The portfolio book

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Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Curriculum Vitae

EXTENDED CV SKILLS: Adobe Photoshop Adobe Indesign Adobe Illustrator Adobe Premiere Adobe Lightroom Adobe After Effects Solidworks (3d program) Silkscreening Welding Studio Photography LANGUAGES: Dutch English Germaan ADRESS: Anjelierstraat 21a, Eindhoven POSTAL CODE: 5644 PD BIRTHPLACE: Haarlem PHONE NUMBER: +31613820123 BSN: 186370349 FIRST NAMES: Bart Christian SPORTS: Windsurfing Snowboarding Hockey Soccer Chess Cycling DIPLOMA’S: Driving license B Swimming Diploma A Swimming Diploma B Windsurfing CWO 4 VWO Diploma FAVOURITE: Meal: Haring Sandwich Colour: Blue Chocalate: Milk HOBBY’S: Doing fun things Chilling with friends Going to the cinema’s EYE COLOUR: Blue HAIR COLOUR: Dark blond / Brown HEIGTH: 1,76 Meters WEIGTH: 88 Kilograms BMI: 28,4 ALLERGIES: None. HAND OF CHOICE: Right hand FAMILY: 2 brothers. One older, one younger. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single (14-08-2011) RELIGION: None. DOGS OR CATS: Dogs. OTHER SKILLS: I can blow cirkles with sigarette smoke I can ride a bicycle with no hands I can ride with two bicycles (one in my right hand) I can make a wheely in a wheelchair.

BART EYSINK SMEETS CV STUDY: 2000-2006 Stedelijk Gymnasium Haarlem, Profile Nature and Technology. 2006-2007 University of Huddersfield, Transport Design. 2007-2008 TU Delft, Industrial Design. 2008 Photogram Digital Photography Course. 2008-2012 Design Academy Eindhoven, Department Man and Living. WORK: 2008-2012 Co-founder of Das Kind. On, me and my brother made and posted about 20000 pictures of party’s and write texts. We organised several expositions, party’s and photo shoots. OTHER: SNOR. On the Design Academy I developed several articles for SNOR, the school magazine. Windsurf teacher. In summers I teach windsurfing on summer camps in the Netherlands.



Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11

FINISHED HOME. In modern architecture a lot of things are pre destined. The architect decides the place of the walls, bathroom, kitchen, windows, radiators and plugs. Therefore, the architect also desides were your bed will be, or your dining table. Or where you will put your phone charger. Is this bad? Is this good? Some times an architect is well qualified to make these kind of decisions and to take them of your shoulders. I developed the ‘finished home’. An appartment where everything you need is already there when you come in, and you will never have to buy something new. I designed all the 273 different objects myself in a CAD program and placed them in a booklet, so you can quickly organise your stuff, because everything has got it’s own place. next page> In the book are the objects with their number and location. There is also a map attached to the book, so you can quickly find the place in your appartment. On the floor, tables, closets etc. are also imprints and numbers of the objects, so you know you can put them there. For example, the dining table is number 124.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11



Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11



Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Finished home. | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | The blue house. | DAE 07-’11

THE BLUE HOUSE. We were given the assignment to present a book ‘portraits of people trough their objects’ inside a house. I wanted to make an object out of the house itself, to create a new relationship with the people entering the house.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | The blue house | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | The blue house | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | The blue house | DAE 07-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Portraits of people trough their objects | 09-’11

PORTRAITS OF PEOPLE TROUGH THEIR OBJECTS. Trough a book we tried to make portraits of people trough their objects. It was a group effort, and my role was to interview all the people and take the pictures.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Portraits of people trough their objects | 09-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | SNOR Magazine article ‘Pleased to meet you to’ | DAE 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | SNOR Magazine article ‘Pleased to meet you to’ | DAE 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | SNOR Magazine article ‘Angel and Demon’ with wallposter | DAE 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | SNOR Magazine article ‘Angel and Demon’ with wallposter | DAE 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010

FRITS WAVES GOODBYE. I was asked to come up with a concept for the graduation ceremony of the Design Academy. I thought the things you would miss about the school were the beautifull people you saw everyday, like the concierge Frits and the textile instructor Wilma. next page> I put the whole budget in a farewell gift. A book with the whole staff of the Design Academy waving goodbye, accompanied with a farewell speach. Henk the computer guy: ‘Allways check your settings and make something nice out of it.’


