Bart van der Kant
Dinner set
Festool Supertool
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Bart van der Kant
About me
My vision
My name is Bart van der Kant, I am 25 years old and I live in Amsterdam. Currently, I am in the last year of my HBO bachelor Product Design at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, also known as the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences or HvA. Starting September 2018, I am hoping to acquire an internship at a product design/product development company in order to conclude my studies and finish my degree. The bachelor Product Design involves every aspect of the designing discipline. During my studies, I have been taught about color, material, aesthetics, ergonomics, finishing, interaction, material, durability, costs and production. All these elements have been combined and applied in various designing projects. These projects were often the result of a collaboration with companies encountered in the workfield. In this portfolio, you will find an overview of projects that I have created over the past four years. It will demonstrate an accurate and clear perception of my skills and capabilities.
As a designer, I am inherently curious with regards to the world around me. Therefore, I am continuously in search of ways to contribute to today’s society. To provide solutions to the needs of society, I attempt to address these problems with my designs. My strength as a designer, lies in finding original and creative solutions to presentday issues and developing these solutions to a full-fledged and innovative product. I strive for high-quality products which are both aesthetically pleasing and of great detail.
2013 /
Product Design Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HVA)
Studio Sjoerd Jonkers Product en interior Design studio
+31 6 25396999 bartvanderkant@gmail.com Van Musschenbroekstraat 58, Amsterdam
Skills Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Hy-Light Wall lamp from cardboard Year: 2014
Hy-Light is a wall lamp for which only cardboard was used as production material. With the exception of the light source and the power cord, the entire lamp consist of one single sheet of material. The characteristic triangles of the lamp were created by partially cutting the cardboard which results in controllable folds in the cardboard. This causes the angular and static shape of the lamp to have an organic shape. By folding the ends, a tension is created on the cardboard, resulting in the bulging of the sides. Because of this combination, a new pattern is created at every fold and thus making each lamp unique. The starting point of this design was to not only use the lighting of the lamp, but utilize its shadow as well. Therefore, the shadow in and on the lamp is an important element of this particular design. In the phase of inquiry, various materials, such as paper, PP and cardboard have been experimented with. The light brown colour of the cardboard gives the lamp a warm appeal and creates a wide range of different colour tones due to the variety in incidence of light. These specific properties make cardboard the perfect material of this lamp. Afterwards, the extent to which cardboard could be folded was investigated. Cutting the cardboard halfway through was proven to be the best method for creating the characteristic triangles.
Hy-light consists of a single sheet of cardboard. No additional paint, glue or other residual materials were used. Consumers can easily and conveniently recycle the lamp after usage, which results in a contribution to the circular economy.
Teylers Museum dinner set Ceramic diner set for het Teylers Museum Year: 2015
The dinner set was designed exclusively for Teylers museum in Haarlem. The assignment was to produce a 2-piece dinner set. The design of the dinner set had to fit the style of the museum perfectly and had to form a family of shapes. The shape of the service was inspired by the architecture of the wellknown oval hall in the Teylers museum. The edge of the service is a reference to the mosaic which is used frequently in the decoration of the museum.
A concept was chosen from a series of sketches. Through 3D-printing, a physical model was produced. This physical model was used to produce a mold made out of plaster with which a 15-piece series was created. The process from pouring the ceramics to the glazing of the dinner set was realized completely manually.
ovale zaal Teylers Museum
Verbin-Dingen Modular closet Year: 2015
Verbin-dingen originated from a study project with HAY as a fictitious client. Verbin-dingen was created for the the people with ever-changing needs. The modular system changes along with the life of the consumer. Verbin-dingen can be upgraded to any desired closet. When the demands change it can easily be altered again. In this way the cupboard can always be modified to meet de new demands. The system exists of metal corners and T-junctions in combination with wooden planks. These wooden planks have a specific length ratio. This length ratio ensures that every combination comes out in equal distances and measurements. This leaves the customer with an endless amount of possibilities. The assembly of the closet is very simple and accessible. The boards are connected to the corners by bolts and remain a visible element of the cabinet.
FESTOOL supertool Sanding machine Year: 2017
The school subject ‘super drawing’ is a project where you design a new, upto-date sanding machine for the brand Festool. In this course you go through a process of hand sketches, digital sketching and 3D CAD designs leading to a realistic digital model. This model contains a realistic idea of the design with all essential details. An important part of the assignment consisted of retaining the aesthetics of Festool, and combine it with an impression of the future. Before the sketching process a mood board was created, that links up with a previously written design code. From this starting point, a large number of hand sketches were made during the ideation and design phase. Three concepts have been selected from these sketches. These chosen concepts have been developed into three equivalent concepts and elaborated into digital sketches. In the design phase, multiple iterations of the selected concepts were carried out. For the final phase, a concept had been chosen that has been developed into a final model. During this process we worked both with hand sketches and Solidworks (a CAD program). This helped to establish a realistic final model. The final model has been realized with Solidworks, Keyshot, Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator programs.
5 OriGO Innovative luchbox Year: 2015
We received an assignment from Brabantia to search for a product that is related to food enjoyment. Initially, you had to look for opportunities and solutions that increased food enjoyment. For these opportunities, the young consumer in 2020 was identified as the target group. After research it appeared that young consumers who would like to eat healthily and consciously created an area of interest. This target group lacks the funds to produce to branch to nutrition. This leaves me with the opportunity to design a product for the young consumer. This group of people is looking for convenient products to encourage taking homemade meals with them. After investigating the target group and assesing the opportunities, the design process started. In this design process, I have made a lot of of physical models instead of hand sketches. During the process this provided me with a proper representation of the right dimensions, feeling and shape. All these cardboard models gave me ample input to the final result, which can be seen on the next page.
The result is the OriGO, an innovative lunch box. The OriGo is inspired by the quote “Innoveren om te verrassen�. The purpose of this product is to change an old ritual and give it a completely new interpretation. This results in a product that is significantly different compared to the current lunch boxes. Current lunch boxes have dull, straight forms that lead to an uninspired and boring way of having lunch. The OriGO gives the advantage of taking your lunch in a compact manner and makes it easy to take along and takes up little space. After opening, a spacious dining bowl is unfolded which is not only convenient, but also gives the experience of having lunch at home. All this ensures a moment of rest and joy during lunch. After removing the lid, you can effortlessly snap off the corners by pulling out the walls. The OriGO completely folds out into a spacious bowl. The white inside is made of silicone rubber. This flexible bowl is easy to detach from the solid frame. The solid frame was produced by injection molding. This makes it easy to separate the parts in order to clean them and, in addition to that, they are even resistant to dishwasher programs.
Let’s keep in touch.
+31 6 25 39 69 99
instagram.com/bartvanderkant april 2018