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Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, University of Bath

Find us online at issuu.com/bathpaperspace


Colophon volume 1, issue 1, January 2014

Students of the University of Bath receive paperspace 2-3 times a year

Editorial address

Paperspace Room 6E 4.4 Claverton Down Bath, BA2 7AY bathpaperspace@gmail.com

Editor in chief

Marie d’Oncieu

Issue editors

Paulina Konkina

Tom Gregory

Akshay Nagar

Artistic directors

Arthur Chia

Harry Streuli

Lilian Tran


Emma Matthews

Benedict Highnell

Emaad Damda

Lauren Carpenter

George Pickering

Isaac Tam

Issy Spence

Kelly Ng

Lilian Lam

Lilian Tran

Shemol Rahman

Sara Medas


Colorworks Bath


George Pickering


Welcome to a new beginning

We are excited to present the University of Bath’s first architectural magazine : paperspace!

paperspace wants to inspire you. We want to animate your passion for architecture and ignite your curiosity. In these pages, our writers share their interests and opinions to broaden your horizons, spike your creativity and challenge your beliefs. We strive to stretch the very limits of what architecture can be.

The name “paperspace” will undoubtedly revive delicious memories of AutoCAD imprinted in your brains like hot iron. But we believe that architectural education goes much further. It’s about exploring history, urbanism and landscape; staying updated on news of the architectural profession; branching out to engineering or the arts. And, as students, it’s the opportunity to create a stimulating environment to inspire each other.

For all of us, this month marks the beginning of a new year, hopefully rich in opportunities and experiences. For some, this new semester is also the beginning of placements. It’s a perfect time to reflect on what 2013 has brought us. In these pages, you will learn how first have coped with the discovery of architecture; how fourth years have survived Basil Spence and their first collaboration with engineers. We will take you abroad to get a glimpse of the 3rd years’ impressions of Erasmus

We also explore more transformational beginnings with last year’s graduates sharing their new paths away from 6East and an interview of Stonewood Design, a newly established practice

Marie d’Oncieu

Yacine Abed

Reshma Upadhyaya

Garrick Chan

Paulina Konkina

Tom Gregory

Jian Yong Khoo

Harry Streuli

Joanna Burleigh

Akshay Nagar

Arinah Rizal

All photos are the property of their respective owners. We are a non-profit organization and we thank you for the use of these pictures.

Isn’t the beginning of every project the most thrilling part? Taking the first leap, defying the blank page is a euphoric shot of inspiration. A simple sketch on a napkin can lead to the Shard. And in architecture, cyclical reinventions are a promise of endless beginnings. Let yourself be guided through these pages from primitive architecture without architects through the classical purity of the Parthenon to innovative technologies such as 3D printing or open source modes of construction.

And if your new year’s resolutions included becoming a knowledgeable, cultivated personage, you will find your heart’s desire with our book and film reviews, get inspired and “what’s on” sections. Is your workload casting a cloud on 2014? paperspace is your companion, and our coffee break section (complete with cartoons, crosswords and other geeky architectural games) is a perfect way to procrastinate while you face the daunting task of starting your new project.

Now I’ll let you turn the first page and start this first issue with the paperspace team. We think it’s pretty great – although we may be biased.

Welcome, and thanks for reading.

Marie d’Oncieu Founder and editor in chief of paperspace

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