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n unm•stal able tmstt of •nnovatrve OCXJionct,' sets the new ltve-&tlu Crown Towers hotel
apaft from any other .n MacJu Oes.ognod by the highty regarded Au3tre!ian ltrm Sates Smart, the establishment sot$1h6 tOM w•th a g&oriOUs entrance k)bby With sevei"Hl''eue cethngs and rdl touche-s of gold and blue. Adpn•ng 1 $ mpreSS~Ve" space 1$ tNt tf!~t!) Lin k)bby bat ....,;n \IMtWS ot Cou. s·ret ::fW1g out be•ate vou Enhancing ~he expenence ., en II'TIC)fH-
s....-e an.., of artwor•t speoa'tv c:omtn~t s.oned 1rom ovet 200 ~LS f om around tne g6obe Among·~ wor•.s are l)te(M by such renowned names as H rotosh
Sawada Uapan) &nd Su J.allQUO ts... JI"'IQ) These superb sculptures Pllf'II.OOS
and nst.allatJOOS add a touch of s.ophi:~t1· cated 113 r to the •ntoOOts an et~ment of
the une)(QeC'ted and the •mnoo•no The 300 guestrooms - •netud•ng 200 deluxo rO()(J'\S, 55 su tos and 33 Vttl&s
... are rust as anuoog Each one offora e sweep•ng. unobstructed v•ew ot Cot a• through fiOoHCKe•r.no wndOws Among tne- standard lullunes are dedicated
lounges. wa k-•n ,...ardrobes. 42-41"1Ch plasma
t~l.so'\S, comolifJ)et'11MV
h;gh-S()Md ""' reJeu r•ttnet actoss. It'd mu ~ functJOn •Pod dol;l.:ng $Ytoori E~<here ., the ho' gue-s.t; mtv
meal attM Honlons $!Nkhovse t1lnCf seafood resta: ant. drmi: lfl the exclusrve •tmosphere It the Crystal Oub and VIP SalON. 01' oot tor • s mc>'e. casual O.n.ng eJ~.peoence all he Pool and Juice bar The Crown lOWtJ(S also offe-rs evetythtng the d1SCOfnlf'l0 VISt· f!ll'tP'II
tor needs to stay .n shape'" the fOtm ot a comprehensive fttness centre And to recOvM from a h&art.poonchng WOtkout. there's The Spa At Crown w•th tl~ s.aurwt. stwm. vaU)Iity pools. and a vauety ol
sooti"Mng treatments '" a f>PGCIIJI ro ' atiOO zone·
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