Crown Metropol, The Age, May 2010

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m Commercial Property

Metropol feels like boutique hotel, .despite its size A holistic approach works a t reat, writes

Stephen Crafti. , IE Qoo;o.n Meuopol by Bates Smart dflmoruar.ues wh1u CM be liCh.IC\'tod when th,e Mlne ~ctloc ddi,~r:s both the Mehit'-'CC\Ite and inttriob..

Rather than te~ponilin& to twu

5tpamte brief's. a holj~IJ.; o.pproac.h to the proje<:t. "11te hdgtu ofche wtn~ow sills wtn~ :lj p~mounl as the fumitvreand an

'''e $dCQccl.• -A.)'ll i.ntetior d.:$iglltt Jeffery Copolw. dln<toroiBa~

Sman. wt.o "''Otted do~ly w!ch

fnteri<N-dedpr Kmdr.l PIN:1.1~. a.uocl~tcdlreccor.

"Thtte wa.• a tenm ()(deslsners "'Orkinaorsthb ptn;cct; £rom

We wanted to create a strong tactile feel, a senseoftbc



Interior de\fCMr

l&<:tllt~f~l. a. sense ofthe ~ys"fli1\k:u!l.

lo rc5PQDst. timbers t&sed for

julnery. such as American "'hht~

lUll. art sandbWted ttl rt\of!tlhheir gmin. Ql$tomised ccnmi~: tables;

lodus:tllal ciOOp~ sourttd locaUy 1o C~Uptt d~rsand

OVM btlbbled surbc~ flven Hie !Iori

mttmit..eturcrs from the States."

fum4hir1gs. il:lcluding PatricE.

I!;Jau tOW~o.'f creates ~.sinuous.

dlosen tor lhelt tactility. tf<lme to eeltbtity didGordon

"11'5dellber;atdyqulteso0ducd''t', lt's high·end z)ll.Mout," ~'t r..o.polov,

opukntJ)()I)J f;w:ltities to~p.-.

With access f«m'' Whiteman Sttttt, l.bc Menopol's bld llllll0$1$enstQI !Ofm n1Soo~nk.

'o\ilMe briefWllll to attnroct the

lt:lsurt owtec on wecl:tnds and f:Xt'CutiYCl during dt~ ...,'ttk. ln b.oeping With bulkling's

lmpres;si\, wo~cte)WI facildds the ground·IIC'\>tl lobby. Complttc wl:lh a.Uquld·, 1M lobby

fcalureJit.n amly ol imprepi\~ aJ1 and sad:ptwt: by locnl and


Uttcm~trooal BattsScniLTt wllnlt~d to ere:ue the sense o(;a bovtl<l~ hor.el in the rdath'ely l&rg~C b\dldlng. \\'ltlch has 658 g\lt'SI


·we wanted co c:u;ale a slmng

allow patrons to run tbel.r ~

Urqu;loto\'s wsmoc:k chaJn", Wl'f'e

fQm.saay's ~tow-ant Mve. the Mecropol has C\'CI')'Ihlng (rom

lrutmenl.$ande~;a nallsal1m, The SV~im.mlog pool on IC\d l:7,

sUI'r<IMd«i b)' eba~ !, ofl'ers dnm:ttit liew"' of Mefbowne'sP:ylinc. Gi.llu lantertl.1 (&e\"'M 111(!11\$ til left8th &nd twO m~ lnwfdth) nett to d1e pual and$~ wen:in~imlbyG()QCll.e

Nelson'$ ~u Ugh ling. 11\cie Lyern-<:I~ sculptures IUusmttc the lengths Bu!t:t Stnltf t wen I to tO create the bespoke. "'rbe-f•bric. bad tO be rtsiSUUIIIO mlldt!W. II$ wdJ all capableor st.recchl.r.gow:r the s~l frumeJ." $l;l)'S C,c)JdQ\',

ft.ates Srnan'a S·shaped building

IOI\'eJ the u~ual problm~ otmd!~J;

rOO!n$ on'c:ndles~S sho4gu.n


Ul:e a boutique Mcd, tllC;h

('()C)!n i:~ finiMl(llla-J thou3f1 C\'(!1'}' ft~m"-m~lwld ~loctcd. "'ilh pa!mklgs lioctl David 8alld and fonlll!t Taylor a.nd object$110urccd rl'(l(D Au~:mr.lin nnd abroad. Thoose "~lh suflldentty~ pocU.Jtean s:tay11.1 th'-'"ap:l.ltmlf:nt", ioo11tcd on the ll)p naor. It Is filled "'ith an C'dcaic; mil of obfcru and furnlshln&$. fltld bdng there is lil:t.J;taying :11 n friend'll

~p;l.flment. Qlmpl'ele-with

glamorous dining room and t;enerous w.tlk·ln d1t:Uing llmn,ll"f the epitome orindul~n~ "11led~appeau:qulrt

~ponl:l.f-OOUS. bu1 \ \ 't' wt.t after

qUite SJI!Ctifw: thing,J." ;aysPin~. potntlngOOl the boob 00\'tced ln Wactline". ma~y ofwhk'h are enlhos!ted In SOld k!:.l. the 18thtloorohhe Standard 1-Jou~lln New YOft. ooe-of the mosta'Wf!ted~ at the Ci<J.,..nMdropolisfound on the Z~hh noor.

r-ca.tu.rlntl• lounge \\1th a. Cr~


flltpi-Ke :lnd


around baJcon~ ifun id)ili<:p1acc:

to conttn1platet.bedaypas~ i\00 prepare far the da.yahe3d, "It D n ~IIU(d, but tlat doesn't mean ltshould be genco:rlc:. 11\l<sholel bbespokc,ftmona ClWUitltnbly br~rseale." ttddli Qlpoi<Jv.

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