SuperTrace Brand Guidelines
Our audience
Creating our tone
The detail
Applying our brand
Everything SuperTrace does is for the benefit of our members and trustees. Our brand is straightforward, direct and relevant. This translates into every bit of communication we produce and is expressed through our brand values ...
Our brand values
Trustworthy Trustworthy Trustworthy Trustworthy
We’re honest and fair because we have our customers' interests at heart.
Our brand values
We’re always looking for new ways to improve our service and product.
Our brand values
Knowledgeable We know super and are a respected leader.
Our brand values
We’re accountable. We’re consistent. We deliver to our customers.
Our brand values
Customer centric We’re helpful, responsive and we care about our customers.
Our audience
SuperTrace communicates to two very different audiences – Members and Trustees. Each group has their own characteristics and needs to be communicated to in an appropriate way.
(General public)
Communication directed to members is informational and customer centric.
(Business to business) Communication directed to trustees is professional and direct, proactive and committed. SuperTrace communication to trustees builds the brand's reputation as a recognised industry expert and leading ERF. Trustees communication builds on the proposition, Members’ best interests are SuperTrace’s top priority. We're trustworthy. SuperTrace is a reliable ERF with a proven track record.
1.3 Trustees
Tier 1 Tier one material consists of brand or tactical communication. Generally speaking brand material speaks to a broad audience communicating our brand proposition whilst tactical material is targeted to a specific audience or about a specific product.
Brand communication
Online Advert
Tactical communication
Press Advert
Press Advert
Tactical communication
Banners/ Posters Acquisition Marketing Flyer
Brand communication
Online Advert
Tier 2 Tier two material is primarily informational and is often updated regularly. Tier two material includes information on a product or service in great detail such as terms and conditions or legal information.
PDS Trustees
Tender Document
SPDS Members Forms
Key Features Brochure
SPDS Trustees
Report to Members
Creating our tone
Visual tone Members
We never complicate the communication with unneccessary imagery if a headline does the job.
We’re looking after your super
Report to Members
SuperTrace eligible rollover fund 30 June 2009
Your super is in good hands
30 June 2009
Product disclosure statement for year ended 30 June 2009
When speaking to Members our visual tone is uncluttered, direct and most of all approachable.
Here's a snapshop of some of our Members collateral.
KE Would you lI ur to aCCEss yolINE? oN statEMENts --
intere register yournding us today by se dress and your email ad n one of you could wi stfield ten $1,000 We s. Gift Card
WIN! -
Imagery is used as a support to the communication and should never be overworked.
y! ENd aNd ENJo For you to sP--------------------------------------------------------------------- date --------------Closing
PDS brochure
Report to Members
DM Promotion
Visual tone Trustees
When speaking to Trustees we come from an acquistion and retention point of view. The imagery takes on a sense of whimsy whilst maintaining a professional, direct tone with its content.
We look everywhere for lost Members
We look everywhere for lost Members SuperTrace is an Eligible Rollover Fund dedicated to finding lost Members. Here are some of the lengths we go to: • Innovative matching engine that • Utilising Australia Post’s Address Matching cross-references over 10 million customers Approval System (AMAS) on a quarterly basis held by Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Proactive involvement with the ATO in • Providing convenient access to the ATO reuniting Members with their super SuperSeeker Website We also provide Members with a low fee structure combined with a prudent asset allocation. Our low fee structure is especially attractive for Members with balances less than $1000, which accounts for the majority of all Members in ERF’s.
Here There Everywhere Near Far Over there Down there
We look e lost Mem
SuperTrace is an Eligible R Here are some of the leng
• Innovative matching engine that cross-references over 10 million cu held by Commonwealth Bank of Au
• Providing convenient access to the SuperSeeker Website
We also provide Members with a low Our low fee structure is especially att which accounts for the majority of all
Call us today to find out more. Contact Tony Hawkins on 0420 371 679 or
Call us today to find out more. Contact Tony Hawkins on 0420 37
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisic ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute ir qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Du in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est labo
Trustees Copy tone
When communicating to Members or Trustees, the tone is always the same – friendly, straightforward and written in plain english. We speak (and write) with the customer's best interest at heart. After all we are customer centric and this is at the core of everything we do. The language is open, direct and knowledgeable. We never clutter our communication with flowery words or with obvious and intentional exaggeration. It is always direct and straightforward ... like us.
We look everywhere for lost Members
Open, direct headline
SuperTrace is an Eligible Rollover Fund dedicated to finding lost Members. Here are some of the lengths we go to: • Innovative matching engine that • Utilising Australia Post’s Address Matching Approval System (AMAS) on a quarterly basis cross-references over 10 million customers held by Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Proactive involvement with the ATO in • Providing convenient access to the ATO reuniting Members with their super SuperSeeker Website
Example to come
We also provide Members with a low fee structure combined with a prudent asset allocation. Our low fee structure is especially attractive for Members with balances less than $1000, which accounts for the majority of all Members in ERF’s.
Body text is unclutted and straight to the point
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We los
SuperT Here ar
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Grammar The following language principles offer a general guide to help us keep common terms and phrasing consistent. Refer to the CommInsure Writing Guide for more specific guidelines. Contact Lisa Bowman for a copy of the Guide or for more information at or on 0415 966 496.
Use a friendly, straightforward simple and direct tone of voice. Short, friendly and simple is best – if you can cut a word out of a sentence, do it. You can also use ‘and’ and ‘but’ to start a sentence.
Use an informal personal tone. For example, ‘you’, ‘your’, ‘we’ and ‘our’ rather than ‘the customer’ or ‘the Group’.
Writing in a positive voice is best.
Generally for numbers used in sentences spell numbers from zero to nine and write 10 and over as numerals. e.g. one, two, three…nine, 10,13.
Use title case when referring to an actual name and use sentence case in other situations. Use sentence case for headings: ‘Family law superannuation’ instead of ‘Family Law Superannuation’
For example, ‘contact us for more details’ instead of ‘do not hesitate to contact us for more details’.
Australian spelling and style is used for our communications.
Use simple words and everyday language.
This means using ‘ise’ instead of ‘ize’, e.g. organise, sympathise,
For example ‘about’ instead of ‘in relation to’. Avoid using jargon unless you know your audience will understand it.
Use ‘and’ instead of ‘&’. The only time ‘&’ should be used is when referring to a trademark name that uses an ampersand in their logo e.g. ‘at Ernst & Young we believe…’
‘our’ instead of ‘or’, e.g. colour, harbour. Also use ‘adviser’ instead of ‘advisor’ and programme instead of program, The exception to this rule is where a proper noun (name) includes foreign spelling – e.g. World Health Organization.
