicity is endless. The decided to make the exhibition more cutting Biennial has been a primary exhibitor of viTHE BULLETIN -­

bq -­ MARCH 2012

sual culture. It is a stylish trendsetter in the museum realm, and based on the thoughts of Chinese Museum of Art historian Herb Tam via the Huffington Post, evokes the fine arts equivalent of a Hollywood awards show. Though flashy and glamorous, the Biennial’s real goal is to seek malleability to original 20th century art traditions and their evolution. The exhibition pays particular attention to current social issues and the expressive, creative outlets used to express them. Some of the featured artists stir up taboo ideas while others fixate on the sheer beauty of their materials. Whitney curators were fascinated with the work of documentary filmmaker Frederick Wiseman, who wished to expose the truths of the infrastructure image. One of the museum’s galleries will explore what happens behind the windows of “needed” places, from hospitals to legislature buildings. Then, there is the mocking tone of artists hoping to uncover the injustices within the art world, such as the domineering force of male-produced work. Kate “K8” Hardy and Georgia Sari, devotees of the feminist side of the Institutional Critique, insert themselves into Occupy Artistic Space and question the meanings of standing up, whether in a performative or protesting context. Sarah Michaelson’s in-residence piece, “American Dancer,” is a whirlwind of emotion and movement, offering a kind of psychedelic experience to the observer through echoing sounds, shadowy silhouettes, and a study of the “text” behind the composition. Charles Burchfield recaptures a more picturesque aesthetic in his dark, dream-like, anxiety-provoking nature canvases, signaling the modern return of the universally known painting. The continuing cast list of “50 Biennial Artists” is an assortment of engagers—artists hoping to recover the lost voice of increasingly sophisticated styles. The Whitney Biennial is a compelling modern art story that will move everyone from museum connoisseurs to sophisticated passersby. There are endless ways to describe the flair that is so enticing in this drama-seeking, stage-setting, brush-breaking generation of exhibitions. It will simply be legendary.

“Though flashy and glamorous, the Biennial’s real goal is to seek malleability to original 20th century art traditions and their evolution.”


Local Look: Manhattan’s ongoing effort to support homegrown labels By Olivia Aylmer


ast March, ABC News challenged un- jobs, as noted in a recent Moody’s Analytics tract buyers with a quality of homegrown aususpecting rush-hour travelers in New report. Additionally, they quote Mark Bloome, thenticity. Designers Mary Kate and Ashley York City’s Grand Central Terminal to founder of TAP America, who asserted: “Re- Olsen in addition to newcomer Jason Wu are

strip down—to the pieces of clothing actually cent reports verified by Merrill Lynch indicate just a few designers utilizing this approach. made in America, that is. Drawing a curious that if each American spent an extra $6.41 on Of course, the undeniable allure of donning crowd to gawk at a man standing in nothing but U.S. made goods each week, this alone would foreign brands persists. Similarly, the desire to his blue jeans, the experiment produced results create almost 1 million new jobs. This equates produce garments abroad, while selling them ranging from humorous to downright shocking. to less than one dollar per day to save the USA.” in America, stems from the perceived cost efIn the span of a little more than 50 years,

This speculation suggests that increas-

the percentage of clothing both sold and ing American made clothing might not be

fectiveness for both producer and consumer. Nevertheless, while it is undeniably cheaper

produced in the United States has drasti- as challenging as it sounds. Furthermore, to outsource production, the difference might cally dropped from 95% to 5%, according to this change in production will ultimately not be as gaping as many imagine. In a PBS Save the Garment Center, a trade associa- produce a multitude of economic benefits. interview, esteemed womenswear designer tion devoted to promoting New York’s Gar-

Nanette Lepore, who is also a strong advocate Just as 21st century diners appreciate digment District. Designers continually struggle of Save the Garment Center, said: “When we to meet production demands and maintain ging into a leafy green salad fresh from a lo- have done cost comparisons on certain garquality control. However, Americans have cal garden, an intrinsic appeal lies in knowing ments, we will take something and we will price grown accustomed to purchasing clothing exactly from where the clothes on one’s own it in New York, and we will price it in China. with the all-too-familiar “Made in China” la- back come. It is time for fashion to go lo- We will do that often to sort of see where bel. This leaves the future fashion designers cal. In recent years, brands such as Frye, L.L. we are better off. Generally, with the cost of

of America in a serious sartorial quandary. Bean, and J Brand have gained loyal customers bringing it here and importing, it comes out with their unique sense of American heritage. to very close to the same [production cost].” New York City is home to 24,000 ap- Similarly, some higher end designer labels atparel-manufacturing jobs and 846 fashion



The word must be spread nationwide to


ensure that those who can affect change do

Paris, and Milan combined. As an inter-

so. It does not involve much to take a stand,

national fashion capital, Manhattan could

and small steps will undoubtedly lead to great

go a long way in inspiring increased pro-

gains. Write to elected officials about the

duction of 100% American made clothing.

importance of this issue. Check out local boutiques that carry small-batch brands.

