1 minute read
1. “ARMACHANI, De Macedonum ed Asianorum anno Solari, DISERTATIO” by Jacobi Usserii, 1648.
2. “Chronological Antiquities: or, the Antiquities and Chronology of the most ancient kingdoms, from the Creation of the World, for the Space of 5000 Years” by John
Jackson, 1752. 3. “Records of the Past” ,Vol. I by A. H. Sayce, 1888. 4. Hon. Emmeline M. Plunket “Ancient Calendars And Constelations”, 1903. 5. James H. Anderson “Riddles of prehistoric times”, 1911. 6. “Greek and Roman Hronology, Calendars and Years in Classical Antiquity” by A. E.
Samuel, 1972. 7. “Beliefs of the Hungarian people” by Tekla Dömötör, 1981. 8. “Woman‟s Dictionary of Symbols and Sacred Objects” by Barbara G. Walker, 1988. 9. “Ancient Astrology” by Tamsyn Barton, 1994. 10. “Vasil Tupurkovski, "History of Macedonia: From the death of Alexander III of
Macedon until the Roman-Macedonian Wars"; Titan, Skopje 1994. 11. Vasil Tupurkovski, "History of Macedonia: Filip II"; Titan, Skopje 1995. 12. M.B. Hatzopulos "Macedonian Institutions Under The Kings", Athens 1996.
13. “Macedonian Calendars in Macedonia during the Roman occupation” by Efstratios
Theodosiou and E. Danezis, 1997.
14. “Multiple features in the Orion constellation as recognized in Croatian folklore” by
Jadran Kale, 1996. 15. “The lost Roman calendars of ancient Macedonia” by E. Theodossiou and P. Mantarakis, 2006. 16. “The Phenomenon of Matt-painted Pottery in the Northern Aegean” by Barbara Horejs, 2007.
17. “Kokino Holy Mountain and Ancient Observatory” by Jovica Stankovski and Gjore
Cenev, 2007. 18. "Macedonian Folk Constelations" by Gjore Cenev, 2008. 19. “Imprints of the Neolithic Mind - Clay Stamps from Republic of Macedonia” by Goce
Naumov, 2008. 20. Joseph Roisman, Ian Worthington, "A Companion to Ancient Macedon"; Blackwell
Companions to Ancient World Ltd 2010. 21. Antonije Škokljev-Dončo, Slave Nikolovski-Katin, Risto Stefov (Chris Stefou), "Macedonia in Ancient Times"; Makedonska Iskra, Skopje 2010. 22. “Historical development of the ancient Macedonian calendar (ancient Macedonian,
Seleucid and Ptolemaic calendar)” by Lidija Kovacheva, 2011. 23. Mac Congail „The Thunderbolt“.
25. Mac Congail „The kingmakers – Gaul mercenaries“ .