October/November 2019

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Kalena Chiu ‘20 & Sara Hameed‘20 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Sara Bellan ‘20 & Brigid Cromwell '22 MANAGING EDITORS galiba gofur '20 LAYOUT DIRECTOR FEATURES EDITOR Collier Curran '20 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Maya Sanchez '21 POLITICS & OPINION EDITOR Annabella Correa-Maynard '21

ASSOCIATE EDITOR Mahira Kumar '23 STAFF WRITER Hadassah Solomson '20 ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR Stefani Shoreibah '21 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Evanne Subia '22

STAFF WRITER Annette Stonebarger '21

LAYOUT EDITOR Nicola Sheybani '22

HEALTH & STYLE EDITOR Isabella Monaco '20 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Erin Bronner '21 STAFF WRITER Swati Madankumar '22




THANK YOU TO THE RUTH BAYARD SMITH '72 MEMORIAL FUND FOR ITS SUPPORT OF THE BULLETIN Barnard Bulletin 3009 broadway new york, ny 10027 Thebarnardbulletin.com LIKE US ON FACEBOOK follow us on twitter follow us on instagram


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2 - OCT/NOV 2019

A Letter From Our Editors Dearest Readers, Welcome to the new school year! We at the Bulletin are so excited to kick this year off with such a fun and diverse issue. The semester is now a little over halfway finished, and we hope you can find some reprieve from the insanity of the academic world and relax with us as you flip through this issue of the Bulletin. Our writers, editors, and creative team have brought their A-games and provided amazing content that covers politics, fashion, entertainment, and so much more. We feel that this issue’s core is the concept of fearlessness, and the many different ways one can manifest it. A few must-reads are “The Little Mermaid: Controversy Under the Sea,” “Life with an ESA,” “The Pink Tax and Ways to Avoid It,” and “Compartiendo Sin Filtro: Being Latinx On Campus.” We’ve also brought you something a little more close to home—as the wind grows colder and the days draw shorter, it’s important to stoke the fire within you. It’s easy to lose track of yourself, but we at the Bulletin see your hearts, you bold, beautiful, Barnard babes. This issue’s Centerpiece is truly food for your souls. “From the Outside” explores the perception of the self in relation to others, what it means to be an outsider or an insider in a community that can feel exclusionary, and how to find yourself and your happiness in the midst of it all. We look around and find ourselves surrounded by determined, dauntless women—women who step into the dark despite the threat of the unknown, who believe in the goodness of the world, who set off sparks within us. These women are you. We wish you luck during midterms. You are the loves of our lives, the apples of our eyes; everything we do, we do for you. We see each and every one of you strong, fearless, resilient women; we are inspired by you every day, and we hope to imbue your essence into all that this magazine is. With love, Kalena & Sara


3 - OCT/NOV 2019

IN THIS ISSUE SSUE 3 // Letter from the editors 5 // behind the scenes 6 // trending & playlist

HEALTH & STYLE 8 // First Year Ragrets 10 // Hewitt Got a Face Lift 12 // The Pink Tax and Ways to Avoid it 14 // Barnard Bucket List 16 // White Claw is Law 18 // Trend or Treat 20 // sweater weather 22 // Confessions of a VSCO girl

FEATURES 24 // BB Book Club: tHE FARM 26 // Life With an ESA 28 // The Signs as Diana Meals 30 // Alpha Chapter: Inspiring Ambition at Barnard 32 // Compartiendo Sin Filtro: Being Latinx on Campus 34 // Centerpiece: From the Outside

POLITICS & OPINION 40 // 20/20 vision for America: Pete Buttigieg 44 // She Said/She Said: Too Tech to Fail 46 // One year Later: The impact of the Christine Blasey Ford testimony 48 // Columbia vs. Indigenous People's Day 50 // Eyes on Her: Greta Thunberg

ARTS & CULTURE 52 // The Little Mermaid: Controversy Under the Sea 54 // Stephen King's IT 56 // Museums and the Politics of Student Admission 58 // Fall TV Guide 60 // Student-Artist Spotlight: Interview with Alex Haddad '21 62 // The Perfect Fall Playlist 64 // Comic Con… Really? 66 // Student Advertisements THE BULLETIN -

4 - OCT/NOV 2019



5 - OCT/NOV 2019

versized blazers lazers Oversized Workwear with a relaxed feel.

ig hair air scrunchies crunchies Big An easy way to spice up any hairstyle!

hite Claw law White

uffy Coats oats Puffy


6 - OCT/NOV 2019


Waves Dean Lewis

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

City Girls Hand Made House


Dream Boy Waterparks

Dream Song Finish Ticket






7 - OCT/NOV 2019

H&S First Year Ragrets by Brigid Cromwell


iving through college without regrets is an impossible feat. As a sophomore in college, I wish I could go back and tell eighteenyear-old me what to expect from my first year. Instead of spending my energy worrying about what my peers thought of me and comparing my college experience to others’, I should have spent more time exploring my interests and enjoying the challenging yet rewarding prospect of total independence. To all Barnard first-years reading, don’t worry if you feel disillusioned by the first month of college! You have plenty of time to realize your priorities, set new goals, and have an amazing first semester. The first piece of wisdom I would impart on any Barnard firstyear is that your first week, first semester, or even first year will not necessarily be perfect, and that is normal. When I was in high school, I looked to college as a glowing light at the end of a long and dark tunnel. Whenever I was frustrated with high school, I would assure myself that college would be better and that all


of my problems would be resolved as soon as I received my acceptance letters. Looking back, I realize how much of a disservice this was to my well being. College is not a magical cure for all of your mental health issues or high school woes. That’s not to say you won’t be happy in college; in fact, you’ll most likely meet lifelong friends and have the most memorable experiences while in college. Regardless, most people enter college with expectations so high they’re bound to be at least slightly disappointed. Know that there will be ups and downs along the way and each one will make you stronger. If you’re a first-year reading this who feels like the only person not having an amazing time during your first semester, I assure you that you are not alone. It took me my entire first year to feel like I had established an identity for myself within the campus community, and I definitely have so much more room to grow and change. You don’t have to find a group of friends during orientation, and it is more than okay to be alone

8 - OCT/NOV 2019

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

at times. You rarely ever get a moment to yourself in college, but there is something so valuable and so powerful about taking time to get to know and spend time with yourself. Don’t be afraid to join clubs, drop out of clubs, or apply for daunting positions. If a situation does not serve you, you must have the self-respect and strength to leave. Whether that be a friendship, a club, a class, or even a major, you must do what is right for you and what speaks to your soul. You’re only in college for four years, and it costs money to be here. Don’t waste time trying to please someone else or fulfill someone else’s expectations of what college should look like. Social media will try to make you believe all of your classmates and high school friends are having the time of their lives in college. The Snapchat videos of strobe lights and sweaty fraternities look appealing in the moment, but you never know what is going on in that person’s mind. It’s hard to avoid comparing your experience to other people’s, but realize that social media does not depict anyone’s


true reality. As for classes, take the time to explore your interests during your first year! Even if you don’t plan on majoring in philosophy or English, take classes in those departments if they interest you. You’re not tied down to a major during your first year, so use this time to learn more about yourself academically. Barnard professors genuinely care about their students’ well being and success, so definitely take advantage of office hours. Ultimately, entering college is daunting for everyone, even if people don’t show it on the exterior. It’s normal to feel lost and confused during this period of transition, and it’s healthy to spend time getting to know yourself and what you stand for. College, like any other aspect of life, has its rough patches, but it’s an exciting opportunity to create an experience that you will look back on and appreciate.

9 - OCT/NOV 2019

Hewitt Got a Face Lift


by Isabella Monaco

exclusively eat at Hewitt. That is a sentence I never thought I’d say, but Hewitt is a changed woman this year. For the past three years, my friends and I called Hewitt “The Devil’s Dining Hall,” because we vehemently hated the food quality and selection. I partly blame my terrible freshman year on Hewitt’s food; since I was too afraid to enter the jungle of Columbia dining halls, I survived off Hewitt’s bagels and chocolate cake. By my sophomore year, I was wiser and ten pounds heavier, so I boycotted Hewitt, and didn’t set foot in it for two whole years. Many people saw no issue with Hewitt, but, as a vegetarian, I was never satisfied with the tasteless


veggies and inedible tofu. However, this year Chartwells ascended down from the college dining heavens and blessed Barnard with a new menu and a new quality of life. Let’s discuss the new developments. (Please note that I am only referring to the non-Kosher section of Hewitt). First of all, Hewitt has a new look! There are high- and low-top tables for four and longer tables that seat around eight. The table configuration promotes communal eating more than old Hewitt did, which had many two-seaters. Overall, I think it gives the dining hall a greater sense of community, similar to John Jay. During peak hours, finding a seat is a challenge, as I feel like there isn’t enough room in Hewitt to accommodate the new influx of students. The flat-screen TVs in the dining room and at the food sections give Hewitt a more high-tech feel. You can find menus for each station on the accompanying TV screen, making it easy to know what’s being served. The crowds of students lining up for Hewitt everyday is proof

10 - OCT/NOV 2019

Photography by Camilla Marchese

that the food has improved. The pizza station has the new option of flatbread pizza that might be better than Diana’s pizza. The main food section looks the same, but the taste is exponentially better. It always has a protein, vegetable, and carb option. My favorite part of the dining hall is the FYUL section. Pronounced “fuel,” this station has around six dishes, all vegetarian or vegan. For lunch or dinner, I’ll fill a bowl up with veggies and some quinoa from this area, and I’m never disappointed. There’s also a salad section, which a ton of addin options, as well as a chopped fruit section, with pineapple, cantaloupe, and honeydew. There are two dessert areas, both offering cookies, pastries, muffins, and more. Old Hewitt had much better desserts in my opinion. RIP, Hewitt chocolate cake. Next to every menu item is the calorie count. Having all this nutrition information in your face as you’re choosing what to put on your plate is triggering for some and helpful for others. Some students have expressed that seeing calorie count labels


encourages them to calorie-count, a habit they hoped to break. The size of plates has also annoyed some students. The entree plates are around the size of a saucer. I personally like the size because it ensures that I clean the plate and thus have less waste. Chartwells heard the dissatisfaction about plate size and just announced that they will increase the plate size in the coming weeks. My annoyance is mostly fork-based. The forks are huge, and they are hard to maneuver around the small bowls and plates. Spoons come in two sizes, and I feel like forks should too. Chartwells is super responsive to feedback, so voice your concerns and they are sure to hear you!

