This year’s Barossa Vintage Festival feels more special than ever given the 12 months the region and our community has faced.
We are incredibly proud to present such a brilliant and diverse programme which is testament to the strength and resilience of our community and businesses.
As a region we pride ourselves on delivering an accessible Festival that truly showcases the best of the Barossa and with 75+ different events across the wine, food, art and community sectors, the 2021 Barossa Vintage
Festival does just that!
The sheer volume of interest and engagement from the local community has been heart-warming, so thank you to everyone for embracing the Festival.
We look forward to welcoming visitors for the Festival and being able to share and extend the warm and generous hospitality our region is renowned for.
Locally, we are encouraging the community to embrace the atmosphere of the Festival, to come together with the community and really celebrate our incredible region.
Vintage Festival an opportunity to give something back
‘The Vintage Festival Needs You’ – this is the catch cry from event organisers as they appeal to the community to lend a hand and volunteer ahead of the 2021 Festival.
The Barossa has a strong foundation, built on the back of generosity, resilience and volunteering.
The Barossa Vintage Festival has long been a community celebration for the community, by the community.
Since 1947, volunteers have been the backbone of the Festival with members of the community generously donating their time and expertise to organise, convene and deliver the much-loved Festival.
Festival Volunteer Co-ordinator, Ms Elaine Wilson said, “The Barossa Vintage Festival is, and has always been, driven by community spirit and participation.

“Volunteers are the heart and soul of the Festival and their generosity and willingness to lend a hand contributes to the ongoing success of the Festival.
“We know volunteering is meaningful, enhances connection within the community and makes people feel valued and generally like they’re doing something good, by giving back.
Volunteering is incredibly rewarding.
“A number of volunteering opportunities exist for this year’s Festival across a range of different areas including planning, event management support and on the ground assistance in the lead up and during the Festival.
“In fact, this year, we need more
volunteers than ever before.
“If you would like to be a traffic or COVID marshal for the Parade, help set up for the Vintage Ball, throw a few hay bales at the Ziegenmarkt, assist with surveys during the Festival, or many other activities in the lead up and during the Festival, we’d love to hear from you.
Festival Director, Ms Jenny O’Brien echoes the sentiments of Elaine, acknowledging a 75+ strong army of volunteers are required to help deliver the Festival Parade alone.
“The sheer challenge of delivering a COVID safe Festival means greater strain on resources with tighter restrictions, limitations and the need for more volunteers to help manage elements of the Festival.
“Our COVID management plan for the Parade (yet to be approved by SA Health) requires a significant increase in volunteers to help deliver the Parade in a COVID-safe manner,” said Jenny.
The Festival delivers significant economic benefit for the entire region and in order to make this year’s Festival a success we really need the support and backing of the wider community.”
If you’re ready to help others, offer support and be part of Barossa’s quintessential way of life register your interest in volunteering via https:// au/about/volunteer or contact Elaine Wilson, Volunteer Coordinator, M: 0457 874 335 E:
The Barossa Vintage Festival has always been driven by the community and is an event for the community.
It’s the hard work and generosity of volunteers and people willing to lend a hand that contribute to the longevity and ongoing success of the Festival.
I would personally like to thank our convenors and committee members for their ongoing support and for being so generous with their time.
Thank you also to the community and businesses for your care, hard work and being the key ingredient to
collectively create the magic that is the Barossa Vintage Festival.
We hope you enjoy our region’s biggest party and take time to soak up the atmosphere during the fiveday Festival.
Jenny O'Brien Barossa Vintage Festival Directora festival worth celebrating It's time to celebrate
The Barossa Vintage Festival has always been a time of celebration, and a living embodiment of the Barossa community spirit.
In 1947 the first Barossa Vintage Festival celebrations occurred on the heels of a world war that had turned the world upside down.
In 2021, after another period of global disruption, the Barossa Vintage Festival will provide a time of muchwelcome celebration and a sense of joy as we gather together to showcase the best of our region!
Like the Barossa itself, the Vintage Festival is a marvellous fusion of tradition and innovation – we delight in the telling and re-telling of old stories, and the creation of new narratives.
Produce, place, custodianship and creativity are woven together and presented in a kaleidoscope of events, dinners, markets, makers experiences and more – providing an insight into the Barossa way of life.
As a child, I remember the anticipation of the festival – watching the Ziegenmarkt appear in all its wonder on the doorstep of our home
at Goat Square, the spectacle of the parade, the colourful celebrations at the Tanunda Oval – magical!
And today, this festival brings an anticipation of better times, of laughter and fun, and joyful community celebration.
In this time of uncertainty and significant challenge, I am grateful for the extraordinary efforts of Festival Director, Jenny O’Brien, for her outstanding leadership to ensure the safe delivery of a wonderful community celebration, and for the fantastic support from Taryn Wills and the Festival convenors and committee.
My heartfelt thanks go to everyone hosting a festival event, and I encourage our Barossa community to rally together to support these events – buy tickets, invite friends and family – and make this a festival to remember!
Cathy Wills Regional Tourism Manager
Festival to honour Colin Gramp
The 2021 Barossa Vintage Festival has been dedicated to one of the event’s founding fathers, the late Mr Colin Gramp. Colin was instrumental in convening the first Barossa Vintage Festival in 1947 before serving as Barossa Vintage Festival president from 1961 to 1967 and contributed to the committee for 25 years. He was proud to say he was on the founding committee for one of the most cherished and longest running wine festivals in Australia.
The Tanunda man carefully kept agendas, minutes and event programmes for the Barossa Vintage Festival, including a speech he made in 1973 which spoke of an event which was influenced by songs and music...folk songs handed down from the early settlers and the formation of choirs, bands and orchestras.
In an interview with The Barossa Mag as the Festival celebrated 70 years, Colin described the highlight that the event brought all the towns together and worked for the Barossa.