Save the Garment Center and the Council

Consciously read clothing labels before

of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA)

buying. From creating jobs at a time when

champion industry-wide initiatives, rec-

Americans still desperately seek employment to setting a positive example of

current brands. The CFDA’s membership

humane working conditions, concerted

arts & entertainment

consists of more than 400 of America’s

efforts taken by customers and couturi-

most notable designers. For these or-

ers alike will ensure that the American

ganizations, the matter of manufac-

garment industry continues to thrive.

turing carries far more significance than

For more information on locally-produced brands with store locations in and around the city, visit american-made/. To learn more about this issue or to get involved, visit and

the clothes alone: it directly affects the future of American innovation and job creation. Save the Garment Center’s informative website reveals that if consumers spent an extra 1% on U.S. goods, it would create 200,000 THE BULLETIN -­

bs -­ MARCH 2012

Nanette Leopore RTW courtesy of

ognize burgeoning talent, and sustain

SPOTLIGHT styles are you drawn to? My love of folk comes from growing up sitting around campfires singing songs and telling stories. To me, folk music is about sharing stories, being part of a community and practicing a tradition. It’s not just the songs that matter, but the people behind them. Listening to folk music, I feel like I’m getting a history lesson. 5) How did you make the transition from concert go-er to manager, and how were you able to secure your first paying gig?

10 Questions for

LAURALY GROSSMAN Name: Lauraly Grossman Year: 2012 Major: Art History / Philosophy Three music essentials you can’t live without: 1. The live shows - music up close and personal 2. The songs that have become the soundtrack to my life 3. My cello. I’m not much of a performer, but it’s my therapy. Lauraly Grossman is a graduating senior who, in her spare time, has managed to create her own management label called Boy Blue Music Group. She sat down with the Bulletin to talk about her love for folk music and her upcoming projects for life after graduation. 1) When did you first realize that you wanted to make music your career? Alternately, how did you decide that music management was for you? Once I became the booking manger at Postcrypt, and really made an effort to get out to shows and industry events, I was hooked. I knew I had to be a part of that world. It’s addictive. The desire to manage came later. I don’t personally want a career as a musician, but I have so much respect for the brave souls that put themselves out there and try to make it. Managing is my way of helping the musicians I love go after their dreams. If I’ve learned anything about trying to earn a living playing music, it’s that you need people you trust by your side along the way. 2) Explain how you became involved with Postcrypt and your role in the organization. I found Postcrypt one night walking home from Avery Library. There was this noise coming from the chapel and I went to investigate. Once I saw the crypt, that was it, I was in love with the space. It’s truly a home away from home for me. I started as a volunteer running shows, working the bar. The summer after my freshman year I took on the role of booking manager. I had no idea what I as doing, but learned quickly from my mistakes. For the past 3 years I’ve been filling the calendar, running shows whenever I can, and helping to plan the annual folk fest. A lot of what I do involves getting out to other venues and networking to find the artists that belong in the crypt. It’s an unbelievable community of people, but it takes some dedication to find your way into it.

I’m currently managing Anthony da Costa ( CC’13, co booking manager at crypt ) and Lorraine Leckie. Both are artists I met through Postcrypt, who have become close friends. In both cases, I was already a huge supporter of the music, so the transition to manager was pretty natural. Anthony and Lorriane know that I’m still figuring out how things work and making useful contacts in the industry. I am helping them with their careers and they’re helping me get some hands-on experience doing what I really want to be doing. What better way to learn than to just do it? At this point it’s an experiment and I’m just trying to see how far I can develop it on my own. 6) How are you able to balance being a full time student with attending weekly concerts and being legitimately employed? It has not been easy. That is the most challenging part. Living in NYC, the music scene is 24/7, not just on the weekends. A lot of shows and private events are on week nights, so I try to keep my classes later in the day to preserve my sanity. Who am I kidding? I’m always going insane! It’s hard to say no to something I love so much. I have to constantly remind myself that I’m a student and that has to be a priority. I love that Barnard allows me to be part of both worlds. 7) In what ways is managing folk and alternative music acts different than the course for pursuing mainstream recognition? What does the job entail, and what are the challenges? Everyone wants as much recognition as possible, I actually don’t see much of a difference. the people involved in smaller indie labels, which often represent the folksters, seem to be at least a little more grounded. The biggest challenge for me is coming to terms with the fact that it is a Business and it has to be about making the big bucks. The things I volunteer my time to do have been he most enjoyable - things like Postcrypt and the Melodica Festival. It’s hard to see an artists songs or image being altered for a profit, but that’s a sacrifice that comes with being a professional musician. Some labels are more sensitive to this than others. 8) Which already signed bands are your favorite, and what new comers to the folk scene have you most excited? That’s a tough one. Too many to name. One NY band I have come to love is Pearl and the Beard, and their label, Family Records, is fantastic. Besides Lorraine Leckie & Her Demons and AnthoView L ny da Costa, some of my unsigned favorites are Will Stratton, a answe uraly’s Tall Tall Trees and Margaret Glaspy. They’re all so talented, rs to t he P roust Q I’m constantly amazed by what they create. u naire o estion-­ nline! 10) What upcoming projects are you a part of?

