Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms
Bid Off Bull Sale 15 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk GUEST CONSIGNOR 444 RANCH SPECKLE PARK
Tuesday March
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms
Welcome to our Sale
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
B i ds o pen Satu r day March 12, 201 6 1 pm CST B i ds Close Tu esday March 15, 201 6 2 pm CST B u ll vi ewi n g : Satu r day March 12 - Tu esday March 15
J o i n Us sale day fo r a Fr ee Lu n ch 12:0 0 n o o n to 1:0 0 pm
Sale Details
Bids will be taken on sale cattle until March 15, 2016 at 2:00 pm CST. All bulls will carry a starting price. l Bids will increase by minimum $100 increments. Bids can be increased by any amount but must meet the minimum requirement. l Once bids are closed we will begin with the Sale Order that is posted the day of Sale. l Everyone who has placed a bid on a specific lot will be contacted for an opportunity to continue bidding. l We will attempt to call everyone who has placed a bid at least 3 times and then will move to the next bidder. l The bidder has the CHOICE to switch to any lot lower in the sale order if he/she is outbid on his/her choice. l l
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms
Bid Off Bull Sale
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
Welcome to our First Annual Bid Off Bull Sale. As the next generation of Shorthorn enthusiasts at Bender Shorthorns and Star P Farms - we are pleased at our offering of Shorthorn bulls for you to purchase this year. Our offering of bulls is getting stronger every year and we feel that you will be pleased with the depth of the bulls in this offering. We are at an exciting time in the Shorthorn industry. The Shorthorn breed is recognized as a maternal breed in the industry that is adding feed efficiency to the industry. We feel this new format is a way for you to determine which bulls will work for your breeding program by inspection of the bulls in the pens at the farm. You can then decide which bull or bulls are the match for your herd. You can decide to compete in a bid off for them. Carcass data on the bulls will be available closer to sale day please check our websites for updates. Printed sheets will be available sale day. We hope you can come join us on Tuesday March 15th for our sale. Plan to come early for a complimentary lunch and to visit with other cattle producers. If you are unable to join us sale day please come look at the bulls in advance and talk with one of the sales consultants to be sure you get a bid in on your animal of choice.
Ryan, Rayleen & Family Sale Sta ff Ryan cell
(306) 728-8613
B lai n e cell
(306) 231-5967
Rayleen cell
(306) 231-3933
Allan Cro g i e
(613) 432-0033
rolly bateman
(306) 320-7466
debbie spencer (306) 880-7516
Paym ent I n fo r mati o n Once the final bid is made on a bull he becomes the property of the new owner and payment must be made within 7 business days. We strongly recommend that you put insurance on your bull at time of purchase. ANY bulls remaining on the farm must be insured. An insurance agent will be available that day.
Payment in full must be settled before any bull may leave the farm.
Free Delivery up to 200 km prior to May 1, 2016. Arrangements should be made at time of settlement.
Bulls may stay at the farm until May 1, 2016 free of charge. After May 1, 2016 the charge will be $5/head/day unless other arrangements have been approved. After May 1, 2016 animals must be picked up at the farm at the buyers expense – no more delivery after this date.
Bulls will be vet inspected with current semen tests available sale day. Bulls will have passed a semen test prior to delivery. Unless otherwise agreed upon in writing.
All animals selling will be TH free, and all mature animals have been tested for Johnes.
All cattle sell under the standard breeding guarantee endorsed by the Canadian Shorthorn Association.
All announcements made on sale day, written or oral, will take priority over written material in the catalogue.
Lia b i lity l All persons who attend the sale do so at their own risk. The owners, sales consultants, and clerks assume no responsibility, legal or otherwise for any accidents which may occur. R eg istrati o ns & tran sfers l All cattle sell with completed certificates of registration and will be transferred to the new owners following payment completion. H ost H otel l Sigma Inn & Suite Melville, SK ph. 306-728-4688
Volume Buyer Program 2 bulls = 2 % 3 bulls = 3% 4 bulls =4% 5+Bulls = 5%
Watch for
u pdated sale & u ltraso u n ds i n fo r mati o n o n li n e www.b en d ersh o rth o r m www.starpfar m
D i r ecti o ns to far m: From Grenfell go 5 km West on Highway #1. Turn N and go 29 km. Turn West 1 km to the farm.
