The Brilliant Book of Easy Recipes

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Before you Begin


Cookery Terms and Equipment


Bread and Pizza


Sandwiches and Snacks


Vegetarian Food


Biscuits and Cakes






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Cookery Equipment Most of the equipment used in this book can be found at home already. Here are some of the things that you will need in this book:

Baking sheets

Baking tins

Metal sheets for baking food in the oven.

These come in all shapes and sizes so you can bake different shaped loaves and cakes.

Box grater

Bun trays

Use to grate food such as cheese and carrots. Keep your fingers away from the sharp edges.

These come in different sizes and are good for baking cupcakes and muffins.

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Chopping boards


These protect your work surface. Make sure you always use a different one for meat and a different one for vegetables.

Use colanders over the sink, either for washing fruit and vegetables or for draining pasta and cooked vegetables.


Frying pan

These come in many different shapes and sizes. Use them to cut out rolled dough.

Use this flat pan to fry vegetables or eggs. You will need to add very little butter or oil to a non-stick pan.



Be careful when chopping and always keep your fingers away from the sharp blade.

Scoop soup into bowls using a ladle.

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d a e r b a d So

You will need

For 1 loaf: • 40g butter, p lus extra for g reasing • 225g wholem eal flour, plus e xtra for dusting • 225g plain white flou r • 1 tsp salt • 2 tsp bicarbonate of soda • 2 tsp cream o f tartar • 1 tsp caster sugar • 175ml milk •17 5ml plain yogu rt

Breads leavened using yeast need to be left to rise. This traditional Irish bread uses bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar instead of yeast, so it can be put straight in the oven. 0°C/375°F/ 9 1 to n e v o e Preheat th tter over the u b le tt li a b u Gas 5. R coat it. baking sheet to


Extra equipment

• baking sheet • wire rack • sie ve Ask an adult to help you use th e oven


Hold the sieve over a bowl and pour the wholemeal and white flours, salt, bicarbonate of soda and cream of tartar into it. Tap the side of the sieve until the ingredients have fallen into the bowl below.


Cut the but ter into small pieces, then add them to the flour mixture .


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Rub the butter in to the flour until the mixture looks like breadcru mbs. Stir in the sugar.

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our e middle of the fl Make a well in th d yogurt together an ilk m e th ix M . crumbs the well. Stir to to in re tu ix m e th and pour dough is dry, add e th If h. ug do ft make a so too . If the mixture is ilk m e or m e bl ib dr a le more flour. wet, add a sprink



Sprinkle a little flour over your work surface. Turn the doug h onto the work surfa ce and shape it into a round shape . nd, baking sheet a a n o d n u ro of Place the ross in the top c a rk a m , e if n with a sharp k e dough, but th to in p e e d e uit the loaf. Cut q y through. not all the wa



Sprinkle a little more flour over the top of the loaf and put it in the oven. Bake it for about 40 minutes until When the well risen. loaf is cooked, put it on a wire rack to cool. Serve it warm with butter.


? d e k o o c it s I

gloves to take n e v o e s u , d e a gloved ead is cook To check if br e oven. Holding the loaf in e of f th bas the loaf out o e other glove and tap the w if it is th ollo hand, remove the loaf. It should sound h oked, it is not co If . h g u o r th cooked en for a few v o e th in f a put the lo ck it again. e h c n e th s te more minu

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a t t e h c s u Br

You will need

For 4 servings : • 2 tomatoes • salt and peppe r • 1 1/4 tsp olive oil • 1 sma ll baguette • 1 g arlic clove • 8 fresh basil leaves

Open sandwiches are ones that do not have a second slice of bread on top. Bruschetta are little Italian toasts that come somewhere between a mini open sandwich and a snack.

Extra equipment

Ask an adult to

Finely chop the tomatoe them in a b s and put owl. Sprinkle a pinch of s and a grindin alt g of black p epper over t tomatoes. T he hen pour ov er 1 teaspoo the olive oil n of and stir the mixture gent Set aside fo ly. r later.

Using Cut each tomato in half. s out the seeds your thumb, gently pres away. and jelly and throw them


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e cooker.




help you use th

Wipe and dry the chopping boar d. Cut off the end of the baguette, then cut eight slices, about 1.5cm thick.


