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Robotic Surgical Services

Bringing Robotic Surgical Services to Barts Health NHS Trust

Ms Elly Brockbank and Mr Stephen Edmondson

Awarded £4.7M

We funded the introduction of robotic surgery at Barts Health with the joint purchase of two state of the art da Vinci robots at the Royal London Hospital and St. Bartholomew’s Hospital to be used across 7 surgical specialities.

The St Bartholomew’s Hospital robotics team

While not yet standard within the NHS, robotic surgery is rapidly gaining momentum, with its many clinical, operational, and reputational advantages. The two surgical robots will increase the number of surgeries completed via minimally invasive procedures, bringing important advantages to patients including reduced blood loss, reduced pain, reduced post-operative complications and shorter hospital stays.

Barts Health serves a population with significant social deprivation linked to higher rates of cardiovascular disease, obesity and a significantly increased cancer risk. Robotic surgery will play a critical role in minimising peri-operative and anaesthetic risks in the complex and high-risk patients that we serve across Barts Health hospitals and through this investment, patients will be able to access the highest quality surgical services with improved outcomes.

Funding the latest specialist surgical equipment is also helping to ensure that Barts Health hospitals can continue to attract world leading surgical talent and develop the next generation of promising young surgeons, who can now be trained in robotic surgery.

Elly Brockbank, Joy Ongcachuy and the newly arrived robot at the Royal London Hospital

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