“Barossans working together for the Barossa – that’s the very heart of the Vintage Festival,” he noted.

i enjoyed amazing opportunities
Maddy Hopgood, 2019 Barossa Young Ambassador.

I can’t believe it is almost Vintage Festival and time for me to pass on the Young Ambassador title.

The past two years, since I was lucky enough to be named the 2019 Barossa Young Ambassador, have been an absolute whirlwind.
But while these years have travelled fast they have been full of amazing opportunities and experiences.

Since my time in the Young Ambassador programme, I spent a month overseas (luckily just before COVID hit), moved out of home and have begun a new career path.

COVID 19 was also added to the mix, causing my wedding to be postponed which I am currently preparing for the re-scheduled date in just a few months.

Looking back, the Young Ambassador programme helped to strengthen my confidence in stepping outside of my comfort zone, which greatly assisted in all the changes and challenges the past two years bought me.
Once completing the programme, I was also offered the opportunity of being on the Young Ambassador committee for the next programme.
This has been such a wonderful opportunity and provided me the experience of working on a committee, being the chairman

of meetings and creating sessions and events for the programme.
I have also enjoyed being a point of contact for the Young Ambassadors to come to if they have any questions or need any assistance.
I am most looking forward to seeing the Young Ambassadors celebrate all their hard work and achievements from throughout the programme at the Vintage Festival Ball.
It has been such a wonderful opportunity getting to see such a great group of Young Barossans take pride in their homes and work to securing its many traditions in the future.
I am also so proud of the Barossa community as a whole for pulling together so many amazing events during such a difficult time amongst so many restrictions, and I cannot wait to celebrate with the community during the 2021 Vintage Festival.

It is so amazing that the Barossa community has been able to pull together our traditional festival after a hard 2020 and now with added restrictions.
My top 5 event picks for the 2021 Barossa Vintage Festival are: Barossa Vintage Festival Ball, Barossa Vintage Festival Parade, Busk til Dusk, Barossa Made Market, Photographica –Vintage Festival Memories.

Occupation: real estate office assistant
Rebekah Rosenzweig

I love the Barossa region with its rich history, tourism and of course the many photographic opportunities the Barossa region presents.
I decided to be a part of the Barossa Young Ambassador programme as I have heard and read that is a great experience to be involved in that is not to be missed with the opportunities to network with local businesses and the Barossa community; to grow my skills and knowledge and to be a part of a historical Barossa community event, the Barossa Vintage Festival.
My top three picks for the Barossa Vintage Festival are: Barossa Vintage Festival Ball: As I am on the event committee helping to plan and organise this event, this is one of many events I am really looking forward to. Ziegenmarkt: I have often attended the Ziegenmarkt as a child and last year was one for me to remember, it was so much fun!
I love the action of this event with the selling of Barossa produce and goods, the sounds of bids going left to right.
Barossa Vintage Reflections & Photographica – Vintage Festival Memories: I have been involved with volunteering my time in selecting some photographs from the Barossa Vintage Festival archives and can’t wait to see them on display at the Nuriootpa Library.
The festival has so much history and there is so much to discover once you dive into the archives.
Occupation: communications co-ordinator

Nikita Skuse
My favourite thing about the Barossa is how it manages to stay so quiet and quaint year-round but then comes to life with events like the Vintage Festival – you kind of get the best of both worlds.
I’m excited to be a part of the Young Ambassador Programme to become more involved in my community, expand my network and push myself a little out of my comfort zone. Hope to see you around!
There’s so many amazing Vintage Festival events to choose from this year but my top three picks are:
Barossa Made Market - I’ll take any excuse for some retail therapy and I love all the beautiful pieces you can find at these markets.
Jam Factory Sepptlesfield Workshop - Looking at all the ceramics at the Jam Factory makes my heart happy so having the chance to make some myself is going to be amazing!
The Parade - Being on the Parade committee has shown me just how much work goes on behind the scenes to make this event happen and given me a much greater appreciation for it - it’s going to be a highlight of the Festival for sure!
Town: gawler south Occupation: tourism services officer

Rebecca Uphill

There are too many things to list when it comes to what I love about the Barossa.
From my short time here so far I love the community and the sense of pride the most – and it is certainly a place to be proud of!
I decided to be part of this amazing programme to learn more about the Barossa, develop my skills in tourism and give back to the community that has welcomed me so warmly.