11 - OCT/NOV 2019

Pink Tax and

Ways to Avoid it


by Grace Li

omen have always been at a disadvantage compared to their male counterparts. Not only have women been subject to things such as unequal pay and lack of reproductive rights, but women have to quite literally pay a price simply for identifying as female. The majority of products made for women (such as razors, clothing, hair products) are sold at a much higher price than the same products designed for males. Forbes estimates that the average American woman spends $1,400 more on necessities than men do per year. In 2010, Consumer Re-


ports found that, according to manufacturers, female-targeted items are more expensive because it costs more to make these products. However, a study from the University of Central Florida found that the only noticeable differences between male and female products are usually scent and color. Recently, various companies have been established specifically to combat this unjust price imbalance. These companies sell high quality everyday products at low prices. Some notable ones include Harry’s razors, Boxed, and Billie razors. Both Harry’s razors and Billie offers affordable

12 - OCT/NOV 2019

Illustrations by Ketaki Krishnan

gender-neutral shaving and skin care products without compromising quality. Boxed reduces the prices of women’s products in order to make them the same price as men’s products on a per ounce/unit basis. While the upcharge on products like deodorant and razors have caused much outrage among women, the “tampon tax” has always been the most controversial. Menstrual products, like pads and tampons, have been categorized as “luxury” items, which means they are sold with sales tax. Items such as medication and food are seen as essential, so they are untaxed. Certain male products that aren’t typically seen as basic necessities, such as Viagra, are placed in the “essential” category. Menstrual products should fit into this category as well, as proper access to pads or tampons is necessary for womens’ health. This has led to the conclusion that the tampon tax ultimately stems from gender inequality and the stigmatization of menstruation. In recent years, there has


been a major push for the repeal of this tax. Not only are pink tax free companies (e.g. Boxed) and period positive non-profits (e.g. Period.) involved in this, but there are even class action lawsuits that were established to combat this injustice. According to The NewYork Times, in 2016, founders of the non profit, Period Equity, Laura Strausfeld and Jennifer WeissWolf, took part in a lawsuit against the tampon tax in New York, which then prompted Gov. Andrew Cuomo to completely repeal the tax. Gradually, more states such as Minnesota, Nevada and Maryland began to join New York. However, as of now, the majority of the US has yet to remove the tampon tax. Evidently, the price inequality that women face is extremely unjust. Nonetheless, with the rise of pink tax-free companies and an increase in U.S. states rejecting the tax on menstrual products, there is hope that gender will soon no longer be the determinant of the price or taxation of a product.

13 - OCT/NOV 2019

Illustration by Mirea Klee

by Mirthia Prince Figuereo


hether it’s your first or last year at Barnard, I’m sure you’ve already heard of all the items to check off your bucket list while you’re here. Though situated in the city that never sleeps, Barnard and Columbia have much to offer on campus! These four years at Barnard are a great time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new, whether that be taking a class in a subject you don’t know anything about or joining a new club. Many students easily go their four years without experiencing everything, so we’ve put together this list of must-do’s on campus before you leave the gates on Broadway. Share the list with a friend and check everything off before the end of senior year! 1. Attend Homecoming. Although Barnard and Columbia are not necessarily known for their sports, Homecoming is a great chance to come together as a community and show some school spirit! The homecoming football game at Baker Field is one of the biggest sports events of the year. 2. Study in every library on campus. We’re lucky enough to go to a school with over 15 libraries, which not only provide a huge collection of books but also so many options for places to study. Branch out of Milstein to find your favorite study spot on campus (or confirm your least favorite!).


14 - OCT/NOV 2019

3. Visit the Barnard Greenhouse. The iconic Arthur Ross Greenhouse is located on the roof of Milstein and holds open hours Wednesdays and Fridays from 1-3 pm. Make sure to visit this green spot at least once during your time here. 4. Spend some time on the Diana Roof top! Before our beloved Milstein Center opened, the Diana Rooftop was the place to be on campus! Grab a friend and have lunch on the rooftop overlooking campus on a nice sunny day. 5. Take a dance class. Barnard is known for its Dance program which brings world renowned teachers to campus. Whether you’re a beginner or have danced all your life try out a class from the many styles and levels the department has to offer. 6. Attend the Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Columbia’s favorite winter tradition is the annual lighting of the trees along College Walk. This is a great time to come together with friends to celebrate the (almost) end of Fall semester and celebrate campus culture. Make sure to get there early to snag a t-shirt giveaway and a cup of hot chocolate! 7. Watch a Maison Française Movie on the Steps. Every fall during the first few weeks of the semester the Maison Francaise house hosts a French movie screening on Low steps. Don’t worry, there are subtitles! 8. Host a WBAR show. WBAR is Barnard’s very own online freeform radio where students can host their own 2 hour weekly show. Make a podcast, play your favorite music, or just have fun talking with your friends on air! This is a great way to get involved in a creative outlet on campus. 9. Attend every Barnard tradition. From Big Sub to Midnight breakfast, make sure you don’t leave the gates without partaking in all of Barnard’s traditions.


15 - OCT/NOV 2019

White Claw is Law


by Sophie D'Urso Water is: legendary and refreshing. Launched by Mark Anthony Brands, the masterminds behind Mike’s Hard Lemonade, in 2016, White Claw has five fruity flavors to choose from, as well as a new limited-edition take on a vodka & soda. With 5% alcohol by volume, 100 calories, and only 2 grams of carbohydrates per can, their hard seltzer provides a tasty alternative to its contested college student staple, Natural Light beer, which is 4.2% alcohol, 95 calories, and 3.2 grams of carbohydrates per serving. If you’re looking for the Claw, there are a few places in Morningside Heights where you can purchase them. The first, and most obvi-

Design & Digital Art by Hilda Gitchell

ime, Grapefruit, Black Cherry, Mango, Raspberry— you already know what we’re talking about. No one really knows exactly where the White Claw craze came from, but now any pregame without it is simply inadequate. We’re here to answer all of your clawing questions: what is White Claw? Where can Barnumbia students find them? And what’s the best flavor? According to their website, the name “White Claw” comes from a legendary ocean wave, with three crests coming together to form a “moment of pure refreshment.” If you’ve ever had a sip, you know that is exactly what White Claw Spiked Sparkling


16 - Oct/Nov 2019

ous, is Morton Williams, where it’ll set you back $21.99 for a 12-can variety pack, and, worst of all, they don’t sell mango. If you want a better deal and more variety, take a trip to Foodtown on Amsterdam between 123rd and La Salle, where each 12-pack is $15.99. You can also find them at the Heights, Westside, Milano, and a few pharmacies according to the map on White Claw’s site. If you’re purchasing in bulk for weekend festivities, go earlier in the week; with such a demand, Claws can sell out faster than oat milk at Peet’s. If you don’t want to buy two twelve packs of White Claw just to figure out your favorite flavor, don’t worry—

we’ve got you covered. After tasting all five fruit flavors side-by-side, here are the results: 1. Raspberry: I was pleasantly surprised— it’s beautifully fruity. The Queen of the variety pack. 2. Mango: Tastes like a mango Hi-Chew or, as one of my suitemates called it, “One of those Bubly sodas they have in Diana, but with an extra *tongue pop*.” 3. Grapefruit : If you like LaCroix, this is your flavor. It’s not bad, but it’s not outstanding. 4. Lime: Also similar to LaCroix, but has a weird aftertaste— almost herbal, and it gets a little bitter. 5. Black Cherry: Like a black cherry Warhead… if you’re into that. Regardless of which flavor is best, one thing is for certain: there’s a Claw for everybody, which makes sharing a 12-pack with your friends incredibly easy. If you get bored of one flavor, there’s always another. Plus you don’t need to compromise taste for health. If you listen hard enough, you can hear Natty Light shaking in its box.


17 - Oct/Nov 2019

Trick H



alloween, a day to commemorate all things spooky, dress up, and maybe consume one too many of your favorite candy in its fun-sized form. Don’t have a trendy yet original costume yet? Not to fret; whether you want to dress up with friends, a significant other, or rock a look on your own, here are some pop-culture inspired costume ideas that will have you looking magnificent this 31st of October.


Musical artist and self love queen Lizzo, which brought you hits like “Juice” and “Truth Hurts,” has blown up this year after the release of her first full length album “Cuz I Love You.” This 80’s inspired look from her music video is sure to put a spell on anyone who glances at your majesty. To complete this look, pair a hot pink bodysuit over black biker shorts. Accessorize with a black belt, pink wrist sweatbands, and by layering two hot pink scrunchies to make

an extremely high ponytail. Finish the look with pink eyeshadow, dewy skin, rosy cheeks, and pink lipstick. If you really want to sell the look while getting a workout, feel free to carry around weights, and if you happen to have a flute, even better.


Everyone and their grandma will be dressing up as a VSCO girl. Why dress up as a VSCO girl when you can dress up as a Hydro Flask (aka the real sea turtle saver). Think about it: it’s just as relevant and much more original -and i oop. The best part, you and your friends can be different colors! To execute this costume, pick a Hydro Flask to recreate in the color of your choice. Style a monochrome outfit, whether that be a blouse, midi skirt, and oversized jacket, or a simple-t shirt and pants in the same color. Finish the look by THE BULLETIN -

18 - OCT/NOV 2019

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

by Daniela Miranda

taping the Hydro Flask logo to your shirt and by wearing a black beret on your head (to which you could attach a black handle made of construction paper to). You’ll be looking like a tall glass of water.

#3DOPPLEGÄNGERS FROM “US” In order to look like you’ve been living your entire life underground as a “Tethered,” wear a red jumpsuit or a long sleeve red button down with straight leg red slacks. Be sure to button the blouse to the top button for a sharp look. The dopplegängers sport brown sandals in the movie, however, avoid potential frostbite and pair the look with any brown shoes instead. If you really want to ace the look, glue down

#4 RUE and JULES from “Euphoria”

your eyebrows and put foundation over them to mimic that chilling stare Lupita Nyong’o executes so perfectly. P.S. Leave the giant gold scissors at home though. We don’t want Public Safety getting involved.

The HBO series “Euphoria” has taken taken the world by storm. Though the show deals with serious topics, the fashion is impeccable. If you and your best friend or significant other are fans of the show, consider dressing up as this power couple. To dress up as Rue, find an oversized maroon zip up hoodie that resembles the one she constantly sports throughout THE BULLETIN -

the series. Pair it with an oversized tie-dye t-shirt, black biker shorts underneath and high top converse. Finally, complete the look with Rue’s iconic glitter eyes. To recreate this Jules outfit, layer a pink satin slip dress over a long sleeve fuschia mesh top. Feel free to wear funky tights if it’s cold, as she tends to do this throughout the series. As for eye makeup, go as abstract and colorful as possible. Top off the outfit with chunky white sneakers and a choker of your choice.