Remove www. from website addresses. rather than
Image style Members Our image style for Members is friendly, approachable and uncomplicated. To add to this sentiment we use a treatment that desaturates the colour and provides an overall feeling of warmth. Examples of how this is executed is on page 2.8. The majority of our imagery depicts people of all ages and backgrounds. Everyday Australians from all walks of life. However, there will be instances when imagery would work best without people. In this case, evidence of humanity is important to communicate. For example, a jumper over a chair or a crumpled newspaper by a pair of slippers.
Image style Trustees
We do more than just relocate our members therefore when speaking to Trustees we portray ourselves as active participants in finding lost Members. We can do this with the use of people or without. It is important to remember that everything we do is for the benefit of our Members, if this comes across in our collaterial then we're communicating the right message. As with our Members imagery we have colour treated our Trustee imagery. See page 2.8 for examples on execution.
Here There Everywhere Near Far Over there Down there
Image style photo treatment Photoshop image treatment 1. M ake sure the image is CMYK 2. S elect Image – Adjustments – Hue/Saturation. Visually decrease the saturation to match the supplied style. While in this window the lightness may also need to be increased, depending on the image.
3. S elect Image – Adjustments – Colour Balance. Increase yellow and increase green. Again, the level to which you increase each colour depends on the image.
2.8 We also use a polaroid border around our imagery. Please contact CommInsure Marketing Team for artwork.
A large set of icons are available for use to highlight information and act as navigation through a document. Illustrated here is a snapshot of icons. These icons can be obtained from the CommInsure Marketing Team for artwork.
If an instance arises where a dark background colour is required, the density of the blacks in the icons will need to be increased accordingly to ensure satisfactory standout.
Generally used as a primary or splash graphic. Not to be used at a small scale. Works best on light or white backgrounds.
Generally used as supporting graphics or action points. Can be used at a very small scale.
We have deliberately created a modular website that guides you through the site content in a logical step-by-step manner. We've developed a promotional area where content can be easily updated to highlight specific offerings or SuperTrace news. If you have any queries regarding our website please contact the CommInsure Marketing Team for artwork.
Search area
Who we are
Member and Trustee specific information area
Promotional area
In most instances advertising can be the first interaction our audience will have with our brand. Great care and attention to our target audience must be considered.
We look everywhere for lost Members
As well as following the rules of imagery, colour and typography as outlined in these guidelines, important points to consider are tone, singularity of message and relevancy. Always communicate in a clear, straightforward and approachable manner.
Looking for the perfect partnership?
SuperTrace is an Eligible Rollover Fund dedicated to finding lost Members. Here are some of the lengths we go to:
As a Trustee or administrator it’s important to partner with and ERF you can trust.
• Innovative matching engine that • Utilising Australia Post’s Address Matching cross-references over 10 million customers Approval System (AMAS) on a quarterly basis held by Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Proactive involvement with the ATO in • Providing convenient access to the ATO reuniting Members with their super SuperSeeker Website
You can feel confident with SuperTrace. We’ve been awarded an outstanding 5-star rating* by The Heron Partnership for our:
We also provide Members with a low fee structure combined with a prudent asset allocation. Our low fee structure is especially attractive for Members with balances less than $1000, which accounts for the majority of all Members in ERF’s.
• simple, low and transparent fee structure • experience, credibility of size and quality administration • quality investment arrangements • strong relocation activity * The Heron Partnership Independent Assessment Report, May 2008.
Here There Everywhere Near Far Over there Down there
We look everywhere for lost Members SuperTrace is an Eligible Rollover Fund dedicated to finding lost Members. Here are some of the lengths we go to: • Innovative matching engine that • Utilising Australia Post’s Address Matching cross-references over 10 million customers Approval System (AMAS) on a quarterly basis held by Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Proactive involvement with the ATO in • Providing convenient access to the ATO reuniting Members with their super SuperSeeker Website We also provide Members with a low fee structure combined with a prudent asset allocation. Our low fee structure is especially attractive for Members with balances less than $1000, which accounts for the majority of all Members in ERF’s.
Call us today to find out more. Contact Tony Hawkins on 0420 371 679 or
Call us today to find outCall how uswe today can to become find out your more. perfect partner. Contact George StavliotisContact on 0410 Tony 611 390 Hawkins or via on 0420 371 679 or
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur Lorem ipsum adipisicing dolorelit, sit amet, sed doconsectetur eiusmod tempor adipisicing incididunt elit, sed ut labore do eiusmod et dolore tempor magna incididunt aliqua. Ut utenim labore adetminim dolore veniam, magnaquis aliqua. nostrud Ut enim exercitation ad minim ullamco veniam, laboris quis nostrud nisi exercitation ullamco laboris n ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. ut aliquip Duis aute ex ea irure commodo dolor inconsequat. reprehenderit Duis inaute voluptate irure dolor velit esse in reprehenderit cillum doloreineu voluptate fugiat nulla velitpariatur. esse cillum Excepteur dolore eu sintfugiat occaecat nullacupidatat pariatur. Excepteur non proident, sint sunt occaecat in culpa cupidatat non proident, sunt in cul qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est quilaborum. officia deserunt Duis aute mollit irure anim dolor id in est reprehenderit laborum. Duis inaute voluptate irure dolor velit esse in reprehenderit cillum doloreineu voluptate fugiat nulla velitpariatur. esse cillum Excepteur dolore eu sintfugiat occaecat nullacupidatat pariatur. Excepteur non proident, sint sunt occaecat cupidatat non proident, s in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit in anim culpa id est quilaborum. officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Advert - Trustees
Promotional online banner - Members
Advert - Trustees
Direct mail
We sometimes use campaign fonts to enhance the communication and support our proposition. The DM to the right illustrates just such an example.
Direct marketing pieces should use the brand elements to create a uniquely SuperTrace tone. Truly impactful DM will be single minded in its proposition and speak clearly and simply to its audience.
IKE Would you l ur o y s s to aCCE oNlINE? statEMENts ----------------
---------- --------------------------------------------------
interest register yournding us today by se dress and your email adin one of you could w estfield ten $1,000 W s. Gift Card
WIN! ---------------------
E AT SUpERTRACE wE’R S AY w AT ING OK LO YS wA AL ICE TO IMpROvE OUR SERv . RS bE TO OUR MEM ring An option we’re explo nic is to provide electroad of communications inste ns. This way paper-based versio cess your you may be able to acine as well annual statement onlnformation as being sent other i r. relevant to your supe
al to access To register your approv ly in the information electronical is implemented, future, if this method ctions below. simply follow the instru ered into our ent As a bonus you will be could win one of prize draw where you Gift Cards. ld ten $1,000 Westfie --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CKS
Ew SIMpLE CLI ENTRY IS EASY wITH A F -------------------
Surname: ------------
Member no: -- -- -- -- --
-- -- -- (8 digits) Member number must be written exactly as it appears on your SuperTrace annual statement.