I also look forward to being part of this programme alongside likeminded young Barossans!

We really are spoilt for choice with 75+ events at this year’s Barossa Vintage Festival. Here are some of my top picks!
Barossa Vintage Festival Parade - I'm super excited to be part of this community event. It’ll be great to see such a large community event go ahead after such a tumultuous year.
High Tea in a Secret Garden – I’m a bit obsessed with tea so this event is right up my alley!

Fruit Preserving Workshop by Those Barossa Girls –The Barossa is bursting with unique food traditions.
I would love to immerse myself in some of these traditions by joining Those Barossa Girls at one of their Fruit Preserving Workshops at the CWA Hall.
I’m eager to learn some skills and share such beautiful Barossa traditions with my friends and family.


Occupation: student, sso/support worker

Abbey Underwood
I always appreciate the extensive opportunities the Barossa has opened for me through volunteering for community programmes but specifically the amazing work I get to do with children and young adults living with a disability.
I decided to become a part of this programme to share my passion with the community and continue to be involved with the amazing people of the Barossa.
The Barossa is a beautiful area that holds key values of community spirit, authenticity and uniqueness which makes me feel incredibly proud to call this place home.
Here are my top Vintage Festival picks:

Barossa Wellness Sunrise walk & picnic breakfast! What an event to showcase the amazing walking trails and natural landscape the Barossa has to offer.
A beautiful event that allows people to relax the body and mind.
Choco block decorating presented by the Barossa Chocolate Company.
What an event for the special little people in your life. Create your very own chocolate block just the way you like and of course there is something for the adults!
Last but no least is Create & Sip presented by Barossa Visitor Centre. Through this event you will be able to create your own painted canvas while you sip on some amazing Barossa wine.
What an event for you to bring your family or friends along to.
Town: tanunda Occupation: event co-ordinator

Georgia Carter
I have lived in the Barossa for the past 8 years.
My family own Lanzerac Country Estate which is where I work on weekends, alon g with working for Barossa Styling and Events and Red Door Espresso.

I love the Barossa as it has provided me with such an amazing community to be a part of and a lovely place to call home.
I decided to apply for the Young Ambassador’s Programme to further develop my skills in the event management industry as it is the career pathway I’d like to go down in the future.

Along the way I’d love to meet some amazing people and better understand the Barossa community.
The Vintage Festival Ball would be one of my favourite events in the programme.
As a young ambassador I have been fortunate enough to have been selected as part as the ball organisation committee.
This opportunity has allowed me to express my creative career in the events industry and learn more about my passion for events.
Vintage Parade - This event has been one of the stand out events for me over the past years.
Whatever side of the parade I was on it was amazing to see the community spirit and love the Barossa people have for this area.
From the children waving as the floats go by, to the parents sipping wine, it’s an amazing event the whole community can get behind and support.

Occupation: student tourism and event management

Georgia Nicholls
I love the Barossa Valley as it has so much to offer as our home and to visiting tourists.
I decided to be part of the Vintage Young Ambassador’s programme as it fits perfectly with my studies and passion for event planning and management.
I also hope to learn more about the Barossa and give back to the community.

Barossa Made Market - The Barossa Made Market is held in the Vintage Festival Garden, and hosts a variety of stalls held by local artists and producers.
I love markets, especially with local producers, and am really looking forward to the Market.
Festival Parade - The Parade is a highlight of every Vintage Festival, and this year will be no different.
Schools, businesses and towns of the Barossa create their own unique floats with music, art, and costumes to travel down the street for everyone to see.
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody - Lambert Estate’s 1920s themed party at their beautiful cellar door sounds amazing.
Their wines are spectacular, especially their sparkling Prologue, and live jazz, cocktails, and dinner will take you back to a 1920s speakeasy to celebrate the Festival.

Town: tanunda

Occupation: team leader at thorpy's never ending bargains
Isaac Troup

The main reason I love the Barossa is because I feel so a part of the community, which is primarily because of the amazing people that live here.
I love being able to recognise so many people in the Barossa, especially when I already have a friendly relationship with them, as it makes participating in and running events so much more enjoyable.
This is also one of the primary reasons that I have entered the Young Ambassador’s Programme. I genuinely want to spend some quality time networking with and getting to know more people, as well as investing time into the growth of the Barossa, in any way I can.
The Vintage Festival is getting closer and closer and I am so excited to participate in the 2021 Vintage Festival events! My top 3 events picks are:
The Scarecrow Competition - I was lucky enough to be on the Scarecrow Committee this year and I am unbelievably excited to see all our hard work come together!
Busk Til’ Dusk – After the Vintage Festival Parade, the celebration of fantastic local talent will kick off and since I have a significant passion for music myself, I am eagerly awaiting the Busk Til’ Dusk event.
It is so inspiring to see an event that is specifically designed to give young people a platform and voice in the music industry. I cannot wait to be a part of it!
The Vintage Festival Ball – Who doesn’t love getting dressed up for some amazing food, wine, dancing and socialising? I personally love it and I'm so excited for it!
Town: greenock Occupation: studying a double bachelor degree in media & arts

Ekkia Evans

I love the Barossa for all its given to me, I spent my days as a small child at helping my parents’ stall at the Barossa Farmers Market. I sold friendship bracelets at the Greenock Artisans Markets in my tweens, and now I have my radio show at BBBfm.

