Your Guide to local Council spending and Council Tax 2016-2017
Contacting the Council Council Tax and Benefits
Council Connect
For Council Tax enquiries including benefits, exemptions and discounts:
Report It online – use our web forms to report issues about litter, graffiti, broken paving slabs, missed waste collections, abandoned vehicles and more. Go to
• Visit and follow the links to Council Tax and Benefits • Email us about your Council Tax: • Email us about Benefits: • Tel: 01225 47 77 77 (during office hours) Fax: 01225 47 78 09 • Post: Customer Services, Lewis House, Manvers Street, Bath, BA1 1JG • Visit us in person at One Stop Shops in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton Reporting suspicions of benefit fraud All reports are treated confidentially. Call the National Benefit Fraud Hotline on 0800 854 440 (or Textphone 0800 328 0512). You can also report it online at
You can also contact us by phone or email with enquiries relating to waste, recycling, transport, roads, general planning applications and libraries. This service is available Monday Friday, with some self-service options out of hours. Tel: 01225 39 40 41 Text (SMS): 07797 80 65 45 Twitter: @ccbathnes Email: councilconnect@bathnes. or visit uk/contactus In person Most of the above services are available at One Stop Shops in Bath, Keynsham and Midsomer Norton. Opening times of our offices may vary. Please visit contactus or call 01225 39 40 41 for more information.
This publication can be made available in a range of languages, large print, Braille, on tape, electronic and accessible formats from the Communications & Marketing Team on 01225 477495 or email 2
Welcome to your guide to local authority spending in Bath and North East Somerset. This guide includes details of how Bath & North East Somerset Council continues to deliver services; an explanation of what your Council Tax bill means, plus a breakdown of how your money is spent. The guide also sets out the charges for Town & Parish Council precepts, as well as charges from the Police and Fire services. It also includes details of the Environment Agency levy in respect of flood protection. Bath & North East Somerset Council has set a balanced budget that continues to protect essential frontline services, whilst keeping Council Tax as low as possible. Alongside the new 2% social care precept announced by the Government last autumn, there is a general Council Tax increase of 1.25% - one of the lowest in the country. Government funding that
had previously enabled Council Tax bills to be frozen over recent years has now ended. We are facing the biggest financial challenge in our history, including reductions in Government funding and increasing demand for services such as social care. By driving greater efficiencies, as well as looking at innovative ways to continue delivering services, we will be able to continue to invest in the future of the area to deliver our core priorities including improving transport, creating homes and jobs, supporting young and older people alike, and investing in cleaner, greener and healthier communities. The Council wants to hear your views. We will listen and act on them. We are keen to hear from you if you have an opinion on which services we should make a priority, or how we can improve services. You can write to us via email at 3
Go Digital in 2016/17 Over the coming years, even more information and services will become available digitally; there are already many ways in which you can access Council information and services – 2016/17 really is the year to Go Digital. 1. Find out lots of information. The Council’s website is your single source for a vast range of information on the services provided by the Council; including news, events, videos and other activities. 2. Report It – people can report all manner of issues like missed waste collections, potholes, litter, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, and broken street lights quickly and conveniently. 3. Get Tweeting – access and share the latest news and information, or use Twitter to get in contact with Council Connect instantly. Share your photos and experiences instantly. Tweet us: @ccbathnes to get in touch with Council Connect Follow us: @bathnes for News, Events, Information
4. Find us on Facebook. Some Council services have their own Facebook pages where you can engage directly with the people at the front end of providing you services. To find out about their pages go to: socialmedia. 5. Pay for it – 24 hours, pay online payment service for Council Tax, Business Rates, Council Invoices, Commercial Rent, Mortgages, PCN – Penalty Charge Notices, Annual Garden Waste subscriptions, FPN – Fixed Penalty Notices and Business Improvement District bills, Allotment rent, Curo rent, Libraries local studies fees, HMO licences, Licences and School Transport.
# t f 4
# t f 6. Email & Text SMS – Contact Council Connect 24 hours a day with reports, concerns, and issues – you can also obtain information about services like local libraries, public transport and waste facilities. Email: councilconnect@bathnes. Text SMS: 0779 7806545 7. What’s On – Find out about the latest events going on in your community all year round and add them completely free of charge.