From Neudorf: Go 1 km West. Turn south and go 8 km. Turn West and go 1 km to the yard.
Reference Sires
We sold this bull in the 2014 sale to Drew Cowden from Pennsylvania. 39A was a very structurally correct bull with tremendous performance, thickness and hind quarter, very deep bodied with lots of spring of rib. He is a 16W Miner son which speaks for itself.
glenford miner 39a Another thick topped, square hipped, deep sided 16W son. That was also in the champion pen of bulls at Harvest Showdown 2013. We kept this bull to use on heifers with great success. As you can see he consistently leaves a good mark on his calves of deep bodied, smooth fronted, stylish deep bodied bulls like his sire 16W.
glenford miner 24a We used this 20S son with lots of success on our mature cows. He has added a lot of muscling and hind quarter to our herd. As Glen says “He’s not perfect, but darn close.” His picture says it all.
glenford just right 20z
Reference Sires
glenford miner 32a
Another powerful Miner 16W son, which we sold in the 2014 sale, to Allan Crogie. This bull was class winner at Agribition in 2013 and in the prn of champion bulls at Harvest Showdown 2013. He is thick topped; deep sided, has a nice big square hip, and carries his quarter down to the lower third. His dam is an easy fleshing, deep bodied cow with lots of capacity but does this without giving up feminity. We purchased this bull from Star P Farms in the 2014 for an outcross. We felt his spring of rib, and muscle mass and stylish look would cross well on our foundation females. He was the 2014 Reserve Bull Champion at Agribition.
star p crimson wave 29a
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
Feb 17, 2015
Red po lled xzy 66c
x-{CAN}m478676 BW: 95 lbs WW: 9 0 0 lbs
glenford miner 16w
g len fo r d m i n er 39a g len fo rd cathy 73w
g len fo r d lass 4t g len fo rd lass 1 8 n
sprys true blue y033
glenford miner 66c .
Here’s a complete made, stout, deep sided bull with good growth and performance. His dam 4T is a daughter of Sprys True Blue. She is has lots of middle and capacity. He is sired by a bull we sold in 2014 to Drew Cowden.
Feb 1 9, 2015
Red po lled xyz 69 c
x-{CAN}m478714 BW: 9 0 lbs WW: 750 lbs
glenford miner 1y
g len fo r d m i n er 66a g len fo rd m isty 76y
glenford miner 69c .
A real powerhouse, thick topped deep sided bull that full of meat, he’s got tremendous glenford real world 45s shape and carries it down his lower ¼. His g len fo r d h elen 1 9x sire sold in our 2014 sale to Dan Sawley. g len fo rd h elen 78 u Keeping an in herd semen interest.
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
Feb 24, 2015
Red po lled xzy 75c
x-{CAN}m478690 Bw: 95 lbs WW: 70 0 lbs
glenford miner 75c .
glenford miner 16w
jt prince 42p
A moderate framed, well-muscled, square hipped thick made bull that’s just out of a 1st calf heifer. He’s as structurally correct as they come. Keeping an in herd semen interest.
g len fo r d m i n er 24a g len fo rd lady 78x
g len fo r d ba by b lu e 76a g len fo rd baby b lu e 14s
Feb 13, 2015
Red po lled xzy 60 c
x-{CAN}m478705 BW: 85 WW: 750
glenford miner 16w
g len fo r d m i n er 24a g len fo rd lady 78x
glenford miner 60c .
A stylish, smooth made bull with a good top and a square hip. He’s lots of spring of glenford just right 20s rib and middle in him. A bull that is recomg len fo r d patsy 3a mended for heifers g len fo rd patsy 12w
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
Feb 7, 2015
Red po lled twi n xzy 38c
x-{CAN}m478671 BW: 85 lbs WW: 850 lbs
glenford miner 1y
g len fo r d m i n er 66a g len fo rd m isty 76y
g len fo r d h elen 1 9x g len fo rd h elen 78 u
glenford miner 38c . Good heifer bull with good growth and lots of length of body.
glenford real world 45s
Feb 1 9, 2015 BW: 80 lbs
Red po lled twi n
xZY 39 c
WW: 750 lbs
glenford miner 1y
g len fo r d m i n er 66a g len fo rd m isty 76y
g len fo r d h elen 1 9x g len fo rd h elen 78 u
glenford real world 45s
glenford miner 39c . If you are looking for a bull you’re not scared to use on cows or heifers this guy is for you. Good hip, lots of length, and smooth shoulders.