Email: ------------------
Date of birth: -- -- /
-- -- /-- -- -- -- (DD/MM/YYYY)
I have read and understand the conditi ons of entry for the Westfield Gift Card draw and by my signature appearing below consent to giving The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited (CMLA) my email address (including any change) for the purposes of (i) allowing me access to my SuperT race annual statements that CMLA may put on its website from time to time and (ii) for CMLA to provide me with marketing and related information as a member of SuperTrace.
ENTER ONLINE – fill in the form at win ---------------------------------------------
OR YOU CAN ENTER bY: --------------------------------------------
pOST – fill in the form (right), and post to: SuperTrace, Locked Bag 5429, Parramatta NSW 2124
Brochure cover
Simply fill in and fax or post: First name: ------------
y! ENd aNd ENJo For you to sP--------------------------------------------------------------------- date g ---------------
FORM: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Brochure spread
FAx – fill in the form (right), and fax to 1300 700 353
Signature: -----------------------
04/12/09 04/01/10
----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
Exhibitions When considering exhibition material there are times when our logo bar needs to appear at the top of the banner. This keeps our logo visible and our branding strong. As with all our collateral the rule regarding imagery, colour and typography should be followed as outlined in these guidelines.
We look everywhere for lost Members
There are two PowerPoint templates available to help you create presentations, tenders and reports easily and professionally. By using these templates it will help us to keep a strong unified and up-to-date look for our brand.
Presentation Name Presentation by Person Person XX Month 2009
The V1 template is a very straight forward simple style, good for everyday use. The V2 template is available for when an illustrative, graphic heavy presentation is appropriate for your needs.
V1 PowerPoint template
You can find both templates on our local intranet at http//
Presentation Name Presentation by Person Person XX Month 2009
V2 PowerPoint template
Here There Everywhere Near Far Over there Down there
The detail
Logo usage The SuperTrace Logo The SuperTrace brand is represented in many ways across a wide variety of collateral. The following pages help to ensure a consistent and professional use of the SuperTrace Logo.
3.2 The SuperTrace logo must always be shown in SuperTrace Blue as illustrated here. For further information on colour refer to page 3.10.
Preferred colour logo
When colour options are limited (such as in forms), a mono version of the SuperTrace Logo may be used.
Black logo
Logo usage
3.3 ½ ‘x’ height
Clear space Clear space is the minimum distance allowed around the logo and defines the area in which no other element may intrude.
½ ‘x’ height
‘x’ height
To determine the clear space, use half the logo height as shown in the diagram. The SuperTrace logo is not to be presented with tag lines or lock-ups. The clear space must always be observed to maintain consistent presentation of the brand.
Clear space How clear space is determined around the SuperTrace Logo
Minimum size The minimum size the logo can appear is 15mm.
Minimum size
Logo usage Using the SuperTrace logo on the logo bar In most instances the SuperTrace logo is used within our blue logo bar. The logo bar holds the SuperTrace logo at a consistent size and position over all collateral. However, online material is an exception to this rule where the logo appears on a white background.
3.4 When using the SuperTrace logo on the logo bar, always ensure the logo's white keyline is visible.
Preferred colour logo on logo bar (shown cropped)
When placing the logo within the logo bar, always ensure that the white keyline, (which is part of the logo master artwork), is visible as shown here. Never alter the width or size of the keyline.
When using the SuperTrace logo on the logo bar, always ensure the logo's white keyline is visible.
For more information on sizing and positioning the logo on the logo bar, see page 3.5. Mono logo used on black logo bar (shown cropped)
Preferred colour logo on logo bar (shown actual size for DL)
The logo bar
There is a defined relationship between the size of the logo, the logo bar and the size of the document on which it appears.
On all A4, A5 and DL size documents, the logo bar is always 16mm high and the logo is always 28.8mm wide. The logo bar is used on all printed collateral. Digital is usually the exception to this rule where, if appropriate, the logo can appear on a white background. The SuperTrace logo should be the only device that appears within the logo bar, however when a strong call to action is required, as in advertising, the call to action can be contained in the logo bar.
4 8 4 28.8
4 4 8 4 28.8
For the correct specifications when using a call to action within the logo bar. Please refer to page 3.6.
4 4 8 4 28.8
The logo bar call to action On occasion, it may be necessary to include a call to action within the logo bar.
We look everywhere for lost members
This is particularly effective in advertising where a strong call to action is necessary. Please note: The logo bar is generally kept clear of all information and this is the only exception to the rule.
SuperTrace is an Eligible Rollover Fund dedicated to finding lost members. Here are some of the lengths we go to: • Innovative matching engine that • Utilising Australia Post’s Address Matching cross-references over 10 million customers Approval System (AMAS) on a quarterly basis held by Commonwealth Bank of Australia • Proactive involvement with the ATO in • Providing convenient access to the ATO reuniting members with their super SuperSeeker Website
We also provide members with a low fee structure combined with a prudent asset allocation. Our low fee structure is especially attractive for members with balances less than $1000, which accounts for the majority of all members in ERF’s.
Call to action in logo bar
Call us today to find out more. Contact George Stavliotis on 0410 611 390 or Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Logo don’ts A strong brand is created through consistency. It is important that the logo is not altered or re-drawn in any way.
Always use the master digital artwork available. Please contact the CommInsure marketing department if you require any digital artwork.
✘ Don’t distort the logo
Don’t change the colour of the logo
✘ Don’t place the logo over an image
Don’t use the mono logo on a colour background
✘ Finding your Super Don’t reverse the colours
Don’t add taglines to the logo
Letterhead 27mm
Letterhead document size 210mm wide x 297mm high. Position of address Address details begin 46mm from top of page and indent 27mm from left edge to align with CommInsure address details. 1
2 Position of letter introduction 90mm from top of page.
Position of letter The main letter should fall just below the fold (100mm from top) when folded into thirds). 3
Letter body copy 10 pt Arial Regular on 12 pt leading. 4
46mm 1 Company company Address Address Line 1 Address Address Line 2 Address Address Line 3 CITY STATE 1234
44mm 2 3
Dear Person Person,
Lorero essisi. Ad magna feum quat. Pat. Giam nos alisi blaorem nullandre diam, si. Lutat lutpat. Duissed ercin henit vel et do odigna adignim del eugiam dolese delendre dolor suscilissis alit, quatem duissim quisit nostrud tat prat, commolor sequis deliquis acilisit ad do et ipismodiamet ip exeraesse te volorper il dit wis nos ad mod et, con endrem quat etuero consed magnim do del iure vent autpat ing eum dit, con venim do elit wis el erosto er adion henim do consed et iuscidui el dipsum zzrilit vent venim veliquatet nos et velisis atem vel ut iure do consectetum vel euis ex er ip ent utpatum sandrem acipsum nonse ver sis euissit adigna consecte vulla feugait, vel del eum ad el dui tis nonsed dit augue modolesecte facin ut atum vent 4 venibh esed dolorem vullupt atetummod tionse venit eugait, quat wissecte enis augiate verat ad do essi. Quat prat, quat. Wis at amcore magnim delesto consectet landit praesecte tat. Ent utpat. Ut aliquat venisi te conum quipis nonse molore consenim qui etue tie commodo loborem autpat irilis ad dit lortionullan utet, se do eumsand ignisci tat, consectem ver at nulputpat irillut aliquat. Lutpatin erit ulla facin henissi bla con heniamet, core etummod ionsequamet, si tem vullutat, consed eu facillaore feum nim vent iustrud enis nit aut prat in hendrem zzriusto commy nibh er in ut vel ing ea aliquisl utat. Modiamcommy nonum irit ex enis nulla core feum in eu feuguer si exeraestie commod modolenibh exeraesectem nonsecte commod duissectetum dipsustrud dolobor sim quam eugait venim veraesting ese doluptat, con ex et, consenis nonsed delit nostisit et, sequat. Nim dui tetuerostrud tat eui bla feugiamet, vullut ea ametum eugait, veros ex et, volor acil irit volendignit er ad ercinim venisim zzril iuscil.