I don’t know where I’d be without the Barossa and its rich community spirit, so I’ve joined this programme to learn more about the Barossa itself, meet some new people, and give back to the community in a new way.
With the amount of incredible Vintage Festival events happening this year, it was really difficult to choose only three that I'm looking forward to the most.
My top three Vintage Festival event picks are: Busk til Dusk: An extravaganza of local and emerging solo artists, vocalists and bands 12-25 years old, right after the Vintage Festival Parade, what's not to look forward to?
Barossa Scarecrow Trail: Being part of the Scarecrow committee, I'm really looking forward to seeing everyone's creations scattered about the Barossa.
Legends behind the Barrel: You don't always get to speak to the winemakers themselves when going to cellar doors in the Barossa, so having 12 of the Barossa's greatest small winemakers in one room with their wine is a unique and exciting opportunity.
Town: moppa Occupation: studying Media & business

Neve Reynolds

The Barossa has its own culture and customs, different to the rest of the world and different to other wine regions. I love that it is unique in that respect.

I decided to be a part of the Young Ambassador Programme to both be a part of, and learn more about the culture and history in the Barossa. I hope to meet people and share in experiences that shape the future of the culture we have here.

Ziegenmarkt - As part of the Ziegenmarkt committee, we have been working to bring together many Barossa businesses and producers to make this event amazing. I’m very excited to see it come together as a celebration of Barossa heritage

Vine Vale winemakers shed day - I have also been working with six Vine Vale wine makers for their shed day.
Touring around such a lovely part of the Barossa to 6 different sheds with their own personalities and features is such a great way of bringing together wine of the area.
Photographica – Vintage Festival Memories - I’m really excited to see old Vintage Festival photos and materials displayed in a modern way. It will be really interesting to see content from the long history of the festival and how it has changed and grown.
Town: angaston Occupation: studying a masters in wine business

Olivia Reynolds
I have been employed at Rockford Wines for the last four years, in addition I have undertaken vintages in Stellenbosch, South Africa and Crozes-Hermitage, France.
This year I'm working with Michael Hall Wines, Barossa.
Throughout my travels I have always been proud to call the Barossa home and at the heart of this home are relationships and community spirit.
Through engaging in the Barossa Young Ambassador Programme I hope to build a network with like-minded individuals, create friends and, importantly, give back to the community.

The Barossa Vintage Festival brings over 75 events for you to enjoy, eat, drink and experience what it means to be a Barossan.
My top three events are:

Ziegenmarkt - In previous years, this is an event I have always enjoyed going to, it is a step back in time and this year I get to be a part of the organising committee.
Fruit Preserving Workshop, by Those Barossa Girls - A goal of mine for 2021 is to be more sustainable and economical.
Taking delicious Barossan seasonal produce and preserving it to enjoy all year round is a skill anyone can replicate in their own kitchen.
Meat and Two Barrels, presented by Michael Hall Wines - A rare opportunity to taste the 2021 vintage of Michael Hall Wines.
An evening of tales of the vintage, gastronomy to thrill and bottles to share in a heritage-listed stone barn.

Proudly Supporting

For 75 years The Barossa Co-op has supported our community’s loyalty, commitment and passion for Barossa and what we produce.

The Barossa Vintage Festival is a celebration of our produce, wine, food, arts and culture.
The Barossa Co-op, owned by and operated on behalf of its members, is a proud sponsor of the 2021 BAROSSA VINTAGE FESTIVAL.

Town: light pass Occupation: vineyard worker
Georgia Boehm
I’m currently working alongside my parents in our family vineyard and plan to work in the wine industry well into the future.
I’m so grateful to live in this incredible region.
I love the Barossa for its wine, breathtaking landscapes and the incredibly passionate people who live here.
Having the opportunity to be a part of this programme, I hope to learn more about the region, become immersed in the culture and develop a deeper connection with the Barossa community.
This year’s Vintage Festival will be one to remember. There’s something for everyone and with so many exciting events happening all throughout the region it’s hard to choose just a few to immerse yourselves in.

