Newsletter July 2019

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JULY 2019





Transcon 2019

Honors & Pinning Graduate 02 Recognition Ceremony


NASW-FL Presenters

Heart of Social Work 04 Celebration

TransCon 2019 For more than 4 years, the Center for Human Rights and Social Justice collaborated with the Aqua Foundation to support the 2019 TransCon conference hosted on the Barry University campus. This free, two-day trans and non-binary-led conference offered career and employment workshops; legal name change workshops; as well as a host of educational opportunities for support, connection and healing for transgender and non-binary members of the South Florida community. AQUA Foundation’s TransCon is a FREE two-day conference for the South Florida transgender and non-binary community, put together by the trans/nonbinary community, with backbone and financial support from Aqua Foundation for Women.

Intergroup Dialogue Series: TRACKS The CHRSJ continues to foster its partnership with Miami Children’s Initiative by providing capacity building to at-risk high school students from Miami Northwestern Senior High. This past quarter, we collaborated on a Prejudice Reduction Four-Day Seminar tailored to their interests and needs. The seminar, based on the University of Michigan’s IGD model, was facilitated by

two SSW students, CHRSJ staff and MCI’s Program Coordinator, Kaleem Washington. The week culminated with a college readiness workshop facilitated by the MSW Program Director, Philip Giarraffa. This is the third MCI cohort that goes through this prejudice reduction/violence prevention intervention. A total of 10 students, plus two MCI staff members participated in the program.

The Beauty of Being: Gender-Based Prejudice Reduction Series for Barry Students The CHRSJ Community Advocates led a series of three closed-group workshops to Barry University students called The Beauty of Being: GenderBased Prejudice Reduction Series. The workshops discussed relevant topics about gender, identity and prejudice. Trained students received a certificate, free dinners and a t-shirt. They also have the opportunity to participate in trainthe-trainer sessions in the Fall.

School of Social Work Honors & Pinning Graduate Recognition Ceremony The first annual School of Social Work Honors & Pinning Graduate Recognition Ceremony was held on May 9, 2019. Faculty, staff, students and their families joined in celebrating our graduating MSW and BSW students, as well as our students who received the Dean’s Honor award. The event was held at the Cor Jesu Chapel with music by Hamilton Gutierrez from Campus Ministries.

LSWO On April 12, 2019, The Latino Social Workers Organization (LSWO) Spring Conference was held at the Miami Shores Campus. The LSWO and Barry University School of Social Work provided one of the few opportunities for professionals within the community to attend a continuing education program, which focuses on social work practice within Latinx communities. This conference provided two plenary sessions, three sets of concurrent workshops and time for social work professionals, faculty and students to network. Panel speakers and special guests included Dr. Lirio K. Negroni, Dr. Iraida Carrion and Florida State Senator Annette Taddeo.

Fellowship Recipient: Tony Fajardo – 36thAnnual Social Work Day in New York I am fortunate and grateful to have had the opportunity of attending the 36th Annual Social Work Day in New York City. I had previously visited the city in 2008, but I thoroughly enjoyed this incredible educational experience focused on the field of social work. The theme this year was strengthening human relationships and policies and programs to protect children. There were two sessions for the conference, one at Fordham University and the other at the United Nations Building. Both sessions lasted approximately two hours and the first conference was comprised of Fordham social work students, alumni and professors. At the first conference we met some the administration and professors who organized the event. Most of the speakers at Fordham University spoke about strengthening children, family and communities. One speaker revealed that she’s been exploring a program where families experienced domestic violence. The New York City Administration of Children's Services is providing preventative services to the entire family unit. Some of the services they offer are social emotional learning, psychosocial support, early childhood development and peace building. Their goal is to provide services to the victims and the offender. They educate the offender, helping them find treatment to manage their harmful behavior. The city has seen positive results with this approach to care and have kept families together. Their goal is to create a long-lasting impact on the community. I was most impacted by a speaker named Consolee Nishimwe, a survivor of the Rwanda genocide against the Tutsi tribe. Consolee spoke about her experience in a very transparent way, revealing that she is HIV positive. While Consolee spoke, the room fell silent. You could feel the empathy in the room as she shared her story with a group of compassionate social workers. She’s a true example of resilience and a testament to healing. She stated that transforming her hate into love was what helped her move forward. Consolee's message was that it’s never too dark to have hope. Today, she is a renowned speaker and brings her message of hope to others. I was very fortunate to have been offered the Leadership Fellowship Scholarship to benefit from this rich experience. It has helped me understand that the power of social work can go very far, and it exists around the world. My understanding of how impactful this field is has broadened tremendously. I look forward to a great future in social work, and I plan to visit the United Nations again in the future.

