Barrington 220 Strategic Plan

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Barrington 220 Strategic Plan

“ Empower personal excellence in every learner.”


Sandra Ficke-Bradford, President

Dr. Barry Altshuler, Vice President

Katie Karam, Secretary

Erin Chan Ding, Member

Diana Clopton, Member

Leah Collister-Lazzari, Member

Steve Wang, Member


Dr. Craig Winkelman


The Framework 220 strategic planning process began during the 2021-22 school year when more than 4,000 district stakeholders helped to create a mission, core beliefs, learner profile, and six strategic priorities for the Barrington 220 School District.

During the 2022-23 school year, district leaders worked with staff to establish measurable objectives under each of the six priorities, and engaged in gathering community feedback about each priority.

At the June 6, 2023, Barrington 220 Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the district’s strategic plan, which will guide the district’s work over the next few years.


We believe it is essential for Barrington 220 to:

• Create learning environments where all feel physically and emotionally safe.

• Cultivate and maintain strong partnerships and communication between school, parents/ guardians, and community.

• Develop character by encouraging a learning process for understanding, caring about, and acting on core ethical values.

• Empower students to own their learning.

• Engage with multiple perspectives to develop global awareness.

• Foster a sense of belonging and ensure that all feel valued and respected.

• Grow students’ leadership capacity so they can positively impact an ever-changing world.

• Provide a strong academic foundation and a variety of curricular and co-curricular programs.

• Respect and appreciate diversity.

• Value social and emotional health and wellness for students at all ages.

A Barrington 220 Learner...

Engages in a process of producing new and unique ideas, making connections among them, and understands the value of taking risks.

Exchanges ideas and information while listening thoughtfully for the purpose of achieving understanding.



Understands logic and reasoning to analyze and create solutions while considering multiple perspectives.


Identifies and seeks support when needed for self and others. Seeks to understand, be sensitive to, and elevate others diverse perspectives to ensure everyone has equitable access for success.


Works productively and meaningfully with others for a shared purpose.






Demonstrates commitment and perseverance through practicing leadership, service, personal responsibility, accountability, and goal setting.




2023-2024 & 2024-2025

The Framework 220 plan consists of 28 objective areas under the strategic priorities. Starting with the 2023-24 school year, the district began focusing on a specific set of objectives. To view the detailed progress of each objective, visit our Framework 220 dashboard at

FUTURE READINESS Authentic Learning

Global Awareness

Career Pathways


Grade Level & Program Transitions

Social Emotional Learning

Social Media Awareness & Digital Citizenship

COMMUNITY External Communication


Support Strategic Priorities

PERSONALIZED Learner Agency LEARNING Flexible Learning

Early Childhood & Kindergarten Opportunities


Professional Development



Fine Arts Center


Empower students to take ownership of their learning by building meaningful and challenging experiences. Focus on learning acceleration to foster strong academic and personal success skills. Ensure experiences are relevant to student interests, passions, strengths, skills, and abilities.

PRIORITY LEAD: Dr. Melissa Byrne, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning


1 Learner Agency & Pathways

Create opportunities and experiences for all learners to pursue individualized pathways to explore their interests and passions; provide well-rounded educational opportunities to develop skills that increase student agency, preparing them to make future career, college, and life decisions.

2 Academic & Personal Success Skills

Continue the development and implementation of academic and personal success skills as it relates to learning progressions, rubrics, and learning experiences. Work will honor learner choices, interests, and passions.

3 Flexible Learning

Research best practices in flexible learning and formulate recommendations as they relate to the use of time, space, pace, and path at all levels, from pre-school through post-graduation transition.

4 Individualized Pathways

Implement professional learning opportunities for staff, in order to gain a broader understanding of structures and teaching practices that allow for students to explore individualized educational pathways and empower their own learning.

5 Early Childhood & Kindergarten Opportunities

Consider the addition of an increase in early childhood education opportunities for district students, including but not limited to implementing a full-day kindergarten program, while addressing cost implications through careful staffing and facility utilization planning.


Embrace and celebrate diversity. Recruit, hire, and maintain a diverse, high-quality staff. Refine and build educational systems from pre-kindergarten through post-high school transition that serve the breadth and depth of our student community. Ensure all learners have equitable access to high-quality education to achieve their potential.

PRIORITY LEAD: Dr. Celestina Rivera, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources


1 Accessibility

Provide all students access to academic and co-curricular programs and experiences pre-kindergarten through post-high school transition while reviewing barriers to participation; allow students personal choice in their involvement in extracurricular activities.

2 Embracing Diversity

Develop a process to gather input from stakeholders of diverse backgrounds. Using a lens of equity, incorporate input into the development and review of district practices and programs.

