An architect knows there's more to a building than its facade. By Rick Molinsky cUcry Cop<>lov h:u a lw:ays lo,•ed thinking about dtsign and architecture, working out how spacn <1nd forms are best put tc>gtchcr. "My grandfather was an archit«t. nt)' mothe-r a tc.~~:tilc: designer and my father's (;•unit)'
were furniture :1nd furnishings retailers, .. Copolov S.1)'S. "So from m y earliest days I was surrounded with an appr«i:oltion of contemporary design ... As imcrior design dirtttor for Bates Smart,
Copolov's ponfolio includes such pro;e<::rs as Rockpool. Media H ouse and transforming the iconic Me-re)' Hospital inro the opulent I SO Clart-ndon Street aparunc.nt.s. Although S:11es Sman i.s responsible for some of t he most awnrded (and conrrovcrsial - S<'e federation Square) detigns in Melbourne, Copolov•s interiOr$ arc known for their home· like fed. Copolov s-1ys it is imponant to put h ur~n
nrtds first. '"Nowadays m.1ny pwplc work long hours, so we create esc-ape wncs in t he \l:orkplacc and :t l":'lnt;e of differe:~u work $4.:uings suitable for th-e different types of interchanges one has in
a typic.ll workd:l)' - indh•idual, collabor;uh·e, concentrated, social, etc... he explai"S.. adding that his comp.1ny's ex~ri<nct' with residential and hospitalit)' design helps when it comes to
workplace cksig.n. lkttes Sman is unusual in th:n it dtsigns both the interior and t he exterior of ;a building, but Copolov $.'I)'S the interMI sp:aCC$ a nd the archit~cturc must work together. '"\Vith the entire design t~m collaborating from the beginning, we can r~l\'e the design co provide the most be:tutiful, stamless resuh possible,~ he says. ~our architt(;t$ work alongside interior designcfl right from the e:trli.est stages of :t proje!Ct. lr-"s pan of our commitment tO quality, innovative design. This me.1n$ the design will be considered fro1n the insilk out. Positioning of archit«lurnl dements such as window mullions, columns and se.rvi<:es has an t:normous imp:tct on tbe Sj» Oows of t he intrrior.,. Copolov says he find$ more similarities chan di fferen~ between commercial :tnd residential proj«ts.
.. All protects :.'lrt d-esigned to mtet human need: the need for function, amenity and aesthetic qualities :o~nd sust,..inability. The ronunon thre.'ld for :til our proje!Cts is design excellence, in resolution nnd execution," After more than two decades in the industr)·. Copolov has creattd and directed m:'lny projects, but be says it's not fair asking him to chose just one he's most proud of. "'That's like a.sking me: which is my f:wourirc child,.. he says. Copolov h:'ls also sctn m:tny ch.:tngcs in home dc.sign. Au:Strnlians nrc now far more wotlclly ;u'd sophisticated. "\'(fe (Australians) are widdy travelled now and enjoy the nrle and luxury we expc=ricnce whe1' o n holid;;ly,.. Copokw S.1)·s. MThis is especially evident in bathrooms. 6.1throom design often indudts influences of t he luxur)' sp.1 reson. Th.e old bath tucked away in the corner is out, a nd the sculptural, free·sbnding b.1th is in. Subtle Asian influenc;;es :.ue often sten in the use Q( 1"uunal texH•TeS, d)•namic contnast and org;anic shapes... Copolov also notcs that with t he o~n ·plan
kitchen/living area so popul;~r, the butler's pantry is being included in kitchen desig n. ..This means the bc:tutiful kitchen t--an be preserved as a showpico.: enu:'ftainn\C-nt space and all th4! mess of (ood prep:~ nation is hidde-n ... Like all great design-ers Copolov has a vision for Melboumr, brlieving th.'lt this e11n be as vibrant a C-ity as llll)' of the great cities of the world. "'With the right planning and dedication ro design and quality ... nQt qu:t•nity,"' he says. adding that responsible incressc in inner·urban density is essemial for a sustainable future. "'Mdburni:ans embrace t he CBO and inntr-. urban a reas as bc-~uriJul, energetic-, fun pla~es u> lh·e," he So1)'S• .. ,., th-ese MUS, I would develop thoughtful residential buildings with social $p.'lce$ and arnenitics that crc~te a 'v('rtit.11 village', offering a s:uisf)·ing way Qf life.'" Still, as anyoi'K' who has had th(ir honw: or offict: redesigned knows. changing your mind is par for the course. So how does he dral with these kinds of clients? ..Cornmuntc.ate, communicate, CQnununicate." •