My top three events are: The Jam Factory Seppeltsfield workshop— a super exciting opportunity to join local artists, Sonya Moyle and Janelle Amos in creating something beautiful.
The Vintage Festival art prize exhibition presented by the Barossa Regional Gallery. I’m excited to see a curation of works from the Barossa arts community.
We have so many talented artists here in the Barossa and I know the pieces being showcased in this exhibition will be absolutely breathtaking.
Finally, the Vintage Festival Ball presented by Seppeltsfield — being on the events committee for this year’s ball, I know it will be one to remember.
Barossa Wine Auction Raffle

The well-being of our community has always relied on our strong sense of togetherness, a willingness to pitch in, help out and lend an ear where it is needed.
The BGWA Well-being Fund has been established to better equip members of our wine and grape growing community to engage in meaningful conversations and provide active support for people affected by poor mental health.
Grants drawn from the fund will help deliver regular, formal mental health First Aid training.
The training will cover areas such as what is mental illness, how to talk about mental health, the importance of self-care and how to support someone with mental health challenges.
All proceeds from 2021 Barossa Wine Auction Raffle will go directly to the BGWA Well-being Fund.

Major prizes: A ‘Cellar of Barossa wine’ to be raffled at the Barossa LIVE Wine Auction Friday, April 16.
The Art of Wine Collections to be raffled online at Tickets available from April 2, to be drawn at the Barossa LIVE Wine Auction – Sydney on Thursday, April 29.
• ‘Poonawatta 1880 Shiraz Vine’ 100 x 50cm framed photographic art print by Andrew Holt, plus 3 bottles of the Poonawatta 1880 Shiraz 2007, 2009 and 2012.
• ‘Raj’s Pick’, an original photographic art print by Bernadette Kaeding plus 3 bottles of Rojomoma Raj’s Pick Shiraz.
• ‘Great Terrace Vineyard’ an original photographic art print by Dragan Radocaj plus a collection of pre-release wines by Seppeltsfield.
Barossa Bygones

Barossa Made Market
Barossa Scarecrows
Barossa Vintage Reflections
Busk ‘Til Dusk
Food - A Sense of Place
Historic Pipe Organs & Bells Tour
Keep Calm & Carry On Music for Grand Organ
Photographica - Vintage Festival Memories
Punkt Zu Punkt
Sister My Sister Step Back in Time
The Festival Parade
The Woodcarver
Vintage Festival Garden
1918 Parade Party
20 Years of Tim Smith Wines
2021 Vintage Shiraz Gin Creating

A Bedford, a Bagshaw and a Basket Press
A Feast and a Battle
A Little Party Never Killed Nobody
A Toast to the Penfolds Brandy Collection
Ancient Vines & Museum Wine at the Baron�s Table
Barista, Brewer, Wine Cycle Tour
Barossa Italian Festa at Calabria Family Wines
Barossa Vintage Festival Ball
Barossa Wine Auction
Blind Tasting
Bon Appétit!
Children�s Honey Biscuits by Those Barossa Girls
Chillin� in the Valley
Choco Block Decorating
Concert and High Tea
Das Bierhalle (The Beer Hall)
Dine in the Vines
Dinner at Lou�s Place, Drinks from Lou�s Cellar
En Primeur with Michael Hall Wines
Farmers Lunch on the Western Ridge
Flavours of Autumn
Freakishly Matched at Ferment Asian
From Weinkeller to St Hugo
Fruit Preserving Workshop by Those Barossa Girls
Get Back on Track Angaston
Gibson Wines Sunday Funday
Good Time Charlie "Really Has" Got The Blues
High Tea in a Secret Garden
Langmeil Vintage Experience
Legends Behind the Barrel
Linger Longer ... & Be Spoilt like a Barossan

Long Lunch with a View
Marananga Meander
Meat and Two Barrels
Old Vines to Great Wines
Painting & Tasting at Thorn-Clarke
Preserving Traditions
Ruby Anniversary Dinner at Bethany Wines
Sunrise Walk and Picnic Breakfast
'Tasting Notes' Perfume Workshop
The Chateau Carnival
The Fine H-art of the Long Lunch
Torbreck Back Vintage Masterclasses
Vine Vale Winemakers Shed Day
Young Gig on the Lawn

Artful Encounters
Country Clay Play Workshop by Otti Made
Create & Sip Workshop by Art Innovations
Embroiderers' Exhibition
JamFactory Seppeltsfield Workshop
Marananga Brass Band Covid Concert
Natural Skincare Workshop by The Naked Soap Company
Vintage Festival Art Prize Exhibition

Get back on track in Angaston
As the first year anniversary of the Barossa Adventure Station approaches, the Angaston Community Business Alliance (ACBA) are preparing to host Vintage Festival event, Get Back on Track.
On April 18 it will be a chance to replenish, recharge and realign, with a day of food, wine, activities and music.
Also on the day will be the Punkt zu Punkt trail run. Two of the three runs will start at the Barossa Adventure Station. It will also be the location for the Angaston Community Business Alliance hosting a fundraising brunch as a ticketed event.
ACBA chairman, Mr Steve Falland is looking forward to the event and being able to showcase one of Angaston’s newest community spaces.
“It is the first real big use of the station since it has been restored and we are pretty keen to start making use of that
area,” said Steve.
“It’s using all the station area, not just the Barossa Adventure Station.”
Adding to the day will be pop up food stalls in the restored railway station building as well as the chance for the Barossa Valley Machinery Preservation Society to showcase their projects too.
“The Vintage Festival event will be a test case for further activation of the area and the buildings as an activity centre of Angaston,” said Steve.