NASW-FL Student Presenters Maria Atkinson, MSW Student Presented at NASW-FL June 2019 with Professor Sambra Zaoui Applying Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity to Haitian Female Survivors of Sexual Trauma

Maria Atkinson, MSW Student with Professor Sambra Zaoui

Earlier this month, I had the honor and privilege of attending and presenting at the National Association of Social Workers Florida Chapter Conference. I began preparing six months prior alongside Professor Sambra Zaoui, combining her trauma expertise and clinical experience with my cultural knowledge and experience living in Haiti. Held on Thursday, June 13, the presentation included a small and intimate group of attendees. This small, breakout session was very impactful and left a lasting mark on the audience of mostly Haitian descent. Furthermore, the material and content was wellreceived and sparked an excellent response, receiving a five out of five rating amongst participants. In addition to the presentation, I also had the opportunity to attend several other breakout sessions, including one that focused on the Emotional Freedom Technique, otherwise known as “tapping.� I have begun to implement this modality into practice in my field placement and have received very positive responses from my clients. Overall, this was an exhilarating and incredible experience, allowing me to share information and resources that can significantly support and enhance clinicians and social workers that work with Haitian populations. I’m extremely grateful for having been awarded this fellowship from Barry University.

Alana Nisbeth, BSW Student Presented at NASW-FL June 2019 with Dr. Jennifer Williams Empowering Elementary School Teachers to Build a Trauma-Informed School Through Mindfulness Interventions

Alana Nisbeth, BSW Student with Dr. Jennifer Williams

Our poster presentation is based on a 12-week study titled Compassion and Burnout: Implementing a Mindfulness Intervention with Elementary School Teachers. We spent 12 weeks with a wonderful group of elementary school teachers providing mindfulness techniques that they can utilize in their day-today lives. These techniques focused on aiding in the reduction of perceived stress and burnout while increasing their levels of self-compassion. Working with Dr. Williams on this study, and sharing our findings at the NASW Florida Conference, has been one of my favorite Barry moments so far. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for this opportunity!

Merlyn Asencio, BSW Student Presented her poster at NASW-FL Assessing Reactive Attachment Disorder in High-Risk Children Through a Clinical Lens

Merlyn Asencio, BSW Student

“This presentation was a confirmation of my calling to be the voice of change. In addition, I got to meet really incredible people who share my same passion. This was indeed an enriching experience.”

Amr A. Azhari, DDS, CAGS, MSBI, PhD Student Presented his poster at NASW-FL June 2019 Integrating Oral Health Contents into the School of Social Work Curriculum: An Approach to Improve Oral Health Awareness and Service Utilization

Amr A. Azhari, DDS, CAGS, MSBI, PhD Student

"As a dentist, the social work profession gives me the opportunity to work in a variety of settings and work towards multidimensional collaborative change. Participating and presenting in such an event allowed me to network with other social work professionals and learn about the research and work in which social work academics and professionals are engaging. Also, presenting at the conference offered me the opportunity to not only connect with and present my work to other social workers, but to engage in cross-disciplinary conversations with conference attendees from other fields as well.”

