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All architects experiment but only a few push the limits of what is possible and considered rational, by challenging their own understanding of what architecture is and how it is created. Some of these experiments succeed, while others fail. Casa Sperimentale is one such extraordinary experiment in building, which has escaped the attention of the architectural and academic community, and as such has rarely been published.

Being neglected and at danger of collapse, this research project aims to uncover the historical context of Casa Sperimentale and the architectural canon of post-war Italy that it was created in. Furthermore, it provides an extensive survey and documentation of the building. Using 3D scanning, a digital facsimile has been created as an up-to date record of the building, with the 3D model forming the basis for AR experiences. Real-life modelling has also been used to explore the modular design.

The building is not based on a compositional framework but rather explores design as an interactive iterative process. Perugini – a pioneer in computing in architecture – used the latest tools of the 1960s and 70s to speculate how building design can respond to the user’s requirements. This research focuses on how the latest developments in AR can be used to interact and test ideas through a gamelike interface. The research is presented on a website (www.casasperimentale.org) where visitors can explore the historical context of the building and play with the interface to create endless versions of the house using the 199 building elements.

8 The walls of Casa Sperimentale are constructed out of precast concrete frames. Each wall has a different tectonic.