As a booking manager, artists are always eager to start up conversations, and getting to know a wide range of bands and artists was what I started with. From there, I got to know more about the popular labels, management and PR firms just by asking a lot of questions and talking with people from the industry at shows. It was my experience at postcrypt that gave me a huge advantage getting internships such as BWR Public Relations and ATO Records. Not many 22 year olds already have a few years of experience booking venues, and it’s being on the booking end and my internship experiences that gave me the confidence have a go at management.

The Melodica Festival is what I’m working on right outside of managing Lorraine and Anthony, though both will be participating. Melodica is a non-profit festival that takes place all over the world—Australia, Iceland, Germany, Netherlands to name a few. my friend Kendy Gable and I brought the festival to NY last Spring, and are holding the Third Melodica NYC at the Sidewalk Cafe on May 1213. Everyone volunteers their time to give up-coming artists a chance to share their music with an attentive audience—somethig that can be challenging in this city. A mix of international and local artists perform over two days and have a chance to collaborate with other musicians, forge relationships that could lead to more shows and get some free publicity. It’s been so much fun to book this event and make it all happen. A bunch of artists who have been involved in Melodica have gone on to play Melodica festivals in other countries, and that has been heart-warming. Its a good feeling knowing I’ve had an impact. I decided to give a name to my business: Boy Blue Music Group. It was a big step giving my project an official title, and a little scary. Now, it’s real and not just an idea. I know what I want to do, and couldn’t wait for someone else to make it happen or hand me a job, so I decided to create my own project. At the very least, I’ll help out some friends and organize some good events. And who knows, maybe it’ll turn into something bigger than I could have ever imagined.

4) Where does your love for folk music stem? What other musical

As told to Liza Darvin

3) How has Postcrypt enabled you to forge relationships within the folk music community?


bt -­ MARCH 2012

Bear Essentials



The deadline is March 22. Please remember that you must be enrolled for at least 12 points unless you have been given permission to take fewer

Ebear training for students studying abroad next year will be held on Thursday, March 8, from 5-6pm, in 237 Milbank and Tuesday, March 20, from 12-1pm in 323 Milbank. Students should attend this training to

points by your adviser and Class Dean.

learn how to request Barnard credit for courses taken abroad.

NEED FINANCIAL AID FOR 2012-2013? Applications are due Monday, April 23. All documents can be downloaded from the Financial Aid website Click on "Application Procedures & Forms" and then "Returning Students" and you will be connected to all required forms. There are also links to complete the Federal FAFSA form and the CSS PROFILE form on-line. Please note: All materials should be sent in one packet by the deadline to College Board IDOC, PO Box 4017, Mt Vernon, Illinois 62864 and not to the Barnard Office of Financial Aid. Please call our office at 212-854-2154 if you have any questions.

ACADEMIC STANDING REPORTS The Dean of Studies Office is receiving reports from faculty members about students who seem to be having difficulty in particular courses. If we receive one for you, we will ask you to meet with your adviser or Class Dean to talk about ways of improving your standing. We hope that the reports and conversations will be helpful to you.

TRAVEL HEALTH FROM PRIMARY CARE Are you planning to travel over spring break, during the summer, or for the fall semester? If you are traveling outside of the US (especially if you are going to Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, Central or South America, Europe, Mexico, the Middle East and/or the Pacific), you may need required or recommended vaccines and/or malaria prophylaxis. Travel health counseling can prepare you for a safe and enjoyable trip! Please call the Primary Care Health Service (212-854-2091) to set up an appointment for a pre-travel visit.