Marlene Holmes, PhD Student Presented at NASW-FL June 2019 Leaving Home: Psychological and Physiological Transition from Collegiate Sports for Black Women

Marlene Holmes, PhD Student

“Attending the NASW-FL Conference definitely contributed to my development as a doctoral student and scholar in the field of social work. In preparation for the conference, my primary focus was presenting my content in a way that was both informative and intriguing. I was able to apply recently-learned teaching methods, which allowed my presentation to be successful. My topic of black female collegiate athletes is fairly new to the field of social work; however, the attendees were very receptive. As a novice researcher, the feedback and questions from attendees made me feel as if I’m an “expert researcher.” The experience inspired me to continue to expand my knowledge and to collect questions that will continue to guide my research.”

Aiyana Gonzalez, BSW Student Attended NASW-FL June 2019 “Attending the NASW 2019 Conference confirmed the path that I’m choosing to follow in my SW practice. It was eye-opening, educational and reinforced my knowledge. It was a great way to grow my networking resources, while meeting other professionals and students.”

Odet Sanchez, BSW Student Attended NASW-FL June 2019 “For me, the conference was a great opportunity to network and get to know like-minded people. The workshops were incredible, and I got to learn a lot about different types of practices. I will definitely be attending next year's conference!�

Heart of Social Work Celebration The Heart of Social Work Celebration was a heartfelt event held in March 2019. It was a great opportunity for field educators, field advisors, faculty, staff and students to celebrate, honor and recognize the heart of social work - field education. The following field educators and advisors with over 10 years of service were also recognized: Eloisa Roses-Ramos, Jada Hunter, Linda Laviano, Maria Fernandez, Susan Fleming and MaryAnn Goldson. MaryAnn Goldson was also awarded Field Advisor of the Year.

Public Guardian: Passed Audit! Barry University’s Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) had a monitoring visit April 23 - April 27, 2019 conducted by Franco Garcia of the Department of Elder Affairs. These on-site monitoring visits are required to assure that the OPG is compliant with contractual, as well as statutory regulations. The OPG recently received the results of the monitoring visit on June 6, 2019. For the past 21 years, Barry University’s Office of the Public Guardian has become the advocate and protector of our elderly and other vulnerable adults. This OPG makes decisions about the person and property of the client and does whatever is necessary to prevent abuse, financial exploitation, victimization, danger to health and loss of property. The OPG also formulates a guardianship plan to enhance each client’s situation and help them live the highest quality of life possible. In 1998, Barry University’s School of Social Work agreed to take on the not-forprofit program, which became the designated public guardianship program for Broward County, Florida’s 17th Judicial Circuit. Here are some of the findings from the monitoring visit: Administration & General Observations: “All the information in the administration section was readily located and appropriate. The ratio of 40:1 ward per staff allowed the staff to provide excellent guardianship services, an increased frequency of ward visits, attendance at most care/support/hab plans, attending most doctor appointments, following up on issues and overall advocating on behalf of the wards.” Programmatic & General Observations: “All aspects of the annual monitoring of the program reflected that the program meets the statutory and contractual requirements for provision of public

guardian service, including the onsite office visit and the ward facility visits. The program was noted to exceed the contractual and statutory requirements in many areas, including the amount of ward visits, attendance at care/support/hab plans, timely submission of Initial Guardianship Plans to the courts and attendance at doctor’s appointments. The program is to be commended for its best practices and appropriate guardianship services. Barry University continues a best practice of consolidating evacuation plan details in a single easily accessible file.” Monitoring Summary: “The employees of Barry University were very cooperative during this monitoring visit. The program files were very accessible and the Office of Public & Professional Guardians (OPPG), staff could readily find information in the files. The annual monitoring visit of Barry University reflected a wellorganized and effective program that met or exceeded all contractual and statutory requirements. Review of the open and closed ward records revealed that the information was tabbed and readily accessible. The ward visits reflected that the guardian representatives were attending the hab/support/care plan meetings on a regular basis. The ward visits showed that the guardian case managers were making two (2) to eight (8) and sometimes more visits to the wards per month. The ward visits, facility staff and ward interviews revealed that the guardian case managers were attending most of the ward’s doctor’s appointments. The program should be commended for the organization of important ward information and servicing a large ward population. Their efforts resulted in high quality services being provided to the wards.” For any questions about our monitoring visit results or our program, please contact Eloisa Ramos, executive director or Sandra Samamé, associate director at (954) 862-3655.