Watch for
u pdated sale & u ltraso u n ds i n fo r mati o n o n li n e www.b en d ersh o rth o r m www.starpfar m
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
Feb 1 0, 2015
Red po lled xzy 53c
x-{CAN}m478673 BW: 95lbs WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
g len fo r d m isty 39w g len fo rd m isty 12s
jsf north country s7
glenford just right 53c . We start the 20Z yearling bulls off with this stout, deep sided, well-muscled bull. His dam 39W is one of our top producing females; she herself is easy fleshing, deep sided, with a good udder.
Feb 1 0, 2015
Red po lled xzy 52c
x-{CAN}m478709 BW: 9 0 lbs WW: 9 0 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
u ph i ll maxi n e 15z u ph i ll maxi n e 1 0t
birdtail g gus 15u
glenford just right 52c . 52C is the complete package. He is clean shouldered, good natured, long bodied, thick topped, well-muscled. Was shown last fall in pen show and at Agribition. His dam was purchased as an outcross for us from Ross Grey.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale Feb 28, 2015
Red, wh ite star
po lled xzy 73c
x-{CAN}m478686 BW: 85 lbs WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
g len fo r d lady 35t g len fo rd lady 28 n
glenford just right 73c
alta cedar ultimate 130k
Thick topped, heavy muscled, good high quartered, structurally correct, moderate framed bull. His dam is out of Ultimate 130K. We believe this bull would be a great addition to use on your cow herd.
Feb 28, 2015
Red po lled xZY 80 c
x-{CAN}m478698 BW: 9 0 lbs WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
u ph i ll rose 26u u ph i ll rose 9 6j
glenford max 37k
glenford just right 80c Smooth made, clean fronted, long spined, straight topped. Don’t let his birth weight fool you; this yearling should make a good heifer bull. His sire is out of the proven 20Z bull that speaks for himself.
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk Feb 21, 2015
Red, white markings
po lled xzy 72c
x-{CAN}m478697 BW: 85 lbs WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
g len fo r d lady 67x g len fo rd lady 20 m
glenford just right 20s
jan 23, 2015
glenford just right 72c Here’s a yearling with a little more growth, still clean fronted, with a good hip and natural muscling. His dam has a very good udder and maternal traits that any cattleman would like in their herd.
Red white markings h o rn ed
xzy 17c
x-{CAN}m478693 BW: 9 0 lbs
WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford just right 20s
glenford just right 17c
clythe mane tango 1t
Moderate framed, soggy made, with tremendous muscling out of a cow we bought from Rose’s. He is a maternal half-brother to the high seller from the 2015 sale.
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 20z g len fo rd patsy 20w
gar-li n d patsy 99x gar-li n d patsy 99t
Carcass Data
avai lale closer to sale day
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
jan 26, 2015
Red po lled xzy 23c
x-{CAN}*22401 BW: 9 0 lbs WW: 775 lbs
glenford turbo 46x
g len fo r d tu r b o 25z g len fo rd lass 49w
g len fo r d susi e 57w g len fo rd susi e 72s
glenford just r ight 20s
glenford turbo 23c We lead off the 25Z sire group with a yearling that has stood out from the other 25Z calves from start. He’s moderate framed, square framed, deep bodied. Add in an easy fleshing dam with good maternal traits.
jan 12, 2015
Red po lled twi n xZY 6c
x-{CAN}*22396 BW: 75 lbs WW: 80 0 lbs
glenford turbo 46x
g len fo r d tu r b o 25z g len fo rd lass 49w
glenford just right 20s
g len fo r d ba by b lu e 15y g len fo rd baby b lu e 14s
glenford turbo 6c Soggy made, deep sided, structurally correct, with good natural muscling. Out of a moderate framed cow that never lets us down.