PRIMARY CARE SPRING BREAK NOTICE The Barnard College Primary Care Health Service will be closed for clinical care during Spring Break, March 12-16. Primary Care will be open for administrative purposes only during the Break, 9am - 4:30pm. Barnard students will have access to Health Services at Columbia during the Break for urgent care needs only. Call Health Services at Columbia at 212-8542284 for information on hours and location. Additionally, the ClinicianOn-Call will be available 24/7 during the Break for telephone emergency medical advice at 866-966-7788. Emergency room visits must be authorized by the Clinician-On-Call in order to activate the Barnard Student Insurance for reimbursement.

All F-1 STUDENTS All F-1 students who will travel outside the United States for spring break and whose I-20s have signatures older than six months must obtain a new signature prior to leaving the US. Dean Bournoutian, Dean Kuan Tsu, and Mark Farrell in the Dean of Studies Office are authorized to sign I20s. Any student planning on traveling to Canada during the break should check the website of the Canadian embassy (www.canadainternational. THE BULLETIN -­

ACADEMIC CULTURE WHEN STUDYING ABROAD Monday, March 19, 5:30 -7:00 p.m. in Judith Shapiro Dining Room (2nd Floor Diana, Behind Elevators). The Office of International Programs is hosting a discussion with Study Abroad alumnae and Professor Brian O'Keefe on the differences in academic style when studying abroad. How was your academic experience? How did you manage it and what would you recommend to others? Come share your advice and stories with students preparing to go abroad! Come get the answers to all the questions you haven’t thought of yet from people who have been there!

STUDY ABROAD - CULTURE SHOCK Tuesday, March 22, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. in South Tower. The Office of International Programs is hosting a discussion on a frequent issue for all study abroad students: culture shock. The session will explore not only how prospective study abroad students can prepare themselves for their upcoming experience, but how study abroad returnees can re-adjust to being back in New York City. The event will be facilitated by Dr. Mayowa Obasaju from the Furman Counseling Center.

APPLYING TO HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS All students applying to a health professions school this summer (2012) who have not yet submitted their materials, should schedule an appointment with Dean Adjua Starks in the Dean of Studies Office (T: 212-8542024) as soon as possible, or stop by during her walk-in hours. Please access and make note of all of the upcoming deadlines in our pre-health packet which is located online at health-advising.

TO BECOME A TUTOR AND ACADEMIC FELLOW Applications for positions as a Barnard College peer tutor (i.e., Academic Fellow) in specific biology, chemistry, math, economics and language courses are available online. To access these forms, visit http://barnard. edu/dos/academic-support and click on "Tutor Packet"

TO APPLY FOR TUTORING ASSISTANCE The deadline to request a tutor through the Dean of Studies Office's Academic Assistance Program is Friday, March 16, 2012.To access forms to request a tutor, visit and click on "Tutee Packet" If you are interested in a tutor for CHEM BC3230 (Organic Chemistry I), PHYS BC2002 (Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism), or CHEM BC3232 (Intermediate General Chemistry), please visit the tutoring workshop rooms that are available for those particular courses. For information regarding the workshop rooms, please either visit the PreHealth Board located outside of the Dean of Studies Office (105 Milbank Hall) or call 212-854-2024.

cu -­ MARCH 2012

MARCH 2012

The Calendar


Coldplay, Stephen Colbert, Jon Stewart, Russel Brand, Mumford and Sons, Reggie Watts at Radio City Music Hall.














B RE AK 13










Jesus Christ Superstar opens on Broadway!



Saturday 3

Armory Contemporary Art Fair at Piers 92 and 94

The Kooks at Terminal 5







Chinatown and Little Italy Food Festival



Michael Jackson: The Immortal World





Roller Derby at Hunter College

26 NOVEMBER 11: Gallery Opening



“On the streets of New York since 1762, the

Senior dance majors create, produce, and

In anticipation of her fourth album, Fiona Apple

oldest, biggest, and best in the world!” It’s the St.

perform in the culmination of their artistic

is starting her spring tour with a stop at the Bow-

Patrick’s Day Parade!

and intellectual studies. Tickets $5 with CUID,

ery Ballroom. Known for her alternative style,

available at the door.

Apple’s performance will be a crowd pleaser!


cl -­ MARCH 2012

Kooks Album Cover courtesy of EMI Records, St. Patrick’s Day Parade courtesy of, Dance courtesy of Matthew Murphy, Fionna Apple courtesy of Epic Records, Jesus Christ Superstar courtesy of 2011 Stratford Shakespeare Festival Production of JCS



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