Kind Regards
Person Person Company company
Promotional material Wherever possible premiums should be sourced that are made of materials that are in our primary colour palette or in neutral shades to ensure maximum standout of the logo.
Colour Colour is an essential tool in the creation and maintenance of a strong brand look and feel. In order to achieve consistency colour should be used with care. Primary colours Red and Blue are SuperTrace’s primary colours. Secondary colours As a general rule secondary colours are used as an emphasis. They are used in pie charts, graphs, diagrams and tables and can be tinted if required. Paper stocks It is important to keep reproduction of our brand colours consistent. SuperTrace has a suite of paper stocks that we use across all our printed collateral. Please refer to the CMYK breakdowns opposite which are used for both uncoated or coated stocks.
3.10 Pantone Coated
Pantone Uncoated
PMS 202 C
PMS 202 U
PMS 309 C
PMS 309 U
PMS Warm Grey 1 C
PMS Warm Grey 1 U
Process Black (10%)
Process Black (10%)
PMS Warm Grey 9 C
PMS Warm Grey 9 U
Process Black
Process Black
Primary colours
Secondary colours
Colour online With our online messaging, we use SuperTrace Red and Blue. To ensure consistency across all mediums the specified breakdown of the SuperTrace colour palette applies in digital applications. Secondary colours In online applications the secondary colour palette acts as an offset to the primary colours. As a general rule primary colours are used as an emphasis. For ease of legibility on screen the secondary colours are best suited for background applications.
Secondary Red HEX #822433
Warm Grey 9 HEX #82786F
RGB R 130 G 36 B 51
RGB R 130 G 120 B 111 Warm Grey 1 HEX #E0DED8 RGB R 224 G 222 B 216
Blue HEX #003D4C RGB R 0 G 61 B 76
Process Black 10% HEX #E6E7E8 RGB R 230 G 231 B 232 Process Black HEX #000000 RGB R0G0B0
Make sure you contact CommInsure Marketing for approval of any campaign fonts. Online fonts Where Helvetica Neue is not available, e.g: PC, PowerPoint and web HTML applications, Helvetica Neue may be substituted by Verdana.
Print – Helvetica Neue
Italics Italics
Bold Online – Verdana
Campaign fonts When creating a campaign or event with a distinct look, a campaign font can be used. Please be mindful to maintain the SuperTrace look and feel.
The preferred versions of Helvetica are listed here. All instances of italics are also available and can be used to highlight thoughts or facts in body copy. Never use italics or underlines in brochure headings or large areas of body copy.
Ultra Light
Helvetica Neue SuperTrace’s primary font is Helvetica Neue. Ideally this should be used across all collateral for headings and continuous text.
Charts Pie charts Primary and secondary colours can be used in charts and diagrams, however keep in mind it is preferred that primary colours are only used to highlight the main point of interest. This will ensure pages filled with complex information remain accessible. In instances where there is complex information, or if the brochure is printing in 2 colours, tinting of the primary colour palette is acceptable.
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
For more information on colours, see page 3.10. When drawing a pie chart, for added clarity, divide the sections using a 1pt rule.
Use a primary colour to highlight
A 1pt white line divides sections
Tints of the secondary neutral colour palette preferred
Tints of the primary colour palette can be used in more complex charts, or in 2 colour executions.
In instances where there is complex information, or if the brochure is printing in 2 colour, some tinting of the primary colour palette is acceptable. For more information on colours, see page 3.10. When drawing a chart, for added clarity, divide the sections (if necessary) using thin white lines.
Graph index numbers Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 8/9pt Black
Graph descriptors and key text Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 8/9pt Black
00 Use primary colours to highlight.
Lorem ipsum dolore sit amet conset
Bar charts Primary or secondary colours can be used on charts and diagrams. Primary colours are only used to highlight. Try to keep colour use to a minimum. This will ensure pages filled with complex information remain light and accessible.
00 00
00 Use a thin white line to separate sections clearly.
Drop shadow.
00 Do not use horizontal or vertical grid lines.
00 00
Vellor andosc nisil praesens Key 1
Key 2
Vellor andosc nisil praesens Key 1 Key 2 Key 3
Key 4 Key 5 Key 6
Key 7 Key 8
00 00 00 00 00 00
In instances where there is complex information, or if the brochure is printing in 2 colour, some tinting of the primary colour palette is acceptable.
00 Lorem ipsum dolore sit amet conset
Line charts Primary or secondary colours can be used on charts and diagrams. Primary colours are only used to highlight. Try to keep colour use to a minimum. Try to keep colour use to a minimum. This will ensure pages filled with complex information remain light and accessible.
Lorem ipsum dolore sit amet conset
Key 1 Key 2
Graph descriptors and key text Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 8/9pt Black
00 00 00
Key 3 Key 4
Key 5
Key 1 Key 2
Key 3 Key 4
Key 5
00 00 00 00 00 00
Vellor andosc nisil praesens
Lorem ipsum dolore sit amet conset
Lorem ipsum dolore sit amet conset
Graph index numbers Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 8/9pt Black
Vellor andosc nisil praesens
For more information on colours, see page 3.10.
Vellor andosc nisil praesens
Key 1 Key 2
Key 3 Key 4
00 00 00 00 00 00
Vellor andosc nisil praesens
Key 5
Key 1 Key 2
Key 3 Key 4
Charts Decision trees and flow diagrams Primary and secondary colours can be used on charts and diagrams, however keep in mind it is preferred that primary colours are only used to highlight the main area point of interest of the information. Try to keep primary colour use to a minimum. This will ensure pages filled with complex information remain light and accessible. In instances where there is complex information, or if the brochure is printing in 2 colour, some tinting of the primary colour palette is acceptable.
Decision 1
Decision 2
Decision 3 Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
For more information on colours, see page 3.10.
Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum
Table Head Helvetica Neue LT 65 Medium 8/10pt Warm Gray 9C
Capital Stable Fund 1
Asset class
Australian shares
International shares^
Direct/listed property°
Fixed interestØ
Table text Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 8/10pt Left aligned
Text box Warm Gray 1C 3
Table rule Helvetica Neue LT 65 Medium 8/10pt Warm Gray 9C 4
Footnotes Helvetica Neue LT 45 Light 7/8pt Left aligned 5
Liability for accrued benefits
Benchmark allocation as at 30 June 2009 (%)
Min-Max allocation (%)
4 5
Currency hedging target of 50% has been introduced. ° Includes Australian and international listed and unlisted property trusts. ** These are investments in non-traditional sectors, such as private equity and infrastructure. Ø Includes both Australian and international bonds.
Asset allocation ranges are indicative only. Asset allocations may move outside these ranges temporarily depending on movements in the value of financial markets and may change over time.
Pull copy
Pull copy is used at the opening of a communication to welcome the reader and assist in navigating the piece.
Pull copy can also be used at the opening of chapters and segments to mark the introduction of a new section.
Dear Member,
Reuniting Members with their lost super
We are pleased to provide you the SuperTrace Report to Members (‘Report’) for the year ended 30 June 2009. Pull copy
This Report provides you with an update on issues concerning your investment in SuperTrace and general information and details of the management of SuperTrace. We trust you will find the Report informative. If you have any questions about this Report or your investment in SuperTrace, please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives on
Phone 1300 788 750 between 8.30am and 6pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.
Our relocation approach We don’t just look in the usual places for lost or unclaimed super. As part of our 5 pronged relocation approach, we leverage off our unique position of being part of the Commonwealth Bank Group, to regularly cross-reference lost Members against Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s customer database. With access to alternative contact details for over 10 million customers, this has significantly enhanced our relocation efforts. Our website also allows people to complete a search for lost super possibly held for them in SuperTrace. Going another step further, we have also recently engaged the services of Acxiom Australia Pty Limited to help us locate current addresses for even more lost members. To learn more about our relocation approach, please visit the SuperTrace website at The results speak for themselves We have reunited thousands of Members with millions of dollars of superannuation they otherwise may not have known about.
Number of Members who have been reunited with their superannuation Value of benefits paid out in ($’s)
Since inception
$104.1 million
$698.3 million
Applying our brand
The logo bar
To confidently present the SuperTrace brand, all material includes the logo bar.
In most instances the logo bar appears at the bottom of our communication within the grid.
30 June 2009
B4918 280809
23 September 2009
SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124
We’re looking after your super
Product disclosure statement for year ended 30 June 2009
1300 788 750
KE Would you lI ur to aCCEss yolINE? oN ts EN statEM ---------
------------ --------------------------------------------------------est
inter register yournding us today by se dress and ad ail em ur yo n one of you could wi stfield ten $1,000 We s. rd Ca t Gif --
WIN! ------------
---------------CILXXXX XXXXXX
Please refer to the Grid Guidelines starting on page 4.7 for in-depth size and construction guidelines.
SuperTrace eligible rollover fund
Supplementary product disclosure statement
The SuperTrace logo almost always appears within the blue logo bar.
The examples opposite show how our brand appears consistent across a wide variety of applications and formats.
Report to Members
y! ENd aNd ENJo ----For you to sP ---------------------------------------------------------date ----------------------Closing
1300 730 324
SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124
Cover typography
brochure front covers has a degree of flexibility. The general rules are outlined below. 1
Variable size Helvetica Neue Light Left aligned
Fixed Helvetica Neue Black 20pt
We’re looking after your super
Minimum depth Three times the depth of the logo bar
Members Product disclosure statement
Report to Members
SuperTrace eligible rollover fund
For the year ended 30 June 2009
30 June 2009
Product disclosure statement for year ended 30 June 2009
Maximum depth Full page to top of logo bar
Fixed Helvetica Neue Medium 7pt
1300 788 750
SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124
B4918 280809
The typograpghy on our
Back cover typography
hen using a call to action W on the back cover the following rules apply:
Supplementary product disclosure statement
Blue headings Helvetica Neue 75 bold Blue 8/10pt 1
23 September 2009
Highlighted text Helvetica Neue 65 Medium Black 8/10pt Left aligned Body text Helvetica Neue 45 light Black 8/10pt Left aligned
PIM code text Helvetica Neue 45 light Black 6.25/7pt Centred aligned
Always remember, the logo bar appears on all back covers.
1300 730 324
Post SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124 Website
Call to action information should be used with the relevant icons as illustrated here.
Back cover - DL
For more information on icons see page 2.9.
1300 730 324
Post SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124 Website
4 Back cover - A4/A5
Indicates text area
Indicates text area
Grids A4/A5 Cover grid
A4/A5 grid Please use this grid when creating A4 and A5 collateral.
4 4
Supplementary product disclosure statement
All measurements shown are in millimetres unless indicated otherwise. A4 Document setup Document size: 210 x 297mm
23 September 2009
A5 Document setup Document size: 148.5 x 210mm
Logo Bar There is a particular relationship between the size of the logo, the size of the brand and the size of the document on which it appears. For more information see page 3.5.
Supplementary product disclosure statement
CLN1907 280809
23 September 2009
1300 730 324
Post SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124 Website
4 Mono application
Back cover
Indicates text area
Front cover
Grids DL Cover grid
4.6 4
DL grid Please use this grid when creating DL collateral.
4 4
We’re looking after your super
All measurements shown are in millimetres unless indicated otherwise. DL Document setup Document size: 100 x 210mm Logo Bar There is a particular relationship between the size of the logo, the size of the brand and the size of the document on which it appears. For more information see page 3.5.
Product disclosure statement for year ended 30 June 2009
We’re looking after your super Product disclosure statement for year ended 30 June 2009
1300 730 324
SuperTrace Locked Bag 5429 Parramatta NSW 2124
4 8
Mono application
Back cover
Indicates text area
Front cover
SuperTrace layout style This snapshot of our layout style illustrates the diversity and simplicity of our printed communications. An adaptable grid system has been created, however as a general rule the following column grids are preferred: A4 – 6 column A5 – 4 column DL – 2 column
ing An option we’re explornic is to provide electroad of communications inste . This way paper-based versionscess your you may be able to ac ne as well annual statement onli information as being sent other r super. relevant to you val to access To register your appro ly in the information electronical is implemented, future, if this method ctions below. simply follow the instru entered into our As a bonus you will be could win one of prize draw where you Gift Cards. ten $1,000 Westfield ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------KS
SIMpLE CLIC ENTRY IS EASY wITH A FEw -------------------
FORM: ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
Simply fill in and fax or post: First name: -----------
Surname: ----------------------
Member no: -- -- -- -- -
- -- -- -- (8 digits)
Member number must be written exactly as it appears on your SuperTrace annual statement.