# t f 8. View Planning and Licensing Applications – anybody can view planning and licensing applications in their communities online swiftly and easily. Can’t find what you are looking for? Email or Text SMS Council Connect. planningapps licensingapps
9. View Meetings Live – Watch Council meetings live via computer, tablet or smartphone, from the comfort of your own home. Watch the latest meeting
10. Give us your views. The Council seeks your views on a wide range of services. If you want to take part in online consultations go to www.
11. Connect with social media. The Council has a number of social media sites you can engage with. If you want to know more go to www. 12. Access services on the move! You can access via a mobile website on your phone or tablet computer. Our website will detect what gadget you are using and automatically switch to a mobile site specially designed for mobile devices. Alternatively, you can bookmark the mobile site on
Contents Council Tax information
What if your circumstances change?
Council Tax appeals
Your Council Tax bill explained
Living within our means – delivering value for money
Why spending has increased/ decreased
Reserves & Council debt
How will your money be spent?
Summary of average Band D charge
Further information
Parish & Town Councils – Precepts
Environment Agency South West Region
Avon & Somerset Police
Avon Fire Authority
This document is published on the Council’s website at Bath & North East Somerset Council will not use or disclose your Council Tax information for a purpose that falls outside the limits of its statutory responsibility, unless you give your consent. The only exception to this is where the disclosure of Council Tax information is required or permitted by law.
Council Tax information Some Council spending is financed by Central Government and the balance is raised through the collection of Council Tax. The money we collect goes towards the cost of services provided by the Council, Avon & Somerset Police Authority, Avon Fire Authority and Parish and Town Councils. Your Council Tax bill is the legal notice that details the amount you need to pay. Could you reduce your Council Tax bill? The following sections provide an introduction to Council Tax discounts, exemptions and other help available to reduce your bill. Get in touch with Customer Services if you need more advice. Our contact details are provided on page 2. Council Tax discounts Your Council Tax bill is based on two or more adults living in a property. If you are the only adult living in your home, your bill may be reduced by 25%. There are also some people we don’t ‘count’ when looking at the number of adults in a property. A discount may apply if someone who lives with you is: • a full-time student • in prison • a person who is severely mentally impaired • a care worker, depending on certain conditions • an 18 - 19 year old school leaver • a religious community member • a member of visiting Forces.
Family Annexes If you have an annexe which is lived in by a family member, a 50% discount can be applied to the Council Tax bill for that annexe. This discount is based on occupation of the annexe by a resident of the main building, or by a family member. If a non-family member occupies the annexe the discount will not apply. Property & student exemptions Some properties are classed as ‘exempt’ and this means that you will not have to pay any Council Tax. For example this includes: • a granny annexe occupied by a dependant relative over 65 • properties occupied wholly by students • properties left unoccupied, under certain circumstances.
7 Council Tax reductions for people with disabilities Do you, or someone who lives with you, need extra space in your property to meet the special needs arising from a disability? For example, you might qualify for a reduction if this included using a wheelchair indoors, or needing an extra room, bathroom or kitchen. Help paying Council Tax for people on a low income If you’re on a low income, you might be entitled to some help towards paying your Council Tax. Council Tax Support reduces the amount you have to pay and is taken straight off your bill. To apply, you’ll need to give us information about your income and any savings, and details about the people who live with you.
What if your circumstances change? If your bill shows you are receiving a discount or you apply in the future, any change in your circumstances could affect your entitlement. You have a legal duty to tell us within 21 days, or you may incur a penalty charge. This authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers, and to this end may use the information you have provided for the prevention and detection of fraud. It may also share this information with other bodies responsible for auditing or administering public funds for these purposes. For further information, see the Council’s website ( under Privacy Notices) or contact the Information Compliance Manager. Paying your Council Tax – 12 month option If you haven’t already asked us to spread your payments over 12 months, your annual Council Tax bill will automatically have been broken down into 10 monthly instalments, payable between April and January. If you wish to take up the option of 12 monthly instalments for your 2016/17 annual bill, please write to Customer Services (see page 2) by 15 April 2016. If you contact us after this date, your current bill will be recalculated to give the maximum number of instalments available for the rest of the year, up to March 2017. Your future annual bills will automatically be payable over 12 months.
