Core Values
Hello Everyone Basepoint’s Core Values are important to the Company as they were developed by you, our team. These values reflect how you want to feel and behave at work every day and how you would like your colleagues to behave when in communication with you. Our core values are fundamental to developing our business and provide us with a shared purpose, as well as making our working environment an enjoyable place to be, impacting who we are, how we operate, who we hire and how we interact with people we care and work with. Basepoint has always been about our team ‘making a difference’ and it is you, our team, who bring this ideal to life, so share and remind each other of these values whenever you can and make everyone’s working lives happier. Brian Andrews Managing Director Basepoint Group of Companies
B Basepoint
We believe in building a strong culture of collaboration and communication in the business community using the outstanding knowledge and expertise of our teams, encouraging business growth and nurturing success.
Approachable We are proud of our welcoming and friendly teams, empathising with our customers and partners to build robust relationships.
S Service
We are dedicated to delivering the highest quality service, focusing on our customer’s requirements, encouraging feedback and ensuring we exceed their expectations.
Excellence We aspire to achieve excellence in all aspects of our business with the vision to exceed expectations.
P Passion
To make a real difference requires enthusiasm and dedication. We provide a positive and energising environment to inspire and motivate all to achieve success.
O Opportunity We create an environment for interaction and growth where like-minded people can thrive and achieve their goals.
Integrity We believe in transparency, we listen and speak honestly to establish a culture of trust and fairness.
N Nurture We value and support all, encouraging development and creativity for personal and professional growth.
Teamwork We recognise that our individual strengths can be enhanced by our ability to work together, respecting individual opinions, creating a supportive and dynamic environment.
Basepoint Centres Ltd, 61 Thames Street, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 1QW T 01753 853515 | E | basepoint-business-centres | @Basepoint_Cntrs |
Basepoint Business Centres basepointbusinesscentres