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A Unified Voice for Housing
Over 90 years ago a group of Minneapolis-area builders came together to elevate the professionalism and quality of our industry. They also came together to present a unified voice before government agencies and the public.
In 2023, so much has changed, but the core of our mission remains largely the same. Our education, green building, awards, and networking events are rooted in advancing and celebrating the professionalism and success of our industry. Our nation-leading home tours are platforms dedicated to showcasing the quality of craftsmanship and home performance in our projects as we look to grow homeownership opportunities.
And, as we are all aware, the need for a unified voice before Minnesota government agencies and the public has never been greater.
The early months of 2023 have made this abundantly clear. While we had hoped that our newly elected legislature would follow the data and prioritize housing supply and homeownership access, they’ve thus far decided to go down a different path.
Where many states are lifting barriers and addressing zoning modernization head-on, Minnesota remains focused on new regulations and avoiding the housing modernization discussion.
As the leading voicing for housing and homeownership in Minnesota, Housing First Minnesota is at the forefront of this debate, advocating for our industry and our customers, the homeowners of Minnesota. We stand on the shoulders of previous industry leaders who had the foresight to build an advocacy platform that places our voice squarely in the state’s housing discussion. Our professional staff, expert consultants, and industry volunteers will continue to elevate the homeownership message and advocate for our industry. But given the challenges facing our industry, they need all of our industry to come together to make our voices heard.

As it was in the 1930s, now is a time for us to come together. In the coming weeks and months, look for opportunities to advocate for our industry and the future of homeownership in Minnesota. I am confident that a united housing industry will advance homeownership opportunities.
Make it a great spring.