“It is a space that has had considerable investment by the Council and it deserves to be used now.”
Steve encouraged the community to participate in the Get Back on Track event as a way to end the Vintage Festival celebrations and “get back on track” to normality the following week after the Festival.
He noted that a key part of the day will be the assistance of volunteers.
Celebrating local young talent
The lush green lawns of Nuriootpa’s Coulthard House will set the scene for the only youth music event in the Barossa Vintage Festival programme, Busk til Dusk.
To be held on April 17, 15 emerging and seasoned solo, duo and band musicians will entertain the crowds from 1 p.m. and compete for a range of prizes.
A raft of food stalls, together with a wine, beer and cider stall, will be available on the lawns with the stage and musicians providing a central platform for the local talent to shine.

Judges Ollie Sharp, Ben Edwards and Glenn Wagland look forward to hearing the musicians compete.
Margaret Williams said they are looking forward to seeing a big crowd for the event.
She said the youth focused event will be for young people aged 12 to 25
and a gold coin donation upon entry will go to BBBfm.
Kathryn Schilling, committee member, is looking forward to seeing the event at Nuriootpa’s iconic, Coulthard House.
“Emerging musicians from our community are getting an opportunity to perform live,” said Kathryn.
Added to the afternoon event is a chance for any young person with something to sell or promote to set up a stall.
Young Ambassador, Georgia Carter is looking forward to the event.
“It will be good to see all the young people getting about and promoting their music,” said Georgia.
Fellow Young Ambassador, Ekkia Evans, who was part of the 2019 Busk ‘til Dusk, added Coulthard House is a good place to host the event.

“2019 was really good and we have some very talented people,” said Ekkia.
Time for a break?
Indulge in a quality coffee or try our all day breakfasts, light lunches and homemade sweets. Made with passion from quality Barossa ingredients.

117A Murray Street, Tanunda (Located behind Priceline Pharmacy)
Open: Tuesday - Sunday
Preparing for the Get Back on Track event as part of the Barossa Vintage Festival are Theo Marks, Steve Falland and Andrew Murphy. Looking forward to the Busk ‘til Dusk event at Coulthard House, Nuriootpa are committee members, Georgia Carter, Kathryn Schilling, Margaret Williams and Ekkia Evans.Festival
Despite a late change to the route, due to ongoing challenges to deliver the event in a covid-safe manner, the Barossa Vintage Festival Parade committee is committed to presenting the Festival Parade as planned.

The float procession will travel from the Jacob’s Creek arch in Murray Street, Tanunda along Barossa Valley Way, culminating with a rolling finish at Nuraip Road, on the outskirts of the Nuriootpa township.
Parade masterpieces.
- the show must go
“Providing all things go to plan (and pending approval from SA Health) this year’s Parade will be a recordbreaking event; the first of its kind in South Australia since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Festival Director, Ms Jenny O’Brien.
“The Parade will be an acknowledgement of the community’s strength and resilience and an opportunity for the community to
to deliver a COVID -safe event and are calling on the community to rally together and follow health and safety guidelines to ensure the safety of participants, the community and visitors.
“We are committed to ensuring the safety of everyone; both participants and spectators.
“We will be encouraging QR code check-ins, regular hand sanitising for anyone on a float and spectators as
“There’s no denying the Parade will look and feel a little different this year, but one thing that won’t change is the fun, excitement and celebration.
“While we are asking people to help us and work towards delivering a covidsafe event, we want people to be able to have fun and enjoy the Parade.
“We can’t wait to see the creativity of the community come to life with some exciting floats!”
** Disclaimer ** All information in this article was correct and accurate at the time of print (March 24) noting the Festival Parade covid management plan was not finalised, nor approved at the time of print and the event (and Festival) may be subject to change/cancellation as a result of changing circumstances in relation to
Let the scarecrow invasion begin
By Alicia Lüdi-Schutz“Rustle” is someone you might describe as the tall, strong, silent type.
With his broad smile and country style wardrobe, he likes to be sun-smart out in the vineyards and vegetable patches, keeping crows scared witless and humans amused.
Tanunda’s Felicity Cock is convenor of the Barossa Vintage Festival scarecrows and admits to spending about 10 hours bringing Rustle, who also happens to be the “cover-crow” on this year’s festival programme, to life.
“I’m a bit of a perfectionist though,” said Felicity.

