THE ESPRESSO The official publication of the Pacific Northwest District of Key Club International
l OCTOBER 2012 l VOLUME 23 l ISSUE 1 l
Start the year off right with Project Educate, dues, the district board, and much more!
A taste of the ESPRESSO!
MESSAGES International District
8 6
Children’s Miracle Network UNICEF March of Dimes
p RESOURCES The Kiwanis Family Keeping Key Club Professional Communicating with your LTG Collecting and Turning in Dues
The Kiwanis Key Club Week 2012-2013 District Convention 2012 Recap International Convention 2012 Recap Seattle Rally 2012 Recap
SPOTLIGHT ON DIVISION 64 Lake Oswego High School
INTERNATIONAL BOARD International President
REBECCA RILEY This year as International President, I’d love to see Key Club both focus and extend the outreach of its many projects, and see Key Clubbers even more excited than they are already about the service they’re doing, the people they’re meeting, and the difference they’re making in the world. I hope you’ll join me in continuing to help make Key Club the best student organization in our world today! See you in D.C.!
International Trustee
CALVIN LEUNG Hey Key Clubbers! My name is Calvin Leung, and I’ve been a proud Key Clubber for the past 3 years. After a roller coaster-like run serving as a member and Lieutenant Governor, I now have the privilege to serve as your International Trustee! To me, Key Club has become more than just a club I serve alongside my friends. Rather than being life-changing, this organization to me has been life-defining. I hope to see you this year; if not now, than in DCON 2013!
GIOVANNI MCKENZIE To the leaders of the Pacific Northwest, I am so honored to serve you as the 2012-2013 Pacific Northwest District Governor. The impact you make as club leaders is much more important than anything I’m able to do. It’s club presidents and vice presidents like you (at the local level) that build this organization. Without you, Key Club International would not exist in 30 nations with a growing 262,000 membership. You are truly the keys.
District Secretary
KELSIE HOPPES Hey fellow PNW Key Clubbers! This year in the Pacific Northwest District will be a great year of service for Eliminate, Project Educate, and other amazing charities. I am excited and honored to take part in it as your 2012-2013 District Secretary. Make sure to keep your eye out for the District Directory, which is a great tool you can use for communication within the district. If you don’t receive it, or need anything else, feel free to contact me! Have fun!
DISTRICT BOARD District Treasurer
KENNETH LAM What is up, PNW Key Clubbers!? I’m Kenneth Lam. I enjoy skateboarding, rapping, judo, and Key clubbing! This year as your District Treasurer, I plan to attain a district membership of over 12,000 as well as expand our district by chartering new clubs. I will work with each LTG to ensure that all clubs pay their dues and are enthusiastic to share their love for service with one another. I look forward to an amazing year with all of you!
District Bulletin Editor
BASSEL HAMIEH Hello Pacific Northwestern-ers! I serve as your new District Bulletin Editor for the 2012-2013 term. I cannot express the joy and blessings that I have been given being part of such a powerful district. Creating the esPRESSo- this publication-has been an incredible experience and I encourage you to read it thoughtfully. It has tons of information that will help make your Key Club year an even greater success! Pass this magazine on to your friends and let this year be filled with passionate service!
DISTRICT BOARD Convention Chair
ANDY NGUYEN Greetings PNW Key Clubbers! Although Convention is still far away, the District Board has been planning for it for quite some time. This year’s theme will be “Diving into Service”. The reason we chose this theme was because we wanted to dive into the depths of what it really means to serve our homes, schools, and communities. We can’t wait to see everyone at Convention! And remember to mark your calendars for March 22nd-March 24th, 2013!