19 - OCT/NOV 2019

SweaterWeather Photography by Mirea Klee

by Madison Guzy


umpkin spice lattes, apple picking in orchards, and watching the trees’ leaves change color. Every little thing about autumn brings so much joy. The weather shifts in the blink of an eye, forcing you to change from sundresses on hot summer days to heavy coats as strong winds twirl knots into your hair. There is so much to do, so many cute outfits to wear before the snow settles in. Fall is the time for cozy sweaters, fuzzy socks, boots. However, there is this thing— perhaps you’ve heard of it— called global warming which causes absurd changes in our climate. One day it might be cold as ice, and the next it may turn sunny


and warm. The best solution to deal with this issue is wear layers. It’s cute and practical. You could tap into your inner Cher Horowitz or Rachel Green and break out a cute plaid—or just a solid colored—fitted skirt which you can either wear with bare legs, tights, or leggings—depending on how warm you wish to dress. Pair this skirt with a turtle-neck or mockneck shirt. On warmer days, this shirt can be a thinner shirt; on colder days, it can be a sweater. A great store you can check out to find some cute sweaters or cardigans is Madewell, and when you show them your Barnard ID, you get a 15% student discount. They have a wide vari-

20 - OCT/NOV 2019

ety of jeans, and they make their jeans from recycled jeans, so it’s an environmentally-friendly store. We all want to support ethical companies when shopping for our clothes. It can be challenging to find stores to shop at that avoid fast fashion. You can avoid this by checking out local thrift stores where the clothes are also reasonably priced— perfect for that broke college student budget. Another fall staple is boots. There is a wide variety of options when it comes to finding that perfect pair. You can find stylish leather or suede boots—many of which have a heel, and we all know that the sound of heels clicking on the ground as you are walking is the actual sound of power and confidence. For rainy days, find a pair of Hunter rain boots or duck boots. You can add a pair


of socks to your outfit with boots— whether that’s cozy, fuzzy socks or spice up your wardrobe with the option of socks that are meant to stick out the top of your boots. Finally, the shifts in temperature when you’re strolling outside to when you’re sitting in class can be drastic. The best way to solve this problem is by layering your outfit. Wear those iconic fall fits before Jack Frost comes nipping at your nose, and enjoy those pumpkin spice lattes before the peppermint lattes arrive.

21 - OCT/NOV 2019

Confessions of a


Digital Art by Anne Overton

by Tiffany Vo


22 - OCT/NOV 2019

To Whom It May Concern:


on’t get me wrong, I wanted to be a VSCO girl. I wanted to know the comforts of wearing an oversized solid color tee-shirt (most likely Champion™) with a high bun, and a velvet scrunchie to tie it together. I wanted to look effortless; I wanted to rock the messy-cute casual energy. With a puka shell necklace garlanded around my neck, against my spray tan, and a Kanken backpack proudly hanging off my shoulder, I wanted to rule the world. I sounded the alarm by clashing two sticker-covered Hydroflasks together and began the marathon of tutorial after tutorial on how to have the perfect VSCO girl day, week, month, life—I really thought I had this in the bag. But here are the facts. You might recognize these VSCO girls from the days when they all would pick up random objects and take weird-ass, auto-focused pictures on their Canon Rebel T3is. You also might have seen them during the American Apparel, goth girl phase, or maybe the Brandy Melville, manic-pixie dream girl era. It is yet another trend that corporate, fast fashion, sweatshop using, capitalist shitholes monopolize and excessively exploit to make enough revenue just in time for their fourth quarter earnings report and have it be another smashing year. Hello, Urban Outfitters. But aren’t you forgetting the fact that we,VSCO girls, thrift,Tiffany? Yes, I do. In fact, I can’t forget it, because all you do is remind me every single damn day that your jean shorts are thrifted, your oversized corduroy Wrangler jacket is vintage, or that you found a cute grahic tee with a reference to some nameless band at Good-fucking-will. And I can’t forget that you’re such an eco-friendly, quirky gal, who saves the sea turtles, every time you go to a boba tea shop and bring a metal straw. VSCO girl culture is meant to be fun. It’s not that serious. I get it. It’s temporary and just an annoying phase most of us go through, want to be a part of, despise, or are indifferent towards. But when we reach a point where I can’t escape the never ending cycle of VSCO girls going “sksksksksk” on my Twitter timeline... maybe it’s time to find another persona to inform how one should socially perform in situations where I don’t want to try on your tiny, pointy sunglasses, Jessica. All my best, Tiffany


23 - OCT/NOV 2019


The Farm


kept seeing The Farm displayed at every bookstore I went to. Every single time I would pick it up and admire the cover: three pear-shaped silhouettes of pregnant women in subdued pastel colours. The Farm was a book I was skeptical about diving into. Described as a modern version of The Handmaid’s Tale (I wasn’t keen about another Offred), The Farm seemed like another dystopia I didn’t need to add to my collection. Nevertheless, I bought a copy for myself and I burrowed myself into the bizarre yet surreal world meticulously crafted by Joanne Ramos. The Farm takes place in New York, and the plot surrounds Jane, an immigrant from the Philippines. Jane is quiet and hardworking, and is des-


perate to find a stable job to support Amalia, her one-month old daughter. Her cousin Ate recommends that she become a surrogate at Golden Oaks, a facility in Hudson Valley. After much pondering, Jane finally agrees to take the job in order to support her daughter. Life at Golden Oaks is simple: the Hosts get access to everything they could ever need, such as massages and fitness classes, but they have no means of leaving the facility, and they must sacrifice their privacy. Jane befriends other Hosts but as time wears on, she finds it increasingly difficult to be away from her daughter. As the novel moves forward, the plot thickens and readers witness the amount of thought and effort Ramos has poured into this page-turn-

24 - OCT/NOV 2019

Design & Illustration by Galiba Gofur

by Cindy Cao

ing novel. Every chapter shifts to the viewpoint of a different character, and I found myself reading non-stop, left on the edge of my seat. There are many unexpected twists, and on several occasions I had to put the book down to process what I had just read. Ramos beautifully highlights the trandescendal forces of love— whether it is love for a daughter, a friend, or a family member. I also have a much greater appreciation for immigrants in America. This novel is ground-breaking because what is described could very well be happening in New York right now. In fact, Ramos revealed that there is a company that provides a surrogacy service to its clients, but without the luxury and glamour of Golden Oaks. The constant suspense, drama, and changing dynamics between characters creates a novel surrounding women paving their own ways in life. Each character is fully developed, and all of their needs, wants, and desires are laid bare on the table. The reader comes to sympathize with every character as it is revealed what each indi-


vidual character is going through. Unfortunately the ending was underwhelming compared to the rest of the novel, but it did not define The Farm as a whole. The themes of love, friendship, and family propel The Farm to the top of my all-time favourites list. I recommend the novel to anyone who loves a book about intimate relationships and drama. I devoured this book in three days and was in a trance-like state for many days after. The Farm needs to reach a wider audience as it touches on so many important ideas: motherhood, family, and minorities in America. I consider it more of a piece of fiction than a dystopia, and it aligns more with reality than The Handmaid’s Tale. The Farm transcended me into an alarming yet highly-likely version of reality that I cannot and will not forget about. Everytime I see the pastel silhouettes contrasted on the black background, I will remember the strong and independent women residing inside its pages and the values that The Farm discernibly underscores.

25 - OCT/NOV 2019

LIFE With an ESA


motional support animals: we see them, want them, and undoubtedly have the urge to pet them. But what exactly is it like to have an ESA, especially as a college student? I interviewed Barnard senior Mya Alexice to find out. An English major and New Jersey native, Mya has had their three-year-old cat, Ramen, since their first day of freshman year. “I had struggled with anxiety for a long time,” Mya explained. “Prior to college, I’d go to my friend’s house and just play with her cat, and it made me feel so at ease. So when I found out I was accepted to Barnard, I realized how helpful it would be if I could have something like that in college.” Ramen was a foster cat who had been abandoned as a kitten; Mya adopted her at three weeks old. “There’s just something about having a breathing animal sitting on you that’s incredibly calming. College can also be a pretty


lonely place, especially freshman year when you don’t necessarily know many people, so to know that your animal is there is really comforting.” There are, however, challenges that come with having an ESA. “Having to care for another living being also really helps you put things in perspective. Like, if you’re considering pulling an all-nighter, you have to ask whether it’s a good idea or whether you should care for yourself, because there’s another creature that needs you to be on top of your game.” In addition to the responsibility ESAs require, money is an oft-forgotten factor. “It can be a little expensive. NYC is already super expensive, but a box of cat litter, for example, is like $12, and it lasts a week, so things like that can add up pretty quickly.” I then asked them about some common misconceptions about ESAs. “A lot of people have the assumption that any-

26 - OCT/NOV 2019

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

by Julia Coccaro

one can get one, and that getting one is just a sneaky way of bringing your pet to college, but that’s not how it is at all,” they said. “There’s a lot of work involved—you have to g o through ODS, do a lot of paperwork, update that paperwork yearly, etc. You have to consistently show the college that it’s something that truly benefits you.” When I asked about how Ramen has impacted their life at Barnard, Mya paused, deep in thought. Finally: “On one hand, I sometimes feel like a mom. I don’t leave her alone overnight, so I’m never at a party until 4am or anything like that. So, sometimes I kind of wish I had that option and


didn’t have those responsibilities; but on the other hand, it’s taught me so much about looking out for yourself as well as someone else. Taking her to the vet is just like taking your kid to the doctor. It’s a lot of work and is sometimes a hassle, but in a good way. My mother had me when she was eighteen, so she also was somewhat limited [as] to what s h e w a s able to do while in college, but it’s what she had to do and she didn’t regret it at all. This is a lot different, obviously, but reminds me of her experience a bit.” My conversation with Mya taught me that ESAs like Ramen serve not only as companions, but as crucial figures in students’—or anyone’s—lives.

27 - OCT/NOV 2019

as Diana Meals

Aries: Chaat Indian Chicken with Rice, Curry Sauce, and Pure Leaf BrewTea (Lemon) If you’ve ever known an Aries, you’ve become familiar with their ambitious work ethic. For a sign like this, an onthe-go plate is needed because Aries is always on the move.

