4 minute read
A Word from Our Sponsors
SPENCER WATTS Library Director
Effective tools to strengthen our community
The East Baton Rouge Parish Library offers a variety of resources for nonprofit organizations at the Grants Center. Amazingly, 90% of domestic foundations don’t have a website. Foundation Directory Online and iWave, only available at the new River Center Branch Library, give you access to these hard-to-find funders, plus the most effective tools to organize and manage your foundation fundraising process. Our Grants Librarian can assist you with your search, whether you are a grant-seeker, grant-maker, or just curious about the grants process. For an appointment, call 225.389.4964. We also host free programs periodically for grant seekers.
The Library also offers a variety of FREE tools that can help nonprofit organizations assess and strengthen their business model, perform needs assessments, research funding opportunities, locate community partners and provide skills training and workforce development for staff. These resources are available FREE 24/7 in the Digital Library. A consultation via Small Business Services (SmallBusiness@ebrpl.com) will help your group create an effective strategy, whether it’s enhancing your own skills as a grant seeker, writing a business plan, getting reliable and relevant local statistics, or finding out about potential corporate funders. All you need is your Library card!
Taking great strides to make a difference
Murphy Law Firm opened in 1993 with one goal in mind—helping injured victims throughout Louisiana. Since then, our team has succeeded in doing that and much more. Because of our love for people, we have taken great strides to make a difference in our community. When faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, our team tirelessly gave out over 67,000 masks, gloves and more than 100 gallons of hand sanitizer to local residents, hospitals and nursing homes.
In addition, we have actively supported a large number of organizations in our community, including the American Cancer Society, Dreams Come True of Louisiana, CASA, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Battle Against Autism, McMain’s Children’s Developmental Center, United Cajun Navy, HOPE Ministries, Bella Bowman Foundation, Kelli’s Kloset, Emerge Center and many others.
Our legal team has helped thousands of injured victims over the last 28 years with over 150 years of combined experience. Our love for south Louisiana and our community extends beyond helping injured victims.
MICHELLE DODENHOFF Senior VP & Chief Development Officer

Fighting for the health and safety of our world
Ochsner Health is committed to giving back to the communities it serves through preventive screenings, health and wellness resources, and partnerships with innovative organizations that share our vision. As we continue to expand our offerings and services throughout the Baton Rouge region, we are hopeful you will consider investing in Louisiana’s largest nonprofit healthcare system—Ochsner Health.
Ochsner’s footprint extends beyond the Greater Baton Rouge area, delivering health to the people of Louisiana, Mississippi and the Gulf South with a mission to serve, heal, lead, educate and innovate. This is possible only because our donors’ generosity empowers Ochsner to pursue research, education and innovations in patient care and treatment that set us apart and enables us to advance healthcare for the good of our patients, our community and beyond. As we continue to face this global crisis and fight for the health and safety of the world, the generosity and commitment to the well-being of our patients and communities by our donors is inspiring.
JODY MONTELARO Vice President of Public Affairs

Looking toward a better and brighter 2021
Like many other businesses and community members, we at Entergy Louisiana have addressed our share of challenges during 2020. We have also stood by our commitment to the Greater Baton Rouge community. Each year Entergy shareholders provide millions of dollars in philanthropic contributions to communities across the state, and 2020 was no different. We aligned with other Louisiana businesses, customers and nonprofits to lead an endeavor that ultimately helped sustain restaurants while providing consistent sources of nutrition to area hospitals. In Baton Rouge alone, this effort, which we called Fueling the Fight, assisted over 40 restaurants and provided hundreds of meals to workers in the COVID-19 units of Our Lady of the Lake Medical Center, Ochsner Medical Center, Baton Rouge General, and Woman’s Hospital.
Our commitment to area nonprofits and philanthropies focusing on education, poverty solutions and economic development will remain intact as we look toward a better and brighter 2021. This commitment is deeply personal to our Entergy family because we not only serve power to this community, but we make our homes and lives here as well. We thank all of the donors, community partners, philanthropies and nonprofits that are part of the Giving Guide this year. Your efforts make our future brighter and help to power life.