Communications Director
September is the ultimate recruiting time for Key Club, and I hope you all take advantage of that by promoting our PNW social media. “Like” our page on Facebook for district updates, follow us on Twitter, and read our Tumblr blog! Big news! We’re moving away from Wix and taking back The website is in the works, and it will be up soon! Email me at julia.szeto19@gmail. com if you have any questions or suggestions! ~ @pnwkeyclub ~
by Jessica Lee Lt.G. - Division 26
JAMAICA Jamaica is known for its blue Caribbean beaches, its rich blue mountain coffee, Bob Marley, the fastest man in the world - Usain Bolt, and its food, but people often fail to recognize the hardships and troubles the people face in this paradise. OUR DISTRICT PROJECT This year’s District Project is Project Educate. The goal of Project Educate is to improve the quality of education one school at a time. It’s the first of its kind it’s a joint project between the Pacific Northwest District and the Jamaica District. OUR GOALS Our monetary goal is $30,000, and with this money we will aid three different schools in Jamaica. Our goal is to provide library equipment, such as computers and printers, and classroom supplies, such as pencils and notebooks. Another goal is to rebuild the library of Wakefield Primary School, which was burnt down in April. Additional contributions include funding the tuition of two students for the 2013-2014 school year.
OUR PROGRESS... Although this project is still being planned out, we are currently partnered with EduFocal Jamaica and UNICEF Jamaica. EduFocal Jamaica will provide online assistance to students throughout the country, while UNICEF Jamaica will bring greater attention to this project. GET INVOLVED! On the club level, members can support this project by raising money, as well as awareness. Clubs in the Pacific Northwest District will have the opportunity to connect with clubs in the Jamaica District so that members can get a sense of what daily school life in Jamaica is really like. As motivation, there will be club competitions to receive awards at DCON 2013. Members can also contribute by purchasing and selling t-shirts and wristbands. If you have questions, feel free to contact our team or your Lieutenant Governor. Look out for our website!
For more information, visit:
MAJOR EMPHASIS by Wyatt Fisher - Deputy Communications Director
Each Key Club is free to do whatever projects it wishes to do, especially because there often aren’t enough Key Clubs in an area to meet its needs. However, all clubs are asked to participate in Key Club International’s Major Emphasis,“Children: Their Future, Our Focus”. WELL, WHAT DOES THAT MEAN? “Children: Their Future, Our Focus” basically means that Key Clubs should participate in at least one service project that focuses on serving the children of the world. The Major Emphasis unites all Key Clubs under the single most important part of our communities: youth.
WOW, GREAT! HOW CAN I HELP? There are a lot of ways in which your club can contribute to the Major Emphasis, especially through the Key Club service initiative (The Eliminate Project) and our three preferred charities (Children’s Miracle Network, March of Dimes, and UNICEF)! Through The Eliminate Project and UNICEF, Key Clubbers can collaborate with Kiwanis to eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus from 60 underdeveloped or at-risk countries, and through Children’s Miracle Network and March of Dimes, you can contribute towards the betterment of conditions for children in hospitals and premature babies.
For more information, visit:
DO WE HAVE TO PARTICIPATE WITH THESE PROJECTS? No you don’t, but you’re encouraged to! The Pacific Northwest District alone has already raised over $30,000 for The Eliminate Project, and Key Clubbers across the globe raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year for our preferred charities, and your club should want to be a part of that! However, the Major Emphasis does encompass all projects that contribute towards the improvement of the future of our youth.
ARE THERE ANY AWARDS? Why yes there are! Key Club International offers a Major Emphasis award to the club which overall best contributes to the Major Emphasis. The award is judged on the need, plan, implementation, K-Family involvement, and final results, and there are first, second, and third place winners. Award applications will be available in the DCON 2013 registration packets, and judging will take place before DCON. The winner of the district contest will be passed on to international, and the winners will be announced at International Convention 2013. Your club could be famous for its contributions to the Major Emphasis!
