11 minute read
11.0 Transport and Connectivity
11.1.1 Improving connectivity and the transport network is a key principle which will support the growth of 11.1.4 11.1.5 the District. By facilitating the movement of people between their home, work, shops and services and enabling the movement of goods to and across the District, these multifunctioning networks facilitate local and sub-regional/regional economic growth and social progress.
11.1.2 Delivering and maintaining sustainable, reliable and adaptable transport infrastructure will help reduce traffic congestion, provide sustainable transport options to residents encouraging more use, particularly for local journeys. This brings added benefits to the District by improving air quality, the wellbeing of people and the environment and promoting climate resilience.
11.1.3 In order to facilitate the growth in this Plan there will need to be improvements to the transport
network. The Bassetlaw Transport Study (Parts 21 and 32) set out required or potential highway mitigation to deliver the new development identified by this Local Plan. These include capacity/congestion improvements, changes to the network and traffic routing, as well as sustainable and public transport initiatives, promotion of active travel, safety improvements and traffic management
improvements. As required by national policy3, Policy ST56 identifies a number of new highway schemes and improvements to deliver this Plan, such as the new distributor road in Worksop. Those required to mitigate the impacts of each housing and employment allocation are detailed in relevant sitespecific policies.
11.1.6 In all cases, a Travel Plan and, in some cases, a Transport Assessment will be required to accompany a planning application. This will be expected to provide more detail about the provision of relevant transport infrastructure requirements, and should be agreed with the relevant authorities, including the Local Highways Authority.
11.1.7 There are also existing transport and traffic flow issues on parts of the strategic A57 that are also affected by regional traffic movements, and not just traffic from the District or projected traffic from the growth identified by this Plan. On that basis, the Council will work jointly with the Local Highways Authority, Highways England and neighbouring authorities to agree an Improvement Plan to manage its continued effective operation.
11.1.8 Whilst improvements to the highway infrastructure is important, managing existing and future commuting patterns and reducing congestion by improving public transport provision and implementing more travel planning management measures to reduce single car occupancy and reliance on the car for local journeys is essential.
11.1.9 The majority of public transport trips in the District are made by bus. As part of delivering the growth in this Plan in a sustainable manner, the Council will continue to work with the bus operators to improve operating conditions for buses, such as to and within larger site allocations and the Bassetlaw Garden Village. Such improvements can also help our communities have better access to shops and services, particularly from the rural area.
11.1.10 The rail network is a significant public transport asset for the District. The addition of a new station at Bassetlaw Garden Village will improve movement within the District and support future commuting needs, notably to Sheffield and Lincoln for existing and future residents. The Council will continue to work with Network Rail, Northern Rail and other stakeholders to secure improvements to the rail network.
11.1.11 Increasing opportunities for accessible and safe walking and cycling is a key priority for the Council Plan4. As well as providing walking and cycling routes to and through the larger site allocations and the Garden Village, local improvements, such as measures to enhance connectivity within Worksop, Retford and Harworth & Bircotes town centres by active travel will be taken where appropriate to new development.
Longer term Transport Improvements
11.1.12 The Local Plan identifies sizable site allocations, such as Peaks Hill Farm and the Bassetlaw Garden Village, and priority areas for regeneration, including Worksop Central area. Their delivery will go beyond this plan period. On that basis, transport infrastructure improvements may not be fully delivered by 2037.