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010 Wilma (textile workshop instructor)


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Graduation Ceremony ‘DAE Waves Goodbye’ | DAE 12-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | 135 Shopping Lists | 09-’11

135 SHOPPING LISTS. I collect shopping lists. With 135, I decided it was time to make a book.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | 135 Shopping Lists | 09-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | 135 Shopping Lists | 09-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | 135 Shopping Lists | 09-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Smoking Kills. | DAE 10-’10

SMOKING KILLS Some sigarettes are worth it dying 28 minutes earlier for. I wanted to map out if smoking could actually be worth it.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Smoking Kills. | DAE 10-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Remake of a old found picture| DAE 7-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | Remake. | DAE 7-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | Finished home. | DAE 7-’11

THE ORIGIN OF CUP. An assignment about ‘evolution’ made me think about Darwin and all the disbelieve his theory gets. By making 300 coffee cups that slowly evolve from a cup without an ear to a cup with an ear, I wanted to make Darwin’s theory on evolution visual. As a product in society, you also have to be the fittest to survive, therefore, if a cup could multiply itself, it would evolve into a fitter specie. This range of cups has been in two exhibitions and is now on sale in a Design shop in eindhoven. You can choose your own set of 5 cups.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | Finished home. | DAE 7-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3DWork | The origin of cup | DAE 6-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3DWork | The origin of cup | DAE 6-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3DWork | The origin of cup | DAE 6-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3DWork | The origin of cup | DAE 6-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | What is the product of a life? | DAE 10-’10

WHAT IS THE PRODUCT OF A LIFE? I was inspired by all the waist a life produces, so I tried illustrating that by drawing a picture of a pencil with that same pencil, then sharpen it, and draw the pencil again, untill it’s too small and useless. I did this with a markerpen, a fineliner, a painttube, a ballpoint and an inkpot. On the end I wanted to measure the ‘product of a pencils life’ more accurate and decided to make the pencil-drawing-machine to measure the length of a line you can draw with one pencil. Nobody really got the filosophical meaning of it, but everybody thought it was very pretty.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | What is the product of a life? | DAE 10-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | BLöK | DAE 7-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | BLöK | DAE 7-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | ‘Tafelhuis’ | DAE 8-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | ‘Tafelhuis’ | DAE 8-’11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | ‘Tafelhuis’ | DAE 8-11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Work | ‘Tafelhuis’ | DAE 8-11


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Beest’ |DAE 7-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Beest’ |DAE 7-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Moederkerk’ | DAE 7-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Moederkerk’ | DAE 7-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Huisvriend’ |DAE 2-’10


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | 3D Work | ‘Huisvriend’ |DAE 2-’10



Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Das Kind

DAS KIND. | 2008-2011 (and still going on)

We (me and my brother: Rik Eysink Smeets) take pictures on party’s and than we put them on the website, with a short text. For free drinks and eternal glory. Over time it also became a celebration of the female beauty.

We did a lot of party’s, expositions and other stuff. In total we had five photographers working for us, but 99 percent of the pictures are taken by me and my brother. Also all the pictures you will see in this portfolio were taken by me.

Party Paradiso | 6-2-2009 Party Club NL | 2-4-2009 Exposition Doortje Originals Eindhoven| 9-3-2011 Exposition Studio K Amsterdam | 22-1-2010 Exposition Amstelhaven Amsterdam | 26-11-2010 Photoshoot No War Kids | 11-12-2009 Photoshoot Magazine | 31-10-2008 Photoshoot T-Shirts | 30-6-2008 Photoshoot The Dykes NDSM | 3-9-2008


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | Das Kind


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Website


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Website


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Photo gallery headers with texts on website


Stranger Festival – StudioK – 171009 “Luister, van Druijvensteijn, als ik zeg dat je moet verkopen, dan moet je godverdomme verkopen. Ik heb je ingehuurd om naar me te luisteren, en dan verwacht ik ook dat je me serieus neemt.” “Wat?” “Waarom heb je moeite me serieus te nemen?” “Mijn komkommertelefoon heeft hier niks mee te maken!”

Anti-F-f-f-fashion – Westerliefde – 290111 Je kan wel door de grond zakken op zo’n moment. Vreselijk, wij kennen het gevoel precies. Dat je na een half uur fietsen aankomt op het hockeyveld en dan iemand vraagt ‘Waar is je stick?’