Council Tax appeals By law, you must continue to pay your Council Tax as normal until your appeal has been resolved. You can appeal if you think that: • we have made a mistake in the calculation of your Council Tax bill • you think that you are not liable to pay the bill. In these cases, please write to Customer Services (see page 2). If you disagree with the valuation banding for your property, you need to contact the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). Their contact details are provided below. The grounds of appeal are restricted to specific circumstances. More information about valuation bands and when you can appeal are available at in the Council Tax section. For further information and appeals about valuation bands contact: The Listing Officer, Council Tax West, Overline House, Blechynden Terrace, Southampton SO15 1GW Telephone: 03000 501 501 Council Tax valuation bands The amount of Council Tax you pay depends on your property band, which is included on your bill. The VOA, which is part of H.M. Revenue & Customs, puts every property into one of eight valuation bands according to its open market value at 1 April 1991. All the bands are shown in the table below: Valuation band A B C D E F G H
Ranges of values Up to and including £40,000 £40,001 - £52,000 £52,001 - £68,000 £68,001 - £88,000 £88,001 - £120,000 £120,001 - £160,000 £160,001 - £320,000 More than £320,000
Proportion of Band D 6/9 7/9 8/9 1 11/9 13/9 15/9 2
Your Council Tax bill explained
Council Tax Bill 20 Why not sign up for Direct Debit today?
This is the number you need to quote when making a payment or contacting us about your Council Tax account Name of liable person(s) Billing address The general charge by the Council - this is the amount which the Council needs to raise from the Council Tax in order to provide its main services
Customer Services, Lewis House, Manvers S Telephone: 01225 47 77 77 Email: counciltax@ Account Number
Your property has been valued in Band
How the tax is arrived at for your b
Bath & North East Somerset Social Care Charge Combined Fire Authority
Charge set by the Council to assist it in meeting expenditure on adult social care Charge set by Avon Fire Authority Charge set by a Parish or Town Council - if you live in a parish or town area, your Parish or Town Council may issue an amount to finance its expenditure Charge set by Avon & Somerset Police Authority Charge for the year Details of any exemptions or discounts you are receiving Notes to inform you of any credits or debit from previous financial years
Town/Parish of Avon & Somerset Police
YOUR COUNCIL TAX BILL IS MADE UP AS FOLL Charge for period Less Void Property Relief
Band C
01-Ap 01-Ap
If this bill shows you are receiving a disco the important message overleaf.
As at 21-Feb-2016 yourPAID 2015/2016 Council Tax a/c is in c INSTALMENT TO BE BY: CASH PAYMENTS MO This has reduced your 2016/2017 account to leave a bala FIRST INSTALMENT DUE ON 01/02/2015 The credit from 2015/2016 has been used to reduce you OTHER INSTAMLMENT DUE ON 01/03/2015
First instalment due 01-Aprl-2016 9 other instalments due on 01-May-2016 to 01-Jan-2017 Instalments to be paid by: Cash Payments Monthly
Dates of instalments Method of payment
No Wh
Street, Bath BA1 1JG
Date of Issue
Date your Council Tax bill was issued
7th March 2016
Address of property if different from billing address
The Council Tax Band for your property which is set by the Valuation Office Agency
Reason for Bill Amount for 2016/2017 % change £ from 2015/2016
pr-2016 pr-2016
31-Mar-2017 31-Mar-2017
£1044.71 -£1044.71
Total due for the year before any reductions for discounts or exemptions The adjustments made as a result of any exemptions or discounts
Total amount payable
ount or you apply in the future, please read
Number of instalments and amounts due
credit by ONTHLY ance of ur 2016/2017 instalments
-98.50 19.03
1 x 1.03 9 x 2.00
Please Note: This is a fictitious Council Tax bill made up for explanatory purposes
ot paying by Direct Debit? hy not sign up today…
Living within our means – delivering value for money The following information shows where every £1 of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s Council Tax is spent. This is based on net spend after deducting income generated by services and grants including the Dedicated Schools Grant. Children’s Services 24.8p The Council ensures school places for around 25,000 pupils in 81 schools and Academies locally and funds home to school transport and support services for schools. Funds and provides youth services and Children’s Centre services plus the full range of social care services and support for over 1,000 of the most vulnerable children, young people and families. Adult Social Services 48.6p Each year Adult Social Services provides around 2,200 care packages and a range of care placements for vulnerable adults, supports 1,100 people to use our Personal Budget programme giving them choice over their care, and home improvement and support services to around 2,000 people. Refuse Collection & Disposal 10.3p We provide a weekly kerbside collection of domestic food waste and a wide range of recyclable materials including glass, paper, plastics and small electricals. In addition, there is a fortnightly collection of garden waste (chargeable) and a weekly collection of general waste. We run three Recycling Centres and over 170 communal mini recycling centres for flats. In 2014-15 we sent for re-use, recycling or composting 48% of all household waste generated within Bath & North East Somerset.