11.1.13 In these cases, land will be safeguarded by Policy ST58 for transport infrastructure and protected from development that would prejudice their delivery. A Local Plan Review will determine whether the safeguarding should continue. These planned transport improvement schemes are identified on the Policies Map, and detailed within the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
11.1.14 This Local Plan acknowledges that securing public funding for transport infrastructure may be challenging, and that many transport infrastructure improvements will be developer funded. Nevertheless, the Council will continue to pursue a range of funding mechanisms in order to finance infrastructure, through liaison with the D2N2 LEP for example. Further information is set out in the Bassetlaw Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
POLICY ST56: Transport Infrastructure and Improvement Schemes A. To improve connectivity and enhance the District’s transport network, the Council, working with its partners, neighbouring authorities and utilising developer contributions will seek to:
1. Deliver the following new highways schemes and improvements: a) A new east-west distributor road and public transport corridor from the A60 to the B6045 at HS1:
Peaks Hill Farm, as identified on the Policies Map; b) Improvements to, and the re-alignment of part of the B6420 Mansfield Road to meet distributor road standard adjoining the Bassetlaw Garden Village; c) Improvements to the roundabout at A60 Mansfield Road / A619; d) Improvements to the roundabout at A57/ A60 Sandy Lane / High Grounds Road; e) Improvements to the roundabout at A57 / Claylands Ave / Shireoaks Common; f) Improvements to the roundabout at A57 / B6034 Netherton Road; g) Improvements to the roundabout at A57 / B6040 Retford Road; h) Improvements to the roundabout at A614 Blyth Road / A57 / A1(T) (Apleyhead); i) Capacity and flow improvements to the A57 between the A614/A57 roundabout and the A60/A57 roundabout, Worksop as identified by a Highway Improvement Plan; j) Improvements to B6041 High Hoe Road / Kilton Road mini-roundabouts;
2. 4. k) Improvements to the A57 crossroad junction at Dunham on Trent/ Ragnall; l) Improvements to the North Road/Babworth Road roundabout; m) Improvements to Goosemoor London Road mini roundabout; n) Improvements to Ordsall/Babworth mini roundabout;
o) Traffic management scheme in Ordsall Old Village. Deliver the following bus corridors and improvements to reduce congestion: a) Along the new east-west distributor road at HS1: Peaks Hill Farm; b) To service the new Ordsall South neighbourhood; c) A new bus interchange at Bassetlaw Garden Village; d) Along the re-aligned B6420 Mansfield Road to service Bassetlaw Garden Village; and e) Along the A57 and into Apleyhead Junction to serve the new employment area.
3. Deliver the following new routes and improvements to encourage walking and cycling and to reduce congestion: a) An active travel network within Bassetlaw Garden Village and improvements to the existing network to provide connections to Worksop, Retford and Clumber Park; b) A sustainable transport corridor along the Peaks Hill Farm east-west distributor road, a network of local routes on site and improvements to the existing network to provide connectivity along Carlton Road and Blyth Road c) An active travel network to serve Ordsall South and improvements to the existing network to enhance connectivity to Ordsall and Retford Town Centre; d) new routes and improvements to the existing network within Retford Town Centre and to neighbouring employment areas and open spaces; e) new routes and improvements to the existing network within Worksop Town Centre, to neighbouring employment areas and along green infrastructure corridors; to neighbouring residential areas and community facilities.
f) new routes and improvements to the existing network within Harworth & Bircotes Town Centre, Support improvements to the rail network including the provision of a new rail station at the Bassetlaw Garden Village.
11.2 Sustainable Transport and Active Travel
11.2.1 Bassetlaw is a predominantly rural district and the need to travel to access jobs or services or to be served by mobile delivery has always been a feature of daily life. The reliance on the car as the main mode of transport is high and the provision of public transport such as bus services, and cycle routes are limited in more rural locations particularly to the East of the district. There are three train stations in Bassetlaw: Worksop, Retford and Shireoaks and they provide good connections to other parts of the region and beyond, including links to London.
11.2.2 Policy ST57 recognises that the relationship between places and sustainable transport and active travel is important, to help ensure people can travel easily, safely and sustainably whilst managing the effects on existing transport infrastructure and the environment in the district. Draft Bassetlaw Local Plan, November 2020 169
11.2.5 11.2.6 11.2.7 11.2.8 To make the most of sustainable transport and travel opportunities and maximise future potential, the Spatial Strategy directs most development to the three Main Towns which already have capacity to offer sustainable transport and active travel choices for local journeys to access employment and services. These also provide the greatest opportunities for enhanced connectivity. By doing so, Policy ST1 will help increase the proportion of trips by walking and cycling - supporting the Government’s ambition to double cycling activity and increase the amount of children (aged 5-10) that walk to school by 20255 - whilst reducing trips by car, thereby reducing carbon emissions.