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
jan 12, 2015
Red polled twin xzy 5c
x-{CAN}*22395 BW: 65 lbs WW: 725 lbs
glenford turbo 46x
glenford turbo 5c
g len fo r d tu r b o 25z g len fo rd lass 49w
Just like his identical twin brother he is soggy made, deep sided, and structurally glenford just right 20s correct. Again his dam is a moderate framed, g len fo r d ba by b lu e 15y easy fleshing cow that has done well for us. g len fo rd baby b lu e 14s
feb 1 6, 2015
Red polled xzy 64c
x-{CAN}m478699 BW: 95 lbs WW: 70 0 lbs
glenford miner 16w
g len fo r d m i n er 32a star p b ri llian ce 1 6t
g len fo r d lass 33z g len fo rd lass 12u
jt prince 42p
glenford miner 64c Long bodied, big hipped, deep quartered, son of the 32A bull that Allan Crogie bought in the 2014 sale and showed successfully in 2014. His dam 33Z is a moderate deep framed daughter of JT Prince 42P, another herd sire we used with great success.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
feb 7, 2015
Red po lled xzy 40 c
x-{CAN}m478668 BW: 87 lbs WW: 850 lbs
star p ultra gold 6u
star p cr i mso n wave 29a star p an n i e 1 0s
g len fo r d lady 79z g len fo rd lady 35t
glenford miner 16w
glenford crimson wave 40c The only 29A son we are offering this year. Long bodied, deep sided, with lots of hip and lots of muscling. One of Glen’s favorites this year.
feb 4, 2015
Red po lled xZY 31 c
x-{CAN}m478713 BW: 95 lbs WW: 9 0 0 lbs
frimley captain jim 38j
g len fo r d ca ptai n pete 75 p g len fo rd go ld i e 13 k
g len fo r d patsy 20w g len fo rd patsy 28s
jsf north country s7
glenford pete 31c If you’re looking to add some pounds to your calf crop, here’s one to look at. He has performance, lots of spring of rib, length of body, and natural muscling. Out of the great 75P bulls that we still have a few straws of semen on. He is a maternal half-brother to our 20Z herd sire.
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
feb 1 9, 2015
Red horned xzy 70 c
x-{CAN}m478731 BW: 85 lbs WW: 70 0 lbs
glenford real world 6y
g len fo r d r eal wo r ld 1 0a g len fo rd m isty 83y
g len fo r d patsy 20a g len fo rd patsy 20w
glenford real world 70c The only 10A son being offered this year, we feel he’d make a good heifer bull. He is smooth made, clean fronted, without giving up thickness through his loin and hip. His sire 10A was a heifer bull we successfully used here, prior to selling him to James Martin of Ituna.
glenford titan 25y
feb 1 0, 2014 BW: 9 0 lbs
Red polled
xzy 22b
WW: 750 lbs
jsf north country s7
g len fo r d m i n er 1 6w g len fo rd m isty b lu e 23s
glenford miner 22b .
Here’s a 2 year old bull we kept as a replacement heifer bull last year. His sire 16W Miner glenford just right 20s has added a lot of meat and muscling to our g len fo r d so ph i e 55y herd. 22B is smooth made, clean fronted, pi c a spot so ph ia 1s long bodied, and ready to go to work in your herd.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
jan 20, 2015
Red po lled xzy 1 0 c
x-{CAN}m478702 BW: 9 6 lbs WW: 850 lbs
glenford miner 10c
jsf north country s7
g len fo r d m i n er 1 6w g len fo rd m isty b lu e 23s
10C is going to be one of the last and is one of only two sons this year to sell out of our great 16W Miner bull. This big stout yearling has huge growth performance, wide topped, with a big hip.
jt titan 3t
g len fo r d patsy 9z g len fo rd m iss patsy 30 r
He is out of a good producing JT Titan daughter, with awesome maternal traits, that any beef producer would like in their herd. He will be a good bull to put on smaller framed cows to had growth and performance to your calves.
jan 26, 2015 BW:75 lbs
xyz 22c
WW: 850 lbs
glenford prince 23x
g len fo r d pr i n ce 3z g len fo rd lady 78x
glenford miner 16w
g len fo r d so ph ia 83a peckover so ph ia 54y
glenford prince 22c We start of the 3Z yearling bulls off with 22C. He is out of a picture perfect first calf heifer showing huge potential in our cow herd. He’s smooth made clean fronted, with good muscling.