Felicity joined the committee for the 2019 festival, drawn by the colour and fun the scarecrows bring to the festival each year.
“That’s when we hit record numbers for registrations of 145, this year we have 185!” she said excitedly.
With a new record broken, it’s proven difficult to fit them all on this year’s scarecrow trail map available from the Barossa Visitor Information Centre in Tanunda and selected businesses as well as presenting partner, The Leader which will also have the detailed map available online at
It’s also at this website where people can vote for the coveted “People’s Choice Award” with one simple click.
It’s one of a number of categories registered participants can win with a panel of judges already getting nervous about the difficult task ahead of the grand announcement during “Get Back on Track” at Angaston Adventure Park on April 18.
Along with Best Residential, Best Primary School, Best Business/Organisation and Best Child Care/Kindergarten Scarecrow, Felicity has introduced a new category to give everyone a winning chance, no matter their skill or budget.
“I’ve donated a $250 Visa card for a Random Draw. If you’ve registered and you get your scarecrow up, it doesn’t matter if it’s a beer box on a wooden stake with a face drawn on it, you’ll get the opportunity to win the mystery draw.”
For Felicity, the scarecrow trail which was introduced back in 1995, is all about getting creative, bringing imagination to life and spreading some extra cheer and merriment during the festival.

“It’s just a huge amount of fun and we get oodles of people in the Barossa

driving the circuit looking at all the scarecrows. It brings people in and brings money into the local shops.
“It’s family friendly, you can throw the kids in the car and spend the day looking at scarecrows and it doesn’t have to cost you a cent. It’s just about putting a smile on people’s faces, that’s the biggest thing.”
In the meantime, prepare for a scarecrow invasion and “Rustle” popping up around the valley.
He’s extra busy this time of year, so much so that his wife and daughter, beautifully dressed in dirndles, can be spotted waiting patiently for him to come home of an evening as part of another one of Felicity’s scarecrow creations “Waiting for Rustle”.
“See if you can find Mrs Rustle, little Rustle and their pet sheep!” said Felicity.
events all festival weekend! details at
Fri 16 Apr
An Evening with Liam Halford
live music & sunset vineyard views with wine & platters

Sat 17 Apr Painting and Tasting with Rachel Porter
an art lesson with wine + the chance to get your masterpiece on a wine label
Sun 18 Apr Rosés on Sundays with Lauren & Ricky live music in the garden with wine & platters feat. Lauren & Ricky Acoustic
Rustle’s family waiting patiently for him to return home from his Vintage Festival commitments.

Enjoy a family friendly Festival
Organisers are confident anyone, from families, couples and individuals, could find something to enjoy at the 2021 Barossa Vintage Festival.
From indulging in the region’s award winning wines and food, embracing creativity, enjoying community activities and making memorable family moments, the Festival is accessible and inclusive to all.
The 2021 programme features a large proportion of community and family-friendly activities to provide all attendees the perfect opportunity to connect with the Barossa’s community spirit.

Barossa Vintage Festival Director, Ms Jenny O’Brien said, “We want this year’s festival to be a must do for families of South Australia – the fiveday event is a great opportunity for families to explore and discover the Barossa.

“This year’s programme is incredibly diverse with traditional wine and food events, as well as community events, perfect for the whole family.
“Every single one of the 75+ Barossa Vintage Festival events are designed to entertain while enticing people to enjoy and appreciate the Barossa way of life.

“Parents will be able to kick-back, relax and indulge in world-class wine

and fine food while the children are entertained. It’s a win-win.”
If you’re looking for a new adventure these school holidays, the top-pick for family friendly Barossa Vintage Festival events include:
Ziegenmarkt – Step back to the bygone era, be lost in the bustling live markets and treat yourself to an abundance of wine, food and ready-to-eat fresh produce. The kids will love the excitement, atmosphere and energy!
The Festival Parade – A long-standing BVF tradition, the Festival parade will guarantee to entertain, amuse and delight through the ingenious float creations from the Barossa community.
Barossa Scarecrows – Appearing like magic from late March, follow the scarecrow trail and admire the handcrafted scarecrows being brought to life through the imagination of local children, families, schools, wineries and businesses.
Get Back on Track Angaston –Explore Angaston’s unique Barossan heritage through engaging with the community’s friendly atmosphere, delicious Barossan food and wine.
Children’s Honey Biscuits by Those Barossa Girls – Children and parents alike are welcome to join the local makers in creating, decorating and eating the traditional Barossa treat,
honey biscuits!
Step Back in Time – experience a little life at the Barossa’s first German settlement and gain an insight into early life in the Barossa with daily demonstrations including woodworking, butter making and more. Let the kids explore the historic displays and enjoy old

fashioned games.
Or hang out at the Vintage Festival Garden with lawn games, picnic packs, live entertainment (plus wine and gin for mum and dad) it’s the perfect place to take a little breather and plan your next BVF experience.
Quilt Exhibition by Rachelle

Come visit the Garden

The Barossa Vintage Festival Garden, located at the Barossa Visitor Centre will be the perfect place to kick off your celebrations.
As a family friendly event, the Garden will showcase live entertainment and lawn games as well as showcasing local wine and gin from Lindsay Wine Estate and Seppeltsfield Road Distillers.

Tourism Services Manager, Jo Seabrook said The Barossa Visitor Centre are excited to have collaborated with Lindsay Wine Estate and Seppeltsfield Road Distillers to create a place for visitors to relax, plan and book their tickets before venturing out to experience what the Barossa has to offer.
“We are also excited to partner with local artisans to present a range of workshops throughout the duration of the festival,” Ms Seabrook said.
“These include Otti Made, Those Barossa Girls, Art Innovations and The Naked Soap Company.”