TRICK-OR-TREAT FOR UNICEF UNICEF is an organization that helps people around the world. It is a primarily an organization who helps youth. Their focus areas are: survival and development for children, basic education and gender equality, protecting children from abuse, and treating and preventing HIV/AIDS on a mother to child transmission. This fundraiser is a great help for this organization. It has proved to bring in lots of money for these children, but it has also provided the opportunity for youth in other countries like America to learn about children living in nations of poverty. Hong Kong and
Canada are also involved with this fundraiser along with the United States. Go to the UNICEF website and order as many free Trick-or-Treat boxes as necessary. Then on Halloween take your little box for UNICEF and go door-todoor trick or treating. However instead of asking for candy, you are trick or treating for money to help these children. Then the next day collect your earnings, take them to a UNICEF center, or mail them back to the organization.
by Alex Schmidt - LT.G. Division 42 WA
MARCH OF DIMES When being surrounded by the Key Club family, it is nearly impossible to indulge in a conversation without discussing March of Dimes. This charity is a preferred organization that Key Club supports and has contributed greatly to since 1978. This unique organization’s goal is to look out for our future by striving for healthier babies. by providing vaccines, global programs, various health campaigns, and decreasing premature births rates. March of Dimes is an organization that has a pur suit and a passion for the children of America and of the world.
Prematurity Awareness Month is in November and just around the corner. By hosting awareness workshops, fundraiser walks, coin drives, and dances you can have a global impact that would bring betterment to children around the world. March of Dimes not only has an impact on the world, but also has an impact at home. Now who wouldn’t want to be a part of that? Go to for more information! by Sara Thomas - LT.G. Division AYS
CHILDREN’S MIRACLE NETWORK Every year in the United States alone, 50,000 children suffer from life-threatening injuries, birth defects, cancers, and numerous other sicknesses. The Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) is a nonprofit organization that raises money for hospitalized kids while also bringing awareness to the community. All of the Children’s Miracle Network donations are directly beneficial for the hospitals, their equipment, the staff, research, and to implement outreach programs and provide the health care needed for children whose parents can’t afford to pay.
For over a decade, Key Club International and the Kiwanis Family have been supporting Children’s Miracle Network by sponsoring fundraisers. Many Key Clubs also participate in service projects at their local hospitals. In the 2009-10 year, The KFamily raised almost $1.8 million for CMN hospitals. Key Club continues to work with the CMN hospitals as their preferred charities for the upcoming years. Go to for more information! by Amy Nguyen - LT.G. Division 33
To anyone living in the Pacific Northwest, it’s no big surprise that we love our coffee. For some of us, it’s an everyday staple, and no one blinks an eye when you spend four dollars on your double-shot whipped iced mocha. Now, what if I told you that for the price of your usual caffeine fix, you could protect two mothers and their children from tetanus? And here’s the real kicker- you’d still have change left over. ELIMINATE is a project from the combined forces of Kiwanis International and UNICEF. Together, they have made a goal to completely eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT). It will take US $110 million to take out this deadly disease, but every dollar counts.
On average, health education and a series of three doses of tetanus vaccine cost US$ 1.80.
Using this average, Kiwanis will help save or protect more than 61 million mothers and their future babies.
38 countries remain at high risk for MNT.
Ultimately, 9,000 Kiwanis leaders will help avhieve our fundraising goal.
The Eliminate Project’s fundraising campaign culminates in 2015.
Just $1.80 provides the vaccine to protect a mother from tetanus, and prevents her future children from excruciating pain and possible death. When a newborn contracts neonatal tetanus, they can’t even feel comfort in their mother’s arms, as every touch sends them into convulsions. As of August 2012, $14 million has been raised for the ELIMINATE cause. That leaves $96 million yet to be raised, and the need for every Key Clubber’s support is clear. Do your part in ridding the world of MNT, and raise awareness about this preventable disease. Whether it’s handing out flyers, organizing a fundraising event, or breaking open your piggy bank, it’s easy to support ELIMINATE. Most importantly, your help will directly impact a mother and her child in one of the 34 remaining countries with MNT. In ending this one disease, 60,000 lives will be saved each year. From Sudan to Papua New Guinea, there will be peace of mind, never fearing that their child will be in pain from their mother’s touch. Every $1.80 will bring our world one immunization closer to eliminating maternal and neonatal tetanus. And all it takes is your morning cup of coffee. by Rachael Lee- LT.G. Division 21
OPPORTUNITIES FUND Helping Key Clubs Serve the World .
