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BSCC Monthly Meetings
Ages 50+
Join this exciting group of fun, active adults who meet on the third Wednesday of each month. Meetings include a general business meeting followed by lunch, entertainment and raffle prizes. New members may join at any time. Annual membership dues are $15. Late registrations cannot be accommodated.
• Wednesday, March 15 at noon
Shannon Hall, $12 members; $17, non-members
McDonald Family Celtic. Shawn McDonald and his family will perform for us with bagpipes, drums and singing to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.
Registration deadline is noon on 03/09.
• Wednesday, April 19 at noon
Shannon Hall, $12 members; $17, non-members
Bill Cook. Combining music with mind-blowing magic, Bill Cook’s high-energy show features comedy, drama, and interactive audience participation.
Registration deadline is noon on 04/13.
• Wednesday, May 17 at noon
Shannon Hall, $12 members; $17, non-members
Batavia High School Choir. Our own fabulous local high school choir will perform for us!
Registration deadline is noon on 05/11.
Join the Club!
Join the Batavia Senior Citizens Club to begin receiving the Batavia Bulletin, our newsletter for active adults, so you can stay up-to-date with all the fun happenings! Call the Civic Center at 630-879-5235, Eastside Community Center at 630-406-5282, or email registrations@bataviaparks.org to sign up. Membership is $15 per year.
Small Group Activities
Do you have an interest in meeting with others to walk, craft, knit, crochet, or something else? Call at 630-879-5235 to share your ideas and interests.