7.7p Over 960 miles of highway maintenance, surfacing, gullies, street lighting, winter gritting and traffic signals. We also improve highway safety, manage public rights of way and investigate drainage and flooding issues. Transport, Planning & Economic Development 3.0p Over 50 supported bus services, around 7,000 parking spaces, three Park & Ride sites. Deal with around 1,200 building regulations applications and 3,000 Planning & Listed Building Applications each year. Development of planning policies including Placemaking Plans for Bath, Keynsham, Radstock / Midsomer Norton and rural areas. Housing & Environmental Services 5.4p Responsible for undertaking the Council’s strategic housing role to assist around 4,000 households each year, inspections and interventions in 2,000 food businesses and over 3,400 licences. The remaining 0.2p funds services including libraries, cemeteries, recreation, tourism, cleansing and funding capital projects and charges.
Why Spending has increased/ decreased The Council has set its net revenue budget for 2016/17 at £115.729m This represents a decrease of £1.788m. The build up is shown below. Net Revenue Base Budget rolled forward 2016/17 One-off Allocations Contractual and Unavoidable Inflation New Legislation / Government Initiatives Increased Service Volumes Other Total including Growth Efficiency Savings Refinancing Growth Avoidance Increases in Income from fees, charges and other grants Service Redesign Council’s Net Revenue Budget 2016/17
£m 117.517 1.662 1.938 2.529 3.736 0.991 128.373 -5.328 -1.571 -1.013 -3.960 -0.772 115.729
Reserves & Council Debt At the start of 2016/17, the Council is expected to have unearmarked reserves of £8.4m against a risk assessed target level of £10.5m. The difference of £2.1m relates to the temporary use of reserves for invest to save schemes which pay back reserves in the future. The Council’s risk assessed minimum level of unearmarked reserves is set at £6m. In addition to these reserves, the Council has provision in earmarked reserves, including for affordable housing of £2.7m, supporting costs of change and restructuring
of £2.5m, financial planning and contingency of £5.6m, and £3.2m to support the Council’s transformation programme. These reserves are anticipated to be fully utilised over the medium term. The Council has £13.4m of debt that is managed by Bristol City Council and relates to the former Avon County Council. The estimated level of the Council’s own borrowing at the start of 2016/17 is unchanged from the previous year, remaining at £108.3m. 13
Revenue Budget 2016-17
Where the Council spends money 2016/17 - £320.1m - gross spend Where the Council spends money 2016/17 – £320.1m – before taking account of income gross spend before taking account of income Libraries Recreation & Tourism £18.52m 5.8% (15/16 £18.67m)
Refuse Collection & Disposal £14.30m 4.5% (15/16 £15.84m)
Planning, Transport & Economic Development £19.60m 6.1% (15/16 £20.03m)
Retained Business Rates Tariff Payment £9.92m 3.1% (15/16 £9.84m)
Other Services £29.54m 9.2% (15/16 £27.48m)
Public Health £9.40m 2.9% (15/16 £8.86m)
Children’s Services £39.90m 12.5% (15/16 £39.24m)
Highways £9.35m 2.9% (15/16 £9.55m) Housing, Environmental & Consumer Services £7.63m 2.4% (15/16 £7.92m)
Dedicated Schools Grant Spend £73.48m 23.0% (15/16 £73.77m) Funding Capital Projects/ Charges £3.23m 1.0% (15/16 £3.22m)
Adult Social Services £85.25m 26.6% (15/16 £83.22m)
Where the money comes from to pay for all the services Where the money comes from -to£320.1m pay for all the services 2016/17 2016/17 – £320.1m