Application Deadline OCTOBER 15th, 2012
The Youth Opportunities Fund is an endowed fund for Key Club International held within the Kiwanis International Foundation. This fund uses earned interest to help Key Clubs and Key Club members serve the world by providing grants for service opportunities or scholarships for higher education. An examples of a service project supported in the past by the Youth Opportunities Fund include Key Club members helping children in a Mexican orphanage by getting the basic necessities such as shampoo, and undergarments.
For more information, visit:
The Youth Opportunities Fund is established through a portion of your Key Club International dues. Grants ranging from $100 up to $2,000 are given each year by the Youth Opportunities Fund. These grants are given out to Key Clubs and/or club members. The application must be submitted by October 15th. The Youth Opportunities Fund committee usually assists clubs who are asking only for a portion of the total cost of a project or those who work with other organizations to complete the project. The Youth Opportunities Fund can help you take action and become a leader. Look around your community or even abroad and find an issue you could help solve or at least make better, and then what is left to do is apply for the grant. Don’t wait until it’s too late, October 15th is closer than it seems.
by Elisei Costed LT.G. Division 11/18 Canada
When you think of the month of November, what comes to mind? Thanksgiving, autumn, maybe even daylight savings. Although all of these events are significant, there is one thing that the first week of November brings and that’s Key Club week! This week is from November 5th-9th and is a celebration of our organization, recruitment, and a time to do what we do best-service! Each day of the week is dedicated to a different theme: Monday is “Show your K in every way” in which you try to publicize what Key Club is. “Kudos to the Key players” is on Tuesday and this day can be used to thank all the people that make Key Club great! Wednesday is “Connect the Ks” which is way to bring everyone together for Key Club. Thursday is “Bring a friend to Key Club” so grab your gang and head on over to a Key Club meeting! Lastly, Friday is “Your way” so use this day to its fullest potential and make your mark as the greatest club ever! With five whole days to show off what Key Club is, how could you not have fun? So mark your calendars and get ready for the most epic week of the year! by Mary-Ellen Reyna - LT.G. Division 20i
On June 30th through July 8th, fifty Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers traveled to the city beautiful Orlando, Florida to attend the 69th annual International Convention! During the first four days in Orlando, we stayed at the Disney All Star Sports Resort and experienced the world of Disney! We went to all of the magical lands of Disney, Universal Studios, and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. On July 4th we moved to the International Convention Hotel, which was across the street from Downtown Disney! After arriving at the hotel, PNW met with Key Clubbers from around the world at the Meet and Greet! The next morning, Opening Session started the whole convention, with motivational guest speaker Eden Sher from ABC’s The Middle! During the afternoon, each district went to its caucus room and was informed about each candidate, including PNW’s very own Calvin Leung and MaryAlice Peng, both running for International Trustee! Later that night was a dance where we raised money for the Eliminate Project. On Friday, July 6th, we attended informational and interesting workshops. During the afternoon the Service Fair was held where we learned about service ideas that other districts have been doing, along with meeting candidates. That night, the Recognition Session was held and PNW received many awards, including Distinguished Governor, Secretary, and Bulletin Editor. Along with those awards, many immediate past Lieutenant Governors received the Robert F. Lucas award. The next day, more workshops were held as was the House of Delegates (HoD). During the HoD, Key Clubbers voted on the International Board and amendments for Key Club International. After five long hours, Closing Session was held and both of the PNW candidates were elected on to the International Board! The 80’s neon dance finished up the International Convention! by Kristi Chan - LT.G. Division 27
Every year Key Clubbers from all around the Pacific Northwest District (around 1,500 people) have the opportunity to meet other Key Clubbers just like them at one place (and one place only). This event was the 63rd annual District Convention (DCON) of the Pacific Northwest District. This year’s District Convention took place at the Sea-Tac Double Tree Hotel from March 30thApril 1st.For the theme, we wanted to highlight the large amounts of community service and showcase the individual members and clubs by choosing the theme of ‘Service on the Big Screen.’ Key Clubbers had the opportunity to attend workshops & training, meet new Key Clubbers, gather ideas on new service projects, elect the new District Board which includes Giovanni McKenzie as governor, Kelsie Hoppes as secretary, Kenneth Lam as treasurer, and Bassel Hamieh as our editor, win awards, and dance the night away on Saturday. Key Clubbers returned back to their schools with high-energy and an even greater passion for service. Exciting, fun-filled, amazing, and awesome are some of the words that can only begin to describe this life-changing weekend. by Nguyen Huynh - LT.G. Division 32