Email: ----------------------
Date of birth: -- -- /-- -- /-
- -- -- -- (DD/MM/YYYY)
I have read and understand the conditions of entry for the Westfield Gift Card draw and by my signature appearing below consent to giving The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited (CMLA) my email address (including any change) for the purposes of (i) allowing me access to my SuperTrace annual statements that CMLA may put on its website from time to time and (ii) for CMLA to provide me with marketing and related information as a member of SuperTrace.
ENTER ONLINE – fill in the form at n ---------------------------------------------
OR YOU CAN ENTER bY: ---------------------------------------
See the individual grid pages for more details.
pOST – fill in the form (right), and post to: SuperTrace, Locked Bag 5429, Parramatta NSW 2124
Signature: ---------------------
Dear Member,
Reuniting Members with their lost super
SuperTrace – taking a leadership position
SuperTrace maintains strong ratings
About SuperTrace
How we invest your money
04/12/09 04/01/10
----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------
FAx – fill in the form (right), and fax to 1300 700 353
Full colour promotion spread
Fees and charges
Superannuation news
Other important information
Abridged financial statements
Privacy of your personal information
Accepting and processing transaction requests
How to transact or make changes
We are pleased to provide you the SuperTrace Report to Members (‘Report’) for the year ended 30 June 2009. This Report provides you with an update on issues concerning your investment in SuperTrace and general information and details of the management of SuperTrace. We trust you will find the Report informative. If you have any questions about this Report or your investment in SuperTrace, please contact one of our Customer Service Representatives on
Magnim vero el elendiatum alis aute dolutat vulputpat dolorpe rcidunt at. Bortisl eum ip elis numsandre modit velismodiam acidui enim adit augue doloreetuer aliquat. Ut wis eum quip et wis delis ad eu feuisit lutet luptatu msandipit il dio dolortie con veliquis amconsequis alisl exero cor am nulputem in ulputat prat at.
Tat nostincilla Faciduis dolenim zzriustrud ming eugait luptat vulputp atetum alit lore dit, quat. Ut nibh eniat. Ibh exerosto odionsequis eugait incipsustisi tem dolor ipsum dolum quisl iriure facidunt lum iriure tincipis amet nibh exer se euis am zzrit ilit vulput nullam, se magnisim iure minim quam niam ipisi.
Rud molor Sit nulla conumsan utat Praese euipit ut loboreetum eriure eugiam quam ex eum ipsum ea faccumsan ulla feuguer ing ero dolore dolestrud ex esto odionsed tatum nit dunt lorem nonse vulla facing esequis dolortin vel estrud tin ut lore venim aliquamcor aut ullum venibh eumsandrer at.
Delendrem zzrit
Delendrem zzrit
Delendrem zzrit
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Consecte commy nonsecte faccum num eugue elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput doloreetuer ilissim veliquis autat. Duis eum Ver sed dit lum zzrit alit, si ex et vulputetue dolobor senis numsandre ver summy nis adit volessim vel iril ut la.
Ullumsa ndipit volessenim Quat am, susciduisci tet pratumsan hendit niamconulput eum estie exer augiamc onulla acincilit amet, sim zzril et vero et il in henim nulputate dit illum verit ipiscilis exero odolest isciduisim autat. Ut vero erilla feugiam ver adiam, sustrud exeraestis ea feugait autatue min velit, sed elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput magnism olortis nonullum iurem dolor sim zzrilis aliquam doloreet wisisl ut lorero commoloborer iliquip issequate con venim dionsequipis eu facil iurerit volesse facin ut utUnt wissit lamconse dolobor erillum sandiamcon ut num inis et lor ip ex ea consent lor susto od ex er sectet, consed tat. Acipsum quam do od dolorti sissequisl dignit praestrud dolutpat lore faccummy nim nullaor erciliquate ming eros euipsum quatie faci tat nissi.
One colour version
Full colour version - usually used as digital pdf
Magnit la
Reuniting Members with their lost super
Phone 1300 788 750 between 8.30am and 6pm (Sydney time), Monday to Friday.
Our relocation approach We don’t just look in the usual places for lost or unclaimed super. As part of our 5 pronged relocation approach, we leverage off our unique position of being part of the Commonwealth Bank Group, to regularly cross-reference lost Members against Commonwealth Bank of Australia’s customer database. With access to alternative contact details for over 10 million customers, this has significantly enhanced our relocation efforts. Our website also allows people to complete a search for lost super possibly held for them in SuperTrace. Going another step further, we have also recently engaged the services of Acxiom Australia Pty Limited to help us locate current addresses for even more lost members. To learn more about our relocation approach, please visit the SuperTrace website at The results speak for themselves We have reunited thousands of Members with millions of dollars of superannuation they otherwise may not have known about.
Number of Members who have been reunited with their superannuation Value of benefits paid out in ($’s)
Since inception
$104.1 million
$698.3 million
Grids A4 layout on grid 8
A4 grid Please use this grid when creating A4 collateral. All measurements shown are in millimetres unless indicated otherwise. A4 Document setup Document size: 210 x 297mm. Document margins: 8mm, six columns grid with 4mm gutters. A six column grid system has been created that allows for flexibility. As a general rule one column is used for caption or chart information, whilst two and three column formats work best for body text and intro or call out copy. For type styles, refer to page 4.11. 2 colours When limited to two colour printing use black and one of the SuperTrace primary brand colours.
4.8 4
44 8
44 8
SuperTrace Eligible Rollover Fund This is a Supplementary Product Disclosure Statement (SPDS) to the SuperTrace Eligible Rollover Fund Product Disclosure Statement for Trustees (PDS) and should be read in conjunction with this PDS (date of preparation: 30 June 2008). This SPDS replaces information contained in the prior SPDS dated 1 April 2009. This SPDS was prepared and issued by Colonial Mutual Superannuation Pty Ltd ABN 56 006 831 983 AFSL 235025 (Trustee), as trustee of SuperTrace Eligible Rollover Fund ABN 73 703 878 235 (the Fund).
Asset class
Benchmark allocation as at 30 June 2009 (%)
Australian shares
International shares^
Direct/listed property°
Fixed interestØ
• of a change to the strategic asset allocations of the Capital Stable Fund;
As part of this process, CMLA has made a number of changes to the investments with the aim of improving the risk adjusted returns to members. They are expected to reduce risk* as a consequence of improved diversification.
• updated information regarding fees and other costs;
A summary of the key changes is listed below:
• an additional circumstance in which a Member can access a preserved benefit;
1. Revision of target asset allocations and ranges.
The purpose of this SPDS is to notify:
• CMLA’s unit pricing adjustment and error compensation policy; • CMLA’s valuation of unlisted assets policy; • new temporary resident requirements; • same sex and de facto changes; and • of a change in our principal office of administration details.