Baise-Moi/360/After – Trouw/? – 070810 Haha, piemel.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Photo gallery headers with texts on website

A’dam – 100610 Hij wilde niet op de foto, maar dit is Bassie, van Bassie en Adriaan.

Rust Roest en Onderstroom – Geheime Locatie – 050909 Heb je je wel eens gerealiseerd dat dat ene magische windstiltegebiedje op je rug de enige plek op je hele lichaam is die je niet met je handen kunt bereiken, en dat je dat eigenlijk dag in dag uit toch zouden moeten proberen, waar je ook bent, wat je ook aan het doen bent? Nou, zij wel. Noorderlicht Festival – Noorderlicht – 210509 “Dus Egbert moet je luisteren; er zitten twee muffins in de oven. Zegt die ene muffin tegen die andere muffin, ‘ik krijg het een beetje warm hier, jij?’ Waarop die andere muffin geschrokken zegt…. Waarop die…waarop.. Egbert?…. Leuheuk..”

Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind |Exposition Doortje. | 10-2010

EXHIBITION DOORTJE. Our first exposition was in a vintage clothing shop called Doortje and we exposed our pictures and our new T-shirts. The shirts were handpainted and part of a big frame. next page> One of the frames with the T-shirts.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind |Exposition Doortje. | 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind |Exposition Doortje. | 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind |Exposition Doortje. | 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Internet party. | 10-2010

INTERNET PARTY. Because we had a new website, we wanted to give a ‘launchparty’. And because it was the launchparty of the website, we wanted to give an online party. So we created a virtual dancingroom, smokingroom and toilet, some music, a chatroom and some balloons and cheese and the party could begin. next page> Smoking room and toilet


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Internet party. | 10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Internet party. | 10-2010 | Movie Stills in virtual spaces: ‘Rookruimte’ (smoking room)


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Internet party. | 10-2010 | Movie Stills in virtual spaces: ‘Wc’ (Toilet)


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Toilet poetry collection - exhibition. |10-2010

EXHIBITION TOILET POETRY. I collect toilet notes. Notes people put up in toilets to let people know they shouldn’t make a mess, leave the toilet seat up or poo on the floor. During the exhibition I got really emotional. I never made something that everybody loved so much. next page> the note it all started with.


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Toilet poetry collection - exhibition. |10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Toilet poetry collection - exhibition. |10-2010


Portfolio Bart Eysink Smeets | DasKind | Toilet poetry collection - exhibition. |10-2010



Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Foto Shoot ‘Dykes’ | DasKind 4-’09 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Minimaal Feestmaal Studio 80 | DasKind 4-’08 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | BBQ Stavangerweg |DasKind 6-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | DasKindKlub Paradiso | DasKind 7-’09 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Spoof BC12 | 1-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Spoof BC12 | 1-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | IJLand IJmeer |Daskind 07-’09

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | IJLand IJmeer |Daskind 07-’09

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Display BG | DasKind 5-’08 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Brillen benefiet feest | DasKind 8-’10

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Mr. Stubnitz Stubnitz |DasKind 11-’08 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Studio 80 | DasKind 10-’08 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Bunker |Daskind 07-’10 | (used in exposition Studio K)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Canvas |Daskind 07-’09 | (used in exposition Studio K)

BBQ Stavangerweg |DasKind 6-’11|

Minimaal Feestmaal Studio 80 | DasKind 4-08 |

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography |Studio 80 |Daskind 07-’09

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Birthday Mattia Arnhem | DasKind 4-’10

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Mr. Stubnitz Stubnitz |DasKind 11-’08| (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | FotoShoot ‘No War Kids’ | DasKind 12-’09 | (used in exposition Studio K)

FotoShoot ‘No War Kids’ | DasKind 12-’09 | (used in exposition Studio K)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Studio 80 |Daskind 02-’09 | (used in expositions Studio K and Doortje)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Bunker |Daskind 07-’09 | (used in exposition Studio K)

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Heerengracht ? Amsterdam |Daskind 12-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Plak Secret Location |Daskind 02-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Panama |Daskind 01-’11

Bart Eysink Smeets Portfolio | Photography | Amsterdam |Daskind 12-’10

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