Top location with luxury to match
PYtmo tooatton: The Clar~ Stt~t IIP!Irtmenls are In one of Melbourne's most $0UcJ"II>eftc( sutK.wbs. Wh~m Snlll.\ Propcrti~ re.liKd Smart. tM n:rchltoc:ta btbind tho t.hrt Mercy HOIJ!itlll 5ito in tMl projed. d(;fin(l8 luxury ~ ~ Mell.xxlrM _ , up for cr-1111 in nbfltnet of problcrru,". At HIO 200$, it pw an opportunity to Cla~ndon Stroot. thia mear» develop 11. mcidmtinl property n.ovcr hnvinr to U$0 chanp th$
in one of Melbourne'• m011t jN)out.ly JUD.Jdc.d •u.burb.. When ruidcnt. move into l50 Clnn:ndon St-reet after the projoet is completed in June tiU11 )'laJ', they ...m fmd u-Jv~ IIUrTOUnd«J by aix...W bui1d.in.l; 8CII''kt'll and atn«UU8. 1be buildi.fll 4!Yen come!! complete with 11 cond~rte,
wnter in the b'Cir ~ oovcr MY'ir:\f to 'IH a k.,. to open t.M P."MllC door, and ~WrYer tuwlnr to unWTnp a .odb ncw,papor. aia'l~ for. ~xt.tn&ive reeu~h
'1'bfllt'• what we'Ve ~~b
and diacw.iou willa
ownCT$ and lnvesi.OQ, we've a.Dtic:il)ll\ed e'V\'T)' I~ J'OU <ao have ift da,y-to-day life 6tld
aloog with unp!lraUelecl 'l'ieWll (:l't,O.U!d 11ublime
ol Melboumc and the t'it.uoy fbole.aid.. Gudea1. Smart t«hnolosy men.n.s Ro(er Poole, chnirm~~n ofBate~t ele"'aton bow when ruitknw
need them Md will be I'Clldy e~h fe.t.;~ru. Miele applia~ e nd wn.itin,. A.,.nment doort poU&bOO chrome Roatr SeUer •~ unl«ked na n:tidenU nnive t..pwa~. e"D~lled pre(l(l.,-d OCI their Ooor Md Jlf'OCJIUIU!Mld ~~1 fteetJI.UdioC bath•. cas liJhtin;: Mid dim.ate control artpl8.C(!f with •&OC'Ie and Umbel' gn-et tbeit -rewm b~ fWTOWldf. Dllt\lf(l.) tJI.Ofte tlOOt'(l Tho Cln rc~ndon Street llJ\<1 be:D¢htope;, lllXW)' wool IIIJ*rt:ml'nt. ahto offer 111 20.Rat «<II'J)(IW and A.JI)(Irl~o O«k private cinema where nosidealll tlmber tiOOT$. C'.M cnthc!r to wnkb a football The 12·norey b\l.i1diog pme or ncuu the buildin(• retaW. Lbe fonD .ocJ cbll.r8cter new•rtcleue mfW:ie collection. or the fon:ne.. Mercy Hospi.,.l Almost every npnrtmeat b.u Arthiteet.. B•te• Smart vieWll or tbe R11me tree~ and addJ'NIIed tbe buildinc'• Momon Bny Fip of the Fituoy ~l•l.ionabip to iC. pa.rbide G11nle:DJ, plu unint«-rntpted loeation by adopling a vieW'II of' the city and ita .P,m~. ~mm~ and ealmins form. Ooo, two nnd three-bedroom The building is pou:ncled b)' o opoartmenta nrc oo orrc-r, n.nd pcdium thnt ho\1$1M Clnntndon
Street • .,.rtment.t' nmenitl• At the thbd Ooor level the buildi~t£ ·~ bacll t.o Cf'Nte ll tkirted •·•btllt~o tbnt tho podium from Lbe Wwer,
Th• b.;~!ldinr'• •r.natu,. of doubJ~beighl pruul fram~ it dOflic:ned t.o impc:t.rt • e~~lmi~ rhythm. &beheril'IS the NJWI.e-r element. within. The framing lil'let m ttJ)(!3teclln- podium wit.b i\11 double heq;bt cut--out oponi~:~p.
On tbe top two lenl.s tbe
a:J~ tltte '~"" b&.c:k ~.
allowiJ'Ic: the crown ot tbe projecting <-anopy rooninc to float !ret, fliVi.IIC lbe imJII'f'llllliOII tllat tbe clauy pavUiooB are &aline iD the tty. •