Public Guardian Spotlight: Milton Santos, MSW My name is Milton Santos, and I have been a public guardian social worker at the Barry University Office of the Public Guardian for almost four years. I’ve been blessed and honored to work with an amazing group of people who have a special calling to advocate for the elderly and individuals with disabilities. Milton Santos, MSW

My role as an advocate and case manager has allowed me to accomplish many great things for my clients/wards: making sure they receive proper nutrition, hygiene, housing, medical care and outings; placing them in different group home or nursing facilities when necessary; and relocating them with family out-of-state to ensure their safety and optimal quality of life. With this work, I am living the mission of Barry University. My continuous learning and constant inspiration to accomplish my guardianship work often comes from my participation in faculty meetings and presentations at the School of Social Work. I will be forever grateful for the learning experiences at Barry OPG, as they’ve allowed me to accomplish great things both personally and professionally. I can also say that I’m a better person today because my clients have taught me to appreciate the simple things in life. Lastly, my work would not be possible without the nurses, staff, doctors, judges and magistrates who all work together for the benefit of these individuals. My wish is to continue our very important guardianship work and to inspire others to continue improving healthcare for all, especially for the most vulnerable among us.

Field Educator Spotlight: Consuelo Moreno Quantum Therapeutics is a center for the mind, body and spirit. Therapy begins with the premise that all of us have the innate power to heal ourselves physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually. A safe and caring environment is provided to inspire, empower, support and encourage growth with cutting edge therapies and open hearts. Consuelo Moreno

Barry alumnus Consuelo Moreno's almost 40-year history of compassionate healing began in the HIV/AIDS community at the height of the epidemic. In an environment of hopelessness, Consuelo assisted hundreds of men and women to resolve issues quickly and transition peacefully. The experience of facilitating the acceptance of life and death on such a large scale birthed Consuelo’s spiritual counseling practice for those with HIV/AIDS. Many of the philosophies and unique treatment models she uses today grew from this spiritual counseling and facilitation of large therapy groups. To this day, Consuelo continues to assist clients to connect deeply to their essence and develop their conscious awareness. In addition to traditional clinical social work, she practices holistic and integrative energetic techniques such as Body Talk, Psych-K, Radiesthesia, Body Intuitive, Sintergetica and Manos to achieve each client’s goals. Her philosophy is guided by the following principles: • • • • •

The client is the central focus of the healing process. The greatest power to heal resides within each individual. Each person is a unique physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. Each aspect of a person – physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual – must be appropriately addressed for lifelong healing and rejuvenation. Only by determining and correcting the underlying root cause(s) of imbalance can a person heal and transform traumas.

Her goal is for clients to awaken their potential and discover a new perspective on life.

Consuelo is one of Barry’s Field Educators. She enjoys mentoring and supervising Barry graduate students -- empowering them to give the best of themselves as they connect with their clients from the heart. Quantum Therapeutics also has recently expanded to add Quantum Integrative Medicine. In this effort, Consuelo has partnered with two integrative medical doctors and an acupuncturist/homeopath to expand the scope of practice to also support clients’ physical wellbeing. Quantum Integrative Medicine strives to provide our community with effective alternatives to chemical medicine including nutrition, IV therapy, and homeopathy.

Student Spotlight Philip Giarraffa Congratulations Philip Giarraffa on successfully defending your dissertation: “Yes, We Can! A Phenomenological Study of College and University Presidents that Hold Advanced Degrees in Social Work.”