“little bit of everything.” They are also known to try new things so they will definitely represent the wrap that no one usually picks up at Diana. An orange is perfect for the Gemini because they are always moving from place to place and need something to eat on the go.

Taurus: Pizza with Pepperoni and Pepsi If you have a Taurus in your life, you know they are reliable and will be there whenever you need them. Like Taurus, pizza and Pepsi won’t ever let you down and always be there (in part because the pizza stove is literally never leaving).

Cancer: Chicken Soup, Tea, and Chocolate You can always count on a Cancer to comfort and coddle you whenever you need it. Like soup or tea when you’re sick, Cancer is there for you. Or if you’re just down and need some sweetness in your life, a Cancer can be like chocolate can put you in a better mood instantly.

Gemini: A Buffalo Chicken Wrap, Side Salad, and an Orange The best way to describe a Gemini as food is using their attitude of taking a THE BULLETIN -

Leo: A Burger and Hot Coffee Leos have a “king of the jungle” personality that is best characterized by

28 - OCT/NOV 2019

Illustration by Angela Tran

by Stephanie Secaira

a Diana burger. If there isn’t anything else you want, there are always burgers that can be catered to anyone’s needs, reflecting a Leo’s loyal, cheerful, and irresistible personality. With their natural leader status, they also perfectly embody a nice warm coffee because although it may bring comfort with its warmth like a Leo, it sure brings the fire when the caffeine kicks in.

kitchen to cook something. They’d also be chips because you could save those for anytime you’re hungry.

Virgo: “A Crafty Salad and Basil Strawberry Kombucha Smart, kind, and analytical are just a few traits that describe a Virgo; that said, they perfectly represent a crafty salad with everything you need. This salad would definitely have spinach, red beans, tofu or chicken, tomatoes, chickpeas, broccoli and carrots. Virgos are also very attentive to detail so every part of their salad will be placed intricately and will be well thought out.

Capricorn: Wrap Sandwich Being the sign of efficiency and convenience, Capricorn would be a wrap sandwich. Capricorns possesses an independence that allows them to stay focused on their career goals that keeps them on the go.

Libra: Chicken Tenders and Water Being outgoing and friendly sign of the zodiac, Libra radiates an irresistible charm. What better food than chicken tenders and water to represent Libra, as everyone likes them. Scorpio: Repurposed Salad Bar Items and a Bag of Chips Scorpio is extremely resourceful and will research until they find out the truth. Therefore, Scorpio wouldn’t really trust anything at Diana, and would much rather use the salad bar as ingredients to take back to their THE BULLETIN -

Sagittarius: Any Fries Optimistic, enthusiastic and loves change. Sagittarius calls for fries because they can be eaten and prepared in various ways, (baked, fried, tater tots, etc.); the possibilities are endless.

Aquarius: Iced Coffee and Premade Greek Salad Uranus and Saturn rule this sign and create two very distinctive sides of Aquarius: one being very energetic and eccentric and the other side showing a more reserved and shy side. Iced coffee perfectly matches this energetic side and salad for the reserved side because it’s always hiding in the freezer. Pisces: Spicy Crab Roll and Mango bubly Pisces greatly enjoy visual media and aesthetically pleasing sceneries. A colorful and visually appealing Spicy Crab Roll with mango bubly will perfectly fit Pisces (not to mention the connection between sushi and the fish symbol of Pisces).

29 - OCT/NOV 2019

Alpha Chapter: Inspiring Ambition at Barnard

icture it: January 2, 1897. It’s the dawn of a new year, and a new century is creeping closer. In New York City, Barnard College is not yet ten years old; Milbank Hall, now the oldest building on campus, would be built before the year was over. Amidst this flurry of change and uncertainty, four Barnard students—Stella George Stern, Jessie Wallace Hughan, Helen St. Clair, and Elizabeth Heywood Wyman—came together in the name of loyalty, sincerity, kindness, and love to formally establish the fraternity of Alpha Omicron Pi. If this brief vignette from Barnard’s past takes you by surprise, don’t worry—you are far from alone. As passionate as the Barnard community is about the college’s history, it THE BULLETIN -

is rarely mentioned that our campus is home to the Alpha chapter of a national Panhellenic fraternity. Indeed, in the 120-plus years since its founding, AOII has established a presence on hundreds of university campuses; at press time, there are 143 active collegiate chapters. But while the organization continues to grow and thrive, the core of its identity will always be rooted at the intersection of 116th and Broadway, where the spirit of the four founders lives on in the chapter’s present-day members. Now, I am definitely biased when it comes to the significance of AOII’s presence at Barnard: I pledged Alpha chapter as a first-year in spring 2018. But even if I weren’t a sister, I like to think that I would still be proud to know that Barnard graduates

30 - OCT/NOV 2019

Photography by Camilla Marchese


by Olivia Land

founded an organization rooted in values of character and dignity, scholarship, and college loyalty. Inclusivity—an adjective rarely associated with Greek organizations—is also a key part of Alpha chapter’s identity: Founder Stella George Stern Perry was denied entrance to other fraternal organizations because she was Jewish, and strove to make AOII an accepting space for individuals from a variety of backgrounds. Today, I can gladly say that the sisters of Alpha chapter go to similar lengths to uphold these principles not only at sisterhood events, but as they live and breathe on campus and in the world. While recounting our chapter’s history at Barnard certainly makes my heart swell, I would be remiss if I did not mention the true sense of sisterhood I have found in AOII. When I first joined AOII, I was an aggressively introverted only child who choked on the word “sister.” Now, almost two years later, I not only refer to my sisters with ease, but can credit AOII with some


of my favorite memories in my time at Barnard. I never thought I was the type for close friendships, but now— thanks to everything from official chapter events to casual nights of delirious laughter—I can say that I know what it means to be bonded for life. If you go on Alpha chapter’s website, you will see the following words from Stella George Stern Perry: “Humanly speaking, you are all founders of Alpha Omicron Pi, today, quite as truly as you were in the beginning. We know that you will always lay the same eternal foundations and that you will build upon them with constancy, patience, and unfaltering faith.” I would not put it past Stella to have a crystal ball on hand, because she certainly nailed the description when it comes to the current state of AOII’s Alpha chapter. The sisters of Alpha chapter continue to shape my experience as a Barnard student, a young woman, and a human by introducing me by challenging me, supporting me, and inspiring my own ambition every day.

31 - OCT/NOV 2019

Compartiendo Sin Filtro:


Latinx on Campus by Gabriela Sánchez


s the color of brown bronzed flesh a threatening sight to a predominantly white society? Or is it that people are fascinated at the defined jawlines and cheekbones that our native ancestors passed down to their beloved nietos and visnietos? What do you think about when you see a Latinx on campus? What are your first impressions? Think and reflect on that. Being Latina and a first generation student at Barnard has not been an easy journey for me. But, because of my identity, I am who I am today. As a first generation Latina, I have learned to step out of my comfort zone. When I say this, I think about the reasons why I do certain things on campus. For example, I attempt to meet with professors, advisors, and try to take advantage of the many opportunities Barnard has to offer, because I don’t have the privilege to ask a family member for guidance.


Most of the time I have to advocate for myself even though I am incredibly shy! Being part of a predominantly white institution is not always easy. Sometimes I feel like the odd one out in a classroom. Sometimes I feel like I am held to a higher standard by my professors and the institution itself, because not all Latinx people are given the opportunity to study at a prestigious college like Barnard. Pero como mi abuelita siempre me dice, “Hechale ganas, Gabita.” These three words keep me going. “Hechale ganas, Gabita”. Abuelita is so strong. She came to the United States with nothing else but her children and dreams to find a better life. The American Dream is hard to achieve. But, look how far we’ve come! I am appreciative of the risks she has taken to ensure that her nietos have a better life than she had. Abuelita se enorgullece ser una abuelita de nietos y

32 - OCT/NOV 2019

Photography by Lillian Zhang

nietas que son muy estudiosos. Mom and dad said, “Que vaya a la escuela y que haga mi trabajo. It doesn’t matter if you feel like you are the only one in the room that looks morenita, just speak your truth and keep going.” It’s easier said than done. But, you know what? If you find the right people, te vas a sentir mejor. Y vas a amar tus raíces nativas. Being Latinx means so much more than just your skin color. It’s about the food, the music and the tradiciones. Latinidad is about feeling empowered by your seres queridxs, amigxs y simplemente a la gente alrededor de ti. Being on campus with people that understand the struggle, that look like me, and support me is all I can ask for. The conversations I am able to have with my fellow Latinx friends about the quinceañera parties


we went to, the nice tortas we ate for lunch, or about our cultures is such a beautiful thing to bond over. In private school, I was unable to find people that looked like me, let alone embraced their Latinidad. I was in a constant learning environment where white privilege was loud and clear. Therefore, I knew from my first day of freshman year at Barnard, that I did not want to be ashamed for being Latina. I wanted to be proud of that part of my identity. Now, I am unafraid to blast corridos in my dorm or talk in Spanish to my friends. I am not embarrassed to say that I am Mexican. I have learned to be unapologetically Latina, and that’s what Latinidad is all about.

33 - OCT/NOV 2019

From the


by Ella Torres


34 - OCT/NOV 2019

Photographers: Maddie Malan (Digital) Yuki Mitsuda (Film)

Art Direction: Yuki Mitsuda


Ornella Pedrozo Maggie Moran


35 - OCT/NOV 2019

That Girl


hat girl had the new Adidas shoes, the Pink hoodie, the Forever 21 scrunchie and the iPhone 7 with a cute Kate Spade case. That girl was uniformly consistent with all the other girls in high school. They walked the same walk, sang the same lyrics, laughed at the same jokes and had the same preoccupation: fitting in a circle of people where everyone was part of, but where no one belonged. We did have fun, oh how much fun we had. And we laughed, we secretly laughed at those who didn’t belong and we passive aggressively laughed at those who did. That girl was funny, that girl was cool, that girl belonged; that girl was me. The thing is, it just looked like she was me, but the “I” that flew from my THE BULLETIN -

mouth and into the world’s ears was very different than the “me” that hid inside that girl. Each trait of mine that told me I was an insider to the group, the finest slice of society, but each of these traits reminded me that I was an outsider to myself and my values. I spoke words I didn’t believe for the sake of consensus, I wore clothes that felt like chains to my personality, I ran away from my artistic point of viewone which, slowly crippled my insideness to the world around me. As time passed by, being an insider to those around me and an outsider to myself felt like being a shadow running away from the body it belonged to: nothing. It wasn’t one particular moment but an accumulation of moments where the box in which I kept my true self reminded

36 - OCT/NOV 2019

me that I was as much of a stranger to myself as someone who crossed me on the street. Breaking the bonds that tied me to that girl wasn’t easy, for change never is; but each time my body was gifted with more of me and rejected more of her I felt free—soon enough I was just me. The insider became the outsider to the group and to the norms.