Turn on the grill. If it is an electric grill, leave it to heat up for about 5 minutes. Arrange the bread slices on the grill rack and toast them so that both sides are golden.

31/01/2013 15:07

g plate. in v r e s a n t e toasts o rub the cu d Arrange th n a lf a h toast. rlic clove in Cut the ga top of each slice of you only he side over t ery strong taste, so ive them a v g s o a t h ly c t li r n a e G ts g b the toas u r o t d e e n ur. rlicky flavo a g d o o g a



Spoon the chopped toma toes and any juices from the bowl on top of the toasts. Drizzle th e rest of the olive oil over each of th e toasts.


Top each of the toasts with a basil leaf before you serve the bruschetta.


In Italy, little sn marinated v acks such as bruschett eg a, ser ved as a etables and cold meats olives, na ar These little ppetizer before the ma e sna in means ‘befo cks are called antipasti meal. , which re the meal’ .

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d a l a s e r Tricolo This is a traditional salad that you will find on the menu in Italian restaurants. Tricolore, which is pronounced ‘tree-co-lor-ay’, means three colours. The name reflects the three colours of the salad: red tomato, green avocado and white mozzarella. These are also the colours of the Italian flag.

You will need

For 4 servings : • 2 tomatoes • 1 ball of mozza rella (about 150g) • 1 avocado • 2 tsp red win e vinegar • sma ll pinch of sugar • 5 ts p extra virgin o live oil • salt and black pepper

your work Put four plates on matoes into slices surface. Cut the to Arrange a quarter k. ic th m m 6 t ou ab ch serving plate. ea on es ic sl e th of



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Cut the mozzarella ball in half and then cut each half into slices about 6mm thick. Arrange a quarter of the slices on each plate with the tom atoes.

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Cut into the ways, avocado length wn to all the way do n all the stone, the the the way round half of stone. Holding each the avocado in e hand, twist th site halves in oppo at directions so th rt. they come apa

Keeping them green!

When some fruit s, such as apple s and avocados, are cut, their fle sh turns brown be cause it reacts with the oxygen in a make the fruit h ir. It does not arm does not look n ful to eat but it ice. should ser ve th This is why you is salad as soon as you have made it.


Ask an adult to help you remove the stone from the avocado.

half in half Cut each avocado e skin. Cut the th f of el pe d an n agai about 6mm thick. avocado into slices e slices on each th of r te ar qu a Arrange . ato and mozzarella plate with the tom



isk To make the dressing, wh olive oil the vinegar, sugar and with a together and season it ing of pinch of salt and a grind e black pepper. Drizzle th dressing over the salads . and serve straight away

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s t i u c s i b Cheesy

You will need

These savoury biscuits are flavoured with tangy Cheddar cheese. When you want a treat, they make a great alternative to a traditional sweet biscuit. to 180°C/350°F/ Preheat the oven h baking sheets wit o tw e as re G . 4 Gas re the surface is butter, making su coated all over.


For 15 biscuits : • 115g butter, a t room tempera ture, plus extra for greasing • 115g Cheddar cheese • black pepper • 150g self-raising flour • cold wate r

Extra equipment

• 2 baking shee ts • sieve • wire rack Ask an adult to help you use th e oven.


Grate the cheese.


Put the butter and cheese in a bowl and add a good grinding of black pepper. Beat them together until they make a soft, creamy mixture.


Sieve the flour into . Stir the butter mixture er the mixture togeth together and then bring it with your hands.

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ture sized lumps of mix Break off walnute your hands to mak n ee tw be em th ll ts, and ro on the baking shee em th ce la P . lls round ba apart. spacing them well


ter, then gently Dip a fork into cold wa ch ball to flatten it. press onto the top of ea ping the fork in water You will need to keep dip e biscuit mixture. to stop it sticking to th



Bake the biscuits for 15-20 minutes until they are golden brown.

e en gloves, take th Using a pair of ov them on the oven and put of t ou ts ee sh cool baking e the biscuits to av Le e. ac rf su f oo a heatpr etal spatula to lift m a e us en th e for a minut rack to cool. them onto a wire



cookies Most cookie s need to be m soon after b aking. This a oved to a wire rack to co llo around the cookie, mak ws cool air to circulate ol ing all cookie was left on the b sure it stays crisp. If th akin e condensatio n (or moistu g sheet, re) would make it soggy.

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