Libraries Recreation & Tourism £18.52m 5.8% (15/16 £18.67m)
Refuse Collection & Disposal £14.30m 4.5% (15/16 £15.84m)
Planning, Transport &
Highways £9.35m 2.9% (15/16 £9.55m)
Public Health £9.40m 2.9% (15/16 £8.86m)
Housing and Environmental Retained Business Rates & Consumer Services Tariff Payment £9.92m 3.1% £9.84m) £1.43m 0.5%(15/16 (15/16 £1.42m)
Operational Services and Economic Development £19.60m 6.1% (15/16 other income £19.51m 6.1% £20.03m) (15/16 £16.57m)
Property rental and fees Museums, Leisure, Housing, Environmental & income £17.99m Consumer 5.6% Services £7.63m Recreation & Tourism 2.4% (15/16 £7.92m) (15/16 £17.54m) £16.71m 5.2% (15/16 £16.30m)
Other Services £29.54m
Government Revenue 9.2% (15/16 £27.48m) Support Grant (RSG) £14.42m 4.5% (15/16 £20.5m)
Planning, Highways and Car Parking Charges £16.67m 5.2% Funding Capital Projects/ Charges £3.23m 1.0% (15/16 £16.48m)
Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) £73.48m 23.0% Children’s Services (15/16 £73.77m)£39.90m 12.5% (15/16
(15/16 £3.22m)
Public Health grant £9.40m 2.9% (15/16 £8.86m) Adult Social Services £85.25m 26.6% (15/16 £83.22m)
Adult Social Services Dedicated Schools Grant Spend £73.48m 23.0% specific grants and (15/16 £73.77m) charges £29.05m 9.1% (15/16 £29.03m) Council Tax £77.85m 24.3% (15/16 £74.46m)
Retained Business Rates (Before Tariff Payment) £32.43m 10.1% (15/16 £31.58m)
Children’s Services specific grants and charges £11.18m 3.5% (15/16 £11.13m)
Budget 2016-17 Total Approved Spend CapitalCapital Budget 2016-17 £58.2m
Total Approved Spend £58.2m Children's Services £9.3m 16%
Adult Social Care & Housing £2.1m 4%
Transport & Highways £7.9m 13%
Tourism Leisure & Culture £7.3m 12%
Neighbourhoods & Waste (inc.Vehicle Replacement) £1.0m 2% Property and Support Services £4.8m 8% Commercial Investment £15.5m 27%
Regeneration Schemes £10.3m 18%
Where each £1 raised of your Council Tax goes in 2016/17 Where each £1 raised of your Council Tax goes in 2016/17 Bath & North East Somerset Council Avon & Somerset Police Avon Fire Authority Average Parish/ Charter Trust
81p 12p 5p 2p
Bath & North East Somerset Council 81p
Avon & Somerset Police 12p
Avon Fire Authority 5p Average Parish/ Charter Trust 2p
Summary of average Band D charge Bath & North East Somerset – Adult Social Care* Avon & Somerset Police Avon Fire Authority Average Parish Overall Average Band D
Band D £1,216.87 £24.03 £178.26 £67.93 £36.80 £1,523.89
% increase 1.25% 1.99% 2.00% 2.25% 3.02%
(Figures shown are for at least a two person household) The Council’s Council Tax Requirement (excluding Police, Fire & Parishes) for 2016/17 is £77.847m and including Parishes is £80.156m “The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government has made an offer to adult social care authorities1. The offer is the option of an adult social care authority being able to charge a “precept” of up to 2% on its council tax for the financial year beginning in 2016 without holding a referendum, to assist the authority in meeting expenditure on adult social care. Subject to the annual approval of the House of Commons, the Secretary of State intends to offer the option of charging this “precept” in relation to each financial year up to and including the financial year 2019-20. In relation to the financial year beginning in 2016 the Secretary of State has determined (and the House of Commons has approved) a referendum principle of 4% (comprising 2% for expenditure on adult social care and 2% for other expenditure), for adult social care authorities. These authorities may therefore set council tax up to this percentage in 2016 without holding a referendum.”