The outsider became an insider to poetry and dancing and unforgettable nights and love and heartbreak. There were no more internal enigmas and fake laughs of overrun jokes: I was at peace with the girl I saw in the mirror, with the “I” I presented to the world and with what I gave and took from the world. I was free, I was me.

The Free Me Everyone has a reason to be, or to become, an outsider; my reason was the pen. To me, being a writer—or striving to become one—is not just about juggling a bunch of words that hold hands to become a beautiful story or poem; being a writer is looking at the world through the lenses that allow you to illustrate it in words. As freeing as it is to have had untied myself from that girl, being an outsider to a world that seemed to be of insideness is not easy. Sometimes I feel like I am too much of a poet, too much of myself, too much of an outsider. But then I realize that there is nothing more gratifying than having insiders acknowledge your outsidedness: having mathematicians cry with my po-


ems, businessmen laugh at my words and housewives fight for the concepts I proudly ink. If an outsider can correctly illustrate their views of a world in which they do not belong, then the world will become a more belonging place.

37 - OCT/NOV 2019

Momentary Outsiderism I do believe that everyone is an outsider to specific groups; but, even if one is an insider to a group when they transect groups, subjects and even conversations they are subject to something I call momentary outsiderism. When someone tells a joke and you don’t understand it but laugh along with the group you are an outsider, at that moment, to the joke; when two people talk


about a moment they lived together, you are an outsider to their past; if you are learning something new, you are an outsider to that subject. There are millions of examples and moments when even the biggest insider becomes an outsider, even if for a split second; essentially, we are all outsiders, it just depends on the moment.

38 - OCT/NOV 2019

Barnard: The Outsiders Place After one month at Barnard College, I’m still not sure of where some buildings are, or how to use some Pawprinters or even how to rent a library book (I intend to major in English). Nevertheless, there is something I am pretty sure of: this is a place where outsiders meet. allowing each other to explore more of their outsiderism and giving each other insights into new cultures, viewpoints and identities. We arrive at Barnard by ourselves, as outsiders, but we leave as insiders


to groups; with bonds our outsiderism to the world will always keep tied. We strive together, as outsiders, to make the world an insider to our outsiderism. With the minds only outsiders have we spread acceptance, awareness and new ideas. Even though some of us still haven’t found their groups, or their careers or their true wants I can say we are all outsiders of the world’s gruesome insiderism. That girl is further fading away in a tumultuous city and a warm community.

39 - OCT/NOV 2019

P&O 20/20

Vision for America: Pete Buttigieg


he 2020 Democratic primary race has made history with its diversity, in which four women, five people of color, and an openly queer candidate capture the October debate stage. In such a diverse field, what makes Mayor Pete Buttigieg unique? The self-described “left-handed Maltese-American-Episcopalian-gay-millennial-war veteran” is turning heads with his multi-faceted identity and progressive policies. Born and raised in South Bend, Indiana, 37-year-old Buttigieg got his start in politics in high school, when he won first prize in the JFK Profiles in Courage essay contest. He traveled to Boston to meet members of the Kennedy family and to discuss his winning essay; ironically, Buttigieg chose to write about one of his political inspirations, Senator and fel-


low 2020 Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders. Buttigieg then attended Harvard University where he studied literature and history and pursued a Rhodes Scholarship at Oxford, graduating with first-class honours in philosophy, politics, and economics. In the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, Buttigieg began to notice that very few of the people he knew from Harvard were enlisting in the military. Instead, those living in rural areas, usually without a college education, were overrepresented, serving in large numbers. In his memoir Shortest Way Home, Buttigieg expresses a nagging he felt to serve, one that he eventually could no longer ignore: “The more I reflected on it, the less it seemed I had any good excuse or reason not to serve.” After months of doctors visits, training

40 - OCT/NOV 2019

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

by Collier Curran

sessions, and paperwork, Buttigieg was officially an Ensign in the United States Navy Reserve. Buttigieg was deployed to Afghanistan in 2014, two years into his first term as mayor of South Bend. He served as (what he jokingly calls) a “military Uber,� driving military convoys through Kabul, moving soldiers and supplies around the city. His months of service were deeply influ-


ential in the years that followed; upon returning to the United States, Buttigieg had to readjust to life as a civilian, one who no longer had to fear suicide bombings, and one who deserved to live authentically. During his deployment, Buttigieg realized the fragility of life and the necessity to live fully and openly. He no longer wished to live a life without love for the sake of his

41 - OCT/NOV 2019

political career. In January of 2015, Buttigieg came out to his parents at the Sunday dinner table, and five months later, the notoriously private mayor penned an unusually personal essay for the South Bend Tribune entitled “Why Coming Out Matters.” Now out to the world, Buttigieg could focus on two objectives: reelection as mayor, and finding a life partner. When Buttigieg won reelection in November of 2016 (with 80% of the vote), he had been dating schoolteacher Chasten Glezman for about three months. In Shortest Way Home, the mayor recounts their first date at a South Bend Cubs baseball game, meeting Chasten’s family for Christmas, and Chasten’s father using gravel to pave the parking lot of their wedding venue the day before the ceremony. Since announcing his bid for president, Buttigieg has included his husband in all aspects of his campaign, from calling supporters to headlining fundraising events. Chasten is also a hit among supporters on Twitter; his love of musical theater, quick wit, and penchant for cute dog photos make him a welcome reprieve from an often tense political field. In terms of policy, Buttigieg has distinguished himself from his competitors in many aspects, including health care, combating systemic


racism, and “win[ning] the era” beyond just four years. Breaking from more left-leaning Senators Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, Buttigieg advocates for a health care plan he calls “Medicare For All Who Want It.” Under his plan, Americans can enroll in Medicare if they want, but may also choose to keep their existing private insurance. Buttigieg argues that such a plan can improve private insurance by forcing insurance companies to compete with the government-sponsored plan. Buttigieg has found himself fighting to earn Black support, a struggle amplified when Black South Bend citizen Eric Logan was shot and killed by a white police officer in June. The incident pulled the mayor off the campaign trail and resulted in the famous line from the June debate: “I couldn’t get it done.” In the months following, Buttigieg has released a comprehensive plan to target systemic racism and violence in America, entitled The Douglass Plan. (It is worth noting that Buttigieg received permission from Frederick Douglass’ descendants to use this name.) The plan proposes criminal justice, education, and employment reforms, from eliminating mandatory minimum prison sentences to investing $10 billion into funds for entrepreneurs of color.

42 - OCT/NOV 2019

Throughout the presidential race, Buttigieg has viewed his age as an advantage, allowing him to introduce new ideas and a fresh perspective to the White House. He aims to combine his many identities—the son of an immigrant, a member of the LGBT+ community, the mayor of a small midwestern city—to connect with Americans and improve the quality of life for years to come. His campaign has coined the phrase “Win the Era” to emphasize the importance of the 2020 election beyond four years, an importance which Buttigieg describes in his closing statement of


the July debate: “I am running because the decisions we make in the next three or four years are going to decide how the next 30 or 40 go, and when I get to the current age of the current President in the year 2055, I want to be able to look back on these years and say my generation delivered climate solutions, racial equality and an end to endless war. Help me deliver that new generation to Washington before it’s too late.”

43 - OCT/NOV 2019

She Said // She Said :


By Hadassah Solomson

acebook, the pioneering social media platform, arguably changed the nature of human interaction, permanently altering the landscape of interpersonal communication. As a media conglomerate, Facebook Inc. – which owns Instagram and WhatsApp – has access to incredible amounts of its users’ personal data as they upload content and engage with the platforms. While Facebook does not necessarily sell personal data to third-parties , it does sell access to Facebook users through its targeted advertising platform. Capitalizing on users’ attention, Facebook has all but perfected a method of monetizing its users’ characteristics and preferences by providing targeted advertising services on behalf of third-parties. In fact, in the final fiscal quarter of 2018, $16.6B out of $16.9B of Facebook’s revenue was generated from ad sales. By using Facebook, people implicitly consent to having their worldviews shaped by these innocuously imbedded idea influencers . Although generally benign, this lucrative model can be weaponized by third parties for other purposes, waging targeted information campaigns designed to motivate specific outcomes, actions, or responses. In 2018, Facebook endured international criticism for its role in the Cambridge Analytica scandal which highlighted privacy advocates’ concerns regarding the proper use of people’s personal data. Facebook does have a privacy agreement to which a user consents upon creating an account and thereafter using the platform. This agreement has since been updated to preclude unauthorized data sharing with third-parties. Many have argued that, much like the privacy statements of other companies THE BULLETIN -

who deal in data, such an agreement is not an accurate reflection of consumer consent. Because these privacy agreements are often written with convoluted legal language, 97% of users between the ages of 18 and 34 accept terms and conditions agreements without actually reading the documents, according to a Deloitte survey. Ensuring that users understand the implications of the statements with which they agree to comply, and that their acknowledgment of such privacy terms can accurately be characterized as informed consent is the next critical step in creating a robust culture of data privacy and protection. The central issue is not necessarily a legal question, but rather whether a company has a social or ethical responsibility to ensure its customers have complete information regarding the extent to which their personal data will be leveraged prior to their consenting to any data harvesting and sales practices. In testimony to Congress, CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed remorse for his company’s role in any improper handling of user data and reaffirmed Facebook’s commitment to protecting user privacy. Facebook, and other companies, have an ethical responsibility to ensure that privacy agreements are composed with straightforward, non-ambiguous language that consumers can easily interpret and digest without an advanced law degree. Increasing the accessibility of the language of these privacy agreements and continuing to be transparent with customers is integral to demonstrating Facebook’s commitment to protecting user privacy and enshrining this commitment as an important corporate value.