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
jan 8, 2015
BW: 75 lbs
glenford prince 23x
g len fo r d h elen 42a g len fo rd h elen 19x
mar 20, 2015
glenford miner 1y
This is the youngest yearling in the sale, however we felt he deserved the right to be in it as he is a low birthweight, smooth fronted, moderate framed and would work well on heifers. 94C is also out of a first calf heifer that exhibits natural muscling and is easy fleshing, yet feminine.
Red po lled
xzy 69 b
WW: 675 lbs
glenford prince 69b
glenford prince 23x
glenford miner 16w
g len fo r d m isty 8z g len fo rd m isty 31w
BW: 1 0 0 lbs
glenford prince 94c
g len fo r d pr i n ce 3z g len fo rd lady 78x
mar 4, 2014
xzy 94c
WW: 750 lbs
g len fo r d m isty 44a g len fo rd m isty 34y
BW: 9 0 lbs
Red polled
glenford prince 23x
mar 11, 2014
Another bull we recommended for heifers, he’s another smooth fronted, straight topped, and well balanced yearling out of a good 20S daughter
glenford just right 20s
BW: 85 lbs
glenford prince 3c
g len fo r d pr i n ce 3z g len fo rd lady 78x
g len fo r d pr i n ce 3z g len fo rd lady 78x
xzy 3c
WW: 750 lbs
Red polled
A 3Z sired 2 year old, that we used on heifers last year and currently have calves on the ground from. We are very happy with what we are seeing so far and feel this bull will do good things in any herd he is used on. He is long bodied, smooth made with good muscling.
Red po lled
xyz 59 b
WW: 70 0 lbs
glenford captain pete 75p
g len fo r d eag le 72u g len fo rd lady 20 m
glenford max 37k
u ph i ll rose 26u u ph i ll rose 9 6j
glenford prince 59b The only bull we are offering sired by 72U, we used him as clean up last year on heifers. He has good growth, is easy keeping, good depth of body, with good hip and hind quarter.
Reference Sires
This herdsire has added length to his calves. He himself was a long, deep easy tempered bull with lots of volume. He was out of a top producing good uddered cow and his daughters have shown the same great traits.
glenford just right 4w This solid red bull has added some definition to our herd. He makes them solid, with performance to carry it through.
muridale granite 50y This herdsire was used for his outcross in our herd. He brought light birth weight and calving ease in all his calves, along with moderate frames.
hill haven fricton 22z
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
jan 15, 2014
Red ray 1 b
x-{Can}m478188 BW: 85lbs WW: 750 LBS
glenford real world 51s
g len fo r d j ust r i g ht 4w g len fo rd patsy 25m
star p j o r d is 8x star p j o dy rosa 50 u
star p ultra gold 6u
star p justin 1b Here is our only 2 year old on offer – He is long, and solid, ready to go out and work in your herd.
feb 13, 2015
ray 21 c
BW : 9 0 lbs WW: 80 0 LBS
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p baby b lu e 43x star p baby b lu e 20 u
star p ultra gold 6u
star p anchor 21c This is a powerful and amazing red bull with depth of body and spring of rib. His maternal grandmother has been the best brood cow we’ve had in our heard. His mother also has a nice moderate udder and looks after her calves well. Take him home, he’s ready to put some weight and anchorage into your calves.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
feb 17, 2015
Red ray 28c
BW: 85 lbs WW: 80 0 LBS
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p pro m ise 14z star p pro m ise 7s
glenford just right 4w
star p carpenter 28c Here is another powerful bull out of Muridale Granite he has length of body and capacity in his thickness. His dam has powerful genetics backing her – a cross between JT Prince and Glenford Just Right 4W. You don’t want to miss this package. feb 13, 2015
ray 25c
BW: 95 lbs WW: 750 LBS
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p b lu e's pansy 34u star p pansy 12r
glenford real world 51s
star p eclipse 25c Another bull that carry’s the same pattern as his sire and he’s red to boot!
