2 minute read
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath
Find us online at issuu.com/bathpaperspace
Colophon Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2017
Students of the University of Bath receive paperspace twice a year
ISSN 2058-9301X (Online)
Editorial address
4ES Room 4.1
Claverton Down Bath, BA2 7AY
Editor in Chief
Issy Spence
Imaging, Design and Print Services, University of Bath
Supported by
Ben Hair
Cora McLean
David Janosi
Diana Smiljkovic
Ella Thorns
Harry Wyatt
Heba Tabidi
Isaac Frost
Issy Spence
Julia Korpacka
K Thin Zar Min
Lana Harding
Latifa Al Khayat
Maddi Gomez-Iradi
Marcin Karczewski
Nathan Davies
Oliver Cassidy
Oliwia Jackowska
Paulina Konkina
Peilin Liao
Sara Medas
Sebastian Stripp
Tom Gregory
Yacine Abed
Zeid Truscott
Zibo Zhang
Thank you to those who contributed their photos, work and drawings.
Diana Smiljkovic
Internal Cover
Lilian Lam
Well Hello there, Thank you for stopping by for Issue 8 of Paperpsace, now 4 years strong. We are really excited to share with you this issue, and its consequent theme Truth(s).
While musing on this theme, I stumbled across this quote by Louis Arragon and thought I would share:
‘Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash.’
The articles in this issue of Paperspace playfully and bravely tackle a multiplicity of truths; this grey zone of juxtapositions, contrast and subjectivity in what one holds to be true. Several of the articles address our conscience as designers, such as Re-thinking ‘Honesty’ & Architecture and Fashion: A New Truth, questioning our social responsibility and impact to the planet. Truth & Style investigates the relationship between these two concepts, and questions of style also arise in Seeking Truth through Minimal Living which addresses the ideal of a simplistic way of existence. Representation, reality and how we see things are also key issues disclosed. Letters in Language of Lines, questions our design process whereas The Functionalist Aesthetic: Form or Function? challenges the continuous dilemma of honesty in materiality and structure. I hope you will enjoy the eclectic variety in topic and tone.
I’m exceptionally proud and overwhelmed by the brilliant people who contribute to this magazine. It is amazing how there has been a snowball effect of people wanting to contribute: this is our biggest issue yet. People often ask me how many people are involved in Paperspace. I thought I would tally up the number of contributors over the last eight issues, and it is a whopping 60. This is not even including those who have been kind enough to share their photos or their work to feature. Sadly this is my last semester at the University of Bath, and I write this farewell letter with nostalgic humility and sheer gladness of what we have achieved. From sitting in the 6E Crit room and trying to brainstorm ideas, to the launch party and to all the people I have been lucky enough to get to know, it has been such a great part of my time at Uni. I just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who has ever contributed or been involved in anyway, had a conversation about or ever read Paperspace. Thank you so much and enjoy this issue.
Editor in Chief of Paperspace Issy Spence