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editors note
w e l c o m e
At Equitana this year you will have the absolute pleasure of seeing Pedro Torres. Upon learning that Pedro was coming out to Australia, it made me reflect on the time I met Pedro in Portugal. I went to his stables, and he introduced me to his horses which are his pride and joy - each one got a kiss and a cuddle from him, and it was evident of the genuine love he feels for them. To watch Pedro ride is just enthralling and it is like he was born in a saddle. He is such an elegant and natural rider that I could watch him all day long. Pedro has many YouTube videos so you can go and see his expertise in all aspects of riding. We have the highest respect for Pedro here at Baroque Horse and how lucky are we to have him at Equitana!
In this issue, we are delighted to have interviewed Alizée Froment as she is another rider like Pedro that we admire immensely. Her talent and gentle training are second to none. She rides her Lusitano stallion Mistral (GP) without a bit and is easily able to demonstrate that a horse can be responsive without the harness or the heavy hands that we see too many times today - even with many top riders. Alizée has continuously wowed the crowds at her international shows with her relaxed riding skills and watching her you will be sure to be lost in not only how beautifully she rides but also see her ability for the horse and rider to become one. Serenity is the word that comes to mind when describing Alizee and her horses.
We love learning and discovering the history behind anything horse related, so this issue we have looked at the evolution of the side saddle; why it started and its place today. I am sure many see this as old fashioned, however, many enjoy this way of riding today and done correctly it is fantastic to watch. There is a growing interest in the side saddle, and maybe this is due to great shows like Downton Abbey, or it is due to a craving for glamour and tradition? It is a challenge not only from the riding aspect but also many will need to build up different muscles to ride effectively. Not only does the evolution of the side saddle tell about the need for riding safely, but also how females have grown in their own right too. Hopefully, this article will inspire many to learn a different form of riding.
Until next time...
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10 20
01 Interviews
Pedro Torres Alizée Froment
54 60 64 68 72 76
02 Health
Horse Health Management
Drought Feeding in Australia by Catherine McDowell 5 Handy Hints by Kohnke’s Own
Protecting the Hindgut
The Sense of Touch by Jochen Schleese Base Feeds for the ‘Keep It Simple’ Diet by the nude horse
38 46 62 80
03 Of Interest
Understanding the Side Saddle The Lipizzaner Installing Wooden Fence Posts Crystal Mt Xodó
26 32
04 Education
Bodywork by Margaret Henkels Riding with Oliveira by Dominique Barbier