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What’s On? Bath, Bristol and Beyond
By Benedict Hignell
Bath: Buildings in Landscape (Museum of Bath Architecture until 29 November) - Historic views of Bath and its setting.
Tale of Two Cities (44AD Artspace 9 June until 14 June) - A print exhibition exploring the relationship between Bath and Bristol and how their history and people have shaped them.
Do Ho Suh: New York City Apartment (Bristol Museum & Art Gallery until 27 September) - A transparent fabric recreation of the artist’s apartment.
Bouchard Exhibition (The Guildhall Gallery) - A father and daughter exhibition of two very different styles of art Philip creates fictional surreal landscapes for famous buildings, whereas Harriet paints photorealistic portraits.
John Soane Museum - John Soane turned three Holborn Town houses into a museum of fascinating architectural curiosities for the education of his apprentices. That museum has been maintained in the condition it was in at the time of his death in 1837. It is run by a collection of eccentric folk that just themselves make the museum worth a visit.
Salt and Silver: Early Photography 1840 -1860 ( Tate Britain untill 7 June) - An exhibition presenting the early and short lived photography technique of Salt and Silver.
We Stumbled As We Clambered (Edel Assanti until 6 June)
- An exploration of the politics of identity and space and the architecture of social experience
The Rise and Fall of The Council Estate (RIBA 7 - 8:40 23 June)
- A discussion charting the history of council estate and their controversial architecture.
All this Belongs to You ( V&A Museum until 19th July) - A series of interventions around the museum by architects and designers with an aim to question the role of public institutions in modern life.
Designs of The Year (28 Shad Thames, London until 23 August, £13 or £9.75 for students) - A collection of the best of graphic, industrial and architectural design of the last year
Architecture on Film (Barbican Centre, £11.50) - A series of independent films with architecture as a prominent but not always dominant theme.
New London Awards ( The Building Centre, WC1E 7BT until 14th August) - Featuring the commended and winning projects for the 2014 New London Awards.
Public London: Ten Years of transformation ( The Building Centre, WC1E 7BT until 11 July) - A exhibition celebrating how London’s public realm and the public’s attitudes towards it have improved over the last ten years,
A Clockwork Jerusalem ( AA Gallery 9 May until 6 June) - This exhibitions explores how modernism became effected by British sensibilities.
Serpentine Pavillion 2015 ( An intriguing poisonous caterpillar in Kensington Gardens 25 June until 18 October)