Silsila Azeemia : Azeemia Sufi Order : Urdu Book

The Silsila e Azeemia is a Muslim Sufi order based in Pakistan with a following in the UK, the US, Austria, Serbia, Russia, Australia, Canada & various countries of the Middle East. The Azeemia sufi order was started by Qalandar Baba Auliya (R.A) also known as Syed Muhammad Azeem Barkhia (1898-1979) in 1960. It is currently headed by Khwaja Shamsuddin Azeemi since 1980. Aims and objectives of Azeemia Spiritual Order, which are to be observed by all the members of this Order are: 01- To serve the Religion by remaining on the Straight Path. 02- To strive to advance the Spiritual Mission of the Islamic Prophet Mohammed after practicing his teachings truthfully. 03- To serve the creatures of God. 04- To invite the people to acquire the religious knowledge besides learning the spiritual and the modern sciences. 05- To help people to have that thinking pattern through which they could be aware of their Soul and the Spiritual Potentials. 06- To be sympathetic and courteous to everyone.