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I hereby grant Anant National University the right to archive and to make available my Capstone Project Report in whole or in part in the University Library in all forms of media, now or hereafter known, subject to the provisions of the Copyright Act. I have either used no substantial portions of the copyrighted material in my document or I have obtained permission to use copyright material.

Student Name: Kushang Barot


Signature: _________

Date: _________

Student Name: Kushang Barot

Enrolment Number: U19035

Dissertation Title: Exploring fluidity in space design to achieve inclusivity and safety

The following study is hereby approved as a creditable work on the approved subject carried out and presented in the manner, sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a prerequisite to the degree of Bachelor of Design (Space Design) for which it has been submitted.

It is to be understood that by this approval, the undersigned does not endorse or approve the statements made, opinions expressed or conclusions drawn therein, but approves the study only for the purpose for which it has been submitted and satisfies him/her to the requirements laid down in the academic program.

The institute does not validate this document's authenticity and takes no responsibility for any acts of intentional or accidental plagiarism that may be found to be associated with this document or its author.


Space Design, School of Design

Anant National University

Guide: Sangramsinh Parmar

Space Design, Anant National University

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