Students The following have passed the LCSW Exam: • •

Sarah Bartley, 2019 Jennifer Urbay, LCSW, 2019

• • • •

Steven Ellison, LCSW, 2019 Yillian Fraga, LCSW, 2018 Sloan Bruan Loenzini, 2018 Amanda Moore, LCSW, 2017

Adjunct: Shawn Stanton After many turbulent events in my youth I was able to return to academics in the early 2000s. I was inspired by my late mother’s dedication to Barry University, where she received her degree in philosophy. Following in the family tradition of helping others, I enrolled and was accepted into the Barry University advanced one-year clinical Shawn Stanton

master’s level social work program.

Here, I was advised by an aspiring academic (and soon to be doctoral colleague) Dr. Maria Teahan to “tell my friends and family that you’ll see them next year.” I took heed of her advice and completed the intense program with a 4.0 GPA average. Soon after, I was accepted into the Barry School of Social Work inaugural doctoral cohort. Since receiving my PhD, which next to the birth of my children and my wedding day is the greatest event of my life, I have branched out to become my own boss and an entrepreneur. I am enthusiastically and constantly on the move, assisting vulnerable and oppressed populations through short and long-term contract work. Currently, I wear several social work hats, including group facilitator at two separate substance abuse treatment centers; a private practice in Boca Raton specializing in substance abuse, mood disorder and anxieties; expert court witness for the University of Miami law program; developer of several online CEU online materials; and, of course, a happy and enthralled adjunct professor at Barry University. My spare time consists of continuing to develop research and seek publication. And it’s not as time consuming as one might think since my diligence in academics allowed me the gift of time management. I get to play with my kids every morning, go to work and be home in time for dinner and more family time. Never have I been more welcomed and respected as I am from at Barry

University. I’m so excited to be a part of the team and dare I say, “Barry proud”!

Faculty Spotlight Ashley Wright “My first year with BUSSW was a blast, with lots of new colleagues and students to get to know and build a vision with. We added many exciting elements to the program this year. These include a part-time offering, a 3+3 with the Adrian Law School, a 2+2 with MDC for transfer students, a social work minor and more! I can’t wait to see what 2020 will bring us, and I am so thankful to be a part of this team!” Ashley Wright

Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Michael J. Alicea Dr. Michael J. Alicea swore in at the Guardian ad Litem ceremony on Friday, June 26, 2019. The Florida Guardian ad Litem Program advocates for the best

interests of Florida’s abused, abandoned and neglected children. Their goal is to help children find their way to a safe, loving and permanent home.

2019 Doctoral Fellowship Award Ms. Noemi Marquez Please join us in congratulating Ms. Noemi Marquez on receiving the 2019 Doctoral Fellowship Award from the Center for Human Rights & Social Justice (CHRSJ). Her innovative and important research: The Lived Foster Care Experiences of Transgender and Gender Diverse Young Adults is consistent with the CHRSJ’s Pillar: Promoting Inclusive Communities for Individuals with Diverse Sexual Orientations and Gender Identities initiative. Ms. Noemi Marquez

This research is innovative and addresses a notable gap in the literature. Moreover, the study represents a promising step toward advancing knowledge about a particularly underserved and marginalized subgroup of transgender young people. We commend Ms. Noemi for her advocacy and commitment to human rights and social justice!

Center for Human Rights and Social Justice's Research Fellowship Joshua Holzworth Joshua Holzworth, a bachelor of social work student in his junior year, was awarded the Center for Human Rights and Social Justice's 2019 Research Fellowship to work with Dr. Ashley Austin on qualitative and quantitative research projects focused on elucidating risks to well-being, as well as sources of resilience, faced by transgender and gender diverse youth and adults. Joshua Holzworth

Josh’s primary clinical and research foci include mental illness, stigma, marginalized populations, and Jungian approaches to clinical intervention. Congratulations on this prestigious award!