Held at Kent-Meridian High School on August 13th, Seattle Rally was a day of fun to get pumped for the upcoming school year. The theme was Fun, Sun, and Service, and almost 400 Key Clubbers attended this year’s rally with guests from Oregon and Canada! The day started with lots of icebreakers and mingling, but as members made their way to the auditorium for opening session, there was an overwhelming sense of spirit and enthusiasm, with members shouting out the Key Club cheer and “We got spirit, yes we do!” Opening session was a blast with divisional roll call and an awesome speech from this year’s guest speaker, Hoan Do. During the first round of workshops, officers received their officer training while members attended educational forums. Lunch was right after and Divisions 26, 28, 32, and 33 were filmed for KeyTV! The second round of workshops was also a blast with forums like “How to Woo.” Closing session was a great way to wrap up the rally – Division 34 won the spirit stick, and there was even a talent show! Members also learned more about this year’s District Project, Project Educate. Shortly after, we had a Miracle Minute and Division 26 raised the most money! Since the members raised $500, all fourteen Seattle area Lieutenant Governors were pied in the face. Seattle Rally was a huge success and we hope to see you there next year! by Jessica Lee - LT.G. Division 26
No matter what branch of service you’re involved in there’s always an opportunity to get to know the other five branches of the K-Family. Starting off, is youngest service branch in the K-Family is K-Kids. K-Kids covers elementary school students, over 36,000 K-Kids members participate in service projects around their communities.
The idea of communicating with your divisional Lieutenant Governor can be an intimidating and a daunting task. Though the intimidation may be overwhelming, it is crucial for Key Clubbers to maintain a healthy relationship with their Lieutenant Governor because their role is to serve as the communication between club and district level affairs. When this line of communication is damaged, the structure of the Key Club family loses its effectiveness.
Moving up to middle school, students from 6th to 8th grade can join Builders Club. Today there are over 1,600 clubs in 16 countries. After Builders Club, teenagers around the world make the choice to join Key Club, the largest service organization in the world. Key Club has over 260,000 members in 33 districts.
After graduating, young adults have two choices: joining Circle K, or Kiwanis. Circle K is a college level club, during their service week, up to 13,000 members participate in various service projects in their communities. Kiwanis, the core of the K-Family, is the adult branch.
Kiwanis clubs can sponsor all of the other branches of the K-Family, and work to change the world one child and one community at a time. Last but not least is Aktion Club. Over 450 Aktion clubs are dedicated to people with disabilities who still want to serve. Together these six groups make up the Kiwanis Family. by Macy Mulholland - Executive Assistant
Some advice to heed to when communicating to your Lieutenant Governor is to… 1.INITIATE: If your Lieutenant Governor has not already extended to communicate, take it upon yourself to do so. This is a relationship that will benefit your club immensely. With a tight relationship with your Lieutenant Governor, your club is insured to be on top of all the recent happenings at the District and International level. 2.RESPOND: What you want to avoid is having a cranky Lieutenant Governor. With all the hours they are putting in, having to stalk you is not a priority they wish to have. Let them know how to best communicate to you. Whether it is Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, email, texting, phone calls, or Skype conferences, let your best form of communication be made known. 3.BEFRIEND THEM: After you first get to meet your Lieutenant Governor, don’t let it stop there! Engage in other activities outside of Key Club or service projects that will bring you and your Lieutenant Governor to a friendship level and not just a leadership level. Whatever your situation may be, maintaining a relationship with your Lieutenant Governor is crucial for a healthy Key Club. Pursue such a relationship this upcoming school year for a better year of service.
by Sara Thomas - LT.G. Division AYS
THE DUES PROCESS This year, the membership update center has been renovated and made simple for you to finish the job faster and with more ease. The video link below gives you a sneak peak at the new Membership Update Center for CircleK, Key Club, and Aktion Clubs. It is still under construction so please consider it a work in progress.
