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Forthcoming Events at Barton Court
Forthcoming Events:
27th Feb—Year 8 Options Evening
17th March—Spanish Exchange students arrive
18th March—Careers Fayre
Careers Fair 2020 @ BCGS
On March 18, 2020 Barton Court is hosting a careers event, bringing employers, businesses, higher education institutions and professionals together in our sports hall. From 9am to 4:15pm, students from all year groups will have access to explore career and training pathways with these representatives at varying points throughout the day. This year, we are inviting parents to participate in the Careers Fair –access will be available from 3:15 to 4:15.

This event should be an excellent opportunity to find out more about how to access particular jobs and courses, as well as discuss with representatives the skills that are essential in preparation for future opportunities in the workplace.
Barton Court’s Career’s Ambassadors will be involved as events managers; planning the event, liaising with representatives and ensuring students and parents are able to access this excellent opportunity.

Further information will be published by the end of February. Queries can be sent to mcullimore@bartoncourt.org along with requests for exhibition space at the Careers Fair.
2nd April—Spring Concert