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
feb 15, 2015
Red ray 26c
BW: 9 0 lbs WW: 70 0 LBS
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p roxi e 21x star p rose 5u
feb 9, 2015
ray 1 0 c
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p lass 65z star p lass 2u
33 sIRE
Granite’s Creed is a bull with lots of muscle. He has performance backed by a solid pedigree.
star p ultra gold 6u
star p granite's creed 26c
BW: 95 lbs
ray 1 6z
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p maddux 20w
star p m iss rose 1 6z star p rose 5u
WW:700 LBS
star p master class 10c Another red bull for you that is packed with mscle and definition. He comes from an excellent cow family that some of our most steady producers.
star p maddux 20w
feb 9, 2015 .
BW: 95 lbs
WW:700 LBS
star p busters creed 12c This bull comes from the Rose cow family that herd is built on – they are good uddered cows that we strive to keep on our farm.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms Bid off bull sale
34 sIRE
feb 28, 2015
ray 42c .
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
Another solid red bull out of a good uddered female. He’s the one for the Bonnie in your herd.
star p captain signal 22p
star p an n e 21s jt an n e 70 k
Red .
ray 53c
saskvalley tradition 106t
m u r i dale g ran ite 50y m u ri dale prai ri e 47t
star p pro m ise 13x g len fo rd pro m ise 63 p
WW:650 LBS
star p clyde 42c
saskvalley tradition 106t
mar 12, 2015
BW: 85 lbs
BW: 1 0 0 lbs
WW: 675 LBS
star p kickstarter 53c
jt thunder 72t
This is our youngest bull on offer and he is just a year old prior to sale day. With maturity he is sure to work in any calving operation. He is out a good uddered Promise female that is out of a JT Thunder bull we used successfully.
feb 1 8, 2015
ray 1 9a
BW: 85 lbs WW: 650 LBS
ash valley jazz 9604
h i ll haven fr i cto n 22z h i ll haven lu cky han nah 13w
star p tab 0 0 1 9a river acres talcott joyful 36u
star p ultra gold 6u
star p crossfire 29c This roan bull is a powerhouse ready to bring muscle and definition to your calf crop. This is the lot for all you guys who call asking for a roan bull – he’s the only one in the sale!
Tuesday March 15, 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk
Sale Notes
Reference Sire
444 Ranch
I used this 2A bull for two years with great success, I’m very pleased with the growth his calves have. He is deep bodied, long spined, with great degree of natural muscling, and structural soundness. His scrotal circumference was 40cm as a 2 year old. He was an easy calving bull with low birth weights, without giving up on performance. He was sold into a commercial herd at Wolseley last year due to me having kept back too many of his daughters.
444 Ranch formally Redneck Ranch and still running the Redneck herd prefix on all our registered cattle. Is now run by Debbie, Clayton, & Dustin Spencer, we strive for producing quality cattle that are functional in today’s market. We purchased our first Speckles in 2006, and still have some of our original cow herd and their offspring here today. We show at Agribition, and the boys show our Speckles and Shorthorns in 4H and other junior events. We are currently located at Bender Shorthorns near Neudorf, Sk. Please check out our new website or feel free to contact us for more info. Debbie’s cell: 403-880-7516
jan 30, 2015
solid black
speckle park d cd 5c re
BW: 8 6 lbs WW: 750 lbs
redneck excitment 6x
redneck cheese 5c
r ed n eck ar istotle 2a red n eck ran ch's u alm ost froze
r ed n eck pi ckles 5a river h i ll 64s u rban-an g el 35u
river hill 26t walker 60w
The only Speckle Bull in the sale and being offered from 444 Ranch this year. 5C is a good tempered, stout, big hipped, wide straight topped with lots of natural muscling, and tremendous spring of rib. Put him on your white Speckle cows to get more color in your herd or for those wanting to use a Speckle bull in a commercial black herd not wanting too much color here’s the bull for you. Keeping an in herd semen interest. Not available till May 15, as he will be used to cover a handful of cows here. For more info on terms or to discuss possession date please contact.
Hope To See You Sale Day
This roan bull is sure to catch your eye. He has been an eye-catcher since birth. He is an interesting cross between the genetics.
Bender Shorthorns & Star P Farms
This roan bull is sure to catch your eye.
Bid Off Bull Sale
15 2016 bids close 2:00pm at the farm, neudorf, sk GUEST CONSIGNOR redneck aristotle444 2a RANCH SPECKLE PARK
Tuesday March