7 minute read
How are you doing?
Great, it’s hot here in LA!
We are happy to have you grace the cover of Batchelor?
I am pleased to be your Cover Model! Being on numerous magazine covers do you still get excited when you see yourself?
Every time like a little kid at Christmas! It is the crown glory of being a model to land a magazine‘s cover. Even though I have over 20 covers, they always feel like the first.
Where are you from originally?
This is a long answer! Ok here goes, born in Newport RI, moved to Virginia outside DC, then moved to Connecticut and NYC, then came to California for College, back to NYC. Now I own my own place in Beverly Hills!
Were you always one of the prettiest girls growing up, or did you go through that phase of growing into your beauty?
I was a late bloomer, but always had the model physique of tall and thin.
How is it different living out in California?
California is beautiful. The weather is beautiful as are the people, but that is all on the outside. It can be a competitive and caddy town. You have to really want it and go after it to remain in California. I have remained and now I am on the top of my game. How did you get into the entertainment industry modeling and acting?
I was signed at the age of 14 to the Ford Agency in NYC. So I grew up fast as a model with life experiences. Acting came later I majored in Theatre Arts.
Which do you prefer?
They are the 2 loves of my life. I am at a stage where modeling has become residual and acting challenges me on so many more levels. I find myself really going towards acting now. You look perfect for a role in Baywatch; you might have given Pam a run for her money! Pam Anderson is iconic. I would definitely want to emulate a career path like Pam’s. She went with her look and capitalized on it and created a Brand for herself. She is one hot and smart blonde!
What are some of the films that you have appeared?
Legally Blonde 2, Driftwood, Charlie Wilson’s War.
I saw you in the Bronx is Burning as Reggie’s girlfriend, how did you go about getting casted for that role?
The Vice president of ESPN saw my picture thru an email, and said “Wow who is this?” Hence I got the job and have been the ESPN ESPY Awards Trophy Model for the past 2 years.
Do you have anything in the works right now?
Yes I am leaving for Europe for 2 weeks. I will be shooting for FHM Romania and Esquire Magazine. I am thrilled, and have never been to Romania!
What would be an ideal role you would love to play in a movie?
This is easy I am the biggest Michael Mann fan. He directed such hits as “last of the Mohicans”, “Heat”. “Miami Vice”, “Collateral”. In all of his movies the women characters are always strong, independent and very smart while being feminine. My ideal part would be the lead female in Miami Vice opposite Collin Farrell.
Are you a natural blonde?
YES, I have the baby photos on my website to prove it. Go to www.kakiwest.com under the Biography page.
Blondes normally get depicted as being as being beautiful only, but that’s not the case with you.
My parents both went to Ivy League colleges. It was instilled in us to study hard and aim high in life.
Do you get compared to a Barbie often? Yes! Strangers will come up to me and say I look like a Barbie Doll.
Do you like the comparison?
Barbie is an iconic doll. I am flattered by the comparison. I work very hard at my appearance mind, body and soul.
That just means that your gorgeous right… It means I am tall blonde and well dressed! Plenty girls want to become models, but they don’t realize modeling is more than just taking photos it’s a full time job!
Yes it is very hard and the rejection is brutal. In the new social media generation, it is unfortunate that girls think putting up some low-end photos will make you famous or give you the entitlement to call yourself a “Model”. A professional Model has talent agents, managers and a professional website. She also gets paid for jobs and bookings etc. Not everyone can earn a living and be a model. Same as not everyone can be a surgeon. Have you ever worked a 9 to 5 job? NO.
If you weren’t modeling/acting what would you see yourself doing? Being a writer.
What do you do in your spare time to relax?
Workout, Pilates, yoga, walking. I travel; I have been really into vineyards and wineries lately. Write in my journal. I pray a lot to remain centered, humble and grateful. Do you love to go out and party?
I like to go out. But it does not have to be a club. I don’t like crowds or a lot of attention. I like to go out, travel, see new places, and meet fascinating people. That is an ideal party for me. Not a bunch of commoners with wrists bands on.
How would you describe your personality?
Type A. Mysterious, intelligent, charismatic, private, passionate, determined and loving. I’m sure every guy wants to know; Are you single?
What type of Men are you normally attracted to?
Alpha Males. Street smart, sexy, genuine, ambitious and gregarious. Turn ons?
Surprises, romantic dinners, presents, cologne, candles, sleeping in.
Turn offs?
Snoring, gold diggers, loud talking, lack of ambition, smoking.
What is the worse icebreaker guys use to try and talk to you?
“Are you a model?” Or “Is that your car?”
Are you very picky?
Yes... Don’t settle for the one you can live with; be with the one you can’t live without.
Are you an affectionate/romantic person?
Sometimes, it depends on my mood.
Do you like it when a guy spoils you?
I adore surprises. I am that girl that everyone says “but you already have everything.” I find that a total cope out. Something from the heart gets me, a card or a sentiment.
Would you consider yourself high maintenance?
I am high maintenance. Everything I have is from my own hard work. I don’t expect anyone to give it to me. If you desire that lifestyle, earn it. I have no respect for gold diggers female and male.
Have you ever been in love?
Do you see yourself getting married and having kids anytime soon?
Yes very soon I am engaged. He will be one lucky man…
No, I am the lucky one! He has been my rock... Switching gears… What do you feel makes you successful in a business where there are millions of girls trying to do the same thing?
There is only one ME. Everyone should be himself or herself. When you try to become something you’re not, like changing hair color, etc. It always fails. I have always stayed true to “kaki”. I have never conformed or changed. I am extremely focused and a hard worker.
Who were some of the models that inspired you?
Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell. The amazing supermodels of the 1990’s.
What do you feel stands out the most in your photos that grabs the reader’s attention?
Beauty is the eye of the beholder. I will let the readers decide.
What do you want to do after your modeling/acting career?
I plan on continuing my modeling/acting career until I am old and grey. I wish to have my own cosmetics line and sell it on QVC have my own beauty empire. Write a book. Raise a family. Make a big difference in society. Work with charities. Travel all over the world. Is there anything you wanted to mention before we wrapped up the interview?
My words to live by “Genius is 99% perspiration 1% Inspiration.”
Where can the readers go to see more of you?
My official website www.KAKIWEST.com. It is continuously updated you can view my latest covers, photoshoots, videos and news.
We want to thank you for taking the time to chat with us, and we know our readers will be looking forward to a follow up with you! It was my pleasure talking with all of the Batchelor readers. I await our next converse. I wish you all the Best.