Changes to the PDS The information in this SPDS adds to or replaces some of the information contained on pages 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 20 of the PDS. The PDS is amended as follows with effect from 23 September 2009:
1. Under the section “Member payments from SuperTrace” (page 5 of the PDS) Replace the text appearing beneath the table with the following: “ Refer to pages 12 and 13 for ‘Restrictions on when the Member can get access to his or her benefits’ and ‘Temporary Residents’.”
2. Under the section “Investment in SuperTrace”, sub-heading “Investment objective and strategy of the Capital Stable Fund” (page 7 of the PDS) Replace the text and table with the following: “ The Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited (CMLA), has an on-going process in place to review and, where appropriate, adjust the strategic asset allocations, strategies and structures of the investment option - Capital Stable Fund.
2. Simplification of investment objective and investment strategy wording. 3. State Street Global Advisors appointed to co-manage the global listed property sector within the direct/listed property asset class. 4. Aberdeen Asset Management appointed to manage the global emerging markets sector within the international shares asset class. 5. Partial hedging of foreign currency exposure to the international shares asset class#.
Under the section “Fees and other costs” (page 8 of the PDS)
Under the section “Additional explanation of fees and costs” (page 9 of the PDS)
In the table, replace the text under “Management Costs¹” in the “Amount” and “How and when paid” columns with the following text:
Insert the following new sub-section and text beneath sub-section “Management costs”: “Management Fee Management Fee (also known as an “Asset Charge”) is the fee for managing and administering SuperTrace and its investments. This fee is deducted from the total Fund assets before the crediting rate is declared and interest credited to a Member’s Account.”
Management Costs1: The fees and costs for managing your investment. Management Fees1: 1.55% p.a. of your share of the total Fund assets (actual cost net of tax). Gross of tax equivalent is 1.82% p.a.²
How and when paid
Deducted from the total Fund assets before the crediting rate is declared and interest credited to your Account.
Other Costs1:
Investment objective
To provide medium term moderate real rates of return while aiming to minimise the occurrence of negative shorter term returns.
These costs are determined as part of the ongoing management costs of the Fund and are disclosed annually to Members.
Investment strategy
Invest in a range of assets including Australian and international equities, property, fixed interest securities and cash, with a heavier weighting towards defensive assets. A global approach is taken to managing resource stocks.
How and when paid
Deducted from the underlying trusts in which the Policy invests.
Investment objective Investment strategy
To provide a reasonably high level of security and consistent returns. Invest in a broad range of assets with a majority in defensive investments.
† Based on Member Product Disclosure Statement, Date of Preparation: 30 June 2008.
7. Under the section “Taxation” (page 10 of the PDS) Replace the first paragraph with the following text: “ We have only provided general statements on taxation. You should seek professional advice regarding your own specific circumstances. All taxation information in this PDS is based on the tax laws current as at 23 September 2009.”
8. Under the section “Taxation”, sub-heading “Tax treatment of death benefits” (page 11 of the PDS) Replace the first and second paragraph, including the four bullet points with the following:
4. Under the section “Fees and other costs” (page 8 of the PDS)
“ Lump sum death benefit payments are tax free if paid to a death benefits dependant (as defined by tax legislation).
At the bottom of the table, replace the text appearing in footnote 1 with the following text: “ ¹ Refer to “Additional explanation of fees and costs” section on page 9 for further details.”
5. Under the section “Additional explanation of fees and costs” sub-section “Management costs” (page 9 of the PDS) Replace the entire text under the sub-section with the following:
* As measured by annualised volatility of returns and reduced incidence of negative returns. # Hedging target of 50% has been introduced.
Includes both Australian and international bonds.
which investments are made by the Capital Stable Fund (for a description of current investment arrangements see below under “Transactional and operational costs”).”
Asset allocation ranges are indicative only. Asset allocations may move outside these ranges temporarily depending on movements in the value of financial markets and may change over time.”
The changes will be implemented by the end of September 2009 and are outlined as follows: Previous
° Includes Australian and international listed and unlisted property trusts.
^ Currency hedging target of 50% has been introduced. ** These are investments in non-traditional sectors, such as private equity and infrastructure.
6. Capping exposure to illiquid investments in direct property and alternatives asset classes.
Min-Max allocation (%)
“ The Management Costs are the fees and costs for managing and administering a Member’s investment. These costs comprise the Management Fee described below as well as other costs.
A dependant for tax purposes is as at the date of the Member’s death: • the Member’s spouse (legal, de facto or former, including same sex) and a person with whom the Member was in a relationship registered under State or Territory law, including same sex; • the Member’s child aged under 18 (including an adopted child, step-child or ex-nuptial child, a child of the Member’s spouse or the Member’s child within the meaning of the Family Law Act 1975); • a person with whom the Member was in an interdependency relationship; or • a person financially dependent on the Member.”
12 1
Indicates graphics area
Indicates text area
Grids A5 layout on grid 8
A5 grid Please use this grid when creating A5 collateral.
4.9 4
44 8
All measurements shown are in millimetres unless indicated otherwise. A5 Document setup Document size: 148.5 x 210mm. Document margins: 8mm, four columns grid with 4mm gutters. A four column grid system has been created that allows for flexibility. As a general rule one column is used for caption or chart information, whilst two and three column formats work best for body text and intro or call out copy. For type styles, refer to page 4.11. 2 colours When limited to two colour printing use black and one of the SuperTrace primary brand colours.
Magnim vero el elendiatum alis aute dolutat vulputpat dolorpe rcidunt at. Bortisl eum ip elis numsandre modit velismodiam acidui enim adit augue doloreetuer aliquat. Ut wis eum quip et wis delis ad eu feuisit lutet luptatu. Rud et iril iusto Ibh exerosto odionsequis eugait incipsustisi tem dolor ipsum dolum quisl iriure facidunt lum iriure tincipis amet nibh exer se euis am zzrit ilit vulput nullam, se magnisim iure minim quam niam ipisi. Rud molor sit nulla conumsan utat praese euipit ut loboreetum eriure eugiam quam ex eum ipsum ea faccumsan ulla feuguer ing ero dolore dolestrud ex esto odionsed tatum nit dunt lorem nonse vulla facing esequis dolortin vel estrud tin ut lore venim aliquamcor aut ullum venibh eumsandrer at.
Ullumsa ndipit volessenim Quat am, susciduisci tet pratumsan hendit niamconulput eum estie exer augiamc onulla acincilit amet, sim zzril et vero et il in henim nulputate dit illum verit ipiscilis exero odolest isciduisim autat. Ut vero erilla feugiam ver adiam, sustrud exeraestis ea feugait autatue min velit, sed elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput magnism olortis nonullum iurem dolor sim zzrilis aliquam doloreet wisisl ut lorero commoloborer iliquip issequate con venim dionsequipis eu facil
Rud molor sit nulla conumsan utat praese euipit ut loboreetum eriure eugiam quam ex eum ipsum ea faccumsan ulla feuguer ing ero dolore dolestrud.
iurerit volesse facin ut utUnt wissit lamconse dolobor erillum sandiamcon ut num inis et lor ip ex ea consent lor susto od ex er sectet, consed tat. Acipsum quam do od dolorti sissequisl dignit praestrud dolutpat lore faccummy nim nullaor erciliquate ming eros euipsum quatie faci tat nissi. Magnit la consecte Commy nonsecte faccum num eugue elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput doloreetuer ilissim veliquis autat. Duis eum ver sed dit lum zzrit alit, si ex et vulputetue dolobor senis numsandre ver summy nis adit volessim vel iril ut la feugiamet et wisi.