Center for Human Rights and Social Justice Student Advocate Award

Michidael Ceard

Jamie Vaughn

Please join us in congratulating the CHRSJ 2019 Student Advocate Award Winners. Their passion and commitment to activism are an inspiration to students across the Barry University campus. Their efforts align with the mission of the CHRSJ to create safe and inclusive spaces on campus and in communities locally and globally. Michidael Ceard was born in Port Au Prince, Haiti. She immigrated to Miami in April 2013 with her family at the age of 13. She is currently a junior studying English literature and seeking to minor in Africana studies at Barry University. Ceard has worked on numerous civic engagement projects with the most notable being the Temporary Protected Status Workshop for Undocumented People in Opa-Locka and the Rights for Restoration campaign that successfully helped in adding Amendment 4 to the Florida Constitution. With time, she plans to become a civil rights attorney working with a non-profit for social justice and exclusivity. Jamie Vaughn is currently a first-year graduate student in the School of Social Work at Barry University and works as a graduate assistant for 1HTC. She comes to Barry with a master's in women's, gender and sexuality studies from Florida Atlantic University. Her future career path includes working in sexual assault prevention, comprehensive sex education and sex therapy. After

graduating, she hopes to receive her PhD in human sexuality or clinical sexology.

Upcoming Events AUG



16 & 31


19 - 20


7 - 11



Summer Graduation Celebration

Field Campus Based “Setting the Stage for Success”

Trauma-Informed Care Certificate

Professional Guardianship Training

Practiced Directed Seminar “Ready, Set, Go & Ready, Set, Grow”


17 - 19



Certificate in Trauma-Informed Student Support Services in Schools

Grilling and Chilling

Faculty Publications and Presentations Dr. A. Austin Austin, A., Craig, S. L., Dentato, M. P., Roseman, S., & McInroy, L. (2019). Elucidating Transgender Students’ Experiences of Microaggressions in Social Work Programs: Next Steps for Creating Inclusive Educational Contexts. Social Work Education, Austin, A., Craig, S. L., D’Souza, S. & McInroy, L. Finding Escape, Belonging, and Hope Online: A Grounded Theory Study of Transgender Youths' Internet Engagement. Society for Social Work and Research San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2019. Craig, S. L., McInroy, L., Eaton, A. & Austin, A. Navigating Negativity Online: How Gender and Sexual Minority Youth Cope with Cyber Discrimination. Society for Social Work and Research San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2019. Iaccono, G., Craig, S. L., & Austin, A. Addressing Anti-LGBTQ Violence within North American Social Work Programs. Society for Social Work and Research San Francisco, CA, January 18, 2019. Austin, A. & Holzworth, J. (IRB Accepted April, 2019). Trans Perspectives Project: Expanding Gender Dysphoria Knowledge. International Queer Youth Resilience (INQYR) Project (2018-2023).

Dr. Sarah Lewis

LaPorte, H. & Lewis, S. (2019). Collaborative Human Trafficking Task Force Evaluation, PBBSO.

Dr. Heidi Heft LaPorte LaPorte, H. (March 1, 2019). The Pedro Pan Experience from Different Spiritual Perspectives. Panel discussion with Eloy Cepero; Eloisa Eschazaba and Marcos Kerbel at the Centro Cultural EspaĂąol de Cooperacion Iberoamericana, Inc.

Dr. Jill Levenson Levenson, J.S. (2019). Trauma-Informed Practice in Sex-Offending Treatment. Washington ATSA Chapter, 3/2/19, Cle Elum, WA. Levenson, J.S. (2019). Sex Offender Housing Restrictions. Mitchell Hamline School of Law. St. Paul, MN. 2/28/19. Ackerman, A. & Levenson, J.S., (2019). Vicarious Restorative Justice in Sexual Assault Cases. Safer Society Press: Brandon, VT. Ackerman, A., & Levenson, J.S. (2019). Restorative Justice: Building Bridges Among Individuals Impacted by Sexual Harm. Panel discussion at UMass Lowell’s. Lowell, MA. April 1, 2019. Massachusetts ATSA conference, Marlborough, MA 4/4/19. Ackerman, A., & Levenson, J.S. (2019). Restorative Justice. Massachusetts ATSA conference, Marlborough, MA 4/4/19. Grady, M. (Principal Investigator) & Levenson, J. (Co-Investigator) (2019). $50,000 Award National Sexual Violence Resource Center (RALIANCE Grant) Levenson, J. (2019) Named by the Journal of Social Service Research as being among the top 100 most influential contemporary social work faculty by the H-Index.

