Pro Build, Indesign, Feb 2009

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For"*'f butdefs. ~ c:1osetv W\lltl en ard\l~ect tw ., do$1gntr 1$ HCOnd na~o Bu1 Whit hOQpenS whet~ lha bu•ldet becomes lhe Clien' and Ns "'PUt ll'lto !he dO$Qn o4 •n int etiOI'~ Malt NatiWII\ SUI:e ~

WSHO Probtlld Con$ti\Ktl0ns ond 0.0. lon'IIC:. '-d deSIQI"Iflf and AsSOO&te Director o1 S.tes Smart. tound out hOw to sua the nght b8laooe between c§ent dtsqlcr ond buik;lof tor lho now Pro&u.d Consti\.!CbOns.oUcull"' Sydnev's f\.lshc:wets 8fv ~There was a s.,ootgy to stan <Mth; seys Nathan ol tho dosql eolllber*>f'l Wol'kll"'g IOQethOr, the PM haS cte:sv«t en olla $IMC(I $YI"'1PPtntU: to the t.story ol lhe ongn~l buting and e 5tep ~ from the IY!)ICal ottttt ~ ~1 am probably one of lhe:sO bl*JerS Ymol• frusllatod ~tctl~ t<*nlts ~1Mn The dterS.on ~ r~te the OOI'I"'PII"V !rom Kent Stteet WM $pll't.ed •t:tr thct tundo end Mile ot the Oily became too~- 1'here was fUSI such a c:hln!:l& mt1MQ OUI - I don•t think thai .,OU re~lose wtlen you we n lhe <=•IY hooN intenM rt ctn De; notes Nathlt'l. The totmet an gallety warehouse otfietod thO ~ everythrng rt Wlltlted. and al'lor hts tirstii"'WtctiOI\ Naithen knew what ncedod to be done to the dda~ted space The ent~te dual tovet .,~ was ounect, wtth N&tl'len •nd Tomie doselv toe thf....-ncnth OCJn$1rutCIOf\ end deS9'1 to ec:hMM~ a brand nlltN v.or~ on the uppet kM:ll ~Tho ~s • kftl o4 'Chd:en bo'oro tflt m· PJ'O<:e$$. but •• •• WOikod ouc ., thO end." SiVS Tort'IIC The mostlmpoflant efemont ., lhe deSign for bolh dlent end desq'ler was ro rete•n 11'18 exiSt•no c:Nrae1et and\'CIIume of thO buldlng, "\A/0


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..... eletnent of lhl dnq\• ..._.. This.,., themo runt ~ 1lle JPION Cf. .I"SSI endMclull• ..-.ot1 hub~* oft <:ft. bONdroom& and lht ttiCOC)tl()tl OOUII'Ittt- ted\ ol tilt"*"' S-U•IunO tht nght belente betwttn OI)Otlf'ltH Wf'IUI PIMfi:V -~ althe t h . 11\at I tNIIy 10 ~Cf\.GY~In the lPIJCt wt1 10 haYt Olt!Oit thlt did not .... lllke oft~ 01 look •te ou<ft.· .-xl)llll'll NltNn




lht..,.,..,., pel1otON In lhttWitmyet f'rWioi'NI apece. •• !he~· ftoorl. nM!Uit ~ ...., • --of .,.,.,..,... ~ .....,..ghts. eiiCkflng 10 N t.n.r ca,lllfity Tht ~ 10 ~ t ~t ht•\:tiOOf!W"CI 'I'M I\I"C't.O'IIf ..E..-y 'I'IOI'IW'O I .,..1!: 11'110 N toece tnd IC ..... tNftgood to De"" c- "•• ~ eoece. lfVt hi1W\


•we tried to respect the building as much as possible, but also overlay our branding of Probuild"

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