For further information If you have any questions on the 2016/17 budget for Bath & North East Somerset Council please write to: Divisional Director – Business Support, Bath & North East Somerset Council, Guildhall, High Street, Bath BA1 5AW or email or visit our website at “Adult social care authorities” are local authorities which have functions under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, namely county councils in England, districts councils for an area in England for which there is no county council, London borough councils, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.
Parish & Town Councils – Precepts The Council Tax charges shown below relate to the charge for the Parish Council, Town Council or Charter Trustee element only 2015/16 Precept £ 198,524 23,000 35,000 16,884 20,000 12,075 1,470 350 21,500 15,000 2,970 30,639 8,500 7,011 8,960 6,900 6,997 9,150 5,994 13,880 10,260 17,920 25,500 7,985 12,432 1,560 423,953 5,320 318,172
2016/17 Precept £ Parish 182,504 Bath 23,000 Bathampton 45,000 Batheaston 17,680 Bathford 20,000 Cameley 12,315 Camerton 1,480 Charlcombe 350 Chelwood 24,500 Chew Magna 15,000 Chew Stoke 2,970 Claverton 33,168 Clutton 8,500 Combe Hay 7,011 Compton Dando 11,570 Compton Martin 7,520 Corston 7,136 Dunkerton & Tunley 9,900 East Harptree 6,174 Englishcombe 15,000 Farmborough 11,500 Farrington Gurney 21,540 Freshford 26,500 High Littleton 8,067 Hinton Blewett 12,432 Hinton Charterhouse 1,650 Kelston 445,150 Keynsham 5,820 Marksbury 327,119 Midsomer Norton
Band D £ 6.00 31.61 40.91 22.59 44.41 51.11 6.98 5.70 40.49 32.88 43.21 60.19 93.55 24.72 46.44 38.52 31.56 32.23 47.23 35.25 35.71 76.36 33.24 57.41 52.56 19.66 80.45 31.82 87.88 17
Parish & Town Councils – Precepts (continued) 2015/16 Precept £ 5,935 1,600 4,500 0 4,000 214,250 162,771 6,210 11,000 207,968 750 29,702 6,813 7,680 8,416 18,730 2,800 47,000 6,730 10,115 8,000 171,810 25,000 2,229,685
2016/17 Precept £ Parish 6,450 Monkton Combe 2,000 Nempnett Thrubwell 5,000 Newton St. Loe 0 North Stoke 4,000 Norton Malreward 224,250 Paulton 165,933 Peasedown St. John 6,000 Priston 11,220 Publow & Pensford 210,393 Radstock 750 St. Catherine 31,672 Saltford 7,775 Shoscombe 7,720 South Stoke 12,507 Stanton Drew 18,880 Stowey Sutton 2,800 Swainswick 47,000 Timsbury 6,780 Ubley 11,310 Wellow 8,000 West Harptree 179,900 Westfield 28,000 Whitchurch 2,308,896 TOTAL
Band D £ 36.90 21.28 73.91 0.00 36.72 116.93 78.14 48.59 23.88 133.85 18.29 17.76 46.49 33.41 38.86 29.66 21.16 51.18 39.22 46.95 39.50 98.72 57.60
For information on calculating the charge for different property bands, see the Council Tax Valuation Bands paragraph on page 9. If your parish precept is £140,000 or above in 2016/17, a leaflet which includes details about how the parish money is spent in your area is also available online at 18
Pages 19 & 20 – Police