11.2.4 This Plan also recognises that as a predominantly rural area, the private car will remain a dominant form of transport. But the Spatial Strategy also directs proportionate growth to the Large Rural Settlements to ensure that new development is located in the most sustainable and accessible rural locations to help retain local services, and encourage more local journeys to be made by sustainable transport and active travel. Maintaining and improving access to rural services, through
public transport and active travel modes will be supported by Policy ST2. In those cases - at the Bassetlaw Garden Village, Site HS1: Peaks Hill Farm, and Site HS13: Ordsall South, Retford - where sustainable transport and active travel options are minimal, the capacity of development means that there is the means to significantly improve sustainable transport and active travel opportunities over the plan period and beyond. Thereby, reflecting the Government’s ambition to make cycling and walking the natural choice for all shorter journeys or as part of a
longer journey by 20405 . Policy ST57, reflects national policy3 whereby significant development should be focused on locations which are or can be made sustainable, through limiting the need to travel and offering a genuine choice of transport modes, including community travel. Importantly, the National Planning Policy Framework3 identifies that opportunities to maximise sustainable transport solutions will vary
between urban and rural areas, and this should be taken into account in a Local Plan. Increasing opportunities for new development to provide for more sustainable modes of travel such as by bus, walking or cycling will be identified through the use of Travel Plans and an accompanying action plan. National policy3 requires their use for schemes expected to generate significant traffic movements. A package of actions to encourage safe, healthy and sustainable travel from new developments to new or existing jobs, services and facilities will be required, to reduce the demand for travel by less sustainable modes, show how sustainable travel will be made accessible at the development and their use increased. The aim is to minimise single occupancy
car travel to and from a new development. In accordance with national policy3 and the Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan6, the Council is committed to improving accessibility to and movement within Bassetlaw’s town centres.
11.2.9 Key improvements will involve avoiding conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and vehicular traffic and making improvements to the physical infrastructure within the town centres. These will be identified through the Worksop Central DPD, the Retford Business Neighbourhood Plan and the Harworth & Bircotes Town Centre Masterplan.
A. Development that contributes towards a sustainable safe, active and public transport network and offers a range of transport and active travel choices for the movement of people and goods will be supported.
B. Proposals for residential developments of 10 or more dwellings, and non-residential developments of 1000sqm or greater should:
6. Assist in the improvement of transport infrastructure to help all communities in Bassetlaw have opportunities to travel without a car for essential journeys; Provide well-designed, safe and convenient access for all, giving priority to the needs of pedestrians, cyclists and other users in a way which would not: i. compromise the free flow of traffic on the public highway, pedestrians or any other transport mode, including public transport and cycling; or ii. exacerbate traffic congestion on the existing highway network or increase the risk of accidents or endanger the safety of road users including pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users; Where appropriate minimise additional travel demand by car through measures identified in a Travel Plan; Encourage forms of active travel through connection to, and extension of, existing pedestrian, cycle and equestrian routes, where practicable; Consider the transport needs for specific groups in the community, such as older people and those with disabilities; and Encourage the use of flexible transport services that combine public and community transport services, ensuring that locally based approaches are delivered to meet the needs of communities.
C. The development of Bassetlaw Garden Village, Peaks Hill Farm and Ordsall, Retford will be expected to contribute to the improvement of public and active transport infrastructure to nearby larger settlements such as Worksop and Retford.
1Bassetlaw Transport Study Part 2, WYG, 2019 2Bassetlaw Transport Study Part 3, WYG, 2020 3National Planning Policy Framework, MCHLG, 2020 4Bassetlaw Council Plan, BDC, 2019 5Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, DFT, 2017 6Third Nottinghamshire Local Transport Plan, Nottinghamshire County Council, 2019