In addition, the Barossa Made Market will feature a range of local makers, artists and producers including six local

music artists performing throughout the day on April 15.
With the Tanunda Town Square being the hub of the Vintage Festival for many years, supported by The Barossa Council, this year’s event is sure to kick off with a bang.

The Town Square will feature a popup wine bar, artisan workshops, lawn games, picnic packs, Barossa Made Markets and live music.
Find out what to do, where to go and who to see while you sit back and relax, enjoying the vintage vibe all with a glass of wine, gin or a sangria in hand.

The knowledgeable Visitor Centre staff can answer all your questions, as well as book accommodation, transport, experiences and event tickets.
The Festival hub, supported by The Barossa Council, is open Wednesday April 14 April to April 18 from 9 6 p.m. daily.
Lindsay Wine Estate owners, Will Bolton, Barossa Visitor Centre Tourism Services Administration officer, Megan Sweeney and Seppeltsfield Road Distillers Head of Customer Experiences, Bec Henderson are looking forward to this year's Vintage Festival.A family affair

For more than three decades, the Grocke family has been a stalwart of the Vintage Festival’s much loved live market event, Ziegenmarkt, held at Tanunda’s Goat Square.

Lincoln Grocke, 51, was only a young man when his father, Warren first convinced him to lend a hand with the event’s main attraction, the muchanticipated and delightfully animated produce auction.

“It all started through Ian Schmaal. He and my dad were involved in it from years ago,” explained the sixth generation Tanunda grape grower. “Dad just invited me into it back in the early ’90s.”
Since then, father and son team have faithfully donned the garb of yesteryear, rolled up their sleeves and worked the crowd alongside the market’s auctioneer, bringing in the bids and handing out the goods.

“It’s sort of like stepping back in time for the morning, it just feels like you’re back in the mid-1800s,” said Lincoln.

“It can get a bit nerve wracking standing up in front of a crowd of two hundred people or more, but I enjoy it, as long as I can have a glass of red in my hand at eight in the morning!”

The 2019 Ziegenmarkt was particularly

special for the Grockes, with a third generation joining the auction tradition.
Two of Lincoln’s children, 20-year-old Ethan and 13-year-old Claudia helped make the event a true family affair, much the way such markets would have been in days of old.
It was a proud moment for Lincoln, who has genuine respect for what traditional events like Ziegenmarkt represent to the community.
“It feels like we can pass something on to the next generation, so that we don’t lose that heritage,” he said.
“The world is changing fast and things move on, but this is something that has been with the Barossa for so long, it’s great to be able to re-enact it and continue it on.”

The family couldn’t have known at the time, but it was also Warren’s last Ziegenmarkt, as he passed away unexpectedly from a rare brain cancer only a couple of months after the event.

It will make 2021 all the more precious for the family.
“It will definitely be a special one, and an emotional one too,” said Lincoln.
“It will feel a bit surreal on the day, I think. But I’m sure dad will be checking it out, hoping it all goes well.”

EMERGENCE: Vintage Festival Art Prize Exhibition
The 2021 Barossa Vintage Festival will feature the return of the much loved biannual Vintage Festival Art Prize, with artists exhibiting new works inspired by the theme of EMERGENCE: the process of becoming visible after being concealed – into existence.
Originating from the latin word, ‘emergere’ meaning bring to light, emergence straddles the edge of becoming, it is the unforeseen.
Alice Tilley, of Kapunda, said it is good to see local artists have an opportunity to exhibit.

“And it is always nice to see diversity and response to the theme,” Alice added.

Alice said the opportunity to enter her work has pushed her to do something different.
While her piece is yet to be completed, Alice explains it is a reflection of her artistic journey.
The exhibition will commence from Saturday, April 10 with an opening event on Thursday, April 15 from 5.30p.m. and will showcase over 75 artworks from 60 different artists from across South Australia.
Art enthusiasts may recognise some
exhibiting artists such as Janelle Amos, Igora Opala, Lise Temple and Roland Weight.

Artworks range across a variety of mediums including 2D paintings, textiles, sculptures and installations.
Judging will occur in the afternoon prior to the opening event, conducted by Lauren Mustillo, Visual Arts Programme Manager at Country Arts SA, Ms Melinda Rankin, Director of Fabrik Arts & Heritage and Dr Lisa Slade, Assistant Director, Artistic Programs at Art Gallery of South Australia.
First Prize, which will be announced on opening night, will consist of $3,000 in cash, plus a solo exhibition for SALA 2022 at the Barossa Regional Gallery, including assistance with curation and promotion, along with an opening event.
The People’s Choice Prize will be awarded with $500 in cash, plus a written editorial in The Leader.

The Emergence exhibition is open every day during the Barossa Vintage Festival from 11a.m. to 4p.m. and Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays until June 7.

For more information contact the Barossa Regional Gallery on 8563 8340.