Xerosto consequat adionsequat vent del eu feuguero dolore feum dolortie dunt ad dolestrud ero esequisi tat duis dip. Sequam acipit, si enim dolorem am vel ulluptat loborem ea psusto: Lorem Dolendrem
Rud molor sit nulla conumsan utat praese
Rud molor sit nulla conumsan utat praese
Loerm Dolendrem
To provide a reasonably high level of security and consistent returns.
Invest in a broad range of assets with a majority in defensive investments.
Duipsum ing eu facil eraesto Minit ilit prat Ignim dolor sisl ent nonulla oreet, quis atuero eliscillam ipit amcorem dolessectet, sis augue dolestrud dunt lorem quis euip eros nulpute corer suscil delisisi te minim nullamet nulputpat num ad dolore te tie duissi. Unt wis nulla corerostie dolor sisi tat aci tio deliquat, con ea augait nisit nulput numsandio.
8 1
The use of two columns is recommended
Indicates graphics area
Indicates text area
Grids DL layout on grid
4.10 8
DL grid Please use this grid when creating DL collateral.
4 4 4 4
4 4 8
All measurements shown are in millimetres unless indicated otherwise. DL Document setup Document size: 100 x 210mm. Document margins: 8mm, two column grid with 4mm gutters. We recommend using a one column grid when using a DL format. The single columns work well for tabular or chart information as well. For type styles, refer to page 4.11. 2 colours When limited to two colour printing use black and one of the SuperTrace primary brand colours.
Magnim vero el elendiatum alis aute dolutat vulputpat dolorpe rcidunt at. Bortisl eum ip elis numsandre modit velismodiam acidui enim adit augue doloreetuer aliquat. Ut wis eum quip et wis delis ad eu feuisit lutet luptatu msandipit il dio dolortie con veliquis amconsequis alisl exero cor am nulputem in ulputat prat at.
Tat nostincilla Faciduis dolenim zzriustrud ming eugait luptat vulputp atetum alit lore dit, quat. Ut nibh eniat. Ibh exerosto odionsequis eugait incipsustisi tem dolor ipsum dolum quisl iriure facidunt lum iriure tincipis amet nibh exer se euis am zzrit ilit vulput nullam, se magnisim iure minim quam niam ipisi.
Rud molor Sit nulla conumsan utat Praese euipit ut loboreetum eriure eugiam quam ex eum ipsum ea faccumsan ulla feuguer ing ero dolore dolestrud ex esto odionsed tatum nit dunt lorem nonse vulla facing esequis dolortin vel estrud tin ut lore venim aliquamcor aut ullum venibh eumsandrer at.
Delendrem zzrit
Delendrem zzrit
Delendrem zzrit
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Dolendrem zzrit prae
Magnit la Consecte commy nonsecte faccum num eugue elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput doloreetuer ilissim veliquis autat. Duis eum Ver sed dit lum zzrit alit, si ex et vulputetue dolobor senis numsandre ver summy nis adit volessim vel iril ut la.
Ullumsa ndipit volessenim Quat am, susciduisci tet pratumsan hendit niamconulput eum estie exer augiamc onulla acincilit amet, sim zzril et vero et il in henim nulputate dit illum verit ipiscilis exero odolest isciduisim autat. Ut vero erilla feugiam ver adiam, sustrud exeraestis ea feugait autatue min velit, sed elesequ ismodipit euiscipisim quamet, suscipsum vent vulput magnism olortis nonullum iurem dolor sim zzrilis aliquam doloreet wisisl ut lorero commoloborer iliquip issequate con venim dionsequipis eu facil iurerit volesse facin ut utUnt wissit lamconse dolobor erillum sandiamcon ut num inis et lor ip ex ea consent lor susto od ex er sectet, consed tat. Acipsum quam do od dolorti sissequisl dignit praestrud dolutpat lore faccummy nim nullaor erciliquate ming eros euipsum quatie faci tat nissi.
8 1
Indicates graphics area Preferred one column format illustrated here.
Indicates text area
Layout typography
Main heading Helvetica Neue Light 24/26
Main heading continuation Helvetica Neue light 16/18
Subheading 1 Helvetica Neue light 14/16 2mm space after
Subheading 2 Helvetica Neue bold 11/13 2mm space after Subheading 3 Helvetica Neue bold 9/11 1mm space after Subheading 4 Helvetica Neue bold 9/11 40% tint of black 1mm space after Pull out copy Pull out copy is variable depending on where in the communication it sits. As a general rule it is never smaller than 14/16pt and never larger than 16/18pt. However, it is always set in Helvetia Neue Ultra Light
Body copy Helvetica Neue light 9/11 2mm para breaks Use 9/11 bold to highlight within body copy
Main heading
Bullet points Helvetica Neue light 9/11 2mm line breaks between bullets
Main heading continuation
Round bullets are our preferred option and a dash denoting second level information.
Subheading 1
Subheading 2
Notes Helvetica Neue light 8/9
Subheading 3
Subheading 4
Folios Helvetica Neue light 8
PIMS code Helvetica Neue light 6
Pull out copy, dunt velestis ex et augue tat in henim in hent laor sis nulput wis dit la consequis et alit dolore Body copy dunt velestis ex et augue tat in henim in hent laor sis nulput wis dit la consequis et alit dolore volorer atuerwiustrud exercil lamcorp. Ad tie do eummy: nullandrem nullamc ommolesto con ut prat, quis amet nibh eriurem delestrud minci tionseq uiscipit wismolorem aliquis dolobor percillaor susto consecte dio odoluptatem ver er sustionse magna faccum iuscipisci exerci tet landrercilit utpat inibh.
• Bullet points nullandrem nullamc ommolesto con ut prat, quis amet nibh eriurem delestrud minci Notes: Ad tie do eummy nullandrem nullamc ommolesto con ut prat, quis amet nibh eriurem delestrud minci tionseq uiscipit.
Do’s and Don’ts Typography Typography plays an important part in creating a consistent brand look. It is important to use typography with care and consistency across all collateral. The following rules outline basic typographic do’s and don’ts.
Range left Use initial caps Use italics within body copy to emphasise a point Use bold to emphasise our web address and telephone numbers
Underline Heading Use all caps Hyphenate Italicise headings Outline type
Please use these guidelines as a tool to maintain and express our brand. Should you have any questions contact the CommInsure Marketing Team.