44 - April 2019

Too Tech to Fail

By Swati Madankumar

We’ve gone from a world of isolated communities to one global community, and we are all better off for it,” This is Mark Zuckberg’s opinion of the infant whom he once nursed that has grown into one of the biggest Internet platforms to date. At this point, however, it’s probably no surprise to hear that the ads that you see on your feed and their striking congruity with the posts you like, the pages you follow, and the articles you share are the products of a deal forged between Facebook and various brands and companies. This is corroborated by an article written by Olivia Solon in The Guardian. Facebook accumulates this data on its users and occasionally sells it to academic and research endeavors, which users consent to when they electronically sign Facebook’s terms of service upon opening an account. Although, with all this data it’s also no surprise that some of it has spilled from Facebook’s hands, to second and third party platforms, rather than being interchanged with user consent. This was the case when Cambridge’s Psychometric Center administered a personality survey to Facebook users. When Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm, approached it, the Center as a whole didn’t pursue a relationship, but one professor–Aleksandr Kogan–agreed and created his own app for the survey. He began collecting the data and brokering it to Analytica, which violated Facebook’s conditions and its users’ privacy. Analytica was hired by Trump’s 2016 election campaign, and is highly endorsed by prominent Republicans and administration advisers. This THE BULLETIN -

deal would help Trump’s campaign better understand the ‘psyche’ of voters and devise tactics to influence election outcomes, according to an article by Kevin Granville in the New York Times. The New York Times also reports that Facebook had received tremendous backlash for this and for its subtle track record in privacy breaches– resulting in losses in investments and demands for answers from US politicians. But how warranted is it? If the public chooses to use this unique opportunity to connect to people across the world and contribute to the ‘marketplace of ideas’, it has to agree to the harvesting of its data. In fact, Facebook sustains itself by analyzing user data–like any other website on which one needs to pay to go adfree. While Facebook should definitely be saddled with the expectation of its technical underpinnings being water-tight and free from attackers, it should not endure scrutiny that should be reserved for the second parties who violate their contracts by selling data to third parties. The implications of hacked privacy on the realm of politics are frightening, but the impact of crippling Facebook on businesses, social activism, and personal relationships far outweighs that of Facebook being punished for manipulating user data by campaigns and academic analysis. Rather, the instigators should be getting the most heat.

45 - April 2019


year has passed since Dr. Christine Blasey Ford stood before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill and told her story – one that contributed to the already dense collection of stories highlighting sexual abuse and systemic power imbalance. The Senate hearings that took place for then-Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh functioned to measure the level of tolerance for sexual assaulters in positions of power. The outcome proved how a woman’s words – even when backed by evidence and facts – are not enough to convince a row of predominantly white male senators of the truth. Justice Kavanaugh was afforded the benefit of the doubt from men with the same background as him. “The details about that night that bring me here today are ones I will never forget,” said Ford, “they have been seared into my memory and have haunted me episodically as an adult.” Throughout the testimony, Ford recited, in great detail, all that she could remember and was candidTHE BULLETIN -

ly honest about what she couldn’t. Through explaining how epinephrine and norepinephrine encode memories into the hippocampus, she reminded listeners of her Ph.D. in Psychology and enlightened the thousands watching of the long-lasting emotional trauma that sexual assault victims suffer. She spoke about how the incident “drastically altered” her life and about her harrowing battle with post-traumatic stress disorder - throughout her following years in college and adulthood. In other words, Ford rooted sexual assault in its very human impact on victims and offered perspective to an issue often muddled by politicization. Of all the many highs and lows of the Trump era, the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court remains one of the most bitter and painful for women across the country. Kavanaugh’s confirmation evidenced the minimal progress that’s been made with regards to justice for victims of sexual violence – even with the emergence of #MeToo

46 - OCT/NOV 2019

Illustration by Ashley Canales

by Mahira Kumar

The Impact of the Christine Blasey Ford Testimony and its proposed migration toward accountability. The senate hearing blatantly showed the failure of the judiciary to function as a legitimate, independent institution and casted doubt on how sensitively and seriously the highest court in our land would treat issues of sexual assault. In doing so, it demonstrated how in order for those in positions of power to be held accountable for their actions, a judicial system uninfluenced by politics or ideology is required. Whilst it is true that Dr. Blasey Ford’s claims were unable to prevent Kavanaugh from his appointment as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, the overwhelming effect and message of her story will not be forgotten; Her story acted as a catalyst for #MeToo and women everywhere have begun to recognize that their experiences are not isolated accounts – they have a community they can turn to which is encouraging them to speak their truth. In the year following Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony, we have seen over 22 sexual misconduct allegations made against the current President. Countless celebrities and women with a platform including Gwyneth Paltrow, Jennifer Lawrence, and Uma Thurman have accused prominent members of Hollywood of sexual abuse. Many women in media, THE BULLETIN -

business, politics, education, and music, have shared their experiences online – effectively fanning the flames of the movement and enabling it to spread virally. And with each additional voice and story, the movement continues to gather more force. In fact, we have begun to see intergovernmental organizations and multinational corporations alike incorporating new policies against sexual assault. For example, inspired by the #MeToo movement, the UN labor agency, The International Labor Organization, has adopted a new treaty again violence and harassment in the workplace. As such, in the past year, however minimal, progress has been made towards a more equal society where justice and accountability are not rare. Nevertheless, on the anniversary of Dr. Ford’s testimony, it’s important that we are cognizant of the fact that there are still miles to go before we completely achieve this goal. There is still hope, even in the face of systemic challenges and ageold patriarchal mentalities. #MeToo continues as a potent cultural force, considerably heightened by Dr. Blasey Ford’s testimony. And maybe one day, the voices of women like Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and of all those who have come forward will be heard - loudly, clearly and equally.

47 - OCT/NOV 2019

Indigenous People's Day at Columbia... or Lack Thereof by Grace Stone


hristopher Columbus arrived in what would eventually become America in 1492. But for many Americans today, that’s where his legacy ends. Before Columbus set foot in his self proclaimed “New World” , Native Americans had inhabited the land approximately 13,500 years before Columbus “discovered” America. What American history books fail to tell us though, is that the first day Columbus arrived in this country, he labeled indigenous people “Indians” and took six of them as his servants. He introduced natives to a plethora of new diseases that would continue to affect indigenous people for years. Yet, while the majority of Columbus’ “accomplishments” were through colonization, enslavement, and violence he still has a holiday in his name. Americans began celebrating Columbus’ journey as early as the 300th year anniversary in 1792. The holiday was officially recognized by the United States in 1934, after THE BULLETIN -

successful lobbying efforts from Italian-American heritage activists, service organizations and Christopher Columbus enthusiasts. For years, Columbus Day was recognized nationwide. However, in 1994, Berkeley, CA, became the first city to rename the holiday. After holding a Northern California Conference surrounding issues of Native American issues and resistance, the city chose to observe Indigenous People’s Day instead in hopes of celebrating native heritage. South Dakota soon followed becoming the first state to recognize “Native Americans’ Day.” The remaining 49 states, did not change their observations of Columbus Day until 2014. In the past five years, eight states and a growing number of cities and universities alike have made the conscious decision to observe Indigenous People’s Day. Out of the seven other Ivy League universities, Harvard, Brown, and Cornell only observe Indigenous People’s Day. Columbia University

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observes neither holiday; however, many student initiatives have been brought forward to Columbia administrators. Since 2016, Columbia University’s Native American Council (NAC) has been spearheading a movement for increased recognition of the native community on campus. In 2018, the group sent a formal proposal to Columbia’s Board of Trustees for “ongoing support of indigenous students.” For NAC members, this would manifest in a variety of ways. In the short term, NAC hopes for “symbolic recognition” of Indigenous People’s Day through university-wide emails, newsletters, and information about the native community on campus. “We’re a small community, but our group has only increased in recent years,” said Lael Tate, the current co-president of NAC’s Executive Board, “For Columbia to remain a top university, it is imperative that Indigenous People’s Day is recognized.” In the long term, NAC hopes to continue the conversation with Columbia THE BULLETIN -

around issues that affect indigenous students on campus through a variety of proposals including land acknowledgments at convocation and commencement, syllabi changes to represent native scholars, the creation of a Native Studies Department, and an “Ella Cara Deloria Lecture Series.” Deloria was a 1915 Teachers’ College alum and native scholar, yet “her contributions go unrecognized.” This lecture series would help bring awareness to native issues on campus, Tate said. By proposing these long term goals, NAC hopes that the university can be held accountable for its history of colonialism, as well as show “sustained growth” of native support on campus. Currently, the university is still in the process of deciding whether they will symbolically recognize Indigenous People’s Day. This year, as has been the trend in past years, NAC held its own celebration of Indigenous People’s Day on Monday, October 14 on College Walk.

49 - OCT/NOV 2019

Eyes on Her: Greta Thunberg by Nomi Weinberger


reta Thunberg, a sixteenyear-old climate activist from Stolkholm, has quite literally been making waves on her mission to bring attention to the issues surrounding climate change and our global future. In multiple interviews, she has credited her willingness to present the issue of climate change for what it is, as a looming and irreversible problem, with her acute autism. This seemingly unique willingness to not just address the issue, but highlight the urgency for action, has made her a worldwide phenomenon. Over the past few years, she has reached across audiences at climate change conferences and public forums. On September 23rd, she addressed the UN General Assembly with her speech How Dare You. In it, she called upon world leaders to take action. Pleaded with them to take this issue seriously and told them quite frankly that, “right here, right now is where we draw the line. The world is waking up. And change is coming, THE BULLETIN -

whether you like it or not.” The impressive impact and quick fame achieved by this sixteenyear-old has been dubbed the “Thunberg effect.” This term points to Greta’s extraordinary political voice and world impact, specifically on the youth. In 2018, she founded the movent ‘Fridays of the Future,’ in Sweden in which schoolchildren held weekly school walkouts to bring attention to the issue of climate change. These walkouts have since spread and over thirty countries worldwide are officially registered as members of the movement. Additionally, on September 20th, following Greta’s UN speech, a climate protest was organized and took place, boasting over 7.6 million participants worldwide. Every single one of those 7.6 million people were not called there by chance. But by a rallying cry. Greta’s rallying cry. Many of those that participated in the protest were students. If you were walking around campus that

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day, you surely saw students proudly displaying signs that called for action and praised mother earth. Ultimately, what is so significant about Greta, or the essence of her “Thunberg effect,� is what she has provided the climate change movement. And that is a face. t Not a random one, not one of a politician or of a scientist, but one of the future. She forces adults to acknowledge who this issue is truly affecting. They can sit around parliament, the UN or conferences in Switzerland for days discussing the future of our world. However, when a child pleads with them to take action, it is not as easy, as Greta herself has pointed out, to hide behind bureaucracy and budget concerns.