Some feature to look forward to:
•This year, a new feature to add multiple members at once has been created. Simply, by clicking on the “bulk add members” link you will be able to add them simply through entering first and last name, email address, and graduation year. •Updating information about your club is easy as clicking the “edit” link next to it.
When I was asked if I would write an article on “Keeping Key Club Professional,” my first thought was: when are Key Clubbers not professional? I mean, we are the epitome of classy. Yes, once in a great while we get crazy about service, but hey, that is rare. Then it hit me, we are between the ages of 1518, so by default we often don’t dress appropriately. I know you all have been sitting on the edge of your seat waiting for this full proof guide of how to dress professional at Key Club events! Ladies first! Ladies, I hate to break it to you, but those tight cotton bandage skirts are not pencil skirts and are most definitely not appropriate when you’re asked to wear business attire. What you should be slipping on is either dress pants, or skirts that with a hem that touch the knees. Nylons are also encouraged. Top wise, a nice blouse or collared shirt should do it, and if you’re feeling extra classy layer a blazer on top. Gentlemen, you have it pretty easy: throw on a nice pair of slacks, a collared shirt with tie and I can assure you as long as you don’t wear tennis shoes or white socks with black shoes the ladies will love you and you will represent Key Club in the best way possible!
If you need any help or have questions on how to navigate this new program, make sure to contact your Lieutenant Governor for any help! Got to this link to get this awesome sneak peak! On October 1st, dues become payable. November 1st is the Early Bird Dues deadline. You will receive Early Bird considering our District recognizes clubs and divisions who do so, along with reward them with better seating at DCON. December 1st is the final dues deadline, paying any time after that would be considered late and your club could fall into suspension. When mailing out your invoices and dues, NEVER mail them out on the date of the deadline, mailing takes a few days to process and reach International, so always give them a week or two! Just remember the dates and one quote: Early is on time, on time is late and late is NEVER!
by Amy Nguyen - LT.G. Division 33
by Willa Lineberger -Scholl - LT.G. Division 82
RECIPIENT INSTRUCTIONS: Thank you very much for supporting the PNW District of Key Club International. When you have completed reading this magazine, please make sure to pass it on to other Key Clubbers, Kiwanians, and advisors who have not had the opportunity to do so. -Bassel Hamieh PNW District Buletin Editor
District Governor Giovanni McKenzie
Executive Assistant Macy Mulholland
District Administrator John Jay
District Secretary Kelsie Hoppes
Communications Director Julia Szeto
Assistant District Administrator Suzanne Endroedy Finance
District Treasurer Kenneth Lam
Deputy Communications Director Wyatt Fisher
Finance Administrator Kevin Buyer
District Bulletin Editor Bassel Hamieh
Membership Specialist Zhakaysha Garrett
International President Rebecca Riley
Convention Chair Andy Nguyen
Leadership Specialist Levi Lewandowski
International Trustee Calvin Leung
CLUB SPOTLIGHT Lake Oswego High School Key Club was chartered only two years ago by underclassmen who wanted to make a difference. Since then, they have grown our club to almost 180 members, and they are also considered the strongest club/organization within their school. In the past, the hard-working officers have juggled the difficult tasks of managing a newly formed club and have showed their commitment to our division, all while creating fun and interesting events and service opportunities for the members. From helping out at a retirement home to serving food at a soup kitchen, LO Key Club has really made a mark on its community. Last year, LO Key Club raised over $800 selling chocolate bars for KCCP. This significant amount of money, for a new club, is both incredible and worthy of recognition. They have overcome huge obstacles, which is what distinguishes this club from other clubs in our district. They continue to grow and show so much potential for the future generations of Key Clubbers.
by Rosaline Jun - LT.G. Division 64