Dr. Tisa McGhee McGhee, T. (2019) Harnessing Technology for Impact: Developing a Data Sharing Community. Accepted presentation at 30th Annual Conference of The Network for Social Work Management. Chicago, IL.

Dr. Sheila McMahon Redcay, Alex & McMahon, Sheila. (2019). Assessment of Relationship Addiction. Sexual and Relationship Therapy McMahon, S. (2019). Abstract accepted to present at the European Association of Schools of Social Work. Madrid, Spain. June 4 – 7, 2019.

Dr. Fabio A. Naranjo Ferguson, A., Tenzer, C., and Naranjo, F. A. (April 12, 2019). Florida’s Child Welfare System and Its Needs for Reform. Presented at the Latino Social Workers Organization (LSWO) Bi-Annual Conference hosted by Barry University School of Social Work Florida Conference. Miami Shores, FL

Dr. Eva Nowakowski-Sims Nowakowski-Sims, E. & Kumar, J. (2019). Increasing Self-Efficacy with Legislative Advocacy Among Social Work Students. Journal of Social Work Education. Nowakowski-Sims, E. (2019). Childhood Adversity and Delinquency among Youth in the Context of Child-to-Parent and Sibling-to-Sibling Violence. Poster presented at Society for Social Work and Research 23rd Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA. Nowakowski-Sims, E. (2019). Program Evaluator, “Innovations in CommunityBased Crime Reduction Program,” Department of Justice, $100,000 grant.

Dr. Mark Smith Smith, M. S. (2019). Kolkatta’s Burning Ghats: The Power of Personal Ritual in Addressing Grief Associated with Historical Trauma. In B. CounselmanCarpenter & A. Redcay, (Eds.) Working with Grief & Traumatic Loss: Theory, Practice, Personal Reflection & Self-Care for Clinicians. San Diego, CA. Cognella Publishing.

Dr. Jennifer Williams Williams, J. (2019) Compassion and Burnout: Implementing a Mindfulness Intervention with Elementary School Teachers in a Title 1 School. Group meets weekly. Study began Feb. 4, 2019 and will end on May 24, 2019.

Dr. Maria Teahan Teahan, M. (2019, April). LSWO higher education learning. Panel presentation at the LSWO National Conference, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL Professional Training Administered by Faculty to a Professional Audience Austin, A. (2019). AFFIRM Training, Pride and Joy Families-University of Binghamton, Binghamton, NY April 4-5, 2019 Karp, David, McMahon, Sheila, and Cirioni, Frank. (March 14-17, 2019). Introduction to Restorative Justice Training at University of Oregon for campus administrators. Karp, David, Williamsen, Kaaren, McMahon, Sheila, & Harris, Nina (March 2829, 2019) Introduction to RJ in the Context of Sexual Misconduct on College Campuses National Training hosted by Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Karp, David, McMahon, Sheila, & Harris, Nina. (January 9-11. 2019). 3-Day Training on Restorative Justice for Barry University Faculty, Staff and Students. Levenson, J., Teahan, M., Williams, J., & M. Rodriguez. Trauma-Informed Care Certificate Program, Barry University, 3-day training, Jan. 25 - 26, Jan. 30, 2019 Williams, J. (2019, January). Utilizing Mindfulness as a Self-Regulatory Practice for Professionals in the Helping Professions. College of Nursing and Health Sciences, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL

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