51 - OCT/NOV 2019


Mermaid: the little

Controversy Under the Sea


n July, Walt Disney Studios announced that 19-year-old Halle Bailey of the R&B duo Chloe x Halle will be playing the role of Ariel in the live-action The Little Mermaid, which will begin filming soon. Initially, celebration and well wishes to the young star paraded social media; even Jodi Benson herself, the original voice of Ariel from the 1989 animated classic expressed her support and approval in Disney’s casting choice of Halle. But amidst the excitement among fans, the hashtag #NotMyAriel began to swarm the internet, as people began declaring a boycott of the film in response to Disney’s decision to cast a woman of color as the titular character. Unfortunately for these naysayers, they simply don’t sea the perfection of Halle as Ariel. For starters, Halle definitely won’t need any autotuning to perfect her portrayal of a Disney princess (ahem, Emma Wat-


son). Between her vibrant energy and powerhouse vocals (remember, Ariel’s voice has an integral role in The Little Mermaid’s plot!), Halle possesses all the necessary qualities and more to make this Disney live-action remake particularly special. In 2013, Halle Bailey and her older sister Chloe began their YouTube channel to showcase covers of their favorite R&B tracks. Quickly, the sisters earned millions of subscribers and even attracted the attention of Beyoncé, who had them signed to a label in 2015 and launched into stardom. Chole and Halle have since dropped claimed singles and toured with Queen B multiple times. Additionally, the duo was nominated for two Grammy awards in 2018. So with two Grammy nominations on this 19-year-old’s resume (do you really need one when you’re that famous though?), how can anyone challenge Halle being cast as Ariel? Undoubtedly, prejudices still plague Hollywood. The political cli-

52 - OCT/NOV 2019

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

by Stefani Shoreibah

mate of our country certainly contributes to the racist reactions to Disney’s casting decision that continue to flood the internet and social media. While the Time’s Up movement in Hollywood has encouraged diversity in film, in addition to its core mission of fighting against discrimination and sexual harassment, the industry has a long way to go to reach an unbiased and unprejudiced system. As a lifelong Disney fan and woman of color, I could not be more thrilled to see Disney take a positive step forward in advocating diversity and the inclusion of women of color in the Hollywood mainstream. Especially in a role as iconic as this, Halle and her portrayal of Ariel will be vital


in having young children feel represented in this fairytale classic. Although the film is still in pre-production, so far Awkwafina and Jacob Tremblay are among the stars being added to the cast list for this under-the-sea tale as Scuttle and Flounder, respectively. As for anyone who still has doubts regarding Halle being cast as Ariel, back down, beaches.

53 - OCT/NOV 2019

IT Stephen King's

e all know Pennywisethe glowing yellow eyes, bright red nose, pale white skin, and yes, the razor-sharp teeth this clown uses to snatch up your younger siblings from the sewer. Undoubtedly, Stephen King’s 1986 horror novel It has forever changed the horror genre in both literature and film. The story’s impact on pop culture will likely be everlasting, seeing how King’s novel sparked the popularity of murderous clowns in fiction. His novel has spurred a miniseries from 1990 starring Tim Curry, and Andy Muschietti’s duo of films. As It: Chapter Two comes to the big screen this Fall to follow up its 2017 predecessor directed by Muschietti, let’s take a closer look at why It has garnered cultural significance, and more importantly, to see why this clown in ruffles is dancing its way into our nightmares. The story It takes place in the fictional town of Derry, Maine, and centers on seven misfit preteens who


band together as friends to take on the nefarious shape-shifting being known as “It.” As the story progresses, the friends, calling themselves “The Loser’s Club,” come of age as they realize what it means to confront their fears and transition into adulthood. Simultaneously, the story examines how fears we have from childhood can carry on into our adult lives, as seen in It: Chapter Two when the Loser’s Club reunites as adults to take on a being whose villainy challenges that of the devil. The main question is, who is this psychotic killer clown hanging out in Derry’s sewage system? Clearly sanitation is not a priority for an extra-terrestrial being, but what (rather than who) is it? Essentially, “It” is a supernatural entity that feeds on humans and shape-shifts into the fear of its prey before killing and devouring its desired meal. Because the fears of children are less complex than those of adults, It prefers children as prey and therefore appears as a clown to

54 - OCT/NOV 2019

Design & Illustration by Galiba Gofur


by Stefani Shoreibah

attract them, going by the alias, “Pennywise the Dancing Clown.” Basically, If there’s anything to take away from this article, it’s to keep a closer eye on your younger sibling(s), unlike Bill Denbrough (one of the seven Losers) who endured guilt throughout both adolescence and adulthood from losing his younger brother Georgie to Pennywise’s appetite. So why is it that clowns incite fear in us? Several scholars and even psychologists suspect that it has to do the “unnaturalness” of the clown- the beaming grins, wide eyes, and maniacal laughs become freakish, strange, and downright creepy. Add to the mix a desire to eat children, and a clown goes from creepy to satanical. Hey, at least the Joker only wanted to aggravate just Batman, right? But what makes It a compelling narrative, and not simply a story of a homicidal clown, is the focus on how coming together with friends to overcome fear is powerful. Each member of the Loser’s Club has a


personal struggle they face in their private lives during their adolescence. When they unite to challenge their fears, which are personified in the form of Pennywise, the friends are triumphant. Incorporating a supernatural, seeming unstoppable antagonist like Pennywise in a comingof-age tale ultimately emphasizes the power of friendship and togetherness in overcoming adversity. Unquestionably, Stephen King is dubbed the “King of Horror” for a reason, seeing how It redefined horror for this generation and generations to come, thanks to a dancing, delusional clown. As Halloween approaches, be sure to add these movies and maybe the 1990 miniseries (let’s be real, Tim Curry doesn’t need CGI to scare the dickens out of anyone) to your watchlist and enjoy screaming the night away with some friends. Or better yet, read the novel and never be able to get a good night’s sleep again (like me). Anyone want a balloon?

55 - OCT/NOV 2019

Museums & the Politics


by Tongxi Zhang

s art for everyone? It seems like we are marching towards the democratization of art with more childhood art education and social media offering everyone the possibility to become an artist and curator on social media. However, NYC college students face a literal problem of being denied access to art by high ticket prices. The Arts Initiative at Columbia University, a program founded in 2004, built up an impressive list of 34 museums free for students with CUID to visit in Passport to Museum, including the Metropolitan Museum and MoMA. Nevertheless, a few museums are missing on the list, even with their student discount, their tickets remain unaffordable to many students. The Whitney Museum, The Guggenheim Museum and The Frick Collection are some of the popular museums not on the list of Passport to Museums’ partners. Whitney and Guggenheim have $18 student discount ticket, while Frick offers it at


$12. Curiosity led me to check out NYU’s Museum Gateway program, which only collaborates with 13 museums but includes names like Whitney, the Frick, Rubin Museum and New Museum, with perks like free tickets to films at MoMA and 20% discount on selected items at museum store and 10% discount at the Studio Cafe. While not entirely sure how these two programs differ from each other, we know that Arts Initiative at Columbia connects with museums on a one-to-one basis, and the museums’ reason behind their choice to whether become a part of the programs or not most probably has to do with money. As a matter of fact, a large part of museum revenue depends on admissions. According to 2018’s Art Museums by the numbers, on average, earned revenue constitutes about 30% of its overall revenue, and admissions and exhibition fees count for approximately 10%. A notable example of tickets’ importance to a museum is Met’s decision to charge $25

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Student Admission for out-of-state visitors instead of the pay-what-you-can donation policy. The museum gained a $5.4 million increase in admission revenue due to four months of the new policy, and New York City announced in March this year that they would distribute $2.8 million it received from the museum to 175 cultural institutions, since it owns the Met property. The institutions that benefited from the endowment include some of Columbia Arts Initiative’s partners, namely El Museo del Barrio and the Bronx Museum of the Arts. Museums’ collaboration with colleges is definitely beneficial for the museums, even in the financial aspect, in the long run. It means more potential membership and career in art in the future, and most importantly, only when we include art as a part of our basic education, the democratization of art seems achievable. Aside from the redistribution of the Met’s revenue, many more organizations now join in the effort to make art more


accessible. For instance, The Shed is a space for art that newly opened April this year in Hudson Yards. Situated in one of the most expensive areas in the city, the beautiful, futuristic building might seem daunting at first. However, not only does the Shed offers performance tickets that start from $10 and chances for free lottery tickets, but it also hosts events that artists with diverse ways of expression and personal experience, like Soundtrack of America that celebrates the impact of African American music on American culture. Museums depend on personal donation as their greatest source of revenue. As Columbia students who enjoy the privilege of Passport to Museums and art history education, we depend on the ones among us who will continue to care and learn about art to expand the collaboration among universities and museums, and make art truly for everyone.

57 - OCT/NOV 2019


Fall TV Guide by Sarah Akison

Disclaimer: The Bulletin does not own any images on this page

t is that time of the year again, when all of your favorite shows are coming back and 6 million new shows you will want to watch are popping up as well! We are here to break down this very stressful time of media consumption for you and suggest some must-watch shows that are either coming back or premiering this season.


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This spectacular comedy led by Kristen Bell and Ted Danson about the afterlife is coming back for its fourth and final season. While it will be sad to see such an amazing show end, fans can rest easy knowing this was a conscious decision by the creators and that they are ending the show on their own terms. Knowing this show and how many twists and turns the writers like to include, it will be interesting to see how they make this season even bigger and better.

Arrow (The CW) The CW’s flagship superhero show is another one coming to an end this season. As teased last year, this final season will include a massive crossover with all of the other DC shows and appearances by a lot of favorite characters, so be on the lookout for this DCTV universe changing television event!

American Horror Story: 1984 (FX) Ryan Murphy’s award-winning horror series is back for its ninth season and the good news is that it has already started, so be sure to catch up! This season takes viewers back to a time inspired by all their favorite slasher films like Halloween or Friday the 13th. While this unfortunately marks the first season without Evan Peters, this should not discourage anyone from watching. American Horror Story has been thrilling fans for years now and so far, it looks like this season will be no different.

NEW SHOWS The Politician (Netflix) Another Ryan Murphy production, this new show features Dear Evan Hansen star Ben Platt alongside Gwenyth Paltrow. The show is an intense look at high school politics and Platt’s character’s ambition when it comes to his class election. Like any other Murphy show, it promises to be full of lies, drama, twists and possible murder.

Mixed-ish (ABC) This Black-ish spin-off is all about Rainbow Johnson’s early life, focusing on the struggles of growing up in a mixed race family. As both Black-ish and its other spin off, Grown-ish, have consistently been able to talk about serious issues while also being able to keep things light and funny when they need to, audiences can expect nothing different from Mixed-ish.