3 Hiring Practices

Develop an ongoing process to recruit, hire, and retain a more diverse staff that mirrors our student demographics; develop partnerships with colleges and universities to incorporate a ‘Grow-Your-Own’ program.

4 Professional Development

Continue the development and implementation of a plan for large-scale professional development for all stakeholder groups focused on inclusive education and culturally responsive teaching practices (e.g., revised Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching).


Cultivate and maintain strong partnerships among the school district, parents/guardians, and community stakeholders through connection, collaboration, and transparent communication.




1 External Communication

Develop a systematic approach to provide the community with communication that promotes transparency, unity, and positive brand identity; identify a system to monitor and analyze how communications are being delivered and received throughout the district, including external analytics.

2 Internal Communication

Develop a systematic approach to ensuring the creation of clear systems and expectations for all forms of internal communication, so district employees are informed of district decisions and initiatives, and are empowered to confidently share this information.

3 Community Partnerships

Identify, develop, and expand community partnerships to build greater connections and stronger collaborations that align with and support strategic priorities; include opportunities for the staff and students to give back to the community through engaging in service.

4 Support Strategic Priorities

Develop processes and procedures for broadcasting the progress of Framework 220 and deliver internal/ external communication for all priorities and objectives.


Engage students in innovative, real-world learning experiences that are not confined by time or location in order to develop global awareness and prepare them for any post-secondary path.

PRIORITY LEAD: Dr. Matt Fuller, Assistant Superintendent for Technology & Innovation



Authentic Learning

Create and expand authentic learning opportunities for all learners to provide innovative and real-world learning experiences through initiatives that promote career readiness, career exploration, problem-based learning, and experiential learning.

2 Global Awareness

Design opportunities for students to develop global awareness, cultural competence, cultural appreciation, understanding of world issues, and global citizenship through experiences (e.g., travel or exchange programs, overseas placements, language instruction, and intercultural activities) so that all learners can interact effectively with the world.

3 Career Pathways

Evaluate, build, and implement career pathways that include work-based learning opportunities based on student interest, labor market data, and local industry support in order to prepare all learners for an everchanging world.

4 Life-Skill Development

Develop and implement life-skill learning opportunities (e.g., communication, financial literacy, nutrition, stress management, self-care, cooking, continued education, and executive functioning skills) to continue developing well-rounded students.


Foster a safe, secure, and supportive environment while promoting and creating conditions for balance in support of personal wellness and mental health.

PRIORITY LEAD: Dr. Peg Lasiewicki, Assistant Superintendent for Student Services & Support


1 Safe Environment

Facilitate the growth and promotion of our district’s culture that embraces physical and emotional safety for all stakeholders, allowing for an environment of open communication and healthy risk-taking.

2 Grade-level & Program Transitions

Design a system for early childhood through post-high school transitions that supports students as they develop the capacity to form relationships and have a sense of belonging in all settings, with an emphasis on new environments.

3 Social-Emotional Learning

Embed social-emotional learning (SEL) standards into daily instruction and include the development and use of common language. Ensure multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) processes are in place to understand the need for balance between school, home, and life for all staff and students.

4 Social Media Awareness & Digital Citizenship

Identify and implement a district-wide process to address the use of social media and digital citizenship in a healthy, safe manner; include opportunities for students and staff to gain a deep understanding of how social media sites and apps and digital citizenship can affect multiple aspects of student and staff life both in and out of the school environment.

5 Staff Wellness

Foster, expand, and promote initiatives related to the physical, mental, emotional, and social well-being among staff members (e.g., nutrition education, stress management strategies, physical activity resources, and access to mental health services).


Continue to be good stewards of resources by maintaining fiscal responsibility and promoting ecological sustainability. Care for, protect, and respect a physical environment that inspires learning and connects the school with the community.

PRIORITY LEAD: Sarah Lager, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services/CSBO

1 Financial Stability

Provide a framework for financial stability to ensure appropriate resources are available for long-term support of the district’s mission and strategic priorities.

2 Infrastructure/Facilities

In alignment with other strategic priorities, maintain, and develop facilities/infrastructure for present and future needs to empower learning.

3 Environmental Sustainability

Develop and implement the district’s plan for sustainability to be good stewards of environmental resources, including sustainable activities.

4 Programmatic Assessment & Evaluation

Develop a district-wide process/timeline to support the ongoing review of programs, operations, and the use of state/federal grants, with a focus on financial stability, alignment with strategic priorities, communication, and transparency.

5 Fine Arts Center

Create a plan for improving the high school’s fine, visual, and performing arts facilities. Develop options for the Board of Education to fund the implementation.

6 Safety Resources

Continue to allocate resources to support a comprehensive safety program. Create an evaluation process to ensure the program’s effectiveness.

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