A Little Late with Lily Singh (NBC) Sick of all the late-night comedy shows being dominated by white men? Lily Singh is here to save the day. The Youtuber is now the only woman to be the host of a late-night show on network TV. She does not talk about current events, like say Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Fallon do, but instead focuses on her own life. Because of this, she is able to bring something totally different to the table and so far, it has been beyond refreshing.

Student-Artist Spotlight:

Interview with Alex Haddad ‘21 by Annette Stonebarger

How do you incorporate art into your daily life? I am a theatre major, so both my academic time and my extracurricular time is spent practising theatre or studying it. Are you looking to pursue the visual arts professionally? Yes, but is theatre a visual art? It’s considered a performing art, but the aspect that I am interested in, which is directing, is in part a visual form. My job as the director is creating what is called a “vision” for a work and by that, it means an interpretation of a play. However, as an artist, I am someone who operates much more in the oral world rather than the visual, so usually I struggle to think up or express notions that are centered


around costumes or lighting. When I am directing, I access a work and my vision of it through sound. I really like coming up with playlists of songs that make up the world that I am thinking about. When I am directing actors, I’ve noticed that the way that I can sort of give them notes is through the rhythm or the cadence of the words that they’re saying. To me, the way that I notice if something is approaching real is when the rhythm of the dialogue sounds correct to me. What are you doing this semester and the upcoming few months? In terms of classes, currently, I am enrolled in a variety of theatre classes. Even my fun elective class is an English class on plays. But the main class that I’m really excited about, in terms of specifically honing my skills as a director, is my sound design class. I am learning a lot of the raw skills that I can apply to what I’ve sort of been doing artistically but without a lot of the vocabulary needed to express myself correctly. In terms of projects, I am doing a couple of small things. I

60 - OCT/NOV 2019

Photography by Leni Sperry-Fromm


ith over 40 Performing Arts groups on campus, the Barnumbia community is filled with talented student artists of all trades. I spoke with Barnard student Alex Haddad (BC ‘21) about her experience as a student artist on campus and what art means to her:

am co-sound designing a show for the Columbia University Players. Besides that, I am working with a variety of Columbia students on bringing a show to an international festival in Scotland. I am directing that but I might also be sound designing because it will involve a lot of artistic collaboration and I think that will involve me giving a variety of skills to the project. What would you say is the aim of your work? I don’t think I have enough choice as an artist yet to decide that, but my dream job is to direct new works by underserved voices. Developing plays with playwrights is something that I really enjoy, and that’s how I started directing. It is really interesting to grow as an artist along with the artist that I’m working with because we’re all in college so we can collaborate in a really different way and learn so much from each other.

is a really great way to practice and grow skills in giving opportunities to artists from underserved communities. I love being able to get new people involved and to get them excited about the work that we’re doing. I also know that they have so much to offer to us, so getting them involved is such a gift to give to CUP. What would you say to people who want to get involved in arts on campus? I would say go out for a lot of different things and take the things that surprise you. When I came in I certainly liked directing, but I was working on three other shows that semester, so I was doing a lot. Try a lot, take what surprises you, but at the same time don’t work on 4-5 shows a semester. Don’t.

And you’re also on the board of the Columbia University Players? That position is more the production side of things rather than the artistic, which has been really interesting. I am the Outreach Coordinator, which is sort of a position that I get to define for myself. I have a couple of small tasks that I do, like I let people in our community know about projects, positions, and opportunities. To me that


61 - OCT/NOV 2019

The Perfect by Yasmin Attar Olyaee


he days are getting shorter, and leaves are starting to turn colors, and we’re getting ready for fall by putting on more layers. The perfect way to start getting into the spirit for the coming season is the perfect playlist with new hits and classics from many autumns ago. Holy Ground Taylor Swift The perfect transfer from the summer days to getting ready for the new season is an upbeat song reminding all of us of the late nights spent dancing the night away Now That I’ve Found You Liam Gallagher The blend between acoustic and electric instruments is the perfect start to this song. Gallagher also delivers on lyrics with a song that expresses the most hopeful promises of commitment to a relationship.


Black Coffee Nightly While we’re drinking our own black coffees to study for the next midterm, we stay up with someone as new memories, and sacred conversations, remain with us. “Something about how this song has the power to always take us back to nights like those” I Don’t Miss You at All FINNEAS The new season becomes a time for moving on, making new memories, and learning about all the ways you moved on, and all the ways you didn’t. Memories Marron 5 This song captures the feeling of nostalgia of loss and hopefulness for the future that can sometimes be associated with fall. It challenges us to accept these feelings rather than fear them; a reminder we could all use!

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Fall Playlist Truth is Sabrina Claudio Claudio goes into this song with an admirable level of self-awareness and honesty in talking about all the ways that she’s dishonest. Cornelia Street Taylor Swift The setting of this song being in New York in fall already makes it the perfect song for this playlist; however, the way Swift experiments with a new sound in this self-written song exploring the delicacy of a new relationship makes it the perfect song for any fall playlist. Afterlife Hailee Steinfeld The haunting lyrics and the almost robotic production create an overall spooky eerie yet still breathtaking (pun intended) song.


Ease My Mind Ben Platt Platt perfectly puts into words the feeling of finding that one person who takes away the pain and anxiety of the rest of the world and not knowing how you became so lucky to do so. A Case Of You James Blake The song itself makes such a seamless transition between past tense to present that it almost goes unnoticed on a first listen. Joni Mitchell’s original lyrics are already mesmerizing and unforgettable, but Blake’s cover of this song somehow takes it to the next level captivates anyone who listens to it.

63 - OCT/NOV 2019

Comic Con….

R e a l ly ?


by Ashley Canales

n August 1, 1970, the U.S. Grant Hotel in downtown San Diego, California hosted its first Golden State Comic-Con, packed with over 300 people hoping to find a community where they could express their love of comics, movies, and science fiction. Here, attendees were able to see different, programs, panels, film screenings, and more. Little did the organizers know that their modest event would become the blueprint and focal point for every comic book convention to follow. As an avid fan of Marvel and superhero movies in general, the convention, officially referred to as Comic-Con International: San Diego, and its various replications have often come up in discussion, especially with friends who’ve had the chance to attend. This past summer, my friend Jess was able to snag tickets and see the much-anticipated revealing of Marvel’s Phase 4 at the venerable Hall H. “That was the craziest thing I’ve ever witnessed,” she says, recounting her experience walking around and


seeing all the convention had to offer. One thing that stood out to her was how big of a presence cosplaying had on the scene. “When you walk in, it looks exactly like you think it does,” she laughs, “and it was a little weird for me at first because it sort of fit all the stereotypes I had heard about the con from the internet.” But, don’t let that deter you from approaching fellow convention-goers. She continued, “Everyone I met was extremely nice and ready to talk your ears off about whatever they’re there to see.” Even if comic books or cosplaying aren’t necessarily your thing, there is plenty to see in regards to pop culture that may spark your interest. In recent years, the convention started seeing a rise in the influence of mainstream film, television, video games, and technology, and other creative mediums. Everything from Glee to Twilight to Game of Thrones have made an appearance at the convention. Films and television shows, especially those tied to comic books, often have large announcements alongside panels

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where creators and actors will talk directly to fans about their projects. “Seeing Tom Hiddleston and Sebastian Stan in person genuinely changed my life,” she gloats. Lucky duck, that one. In addition to comics and digital media, you are also guaranteed to find tons of anime-, toy-, and book-related things at your disposal. In response to how Comic-Con and its fans are often labelled as strange or looked down on by mainstream culture, Jess believes the event is misunderstood. She adds, “It’s like when music fans go to concerts or when sports fans go to games. It’s just a bunch of people that are there to celebrate their interests and make new friends.” So, if you’re like me and have hesitated to give the convention a shot, check it out. Maybe you’ll even find a community that shares an interest you’d never expect to be there. After all, you know what they say: never judge a book by its cover. Illustration by Mirea Klee THE BULLETIN -

65- OCT/NOV 2019

Student Advertisements ExTWSive Beauty This is Barnumbia’s first ever beauty salon. We provide students with budget-friendly prices for beauty services such as nails, hairstyles, and eyebrows care! The major benefit of working with us aside from the significantly lower price is that we are so nearby (closer than Harlem) and availability (if we are available and you need someone at 12pm it can be done!). We are a small group of Barnard students that have been working with hair since high school and just wanted to continue our work. All prices and other information is located on our Instagram page including booking at ExcTWSive Beauty!

703Art Art to nourish the soul. The customer commissions the painting and then we paint it for you. We also sell our own original pieces. $6/small, $8/medium, $11/large. Working on starting an Instagram. For now, DM Victoria Krovatin or Casey Davis on Facebook!

Strong Friend I make personalized month-long workout plans and teach people how to lift at the Dodge/Barnard gyms. If you are interested, email me, and I’ll send you a consultation questionnaire. After I receive your information, I’ll make you a 30-day plan based on your specific goals, gym preferences, and schedule. If you’re interested, I can also meet to teach you how to lift, correct your form, and show you how to use machines. I have experience in competitive weightlifting and served as a Physical Training Coordinator during my gap year. Beginners and people of all body types/ fitness levels are welcome! $15 for plan only, $45 for a plan and 1.5 hour gym session. To book, email delaneywellington@gmail.com THE BULLETIN -

66 - OCT/NOV 2019

Sha.henna I apply Henna and can do special designs for special occasions. Also, if anyone is considering getting a tattoo I can create a “temporary” tattoo using henna to give them a gist of what it would look like. Prices vary based on design and time. Instagram: @sha.hennaa

skin-care Customizable skincare consultation! I offer very customizable skincare consultations for anyone: know nothing at all about your skin? Heard of Glossier but want to find out more? In the mood to revamp your skincare routine? Hit me up! I’m trained in product consultations and have a huge knowledge of skincare ingredients. I can tailor it to your skincare needs and preferences (vegan, all-natural, DIY, lower price ranges, etc). If you’re not sure what you want, reach out and we can work it out. Sliding scale $10-$35. E-mail lrd2137@barnard.edu to book.

Nails at Barnard

Gel manicures right on campus! Base price of $28. Instagram: @nails_at_barnard

Procrasticranes Handmade origami earrings made with traditional Japanese washi paper. Lightweight and eye-catching! Prices range from $10-$40. Instagram: @procrasticranes


67 - OCT/NOV 2019

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